Sword Spirit

Chapter 803: Reciprocating (second)

When I came to Nei Zong, Lu Xuan took the crowd and went straight to the Jianzong. All the way through the air, Lu Xuan saw the sword forest underneath and saw the five rows of holes in the distance... These places have left Lu Xuan practiced bit by bit on the way.

Before the Jianzong, Lu Xuan saw many disciples coming and going. Compared with the original Jianzong, it was much better. It is obvious that Jianzong has developed again in these years.

A Jianzong disciple saw Lu Xuan and others fall, and was slightly surprised. He immediately bowed to the ceremony: "The disciple has seen the seniors."

Although Lu Xuan and others seem to be very young, but able to fly, it is at least a strong person in the refining of the realm, he naturally does not dare to neglect.

Lu Xuan smiled slightly and found a piece of Shangyuan Yuanshi to hand to the disciple: "This younger brother, before the trouble to inform the elders of the elders and the elders of Lin, said Lu Xuan to visit."

For Lu Xuan, the best Yuan Shi is not scarce, but for these disciples in the Jianzong, it is the Zhongyuan Yuanshi is very expensive, let alone the top grade stone?

I took over this piece of top stone and felt the power of the Yuan Yuan. The heart of this disciple is like the power of the Yuanshi. Who is this predecessor? Even when I shot, I sent myself a top grade stone! Moreover, he called himself a younger brother. Is it that the brothers of Jianzong are not successful?

Swordsman brother, Lu Xuan, this disciple has a flash of light in his mind. Isn't this the most outstanding brother of the swordsman that the elders once told him and others?

"It turned out to be Lu Shixiong! Lu Shixiong please, later I will inform the elders immediately." The disciple rushed back and ran in excitement, and he still held the top grade stone that Lu Xuan sent.

Zhao Binger couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect you to come back for so long. Even the Fengjian Zong knows your name up and down."

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Binger grew up in Xuanbingge since childhood, and the master loves you, but I don't know the difficulty of our swordsman. At that time, the Jianzong was the nine major divisions of the Fengjianzong. The weakest one, I was most impressed by the fact that at the beginning of our city, there were about 300 people who passed the assessment of Feng Jianzong. But in the end, only one tenth of the swords were chosen. At the beginning, I was vowed to lead. The sword is carried forward."

Lin Xinyi smiled slightly: "Now you have done it. Since you left, Jianzong has always been the first place in the inner Zongdai, and the disciples who entered the core from Jianzong are also the largest."

As a person who entered the Jianzong at the same time as Lu Xuan. Lin Xinyi naturally understands these things.

At this time, the three figures flew out of the Jianzong quickly, and all fell in front of Lu Xuan, two old and one young, it is Cheng Chang Lao Lin elders and Yu Feng.

"Disciple Lu Xuan, see the process elders. Lin Elder." Lu Xuan respectfully respected the two elders for a ceremony. Then he smiled at the wind and said: "Yu brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. Now you have become the elder of this sword."

Later, Lin Xinyi and other people also performed salutes. Although they are no longer in Jianzong, they are still like Lu Xuan. They always regard themselves as disciples.

Yu Feng haha ​​smiled and said: "I would also like to thank Lu Shidi for your kindness, otherwise how can I achieve the refining of the gods so quickly."

"I said how to hear the magpies early in the morning, I am still thinking about what will happen today. I didn't expect Lu Xuan to come back. Come, let me go to the Jiange." Said.

Lin Tian also went to the front of Lin’s elders and shouted his grandfather. Lin’s elders sat in the face of Lin Tian’s shoulders with satisfaction: “I told you to learn from Lu Xuan at the beginning. Now it looks really good, good practice, I Since the Lin family has been used for generations, it is your most promising. In the Xuanbing Pavilion, you can ask Lu Xuan for advice?"

Lin Tianwen said with a bitter smile: "Lu Xuan has now reached the eighth place in the Yuanyuan, and the dragon has not seen the end. I have only recently seen him. Where to ask."

As soon as this statement came out, several of Lin’s elders were shocked. Their impression of Lu Xuan remained at the time of the last Feng Jian Zong’s internal chaos. At that time, Lu Xuan’s attempt to kill the old ghosts who had returned to the Yuan Dynasty had already let them Surprised, I did not expect that Lu Xuan has now reached the height of the eight-point return to the Yuan Dynasty. This strength, even if it is placed in the Xuanbing Pavilion, is also the top existence.

Cheng Changchang could not help but sigh: "I can see that Jianzong has such a shocking genius. I have been worth it in my life. Lao Xu really discovered a good seedling, but unfortunately, he could not see it."

When mentioning Xu’s elders, Lu Xuan’s heart was also a bit heavy, and he said: “The main culprit of the wind swordsman’s civil strife is Lin Zeyu of Jiuhua League. Now I have killed him. Xu’s elders can also feel at ease in the spirit of heaven.”

