Sword Spirit

Chapter 1096: Ling Xiao’s first battle

Dozens of armed weapons armed with weapons are surrounded by Lu Xuan and Ling Xiao, and everyone’s face is full of dignified colors. The battle that happened to Sikong’s family a few months ago has already been passed. Throughout the temple of the Eight Dynasties, no one now knows the name of Lu Xuan.

I came alone from Jiuhua League and led the shadow hall hidden in the temple of the Eight Dynasties. Together with the remnants of the Nangong family, which were defeated by the Eight Temples, God unconsciously led a large number of people to sneak into the depths of the empty house and destroy the empty house. The temple of the Sumi, killing countless warriors, and even rumors that the first insects that are vital to the Sikong family have been stolen.

After making such a terrible move, he was able to escape from the heavy encirclement of Sikong’s family. It was the empty brother of the empty family, Kong Zhengqing, who failed to leave him personally. Instead, he let him break into the valley of Tianzhu and kill him. Sikongan, the four elders of the Sikong family, is enough to let all the warriors of the Eight Orthodox Church talk about the change of color, and the name of killing God is gone.

Although this has the help of Ye Ruida and Ye Wenjun, it is not important for most warriors, as long as the results are the same.

Now, Lu Xuan, who has disappeared for several months, suddenly turned out again. No one dared not take him seriously. Even if there is a strong man sitting here, he can't eliminate their fear from the heart. After all, rumors at the time. It is said that Sikongan was killed under the protection of Sikongdong and Sikongxi. Even his brother could not protect it. Who can believe that Sikongdong can protect them?

Of course, these words and ideas can never be revealed, otherwise they will not wait for Lu Xuan to start, and Si Kongdong will first make their lives, and now they can only slap on the scalp.

"This method seems to have the effect of suppressing strength. I feel a heavy shoulder, like a big mountain." Ling Xiao whispered softly at Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan replied: "They have been prepared, naturally will not make us feel good, but now they are not clear about your strength, I will attract their attention later, you look for opportunities to break through the big battle, or hit Kill the old man."

Ling Xiao put his gaze on Si Kongdong and immediately said: "If it is normal, killing him is no problem, but now my strength is not bound by a small amount, it may be difficult, as for the break... I don't understand Array."

Lu Xuan also felt that there was some headache. He didn't think that Si Kongdong was so big to his hatred. He stayed here for a few months, and he also laid down the big array of such a network. Now his strength is not recovered. It is impossible to compare with the past. If it is not with Ling Xiao, I am afraid that this is not necessary, and Si Kongdong can kill him.

Thinking about it for a moment, Lu Xuan said quickly: "Then you dragged Si Kongdong, I will deal with these miscellaneous fish, I will find the flaws of the formation as soon as possible, and later you will listen to my orders."

"Well, I listen to you." Ling Xiao believes Lu Xuan without reservation.

Seeing Lu Xuan is not anxious to start, Si Kongdong did not choose to seize the opportunity, although he hated Lu Xuan, can not wait to immediately kill him for revenge for the two brothers, but he also has the strength and heavy means of Lu Xuan A deep understanding, it is not a short time to win, instead of giving them a chance to Lu Xuan, it is better to drag them here, and when the support of the Sikong family arrives, Lu Xuan is also difficult to fly!

Sikong Dongzheng thought like this, suddenly felt a flower in front of him, but it was the sudden burst of speed that suddenly broke out. He hadn't had time to react, and Ling Xiao's iron fist had already come to him.

In a hurry, Sikong Dongdan Tianzhong suddenly broke out with a force, and instantly swayed three feet. It flashed the attack of Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao was not forgiving, a spin, a long kick and a side kick, carrying a share. The strong wind hit Sikong East.

However, Si Kongdong is the top powerhouse after a hundred battles. This kind of effort is enough for him to react. A sword shines brightly, and a sword squats on the leg that Ling Xiao kicked.

At the moment of the sword, Sikongdong couldn't help but sneer. The woman looked at the momentum, but the combat experience was too little. She even dared to face her own sword with her legs. This time she had to give her a lesson.

It’s just that soon Sikong’s smile is on his face. His sword is going down like a squat on the black iron. Not to mention a lesson for Ling Xiao, it’s even hurting her. not easy.

Only heard a bang, Ling Xiao's offensive was a slight meal, but this foot was the unrelenting force directly on the chest of Sikongdong, a muffled sound came, Sikong home snorted, chest retreat A few feet away, an unbelievable gaze in his eyes, how did the woman practice?

Although he said that the rush of this sword is at most 50% of the strength of the whole force, even if it is so strong, it is enough to break the stone. Whoever thought that even the injury did not hurt Ling Xiao. At this point, his eyes finally have a touch of dignified color. It seems that Lu Xuan does not know where to find this helper. The strength is absolutely extraordinary, even top-notch. You must know that Ling Xiao is suffering from the Golden Bell. Suppressed!

This fight also gave Ling Xiao a preliminary understanding of the strength of some of Sky Kongdong. If she is in a state of full prosperity, she should be able to obtain an absolute advantage within a hundred strokes, and at most three hundred strokes will be able to kill or seriously injure them.

However, she did not adapt to the first day of the Tianjian mainland. In addition, there is still a method of suppression. The strength is even more than the peak, but even so, she has the confidence to compete with Sikongdong, even occupying a trace. Not obvious advantage.

Without hesitation, the Thunder-like attack was once again exerted. Although it looked a little thin and thin, she was the body of a demon. Under this delicate and beautiful body, there is infinite power hidden!

On the occasion of Ling Xiao’s shot against Si Kongdong, Lu Xuan also slowly took out his own dust sword.

The name of the sword is dusty. This is a kind of sorrow. On the mainland of the enchanted magic, the dust-sword is almost always hidden by Lu Xuan. There is no use for it. Now it is back to the Tianjian continent, and the endless world is full of strength. Next, the dusty sword finally has to show its light again.

Seeing this simple sword with a simple shape, all the warriors who surrounded Lu Xuan couldn't help but retreat two steps, swallowing, and secretly complaining.

Originally, they thought that Sikongdong could be entangled in Lu Xuan. They could be restrained by the side. Who knows that Sikongdong, who was highly hoped by them, was pressed by a strange woman and could not attend Lu Xuan. One, is it just to let them face Lu Xuan this killing God? (To be continued~^~)

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