Sword Spirit

Chapter 804: Family (100 month ticket plus more)

It’s rare to come back, Lin Tian is staying in the Fengjian Zong, and stay with his family, but Chen Mo is following the Lu Xuan people and rushing to the city.

The scenery around him was constantly left behind by everyone. Looking at the nearer city, Lu Xuan’s mood was a little bit raging. The last time he came home, it was three years ago, when he just became a wind sword. The core disciple of Zong, who came back after three years, has now reached the eight-fold strength of returning to the Yuan Dynasty. In general, the strongest in the early days may not be his opponent.

However, his heart is more of a miss on his father Lu Yu, I am afraid that my father is also very lonely now? I used to be accompanied by my sister, but now even my sister has entered the Fengjianzong. No one can wait on his father's knees. I think that Lu Xuan couldn't help but feel a little wet.

When there was still a distance from Lincheng, Lu Xuan stopped the hurricane. He didn't want to enter the city with such a high-profile, he wanted to surprise his father.

Lincheng is still very prosperous. After all, this is one of the top ten cities under the rule of the Tianwu Empire. It seems that the animal tide has not had much impact on the city. After all, there is no powerful monster around the city. Feng Jianzong was especially taken care of, and the animal wave was defeated as soon as it appeared. Lu Xuan walked toward Lufu according to the route in his memory. Unexpectedly, Lu Qiong smiled and said: "Xiaoxuan, you have gone wrong, we have moved."

Lu Xuan gave a slight glimpse: "Moving?"

Lu Qiong nodded and said: "Yeah, now we are a big family. We have the style of Fengjianzong as the background. The Tianwu Empire takes great care of our family. Many royal supplies are provided by our family. The business can be said to be spread all over the whole. The Tianwu Empire, now in the empire, mentions Lujia, the first one that others think of must be us. In the Lincheng, our home. There are also Xinyi and Chenxi, which form the iron triangle of Lincheng. ”

Listening to Lu Qiong saying this, Lu Xuan is also happy. Out of the channel: "Father must be happy?"

"Well, my father often said. The Lu family was also a big family. The generation that our grandfather had been declining was not the same, but now it is finally in his hands. Even after a hundred years, there is a face to see the Lujia column. Zu Lizong." Lu Qiong laughed out loud.

Lu Xuan smiled and immediately said: "Lu Jia, will definitely get better and better, sister. You lead the way, we go back to give my father a surprise."

"Hey, it seems that it is very close to my home and the city's main government." Lin Xinyi walked away and suddenly came out. Lu Qiong nodded: "When the father is fine, he often goes to find Lin and his uncle to play chess, so it is more convenient to move the house to this side."

Not long after, the group came to Lufu before, Lu Xuan looked up and saw that it was a good-looking house. The big red plaque was engraved with two big characters on the land, and the lower part was the emperor of today's Wu Empire. Obviously it is a royal gift.

In the end, Lincheng is still a secular world. For ordinary people, the emperor's payment can be more shocking than the collection of the Swordmaster.

Lu Qiong stepped forward and took a shot. Soon after, the concierge opened a gap. After seeing Lu Qiong, the door suddenly became overjoyed. He quickly opened the door and said: "Missy is back? I will inform the master."

Lu Qiong stopped him: "Two blessings, don't alarm the father, we have to give him a surprise."

"Good Le, Missy, please, all the guests please. Master should now rest in the inner room." The two blessings nodded and nodded, but did not know that the young master Lu Jia is also among the guests. After all, Lu Xuan has not returned for several years, and the Lujia people do not know how much to change.

"Sister. You first greet everyone to sit down, I went to see my father." Lu Xuan said while looking at the style of the land government.

"Well, you go, my father wants you most." Lu Qiong showed a smile.

Today, Lufu is no longer a small house, and it covers a lot of land. Lu Xuan naturally does not know the road, but it doesn't matter. God knows it, Lu Xuan quickly perceives Lu Yu's location, and immediately goes there. The past.

However, Lu Yu is not a rest, but in the ancestral hall of the Lujiahou House, Lu Xuan walked over and saw a lot of spiritual positions in the temple, apparently all of the Lujia’s ancestors, and Lu Yuzheng He sat on a futon and talked to himself.

"...The ancestral ancestors of Lujia, Lu Yu, although I am sorry for you in this matter, but now Lujia has re-developed, even reached an unprecedented height, all of which are brought by Xuan Er, hope for a hundred years After that, don't scold me for this unhappy son."

Lu Xuan heard a little strange, how could his father be sorry for the Luzong of the Lujia? As Lu Yu said, the power of Lujia has spread throughout the Tianwu Empire. Even if the royal family is also polite, the father should be very proud. Unfortunately, he did not hear the first half of Lu Yu’s words. Not mind.

