Sword Spirit

Chapter 1118: The reinforcements have arrived

Ye Hao’s words came out, and Ye Haoran could not help but sink. These days, he had already noticed that Ye Hao’s behavior was abnormal. It seemed that he was arranging something, but Ye Hao had some power in his hands. Plus he was busy dealing with the things in the League and didn’t think much. I have been planning for a long time, and this time I have quietly opened all the strong people in the Jiuhua League!

Thinking of this, Ye Haoran slowly nodded and said: "It seems that you have been planning for a long time, but I really can't think of the reason why you are doing this. I am a family, you can be said to be not thin, brother. It is even more important to you, to discuss the prestige in the alliance, and to say that it is not an exaggeration for one person. If you do this, can you afford the elder brother, can you afford Ye Family?"

Ye Qiuzuo outlined a smile: "Why am I doing this? This is going to ask you, I am now cleaning up the portal for Ye Family!"

After all, Ye Hao looked around and sighed out loudly: "What are you still doing, Ye Haoran, the rebellious principal of the crime has already appeared, and I will not give it to me! Once it is seized, it will be killed on the ground to avoid the father-in-law. And brotherhood, don't go!"

"I see who dares to do it!" Ye Haoran screamed and glared: "Whoever dares to do it, is with me Ye Jia, and the entire Jiuhua League is the enemy! Brothers will return tomorrow, when you will face For what, I think you are clear in your heart!"

It was such a glimpse that Ye Haoran, the martial arts who were eager to move, could not help but have a slight hesitation. Ye Hao’s face was so heavy that he swept the nine major families of Jiuhua League and glanced at him: “What are you waiting for? Don’t you take Ye Haoran to control the overall situation, and wait for Ye Wushen to come back to clean up you? Do you think that by this step, you still have a way out?"

The man of the Confucius bit his teeth: "Ye, don't forget to promise us a few things."

"Reassure, I will never say anything about you. You have been pressed by Ye Jia for so many years. Are you still willing to endure it? This is your only chance to rise!"

"Well, today I will believe you once, fight with you, everyone will listen, give me... kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A shout of shouting sounds, and the situation that has just been suppressed by Ye Haoran has once again become chaotic. Numerous warriors wearing various costumes are desperately rushing to the city before the city’s main government, and the black armor of the city’s government is in such a large number of enemies. It looks incomparably thin in front of you.

But none of them retired, and they kept the gates of the government, and did not let anyone step closer. In a flash, the city’s main government had already flown into the river, and the black armor was gradually stepped back, and the number dropped sharply. Ye Haoran grasped the hand of the sword and the blue veins violently swelled. Even with a violent drink, the long sword waved and suddenly smashed the past.

Ye Haoran's move, Ye Hao's subconscious is to retreat two steps, the big hand waved: "Give me a stop! Who can kill Ye Haoran this traitor, I personally ask the lord!"

"I am blocking the death of the enemy!" Ye Haoran's cold voice came from the air, the sound did not arrive, the sword light has arrived, and the four rushed to Ye Haoran's warrior almost simultaneously exploded with a **** fog, the body fell straight. Down, obviously, I can't die anymore.

The man of the Confucius saw the situation and turned his head and said: "You are on! Be sure to block me from Ye Haoran. I have to see if he can deal with a few!"

As soon as this statement came out, several warriors standing beside him vacated. These people are obviously not comparable to those of the previous small fish. Although the old nests of Kong Xu are not in Jiuhua City, they In Jiuhua City, they still have their own power. Together with this time, they have premeditated, and naturally sent a lot of strong people to come over. In order to be unintentional, Ye Haoran is completely at a disadvantage.

Ye Haoran killed more than ten people. In an instant, he was surrounded by these strong people. If he was alone, Ye Haoran naturally was not afraid of anyone, but the two fists were difficult to fight with four hands. These people echoed each other. Do not seek to hurt the enemy, but only seek to trap Ye Haoran. For a time, Ye Haoran actually did not have a way to take them.

"Ye Haoran, I advise you to let you go, so that everyone will be in trouble. If you want to plead guilty, maybe I can hand you over to your righteous father. You may be able to keep your life." With the heart of Ye Haoran.

"I recognize your grandmother!" Ye Haoran directly sweared a foul mouth and angered: "Do you think that you are trapped by me? When the elder brother returns, the entire Tianjian mainland will have no place for you! Killing you and then fast! Maybe, now your brother is already on the way back, want to kill me, then you have to hurry."

Hearing Ye Haoran said that Ye Hao’s face was blacker. He was not afraid of Ye Haoran, and he was not afraid of Ye Haoran’s black armor and patrol camp, but he was afraid of leaves.

Once the leaves have no traces, everything he has done becomes unnamed, and he will face the counterattack of the entire Jiuhua League. More importantly, he knows that this time with the leaves without leaves, there are several Ye Family. Grandparents, if not, he would not dare to be so arrogant.

But as soon as I waited for Ye Wenyan and others to come back, no one could stop them. Ye Hao had to control the overall situation before returning to the leaves without any traces. All the forces in the hands of the hands had the capital against the leaves and other people.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao once again turned his head and said: "Confucius, Xu predecessor, this war should not be delayed, I am afraid you have to ask for your shot, it is necessary to take Ye Haoran as soon as possible, control the entire Jiuhua City, as long as you can enter the city I have a way to open the big array of Jiuhua City, and it is enough to fight against Ye Wuxie and others."

"Well, things are here, there is nothing to keep, and the king is the king, the defeat is the death! I don't want to die!" The eyes of the Confucius family's eyes picked up slightly and slowly removed the weapon. Now he can only fight for it. It is.

Kong Xu and two people looked at each other and vacated them. They immediately rushed toward Ye Haoran, and they wanted to be quick and confusing.

Seeing that Kong Xu and his two men were attacking, Ye Haoran’s heart was in a hurry. The several warriors who besieged him were all worshipped by the guests. The strengths were all in the realm of being too ugly, and dealing with these people. It is quite difficult to say that if you join two people who are too imaginary and strong, I am afraid he really has to fall here.

Hateful Ye Hao will have the strongest of the Jiuhua League to open up for various reasons, otherwise it will be here.

At this moment, a voice came from far away: "Ye brother is silent, I will help you!"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly turned around and saw that the two figures quickly rushed over, and just behind them, they followed a group of warriors, obviously reinforcements.

Ye Haoran took a closer look and suddenly rejoiced: "Nan Gong brother, come to help me!"

The two leading players are Nangong Lie and Nangong Tianyou! (To be continued~^~)

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