Sword Spirit

Chapter 1092: boiling

In a small courtyard of Jiuhua League, Zhao Binger was half lying on a pair of reclining chairs, squinting at the temperature of the sun with a slight squint, a very quiet look, not a strong sun shining on her cheeks, revealing A nice side face.

She has been awake for a long time. Since the return of the raccoon with the first worm, the scorpion venom in her body has been completely eliminated. Even after the blessing of the evil, and the absorption of the huge energy gathered in the beginning worm, the strength is leaps and bounds, even too virtual. The bottleneck seems to be unable to stop her at this moment. It has directly broken through to a virtual reality, and the entrance is big, making everyone stunned.

It’s no wonder that Sikong’s view of the beginning of the insect is so important, and not to mention the importance of the beginning worm to the yin and yang, but to say that the powerful energy contained in it is enough to make anyone's eyes hot.

However, even if the strength skyrocketed, it was saved from the edge of death, but Zhao Binger still could not feel the slightest joy. From the moment she woke up, she was looking for Lu Xuan. At the beginning, Ye Wenjun and others just He said that Lu Xuan still stayed in the Eight-Party Temple to inquire about the situation, but Zhao Binger is a very delicate person. Since Lu Xuan is the Eight-Party Temple to save himself, it is absolutely impossible to get the first insect. Don't come back to see yourself.

After she had questioned several times, everyone had to put the truth out, if not because of the huge energy supplement from the beginning of the insect, I am afraid that Zhao Binger would immediately faint.

However, although she had caught the blow, she never showed a smile again. In order to save her, if she would give her a life-saving remedy, Lu Xuan risked her life to obtain an antidote for herself. The price is too heavy. If she can choose, she would rather not wake up.

Since then, Zhao Binger has fallen in love with a person who is quietly sunning. Only from the temperature of the sun can she feel a little warmth and not let the coldness and loneliness in her heart.

A raccoon is also lazy in the body of Zhao Binger to accompany her in the sun, different from the pessimism of Zhao Binger, A pipa is full of confidence in Lu Xuan, it believes that there is no ban in the past, but not to mention, it can rely on The relationship between the blood and the relationship is faintly aware of the situation of Lu Xuan. Although this connection is very thin, at least it can know that Lu Xuan has been alive, and this is enough.

Takizawa is standing under the eaves like a piece of wood. He is quietly working as a competent bodyguard. Although he was seriously injured in the battle of the Eighth Temple, he returned to the Jiuhua League. I got a good cultivation, and all kinds of precious spiritual materials are completely free to take money. Nowadays, not only has the state been restored, but the realm of the realm has also improved. It may not be far from the middle of the demon.

Suddenly, A raccoon suddenly smashed up from Zhao Binger’s body and instantly broke the picture of this quiet and serene.

Feeling the action of the raccoon, Zhao Binger opened his eyes with a sly look and whispered: "A raccoon, what happened to you? Is it that Chen Hao and Xin Yi are coming back?"

During this time, Zhao Binger was in a low mood and did not have the slightest motivation to practice. However, Xia Chenxi and Lin Xinyi were diligent, although they knew that even if they practiced, they might not be able to help Lu Xuan, but they only hoped not to At the crucial moment, Lu Xuan was in trouble.

Listening to Zhao Binger's words, A raccoon looked a little excited, and some anxiously walked back and forth, hurriedly said: "No, Xuan Ge is back!"

"What do you say?!" Zhao Binger stood up from the chair in an instant, and the color of the surprise on his face overflowed with words, and the raccoon was directly shaken to the ground.

Not only was Zhao Binger very surprised, but when he said this, he was leaning against the wall and immediately stood up straight, looking straight at the raccoon.

A raccoon skillfully turned over on the ground and was neat and stood up. He nodded heavily: "Yes, Xuan Ge is back! He must be back!"

"A raccoon, where is the master?" Takizawa rushed over and brought a gust of wind.

"I don't know, but I know that he must have come back. I can clearly feel the breath of Xuan Ge. He is far away from us, but it is definitely on the Tianjian continent. I used to block the feeling that I touched Xuan Ge. The barriers have disappeared."

A raccoon voice did not fall, it was to see Zhao Binger rushed out toward the door. At this moment, the boring gas on Zhao Binger’s body had disappeared without a trace, as if he had survived completely.

Seeing that Zhao Binger ran out, A raccoon quickly followed and shouted: "Binger sister, where are you going?"

"I went to find Ye Mengzhu and Master, A raccoon, you are going to inform the morning and Xinyi." Zhao Binger finished speaking, but people have disappeared.

A raccoon turned back and jumped on the broad shoulders of Takizawa. The arrogant voice said: "Stupid big, go, and inform the morning sister and Xinyi sister."

"Okay, stand firm!" Yan Zehaha smiled, jumped directly to the place, picked up a few feet high, and suddenly stepped out of the yard, rushing to the place where Lin Xinyi and others practiced martial arts.

Soon, the interior of the Jiuhua League, which was as calm as a clear water, suddenly boiled up. In the lobby of the front hall, people rushed in and out, and people began to get more and more.

Originally, in the handling of the things in the League, there was no news of Zhao Ying’s news. It was also a direct transfer of things to Ye Hao. Only one of Lu Xuan’s return was rushed back, leaving Ye Hao’s face dark and uncertain. Stay in place.

When the leaves came back, the lobby was full of people, Ye Ruida, Zhao Ying, Zhao Binger, Xia Chenxi, Lin Xinyi, Zhang Dongshuang, Qin Yueyi, Ai Xi, Yan Ze, and Lin Tian, ​​who had already joined Jiuhua League, summer night. Lu Xun and other friends of Feng Jianzong, there are two friends, but Lu Yu and Lu Qiong.

As early as the news of Lu Xuan’s disappearance, Lu Yu left everything in the city, and Lu Qiong came to the Jiuhua League, because here is the place to get Lu Xuan’s news as soon as possible.

All the people present, I hope that this day has been waiting for a long time, and now, this day is finally here!

The leaves are not the last one to arrive. Just after the leaves have disappeared, Ye Haoran also came with Ye Hao. When he entered the door, Ye Haoran asked: "Big Brother, I heard that Xuan Er is back?"

"I don't know too well, but A raccoon has already felt the scent of Xuan Er. The feeling of A raccoon should not be wrong. Xuan Er must have returned to Tianjian mainland."

Ye Haoran smiled and said: "If you come back, as long as people are in the Tianjian mainland, we will use the full strength of the Jiuhua League and will be able to find him."

Just when Ye Haoran’s voice was not falling, three figures appeared in the doorway.

When everyone looked back, Ye Wuxun was quite surprised: "Grandpa, Grandpa, Uncle, how come you all?"

The three people who came here are the ancestors of Ye Family, Ye Guangjian, Ye Wenjun and Ye Wenyan! On weekdays, all three were kept in Jiuhuashan, but in addition to helping Lu Xuan Ye Wenjun once visited the Eight Temples, the other two rarely appeared.

Seeing that everyone was saluting, Ye Wenyan, the oldest person, smiled slightly and reached out and said that he didn't have to pay more. He said: "It is Ruida who informed us. I heard that Xuaner is back, and we also want to come out and see this kid." To be continued~^~)

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