Lu Yu seems to have finished, after a long while, sighed: "Now the family business is big, but it is more and more lonely. Before, Joan could still chat with me, and now even Qionger is gone. I have a good time, I can't greet the old age, I will delay the children's future. Xuaner is also a dead kid. I don't come back to see me for a few years. I also expect him to give me a big fat grandson. ......"

Listening to Lu Yu's constant self-talk, watching him look a little lonely back, Lu Xuan heart heat, could not help but come to the channel: "Father."

Lu Yu heard the words and shocked, and then smiled bitterly: "There is another auditory hallucination. Is it true that I am still old? No, no, no, no, no, I will let him give me a grandson. Yao Lei The son of the kid has already walked, but I haven’t seen the shadow yet."

Lu Xuan heard the words, could not help but smile, walked inside the ancestral hall, and then shouted: "Father, it is me, you have no auditory hallucinations."

This time Lu Yu was really sure that he had heard it. He turned around with a trace of disbelief. He looked at Lu Xuan and stood in front of him so life. He couldn’t help but reach out and blink his eyes. Surprise Channel: "Xuan Er? Really you are back?"

"It's me, I am back." Lu Xuan smiled and pulled Lu Yu's hand and pulled him up. He said, "Not only is I coming back, my sister is back, I am ready to give you a surprise, now they Already waiting in the lobby."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Lu Yu looked a little excited. This is really a manifestation of the ancestors of the ancestors. I did not expect that I was still complaining, so soon a pair of children would all come back.

"Go, take me with you, but I haven't seen you for many years. I thought you forgot what I was." Lu Yu took Lu Xuan's hand and rushed forward, while still not forgetting the number of Lu Luxuan. .

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "I have experienced a lot of things in recent years, and I have no time. This time the beast has just ended, I am coming back quickly."

"Come back." Lu Yu nodded, then suddenly stepped forward, staring at Lu Xuan and asked: "To be honest, this time brought me a few daughter-in-laws back?"

Lu Xuan couldn't help but feel ashamed. This old man really knows himself. He didn't ask if he had brought his daughter-in-law back, but asked a few directly.

"That, I saw it in the past." Lu Xuan is also somewhat embarrassed to answer this question.

"I still told you to sell me off? If one didn't bring it back, see if I don't want you to have a meal." Lu Yu said with some dissatisfaction, he also counted on holding his grandson.

At the moment, he stepped faster, and walked all the way toward the lobby. Before he even arrived, Lu Yu heard a burst of ridiculous laughter, and suddenly he was happy.

Entering the lobby, Lu Yu was shocked, one, two, three... seven! There are six more than your own niece! Xuan Er is really a fight for this kid, and I will bring back six daughter-in-laws at once! Lu Yu has a heart in his heart.

"Hey!" When Lu Yu arrived, Lu Qiong took the lead and shouted. The girls saw Lu Xuan and his son, and they all stood up in a hurry. For a moment, they all shook a little nervously: "Uncle Lu."

Lu Yu smiled and his eyes narrowed. He even said: "Well, good, sit down, treat this as your own home, don't be restrained."

Listening to Lu Yu said that the girls suddenly let go of their hearts and sat down again, but naturally they began to pay attention to the appearance and strive to leave a good impression in front of Lu Yu.

"Lu brother, in the next Chen Mo, is the master of Lu Xuan, also the father of Xiao Han, this time to take the liberty to visit, but also hope not to be strange." Chen Mo went forward and Lu Yu arched the arch.

Lu Yu certainly does not lose etiquette, but also bowed his hand and said: "It turned out to be Chen Dianzhu. Lu had long been a **** for a long time. He was very grateful to Chen Dianzhu for his guidance of the dog, but he had limited strength and had not been able to visit Feng Jianzong. I would like to ask Chen Dianzhu to forgive me. Chen Dianzhuo please sit down."

Chen Xiaohan, he knows, the last time Lu Xuan came back with Chen Xiaohan, but at that time it seems that he has not been able to win it. Now even Chen Xiaohan’s father has come, this thing is definitely correct, Lu Yu’s heart is happy.

Lu Xuan smiled and walked up and said: "Father, I will introduce you to you, Xinyi, Xiaohan, Dongshuang and Chenxi. You have seen this. This is Zhao Binger, disciple of Xuanbinge Zhao Ying, also my own. Sister."

"Binger has seen his uncle." Zhao Binger once again got nervous and got up.

Lu Yu said with a smile: "You don't have to pay more, then everyone is a family, sit down."

Lu Yu is also a personal fine, as soon as she sees Zhao Binger's nervous appearance, and sees that her virgin body has been lost, how could it be just a sister-in-law like Lu Xuan said?

However, Lu Xuan and Zhao Binger were suddenly made a big red face by Lu Yu. Lu Xuan’s heart is even more secretive. This kind of thing, everyone knows it well, why do you have to say it?

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