Sword Spirit

Chapter 1097: Inverted!

The dusty sword was slightly rotated, and the reflected light was swept from the eyes of several warriors. Several people couldn’t help but blink a little, and at this time, Lu Xuan suddenly exploded!

"The falling star!" With Lu Xuan screaming, the sword grows, the sword is like a meteor, and the speed is fast!

When I saw Lu Xuan’s move, the first reaction of this group of warriors was not to resist, but to quickly evade. The sword of Lu Xuan was originally sent to the most dense place of the enemy, but the group of people in the moment was I want to avoid the attack of Lu Xuan.

However, in the face of these strongest strengths, but the three-dimensional warrior, Lu Xuan can accommodate them to escape, immediately mobilize the soul, a wave of waves in the soul lake, the soul of the soul instantly issued.

Photographed by the Soul Artifact, the actions of the various warriors who tried to escape were all stagnation, and the hard life was stopped. The sorcerer's control of these warriors is much easier than Lu Xuan's control of the eighteen devils on the enchanted continent.


The long sword swept over, and a sword wind was blown up. The sound of the flesh broke into the sound almost simultaneously, and no less than eight warriors separated at this moment, or died or disabled.

Seeing Lu Xuan’s exhibition, Shen Wei, the surviving soldiers all couldn’t help but feel a guilty heart. How can this be played? One stroke killed a quarter of them. For a time, they were all timid and shrinking. In the moment when Lu Xuan tried to use it, he dared not take the time to fight back. The so-called selling teammates is no more than this.

However, after all, there is still daring, the two strongest tyrants in the early days of the martial arts face, the ones left and right, waving weapons and rushing to Lu Xuan.

"Give me death!"

In the face of these two men, Lu Xuan is not anxious, until the moment of the wind and body, Lu Xuan suddenly turned back, left hand squat, thumb **** little finger bending, ring finger and index finger forward, two strengths simultaneously burst Shooting out, carrying enough power to wear gold through the stone to go empty.

In such a close attack, the warrior had no time to evade. Under the shock, he hurriedly specialized in defending, and the cross knife resisted. He only heard a slamming sound, and the scorpion’s strength shot directly at him. Above the blade, this time the warrior felt that his right hand was a little numb, and he could not lift the strength at all. Fortunately, the quality of his knife was quite good. Although he was hit by a big hole, it was dangerous. There is no penetration of the danger.

However, his good fortune has come to an end here. This time, Lu Xuan has made two consecutive efforts for the sake of insurance!

Hey! Another force directly swept through the air, slamming the chest of the warrior, even the Heiner stone can wear two and a half layers of the scorpion finger, how can the body weakened by this warrior, and it is worn in an instant. Passing over the chest, leaving a big blood hole, the danger is flowing.

In the moment when the left hand pointed out, Lu Xuan had already not paid attention to the warrior. He had great confidence in his own scorpion finger. After the fingering, he was again a spin, and the sword stabbed straight. The soul of a sword suddenly shot.

This sword is like a dragon and a dragon. It is completely unstoppable. It refers to another martyr who is too imaginary. The slamming sword slams the weapon of this warrior, and then the sword slams in a flash, and then slams it under the sword. .

The two warriors in the early days of the imaginary scene were killed in an instant, and they saw the surviving return of the Yuanyuan martial artists in their hearts. If Lu Xuan’s previous swords were destroyed, they would only let them feel guilty. This moment is completely They are chilling.

Silenced less than a moment of rest, I do not know from the population of a horrified scream, shouted: "Run! Kill God!"

One layer stirred up ten waves, and this shout completely defeated the last layer of defense in the hearts of the group of warriors. All of them turned around and rushed to the far side, fearing that they could not run fast enough to lag behind. For Lu Xuan's attack target.

I did not expect this group of guys to be so unbearable, a blow and a collapse, Sikongdong was very angry! Although at the beginning he did not expect them to help, but at that time he thought that only Lu Xuan would come out. Who knows that not only Lu Xuan came out, but also brought a mysterious and powerful woman, he There is no way to deal with two people at the same time.

"Come back! Give me back! Who dares to run away, and then go back to the Jiuzu!" Sikong East rushed again and again.

Perhaps the heavy punishment of the Zhulian and the Nine people scared the group of warriors, and the speed of their escape gradually slowed down. Everyone here is registered. It is simple to use the strength of Sikong’s family to check their details. However, the 18th generation of the ancestors can give you up. As for the things like the Jiuzu, they have no doubt. Sikong can get it.

"Brothers, fight! You can't leave your life here!" A voice of anger and anger sounded.

"Elder elders, brothers are not enough to die, I hope you can see the brothers fight for death, treat me and my family!"

Seeing this group of warriors finally came back, Si Kongdong also breathed a sigh of relief. Although these people are unbearable, they should be able to help drag and drop Lu Xuan’s time. He just had a distraction to pay attention to Lu Xuan’s swordsmanship and found Power is no better than before, it seems that these months have not fully restored strength.

