Sword Spirit

Chapter 1091: Return

"Recovering almost?" I noticed Lu Xuan stood up, Ling Xiao asked.

Lu Xuan nodded: "Although it only relieved the injury and restored the power of about 30%, but it is no longer a problem to pass the transmission array. Don't delay the time, ready to leave."

"Well, I will teach you how to use the magic crystal ball to open the transmission array." Ling Xiao walked over with his long legs, and took out the blue crystal ball while talking.

Ling Xiao handed the magic crystal ball to Lu Xuan's hand. Lu Xuan suddenly felt a strange suction, soft, soft and very comfortable.

"Opening the magic crystal first needs to control the power of the sun, this is not a problem for you. In addition, you need to master the unique open secret." Ling Xiao said, they have to say that they are three It is really a coincidence that people can have the opportunity to leave the enchanted continent at the same time. If Lu Xuan has Taiyi Ding and masters the power of the Taiyin Sun, there is absolutely no possibility of doing this. No.

After all, Ling Xiao held out his hands and held Lu Xuan's big hand holding the magic crystal. He felt the soft and tender skin rubbing his own back. Lu Xuan’s eyes widened and looked at her.

"The law does not pass six ears, don't distract, feel my strength." Ling Xuan Lu Xuan glanced, indicating Lu Xuan do not think too much.

With the gradual urging power of Ling Xiao, Lu Xuan was able to easily feel the flow of her power through the crystal ball. If it is expected to be good, this should be the secret method to open the magic crystal. Lu Xuan immediately converges, carefully Remember the flow of this power.

The secret method is not too complicated. It is nothing more than using the power of the sun to mobilize the energy in the magic crystal. Ling Xiao only taught Lu Xuan three times Lu Xuan to remember it, but if no one is guiding, I want to open the magic crystal. The ball is not that easy.

"Okay, I have mastered it." Lu Xuan nodded.

Ling Xiao loosened his hands and gestured to Lu Xuan to show it. He saw Lu Xuan stretched his hand over the magic crystal ball. As the secret method was applied, the blue light flowed, and a familiar light column suddenly came out. The previous transmission array appeared again. .

"Yes. But you have to remember that the energy of the magic crystal ball is not much left. This time, there is no accident in the transmission."

Lu Xuan said that, and at this time, a small amount of noise came from afar. Lu Xuan and Ling Xiao are both bright-eyed people, and they naturally hear clearly.

"Let's go there and see the rest of the people come with me. It is necessary to thoroughly explore every inch of the place. This time, the commander is angry. If you can't satisfy him, we have to eat it! But this is also ours. The opportunity, if you can make a great contribution, will be a skyrocket, everyone will give me a spirit!"

Lu Xuan and Ling Xiao looked at each other. This is a strange voice. It seems that Ah Da is looking for it. With these magic soldiers, they can’t help Lu Xuan a few times. Cooking, but at this time, there is no need to leave the branch, or leave as early as possible.

"Ready to go, I will first receive you from the space treasure." Lu Xuan took out a small Tai Yi Ding, and then Ling Xiaofang saw what it was before they put away them.

"Tai Yi Ding, receive!" Lu Xuan sighed lightly, the milky white light was released, and Ling Xiaopian did not worry that Lu Xuan would leave himself alone, unless he was not afraid of the medicinal herbs he had fed him. Without the slightest resistance, Ling Xiao and Ling Rou were smoothly taken into the Tai Yi Ding by Lu Xuan.

However, these slight movements seem to have caused a trace of the magic soldiers outside, and the leader of the demon soldier has ordered it, so that some of the devils come here to see.

Lu Xuan's mouth outlines a smile, and the heart secretly said: "Goodbye, seal the magic continent. Tianjian mainland, I am back!"

Collapse the same, Lu Xuan accurately entered the center of the transmission array, and then once again spurred the magic crystal ball, a turbulent energy then emerged, slowly injected into this illusory transmission array.


The light flashed, Lu Xuan disappeared instantly, leaving only the blue light, slowly disappearing in the air...

"There are signs of people flying here. Maybe they are nearby. You should be careful and search carefully. Maybe we will make a great contribution this time!" The magic soldier commander stood in the place where Lu Xuan had just disappeared. Shouted excitedly.

The endless stream of space traversed from Lu Xuan, the scenery is very beautiful, in the channel constructed by the long-distance transmission array, Lu Xuan will not be affected too much, just need to keep not being torn by the space turbulence it is good.

This time, Lu Xuan passed the transmission array in a much better state than the last one, and the last time it passed was a one-way untargeted transmission array, which was very unstable, but this time it had two inter-transmission grids that made space. The channels are much more stable.

In the depths of the uninhabited Tianzhu Valley, a ray of light illuminates, and even the strong suffocating suffocation is scattered. Lu Xuan’s figure appears.

Feeling the familiar suffocating around, Lu Xuan couldn't help but close his eyes and took a deep breath. The long-lost world of heaven and earth continued to flow into the body. This feeling is very good.

But Lu Xuan was violently coughing up. His body is still very empty. He couldn’t resist this level of power for a long time. At the beginning, he had already squandered for a while and it had already failed. stand up.

I thought that Lu Xuan had taken out Taiyi Ding quickly, and quickly released Ling Xiao, but he did not release Ling Rou, he worried that this degree of suffocation would easily take a soft life.

"Here is Tianjian mainland?" Lingrou quite uncomfortably swayed his shoulders and asked, feeling the enthusiasm of the surrounding area, she had a feeling of being unaccustomed.

"Yes, this is where the transmission array left by your ancestors is. You have to find ways to dispel these suffocation." Lu Xuan urged.

"I can't dispel this, but I can temporarily protect you." Ling Xiao waved his hand, and the power of the sun was shining through the body, condensing into an illusory aperture, and shrouded Lu Xuan.

Obviously, the power of the Taiyin Sun has a miraculous effect against these suffocating qi. The strength of Lingxiao should be similar to that of Sikong Zhengqing. Even Shikong Zhengqing does not dare to go deep into the Tianzhu Valley, but Ling Xiao can easily resist these suffocating.

Without the erosion of hernia, Lu Xuan felt more comfortable and shook his neck. "We will leave here first, but we still need to be careful. I am worried that the people of Sikong are still guarding me outside."

Just two steps away, Lu Xuan seems to think of what seems to be, and quickly looked back to Ling Xiaodao: "Yes, there is no strength of Qianyuan, your strength..."

"Reassure, our devils are not as dependent on external forces as your human race. Our body is the most powerful force. Without the power of the Qianyuan, it will not have much impact on my strength. What's more, you are also on this day. It’s not completely without the power of the 罡元, but it’s very thin compared to the enchanted continent. Maybe after tens of thousands of years, Tianjian Continental will resume enough 罡元力.”

"It’s so good, if you have any trouble, you still need to come and cook." (To be continued~^~)

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