Under the rumors, Cheng Lin's two elders could not help but be shocked. They thought that Lu Xuan had killed the cold and autumn, and did not expect Lu Xuan to kill the people of Jiuhua League, but it was the five-category gate! The division among the three sects of the three districts is not worth mentioning compared to the nine huameng.

"Is there any trouble? I must be old and have a spirit in the sky, and I am not willing to hurt you." Cheng Chang is worried.

Lu Xuan shook his head: "It’s just a sword thing, and there is something to be troublesome."

Although Lu Xuan knew that Lin Zeyu seems to have a very powerful brother, his identity is even more extraordinary, but he is not afraid, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth.

Think of Lu Xuan's current strength, the two elders are also a little relieved, so young to return to the world, I am afraid that the nine Huameng is also extremely valued, should not take Lu Xuan how.

Then a few people talked casually about some things. When talking about Lu Xuan’s feats, even the elders of Cheng Cheng are still fresh in their memory. For example, if they entered the ancestral hall, they entered the top 100 of the ancestors. In the month, he rushed to the knife to kill the first Xu Wenyang. Although today's Jianzong is much stronger than it was at the beginning, Lu Xuan is a genius, but there has never been one.

At this time, it was the two people who came together. The person who came was the deputy lord of the Fengjian dynasty, Jin Lei, and the lord of the enchanted temple, Chen Mo.

Lu Xuan could not help but have some surprises. He quickly got up and saluted: "Gold elders, master, how come you?"

Jin Lei touched his beard and laughed. "You just came to Nei Zong, I got the notice from Cheng Chang, and I quickly rushed over to see the talented disciples in our inner sect."

"I came to see my good daughter. I haven't seen you back to see me for so long. I am afraid that if you are back, she will forget that I am deserving of it. It really is that the female university is not left." Chen Mo shook his head and said.

"Hey, this is not a time..." Chen Xiaohan smiled and ran up and hugged Chen Mo’s arm and shook his head: "My daughter has been practicing in Xuanbinge, but this is what you asked for."

"But it, anyway, I can't control you now." Chen Mo smiled, and now he is only a six-star spirit teacher, but Chen Xiaohan is already a seven-star spirit teacher, but although he said so, his heart is still very Happy, which parents don't want to see their children have a good time?

And it seems that Lu Xuan still has no treatment for Chen Xiaohan, but the only thing that makes Chen Mo a little criticized is that Lu Xuan is so embarrassed that this is a glimpse of it, and there are a lot of women around, and they are not inferior to each other. Chen Xiaohan, this is actually asking Chen Mo to worry about the status of Chen Xiaohan.

"Master, I want to go home once, if the master is free, let me go with me." Lu Xuan invited.

Chen Mo heard the slightest move in his heart, and it was not bad to see Lu Xuan’s family. At the moment, he said: "So good, just meet my old man, Lu Xuan, Xiaohan has been with you for several years, I can also prepare for the marriage."

Lu Xuan suddenly heard dumbfounded, this... how to enlarge the move when you meet?

When Chen Xiaohan saw it, she knew what Lu Xuan was thinking. As a qualified red face, she immediately made a clearance for Lu Xuan, her face was red and red: "Hey, my daughter is still small, this kind of thing, let me talk slowly."

Chen Mo couldn't help but turn his head and look at Chen Xiaohan. This Xiao Nizi, how to turn his elbows out, I am supporting you.

Jin Lei smiled and said: "Chen Dianzhu, young people, we don't have to participate, and now Lu Xuan is still young, and there is a good martial art in the future. It is okay to consider it after it has settled down."

Looking at Jin Lei, Lu Xuan suddenly remembered one thing, and thought of it, suddenly asked: "Gold elders, do not know that there is a deacon in the appliance cabinet is still not?"

After Jin Lei frowned and thought about it, he said: "What you said is Zhou Yongnian? It seems that only one of his appliances is named Zhou, and he has been in the appliance for several years."

"Since only one person is surnamed Zhou, it should be him." Lu Xuan nodded. "Since it is still there, then I have a ruthless invitation. Do you know if Kim Elder can help him?"

Jin Lei heard a smile and said: "This is a small matter. Since you have spoken, I have no reason to help?"

"That would have thanked the elders of gold first." Lu Xuan also smiled. He just remembered that he had chosen the epee in his appliance cabinet. It was that Zhou Yongnian would use the very low price to make the black iron. The sword was sold to himself. It is not illegal to say it. After all, the Xuan Tie Sword is only a semi-finished product. It can only be said that Zhou Yongnian’s mind is active and he has gained some space.

Xuan Tiejian's help for Lu Xuan is not small, especially in the 100,000 mountains, but also with the use of Xuan Tiejian to understand the law of force, and now Lu Xuan certainly wants to reciprocate.

After staying in the Jiange for a while, Lu Xuan was ready to leave, but when he left, he left a group of elders of Yuan Shicheng, who was used to reward the disciples who performed well in the sword. Yuanshi is not scarce now, but for Jianzong, this is the key to cultivating disciples. Only with sufficient resources can talents be better explored. This is also Lu Xuan’s sword. Do some contributions. (To be continued~^~)

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