Sword Spirit

Chapter 1120: Retreat to the city government

"Brothers! Swear to defend the city's main government! You must not let this group of traitors rush in!" The black army guards of the city's main government shouted, and only the remaining 50 black guards were tightly guarded at the gates of the city. It is less than ten feet before.

In front of them, they have already been corpses all over the place, and the flesh and blood are mixed together. The situation is very miserable. It is that the black armor on them is also full of flesh and blood, full of blood, have their own, have comrades, and more enemy's.

Looking at the scenes of the fierce battle below, Ye Haoran’s heart is like a drop of blood. These black guards are all personally trained by him. Everyone calls his name. Today, there are only less than fifty left. people.

Looking at the surviving black armor, there was a battle of backwaters, and Ye Haoran couldn’t help but scream: "Everyone, retreat to the city!"

"The city owner..." The black armor led the horror and looked up at Ye Haoran in the air.

"Not yet listening!"

"Yes... everyone, retreat to the city!"

Although I don't understand why Ye Haoran gave up the battlefield at the door so easily, but these black armies did not hesitate, and the tidy fish rushed out and quickly retreated into the city government.

Followed by Nangong Lie also ordered the Nangong family to retreat with the black armor, watching everyone enter the city government, Ye Haoran suddenly forced a retreat to attack several of his strong, turned and also retreated into the city Fuzhong.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hao slightly frowned, but even with a big hand wave, a group of warriors suddenly came forward, firmly surrounding the city's main house.

At this time, Ye Haoran’s voice came from the government: “Ye, don’t you want to come in? Now the gate is already open, do you dare to come in?”

It was said that everyone could not help but turned to look at Ye Hao. Looking at the majestic government gate, Ye Hao’s eyes were cloudy and uncertain. His penetration of the Jiuhua League was very powerful, but the city’s government was quite strange to him. Here is Ye Haoran’s site, even if it is Trace himself, and never interfere with anything in the city government.

Ye Hao only knows that the hub that controls the Jiuhua City Grand Array is in the city's main government, but he is completely ignorant of everything else. But he believes that Ye Haoran definitely prepared a "big gift" for himself.

But in any case, today's city government is not a move! As long as he controls the city government, he can control the entire Jiuhua City!

"Go in!" Ye Hao Shen Sheng.

No one is taking a step, and the Confucian family looked at Ye Weidao: "How come? Who is going?"

"Nature is that you first send people to explore the road, can you still want me to go in?" Ye Hao glanced at him.

The muscles on the face of the Confucius family were slightly touched, revealing a sneer: "We are cooperation. We can't always be our people. The children of our family are not on the ground. Ye Shaomeng, you are a little bit better. Show it."

"Don't forget, everyone has no retreat. Is it still you and me?" Ye Hao was not happy.

"Yeah, everyone has no retreat, we are gone, you Ye Hao can not be, if you continue this way, I am afraid that everyone only has one shot and two scattered." Kong Jiajia's face was slightly indifferent.

After all, these people are just a combination of interests. Although Ye Hao has promised them a lot of benefits, who knows what will happen before the matter is settled? In the unlikely event that they have pushed the Jiuhua League down, but they have another Ye Hao, what is the point of doing so?

The Confucian family is not so stupid, he must also take this opportunity to weaken the power of Ye Hao, at least, the power of both sides must be maintained to the extent that no one can help.

Ye Hao stared at him for a few seconds and slowly nodded: "Well, since you don't trust me, then I will explore the road this time."

After all, Ye Hao waved his hand, and his heart was suddenly convinced, and immediately convened a team of people to go to the city's main government, each person is holding the blade, to raise the vigilance to the maximum.

Less than three feet before the entrance to the government, the leader took a deep breath and shouted out loud: "Chong!"

"Kill!" This team of people screamed and gave themselves a courage. In an instant, they rushed into the city's main house. Ye Xie also squeezed his sweat, but soon, this group of people rushed into the city's main house. It was not able to pick up a little bit of ripples, as if it were like a sinking sea, there was no news.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hao couldn't help but face each other. This is really beyond their expectation. Even if the team is instantly killed by the team, they can accept it, but such a strange scene really makes them puzzling.

"What happened?" The Confucian family couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, the city government is Ye Haoran's own territory. No one knows what is inside."

Under the rumor, the Confucian family could not help but pick: "What do you say, you don't know? You are not telling me that everything in the Jiuhua League is under your control?"

Ye Haoran said impatiently: "Why, the city government is an independent existence, and it is not counted among the nine Chinese alliances. Even if there is no trace of leaves, it will never intervene. This is also a constraint of Yejia on the lord! ”

"What do you do now, do you look at the city's main house and you can't attack it in the front? Ye Hao, this was not the case when you told us before."

Ye Hao squinted at him coldly and said: "Without I have opened a strong team of nine Chinese alliances, do you think that you can successfully stand in Jiuhua City? Can you still come to the city government?"

"What use is that? What is the use of it now in addition to putting us in danger?"

Seeing that Ye Hao is going to quarrel with the Confucian family, the Lv family can't help but say: "Well, don't quarrel. Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. What is the guilt of the big thing?"

"What do you say?"

"In my opinion, everyone rushed in together, afraid of what is afraid, it is a knife to stretch out the head, is this a small city government, can stop us so many people?"

Hearing this, Ye Hao and the Confucian family looked at each other and felt it was reasonable. Now, it is not a question of which party is more serious. If you wait until the leaves are back, everyone will have to finish.

"Well, according to the master of Lu, all of us rushed in together!" Ye Hao sighed and said: "Everyone listens to the order! Give me a rush, the city owner, the chicken does not stay!"



Originally, there were still some fears, but so many people rushed together, and suddenly the fear of fear weakened a lot. What are the fears of all the friendly forces beside them?

Looking at the countless warriors sneaked in, Ye Hao several people looked at each other, and nodded at the same time, and then rushed to the palace that seems to be ruined. (To be continued~^~)

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