Sword Spirit

Chapter 1095: Tianluo

At the moment, in addition to the mouth of Tianzhu Valley, many temporary wooden houses and tents have been set up. Many warriors of the Eight Temples are ordered to stay here. No one knows when it is a head. If Lu Xuan is alive, there is always One day he will come out, but now Lu Xuan is dead inside, I am afraid that they may not be able to get a result when they are dead.

It is precisely because this is an indefinite task, so these warriors have also made good plans for long-term adherence. In just a few months, here is no longer the original desolate appearance, it has already gained a lot of popularity, one room The wooden house was patchwork and formed a small stronghold.

The people who were ordered to take turns today were the Ma family and the Zheng family. The two sent four people to each other in Taniguchi, responsible for staring at the movements in the Tianzhu Valley.

But no one took this seriously. In the first half of the month, they were still on the verge of enemies. I was afraid that Lu Xuan’s killing **** would rush out and ask for their life, but now months, they are early I am used to the calm of Tianzhu Valley.

"It’s really boring to stay in this place where the birds don’t pull. I don’t know what the adults think. Where is Tianzhu Gu who doesn’t know, who can stay here for a few months, according to me It is time for us to evacuate." A Ma Jiawu complained in the mouth of the valley.

The other person immediately said: "I have done it. I have heard you say no less than ten times. You complained about the use of it. You can't change the thoughts of those adults. I think it's good to stay here. Give us The treatment has doubled before, and it doesn't have to be affected by anyone's face. It's just boring, at least free, and there is no danger."

"I can't stand it. If we don't let us evacuate next month, I will pick up my woman, at least I can have a bit of fun."

The rest of the people sneered and laughed. "You are afraid that you haven't met your woman for too long. She ran with other men?"

"Go and go, I don't know Ma Yunshang's temper, dare to move my woman, it is really impatient."

Just as a few people chatted and chatted, a phantom rushed out of the Tianzhu Valley without warning. These people were also the warriors who had experienced a lot of battles. It was noticed in a flash, and Ma Yun was the fastest response. Quickly reaching out and touching the weapon beside him, Zhang mouth shouted: "The enemy..."

However, he did not finish a sentence, a blood line quickly spread from his neck, blood madly rushed out, the word was blocked in the throat, no longer shouted It is.

The speed of Ling Xiao is almost the fastest, and in a flash is a shot of eight people. With her strength, it is easy to deal with these warriors. Anyone who has not had time to make any reaction is a trick.

But Ling Xiao still has a big idea, she can easily kill everyone, but can not let everyone lose their action.

That Ma Yun still had a big eyes, and looked at the strange purple-haired woman who appeared in front of her eyes. At the moment when her body fell, she struggled to reach out and touched the organ next to him. With the trigger of the agency, a signal bomb screamed with a thick fog!

Lu Xuan’s figure rushed out of the valley and glanced at the eight people who fell to the ground. Then he looked at Ling Xiaodao: “What happened?”

With their strength, it is natural to realize that eight people are waiting at Taniguchi, so he asked Ling Xiao to kill these people with Thunder, and wanted God to leave without knowing it. Who knows that people are being Ling Xiao killed, but still made a huge movement.

Ling Xiao shrugged: "I didn't expect this to happen. You are too awkward."

Although it is said in this way, Ling Xiao still seems a little embarrassed, after all, the first time to do things to do.

Lu Xuan looked at her helplessly and grabbed her hand: "Don't say so much, hurry and leave!"

Ling Xiao was the hand that took Lu Xuan back and took him to fly, but at this moment, a voice of anger came: "Where to escape!"

Listening to this familiar voice, Lu Xuan was shocked and did not expect him to stay here.

Soon, dozens of warriors rushed from all directions, and one of them took the lead, and the speed was extremely fast in front of Lu Xuan and Ling Xiao. This person is Sikongdong!

The battle in the Tianzhu Valley led to the death of Sikongan, and Sikongdong had always been guilty of his grief, and even turned against Sikong, who is also a brother. In order to break his own demons and also to avenge Sikongan, Si Kongdong has been waiting in Tianzhugukou. He believes that as long as Lu Xuan is not dead, he will be able to wait for a few months to wait for him to wait. At this moment.

Si Kongdong's cold eyes swept over Ling Xiao's body, and then fell on Lu Xuan's body, his eyes showed a hint of sorrow, although he did not know why there would be more Ling Xiao, but this is not the point. The point is that Lu Xuan has finally come out! And it seems that Lu Xuan's strength does not seem to change much. As for Ling Xiao, although Si Kongdong feels that her strength is somewhat weird, it is not taken seriously. His eyes are always only Lu Xuan.

"You finally come back!" Sikong East did not hide his killing.

"It's hard for you to stay here for so long, I naturally have to come out to meet old friends." Lu Xuan smiled gently: "How come you alone, the other two? Dead?"

Not to mention this, it is okay, mentioning this, Si Kongdong is even more furious, and the unstoppable volatility of the Yuanli, the long sword pointed to Lu Xuandao: "You don't have to be arrogant, I am here, just to give the third brother four Revenge! Today, I will pay homage to their spirit in heaven with your blood!"

"Three brothers and four younger brothers? So, is Sikongxi still alive? I didn't expect it to be a sleepy one. It's a pity." Lu Xuan's tone showed a hint of regret, then the voice turned and said: "But, you used to I can't help it. Now I have a helper. Are you sure you can get my life?"

Si Kongdong's face twitched, revealing a cruel smile: "If you haven't been willing to fight with me for the first time, do you think you can run? This time, I want you to fly and it's hard to fly! Give me up Array!"

When the voice of Sikongdong fell, a violent wave of volatility suddenly came. Lu Xuan suddenly felt a heavy pressure on his body, and then a yellow light curtain quickly lit up, and then expanded to completely expand the square. The scope is completely covered.

"With his own way, he still manages his own body. Today, there is this celestial network of gold bells, I see where you can go!" Sikongdong screamed and laughed, for this day, he has waited so How long may it be that there is no preparation?

He had guessed that the guards at the door could not be Lu Xun’s opponents, so they created an organ for them. It only needs a light touch to send a signal to remind him. In order to prevent Lu Xuan from fleeing, he also asked Sikong. A family member who is good at practicing the law has laid out this big battle.

Not only that, he just sent a subordinate to inform Sikong, even if he really can't kill Lu Xuan, then as long as Lu Xuan dragged, soon there will be a large number of strong men of Sikong, and now there is no Ye Ruida and Ye Wenjun help each other, he would like to see, Lu Xuan to escape! (To be continued~^~)

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