Sword Spirit

Chapter 1117: Long-planned

Ye Haoran heard the words and suddenly picked up his eyebrows and said: "What happened, say it!"

"The Shaomeng masters threatened the city masters. You want to be the master of the alliance. They are not taking the opportunity to take the position. They have gathered a large number of people to kill the city. Now they have reached the gate of the city government. The brothers are desperately resisting, but the number of enemies is far better than me, plus strength. Good, we are losing ground."

"Little League Lord? You mean Ye Hao?" Ye Haoran angered and laughed: "Take the opportunity to take the position. Now, in this case, who is trying to take the opportunity to seize the position is not at a glance? I did not expect that I have raised a white-eyed wolf! ”

Ye Haoran staggered a hand, and a long sword hanging on the side bracket of the city's main government suddenly fell into his hand, and at the same time he sang his voice: "Come on!"

"Below!" Four warriors dressed in black armor suddenly came out from the corner of the hall and fell to the ground on one knee.

"Soon to call Jiuhua City City to help, and dispatched the patrol team to suppress all the chaos in the city, if there is a courage to take the opportunity to kill, no kill!"

"His subordinates!"

The four men shouted loudly, then quickly got up and immediately turned and walked outside. Ye Haoran did not know what Ye Hao had gathered, but the patrol team and Jiuhua City Weiwei only listened to him alone, and it was impossible to be controlled by Ye Hao.

"Go, let me go and see, I have to look at it, Ye Hao where he came from the rebellion!" Ye Haoran long sword left in the left hand, striding forward.

Unexpectedly, the person who had reported before quickly took two steps to persuade Ye Haoran to persuade him: "The city owner, you can't come out at this time, Shaomeng... Ye Hao has a large number of people, and the master is like a cloud. If you go out, they must do their best. Deal with you."

"Oh, if I don't show up, I don't seem to be guilty. Besides me, who can expose Ye Hao's lies, just rely on him, a guy with a wolf ambition wants to kill me, he is not qualified!"

"The city owner, can't! Ye Hao, he has gathered the rest of the forces of the Jiuhua League. You must not have any accidents until the lord comes back to preside over the overall situation!"

Ye Haoran suddenly turned his head and stared at the man and said, "You mean that the other forces of the Jiuhua League have rebelled?"

"It is true. If not, Ye Hao, he dared to attack the city government directly?"

Ye Haoran nodded unconsciously: "Okay, very good, it seems that they have been planning for a long time. Yeah, my Ye family has not revealed the minions for a long time, I am afraid they have forgotten, who was asking us for the leaves?" If you get together, you will have a life!"

After finishing the conversation, Ye Haoran did not hesitate and went straight out. In this case, he was not allowed to hide. At this moment, he had to stand up!

The guard couldn’t help Ye Haoran, and he could only go out with Ye Haoran at the moment. Maybe the city owner came forward and really could suppress the group of rebellious guys. He thought so.

The more he went outside, Ye Haoran heard the louder the sound of shouting, but at present there is no one to break the city's main government. The city's main government is the second most important place in the Jiuhua City except for the leafless capital. It is not only guarded. It is also the same with strong array protection. Now the formation has been opened, and Ye Hao and others will not break through in a short period of time, let alone a group of warriors and their killings.

Seeing that Ye Haoran had to go out of the protection of the law, the guard couldn’t help but remind him again: "The city owner."

Ye Haoran glanced at him and stopped talking. He even rushed to the sky and flew directly outside the house.

"Give me a hand!" Ye Haoran screamed, steadily standing in the air, overlooking the warriors under the battle, the security guards of the black armor and the various warriors led by Ye Hao.

Ye Haoran was a horse, and he immediately stopped everyone. At the same time, all the warring parties could not help but stop.

Ye Hao, who stood in the crowd, looked cold and shouted: "Ye Haoran, you are finally willing to come out! You are the father-in-law, and you will entrust Jiuhuacheng to you. I didn't expect you to If you dare to say that the righteous father left to conspire to rebel and seize power, how can you be worthy of the righteous father and the Ye Family ancestors?"

Ye Haoran’s cold eyes swept over the crowd and locked in Ye Hao’s body. He slowly said: “I’m the ancestral ancestors of Ye’s family, you are the unfamiliar wolf scorpion that can be hung on your lips. !"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Haoran swung his sword, and a fierce sword gas burst directly toward Ye Hao.

Seeing that the sword was coming, a group of warriors rushed to avoid, but Ye Hao did not hide. Instead, he quickly rushed out of the sword, and a sword took it out of the hard life.

"I am not a Yejia person, but since the righteous father recognizes me as a child, and now the righteous father is not there, I naturally have to stand up and preside over the overall situation and stop you from forgetting the ancestors of this number!"

Ye Haoran sneered, his eyes gazing at the back of the leaf, waving a long sword and several people, and said: "Look at what people you brought with you, Kong Jia, Xu Jia, Xi Men's Hey, there is a Lu family who hides and hides. What do you hide, don’t you dare to look at me?”

The people of Lu’s family just looked down and didn’t dare to look at Ye Haoran. Outsiders may not know the inside story, but since they are united with Ye Hao, can they not know the truth?

"Hey, Ye Hao, I am, Lin Biao, you brought such a few surnames to the siege of the city's main government, but accused me of forgetting the ancestors, wanting to seek power, and arranging the brothers? Who really wants to do this, I think Anyone with a brain can think about it?"

A whisper of voice screamed quietly among the crowd. Obviously, Ye Haoran’s words played a certain role. Although some of the people brought by Ye Hao were some of the others in the Jiuhua League, some of them were The people of Jiuhua League are only those who belong to him.

Seeing this, Ye Hao did not want Ye Haoran to continue to incite people's hearts. He immediately retorted: "Jiuhua League is not the nine-star alliance of my Ye family, Kong, Xu, Lu, and the people of Ximen are nine. A member of the Huameng, everyone is sincerely surrendered to the righteous father, but it is not the case for you Ye Haoran. Now you want to cover your hands and win the position of the lord. Can they let you?"

Speaking of this, Ye Hao suddenly smiled and said: "I know why you are here with me nonsense, but also trying to seduce people, do you want to wait for someone? I know that many of the strong players of Jiuhua League are used by you. Means persuasion and coercion, do you want to wait for them to help you?"

Ye Haoran heard a slight change, although Ye Hao forced him to plant him and said that he persuaded him to win over the nine Huameng strong, but the latter words were not wrong, Ye Haoran is indeed waiting for the source of the Jiuhua League elders. As soon as they arrived, Ye Hao had no chance of winning.

I only heard that Ye Hao continued: "I knew so, so I have sent various tasks and transferred them all away from Jiuhua City. You can think they will come to help you!" (To be continued~^~ )

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