"Reassured, whether you are dead or alive, I promise to be kind to you and wait for the third generation!" Sikongdong gave this group of warriors a reassurance.

Unexpectedly, Ling Xiao is crying at the moment: "Fighting me is still a distraction, looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Xiao’s move was even more urgent. He relied on the tyrannical body to forcibly bully Sikongdong. He kept his fists and kept saying hello to Sikongdong. At one time, Sikongdong was absolutely suppressed.

However, Ling Xiao shouted the lingua franca, not the human race, but Si Kongdong could not understand, but he could feel that Ling Xiao took out a stronger strength, and he couldn’t help but retreat. For a time, he never dared to distract himself, and he did not dare to spare his efforts to prepare for Lu Xuan’s attack. Otherwise, he would not wait for Lu Xuan to deal with him. He would have to fold in Ling Xiao’s hand.

Looking at this group of escapes and slowly returning again, Lu Xuan shook his head and smiled: "Running is your best choice, why come back?"

"In order for me to wait for my family, I have to fight with death today. I can fight with the famous killing Lu Xuan. It is worth living in your hands." A big man with a tiger-backed waist holds a handle in his hand. Jiuhuan machete Shen Shen.

"It's a man." Lu Xuanchong erected his thumbs up. "In fact, you helped me to kill Sikongdong. Afterwards, you buried your name, or you invested in Jiuhua League. Who knows?"

"Don't..." Sikong Dongzheng wants to say that he should not listen to Lu Xuan's rhetoric, but Ling Xiao's even move will come, and his second half will be completely blocked in his throat.

Lu Xuan was so rebellious that many of the group of warriors suddenly showed hesitation.

But soon, a warrior stared at the former tiger-backed man and said: "Li Chunyang, do you really want to reverse it?"

This man is a warrior of the Ma family. The Ma family can be said to be the loyalty of the Sikong family. Li Jiayi was originally from the Nangong family. Later, he was forced to invest in the Sikong home, so there was more or less friction.

Li Chunyang was trying to refute, but unexpectedly, a strong force struck, directly across his ear, in the middle of the Ma Jiawu, suddenly the warrior was widened and his eyes fell.

Everyone was horrified to look at Lu Xuan. They finally understood that in front of Lu Xuan, they could not constitute any threat. Even if they were desperately resisting, I am afraid that they would waste the strength of Lu Xuan’s tricks, although I don’t know why Lu Xuan Want to recruit them, but this may be their only vitality, both to survive and to keep their families.

“Who else has opinions?” Lu Xuan slowly lowered his right hand and said, he then looked at Li Chunyang: “Your name is Li Chunyang? I respect you as a man. If you are willing to drop, this is your last chance. The rest are the same."

Li Chunyang's face is cloudy and uncertain, does it fall or not? The drop can live, but the family is at risk and will die without falling, but should be able to keep the family.

“Can you really keep our family?”

"I don't guarantee, because Jiuhua League has limited power here. But I will kill Si Kongdong and provide you with the opportunity to go to Jiuhua League. Can you bring your family safely to me?" The place is to see yourself."

"Hurricane!" Si Kongdong heard the words and couldn't help but yell, Lu Xuan, this guy is so crazy, in his own face said to kill himself, it is unbearable.

Lu Xuan turned to look at Si Kongdong, and his eyes showed a hint of gloomy color. Last time, if it was the appearance of Si Kongdong, it forced Ye Ruida to appear, and even more involved the strong people of Sikong Zhengqing. The brothers of Shadow Hall would not happen at all. So many casualties, Ye Ruida will not be forced to face Sikong Zhengqing, but his own grandfather, and so, he still does not know that Ye Ruida is dead or alive, I want to come, I am afraid that the hope of living is not big.

"Hurricane? Yeah, then today, we will count the new accounts together! See if you killed me for revenge for your brother, or my head of yours, to pay homage to my grandfather's spirit in the sky." Lu Xuan voice is getting bigger and bigger, In the end, I’m almost screaming!

In the heart of Sikong’s heart, Zhao Zhaosheng, he did not expect that one sentence actually aroused the endless anger of Lu Xuan’s heart, but he did not care about those who were in the military, and directly killed himself.

"Give me a stop!" Sikongdong violently ordered.

Seeing that there are several warriors who are eager to move, Li Chunyang suddenly turned back to be a knife. He killed a Ma Jiawu who couldn’t help himself. He shouted: "I want to live with me and go against it! To the Jiuhua League! In addition to the horse Zheng Jia and others, how do you know how to treat us, the Nangong family is a forerunner!"

"Reverse!" Several other Li Jiawu responded at the same time, and they attacked the death loyalty family warriors of the Sikong family. (To be continued~^~)

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