Sword Spirit

Chapter 1121: Killing in the dark

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At the moment of rushing into the gate, everyone felt black in front of him, as if in an endless night. Suddenly losing sight, no matter who is in a panic, all the warriors who come in are tightening their weapons, and now only weapons can bring them a little sense of security.

Ye Hao also had some confusion, but soon he calmed down and shouted: "Everyone should not act rashly, so as not to accidentally hurt themselves."

Originally, some of the martial artists who were eager to move heard the words and suddenly stood still, so that they would not be accidentally cut by their own people.

The sound of the leafhopper immediately followed: "Everyone remembers their position. Now let's go forward together, just rush out of this area."

Someone commanded, and a group of warriors naturally listened to orders, one by one, rushing forward, trying to escape from this dark area.

Outside of this area, the surviving black armor and the Nangong family warriors stood neatly and waited. Ye Haoran looked at the area covered by the black mist in front of him: "They have come in, they can't get out in a short time. Now, start killing and killing!"

A group of black armor heard the words, and at the same time took out a headscarf tied to their forehead, and then the five men and one team rushed into the black fog from all directions. With this headscarf, they can be free from the influence of the formation and will not lose sight.

This is a massacre!

No black armor made a sound. Everyone was like a **** of death in black armor, and the butcher's knife in his hand was swept to those who had no resistance.

The long knife cut through the sound of the flesh, and the **** taste spread in the array. One of the warriors screamed and fell to the ground and lost their lives.

The screams of constant screams finally caused the panic of the warriors. They were in the darkness, and there were people dying around. They didn’t know whether there would be a butcher knife passing through their necks in the next moment. This feeling is enough to drive people crazy!

"Ah! I can't stand it, kill it!"

A warrior couldn't help but scream, and then he slashed his knife and cut it. When he first slashed it, he slashed it directly on the neck of a companion. This person had not yet had time to scream and fell to the ground. Nothing.

One layer provoked ten waves, and when the first warrior swept the knife to his companion, it was not far from the next one. Soon, some people began to slash and began to attack around. Now, apart from themselves, no one can believe that they can't find any way to make themselves safe, except to kill everyone around them. sense.

Sudden confusion made Ye Hao unable to hold back, and he began to scream loudly, trying to stop the murder of the martial artists. But soon he discovered that it was superfluous. Now everyone is stunned and can’t listen to anything. Even if someone listens to Ye Hao’s words, he will soon be given by someone next to him. Hacked to death, human selfishness is exposed at this time, you can guarantee that you will not shoot, but you can not guarantee that others will not do it.

Finally, a knife came from the back of Ye Hao, he was also attacked, with the strength of Ye Hao, even if his eyes could not be seen, he would definitely be able to kill the enemy in advance before the opposite.

A sword crossed, and the man behind it fell down directly, but the sword wind brought by Ye Hao’s hand caught the attention of others. At the same time, three attacks attacked him at the same time.

Ye Hao was separated from a sword in anger and yelled: "Give me a hand, it is me!"

One of them did not stop, still slashed with a knife, Ye Hao is naturally the first hand to kill it, but another attack is to stop in time, low drink: "Ye, is you?"

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Ye Hao had some surprises: "Confucius?"

"It's me!" The Confucius family replied in time and fumbled for the arrival of Ye.

Ye Xuan swallowed: "You come over, we back to back, rushed out, we must break this line of law, otherwise you don't need Ye Haoran to start, we ourselves are enough to hack themselves."

The Confucius family relied on the words, and the two men clung together, and suddenly felt much safer. The Confucius’s family sighed slightly: “It’s easy to talk about it. There’s definitely a mystery in this battle. If it’s unusual, it’s not broken. Difficult, but now in this case, we have a black eye, how to break?"

"Call some people, we forcibly rushed out."

"it is good!"

Ye Hao and the Confucius family and the two immediately shouted loudly and began to call for some familiar strongmen to come together. Compared with the chaos of ordinary warriors, these strong people are much better. They are self-sufficient and do not need to I was worried that others would do something to myself, so I still kept a trace of reason. At this moment, I heard the call of Ye Hao and I immediately smothered it. As for the person who is on the road or the black armor, this is no longer important.

At this moment, the black armor has already been ordered to withdraw by Ye Haoran. The sword has no eyes. It is too normal to be hacked by a knife in the melee. Ye Haoran does not want his only remaining black armor. All of them lost their lives, and their tasks only need to cause confusion. The next thing Ye Hao’s men are enough to help them complete, so now all the killings are those led by Ye Hao.

Soon, under the organization of Ye Hao, more than 20 strong people have gathered together. Ye Hao secretly estimated the power, almost, and immediately said: "Now everyone is standing in a row to avoid accidental injury. After hearing my order, I attacked at the same time on my left hand. Regardless of his formation, we gave him a blow!"

"Three, two, one, hands-on!"

With the help of Ye Hao, the powerful people waved their weapons and made the strongest blow to the left. No one had any possession at this moment. The warriors who were on their attack routes flew flesh and blood under this attack, and there was no bone in the moment.

Although I know that there will be many accidental injuries, Ye Hao has not taken care of it so much, and then delays, the death will only be more.

As the attack came out, everyone felt that there was a sudden shock in the place where they stood, and there was some panic between them.

"Everyone is not allowed to move, I am breaking, if you are accidentally injured, don't blame me." Ye Hao's cold voice came, and then continued to command: "Come again!"

Looking at the black fog in front of him, Ye Haoran frowned and said: "They are about to break the battle. Everyone is ready to meet the enemy."

Nan Gonglie gently nodded: "Haoran brothers have at least killed half of their hands, and then it is much easier to resist."

Ye Haoran sneered aloud: "Ye Ye is overconfident, and he really can see why he can be smashed. If the city's main government is so easily smashed in, it will also be the arrangement of Ye's so many years!"

Ye Jia has been operating Jiuhua League for many years, and another city government office, in order to have a counterattack when Ye Family can't control Jiuhua League one day. I don't think Jiuhua League is still in the hands of Ye Family, but The layout of the city's main government was first used.

boom! boom! boom!

Three consecutive violent bombardments, the black mist in front suddenly burst into a burst, and the martial artists in the dark fog suddenly felt a burst of light, and for a time it was slightly embarrassing, breaking the feeling of the rest of the life. After losing, I discovered that the original light is so important.

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued~^~)

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