Sword Spirit

Chapter 1098: Fall apart

Li Chunyang led the Li family to suddenly rebel. They immediately caught the group of warriors and were unprepared. Everyone was a member of the Eight Temples. Li Chunyang was very clear about the power relations in the Eight Temples. Naturally, he knew who could choose to vote with himself. Who is impossible to rebel.

Several Majia Zhengjia and Fangjia warriors were first hacked to death by Li Chunyang and others. These three families wore the same trousers with Sikong, although the purpose of coming here was to monitor the movement of Tianzhu Valley, but this At the same time, they also shoulder the task of guarding them. In terms of status, they are faintly higher than they are.

Apart from these three, the relationship between the Yang family and the Su family and the Sikong family is not so close, especially the Yang family. At the beginning, they were also like the Li family, preferring to be close to the Nangong family, but later they saw that the Sikong family was very strong. Taking the initiative to vote, is the object that can be drawn.

As for the Su family, they are the third largest family except the Sikong family and the Nangong family. Since the Nangong family was dispersed by the Sikong family, they have a sense of crisis, and they are afraid that they will follow the footsteps of the Nangong family. It was naturally impossible to get too close to the Sikong family when it was annexed by Sikong.

Li Chunyang’s sudden shot, a group of warriors have jumped with weapons, and their families are surrounded by people, staring at the people around them with vigilance. Now, no one in their family can trust.

Li Chunyang glanced over the audience and eventually fell to the leader of the Su family and the Yang family. Shen Sheng said: "Su Shou, Yang He, what choice do you make? Is it with me to vote for Jiuhua League, or want to die Sikong, continue to be the running dog of the empty house?"

"What is the dog, Li Chunyang, you should not provoke the separation! Our eight temples are in the same breath, like a brother, the Sikong family can not wait for you! I know that your Li family is so eating something, you should not accept you. This is like a Nangong family to kill!" A Zheng Jiawu jumped out and yelled.

Li Chunyang sneered: "The same breath, good talk, now who dares to violate the words of the empty house? Isn't it a dog? Nangong family can have the wrong behavior at first, just because they threatened the status of the Sikong family, it is Was directly killed by the Sikong family, Su Shou, now the Nangong family is gone, do you still dare to develop the Su family? The next one is the first to bear the brunt, but you are!"

"Give it to me, kill Li Chunyang, the dog thief who eats inside and outside. After I go back, I will pull up your Li family!" Ma Jiawu rushed up with a weapon and did not want Li Chunyang to continue.

Unexpectedly, Li Chunyang had not yet started. Suddenly, he rushed out of the slanting thorn. One sword forced the horseman to retire. It was the Saku.

"Su Shou, what's the matter, you want to fight?"

"Li brother said it well. Today's Eight Temples are no longer the original temple. When the Eight Temples were established, the purpose was to help the families of many families, but the eyes of the empty house could not accommodate others. They wanted To be big, you must step by step to annex the rest of the family." Su Shou talked slowly toward Li Chunyang, and a group of Sujiawu people behind him did not hesitate, followed.

"Since the Nangong family was destroyed, in just over a year, Sikong has taken away three squares, five mines and six highly profitable shops from my Su family. Now it is so ugly to eat, I am afraid After the previous year, the Su family will completely disappear into the temple of the Eight Senses. Unless you are like you, be a dog!"

The Majiawu people heard the face sullenly said: "Su Shou, you can think about it, can you make a decision instead of your Su family? Don't be implicated in your whole family because of your actions, if you turn back now, today I have not seen the right thing."

"Ha ha ha." Su Shou laughed loudly: "With your Ma family style, you will not see it? If you really let you go back alive, I am afraid the first thing is to exchange the benefits for the Sikong family overnight?"

Speaking of this, Su Shou sounded a meal and sneered a sneer: "In fact, I am not afraid to tell you that our Su family has already prepared to invest in the Jiuhua League. The Nangong family has already sent people to contact with my Su family and invited me to Sujia. Together with the development of Jiuhua League, I hope to help each other. The real purpose of my visit here is to get in touch with Lu Xuan Lu Gongzi to show my Su family!"

When this statement came out, everyone in the room was shocked. Even Li Chunyang and Yang Jiawu did not expect that Li Chunyang thought that he was the first person to vote for it. Who had thought that Su Jia had already made a decision, but in this case, It is the spirit of Li Chunyang’s sincerity, and the Eight Temples, I am afraid I will be in the mountains.

Su Shou’s words are naturally true. In fact, Lu Xuan suddenly stopped shooting and stopped killing these people. It is because Su Shou gave Lu Xuan a voice in advance. Otherwise, he will kill all the presence with Lu Xuan’s strength. People are simply easy, why should they spend this kind of mind to conquer them?

Seeing that Li Jia decisively stood on the side of the Jiuhua League, and Su Jia made a decision long ago. The eyes of Yang Jiawu, the leader of Yang Jiawu, finally settled down, as if he had made an important determination. Dao: "Well, since Li Jiasu’s family has this power, although the younger brother is not talented, today he is also daring to make a return for the Yang family!"

After all, Yang He led the Yang family and the military to decisively went to Li Chunyang and Su Shou. Li Chunyang is a branch of Li Jiaxuan. His veins are quite weighty in Li Jiazhong, and Sue Shou, not to mention, is shouldering the family mission. Only Yang He does not have much right to speak, but He firmly believes that this decision should not be wrong today. If it is really wrong, the worst result will be sinned, and it will be the same as death in Lu Xuan.

"Haha, good! Today, I am gathered together, and together with the Nangong family in Jiuhua League, I have the power of four. If I can't compete with Sikong's family for a while, now, brothers, now, we are giving nine It’s time for Huameng to submit the name of the vote, give it to me, kill!"

"Kill!" The huge shouting sound resounded through this piece of heaven and earth. Three of them are against three. Li Chunyang and others do not need it at all. More importantly, the number of the three families is far more than the other party. You must know that because of the advance transmission of Su Shou Lu Yin pointed out that the position of Ma Zhengfang’s three warriors stood. The eight warriors who had been killed by Lu Xuan were all three of them. As for the two martial arts, they were Ma’s and Zheng’s. The strong people who sit here in this place can be said that they have taken an absolute advantage.

Lu Xuan did not pay any attention to the guilt of the eight warriors. At the reminder of Su Shou, he helped them kill eight enemies and destroyed the two strong ones. Fish and so on are not allowed to cook, and it is not important that these three forces will not accept it.

At the moment, Lu Xuan’s eyes are already left with only one person. Today, he will take the head of the Sikong East! (To be continued~^~)

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