Sword Spirit

Chapter 805: In a chaotic world, Yingjie (110 tickets plus more!)

Then Lu Xuan pointed to Qin Yueyi: "This is Qin Yueyi, the disciple I just received."

"Yue Yi has seen the teacher." Qin Yueyi was also careful to get up and salute.

"Just a disciple?" Lu Yu brows slightly wrinkled, and thought that there are six daughter-in-laws, so the calculation is only five.

However, Qin Yueyi saw Lu Yu's slight frowning and couldn't help but worry, and thought that he was not happy with the teacher.

Realizing that what he said was wrong, Lu Yu quickly smiled and waved: "Qin girl sits, you are a disciple of Xuan Er, that is also a family."

Waiting for Qin Yueyi to sit down, Lu Xuan introduced Lu Yu to Lu Yu, and Zhai Ze made a very bowing ceremony and met Lu Yu, this is the father of the master. This is what surprised Lu Yu. When he thought that Lu Xuan’s strength was good, he was a young man, and he had his own team. He suddenly had a sense of pride for Lu Xuan.

Of course, A raccoon did not forget, because A raccoon jumped out and had a model like Lu Yu, but it provoked Lu Yu to laugh, and the cute raccoon was really flattering.

Lu Yu looked at this full daughter-in-law, and she was very satisfied with her heart. All of them were all in the world, and they all had extraordinary identities. Later, Lu Jia was completely grown. After talking for a while, Chen Mochao Lu Yu said: "Lu brother, can you speak in one step?"

Lu Yu faintly guessed what Chen Mo had to say to himself. He couldn't help but feel a bit proud. Xuan Er is charming. The parents of this man are not in a hurry. Instead, the woman's parents are anxious. At the moment, he smiled and said: "Of course, Chen Dingzhu please."

Then the two went to the side room, Lu Xuan and Chen Xiaohan looked at each other, Chen Xiaohan suddenly bowed his head and smiled.

Xia Chen couldn't help but get up and said: "Lu Xuan, I may not have gone home for a long time, I will go home and go."

"Dawn. I am with you, I will go see my father." Lin Xinyi also stood up.

Seeing that both of them want to go home, Lu Xuan simply said: "In any case, it is not far from the city government and Linfu. It is better to be together."

Zhao Binger understands that Lu Xuan has been engaged to Lin Xinyi and immediately said: "You will go back to Linyi with Xinyi. We will be with Chenxi."

Lu Xuan turned to think about it, or Binger thought thoughtfully, and he took a large group of women to the future father-in-law's home. I am afraid that Lin Hongzhi will not give himself a good look. It is clear that it is one thing, but it is on the bright side. It’s another thing.

Immediately, the crowd was divided into two groups, and the rest went to the city government with Xia Chenxi. Lu Xuan and Lu Qiong’s two sisters went to Lin’s home with Lin Xinyi and Zhang Dongshuang. have to say. The woman is still a little bit fine. Lu Qiong looks at Lu Xuan and is ready to go to the door with such empty hands. Without words, he ran to Lufu and put a lot of gifts. Although the two have already decided to kiss, this can not be lost, sure enough. It is a long brother like a father and a long sister like a mother.

Lu Xuan, the future grandfather came to the door, Lin family naturally welcomes the incomparable, not to mention Lu Xuan is now very ordinary. Lin Jia was clear and clear. When the beast was in the city, even the sect of the Wind Swordsman personally ran to help. Everyone knows that this is the face of Chong Lu Xuan. For the people in Lincheng, the emperor of the Tianwu Empire is an incompetent person, and the Fengjian Zong who rules the Tianwu Empire is the top of the existence and able to work. The Swordsman Church owner came to help, but I can imagine how powerful Lu Xuan is now.

It was only when Lin Hongzhi learned that not only his own daughter Lin Xinyi was deceived by Lu Xuan, but even Zhang Yishuang, who had become a man of Lu Xuan, looked at Lu Xuan’s eyes and was not so kind. Although he had long known that Lu Xuan was not such a special person, the sisters spent all of this. He still did not expect.

However, Lin Xinyi and Zhang Dongshuang did not have any opinions. He could not do anything as a father. I can only remind Lu Xuan in the dark, to treat them well, Lu Xuan is of course full of promises.

Later, Lu Xuan did not forget to visit the city's main government. Although he was a city master, Xia Tao did not seem to notice the feelings between Xia Chenxi and Lu Xuan. Instead, he let Lu Xuan breathe a sigh, but face the same It is Xia Tao, the father-in-law of the future. Lu Xuan does not dare to neglect, and is careful to accompany him.

This is to make Xia Tao feel better about Lu Xuan. In the status of Lu Xuan, the Emperor of Fengjian has to be careful, but in the face of his little city master, he is so polite. Constantly praised Lu Xuan.

Lin Xinyi and others who know the inside story are secretly laughing. They can't see where they are. Lu Xuan is a weasel that gives the chicken a happy New Year.

After coming out of the city government, Lu Xuan was happily strolling around with everyone in the city. This is a rare and relaxing time. After all, it is three words, buy and buy!

A raccoon buys food, women buy jewelry, clothing, Lu Xuan is now rich and rich, let alone buy something, really want to buy the entire city, it is easy, and Lu Xuan always talks with the girls on the way Some things in the past, relaxed along the way, laughter constantly.

When I strolled around, I walked to Lingcai Street. Lu Xuan couldn’t help but smile: “I got to know the morning and the Xinyi, it was at the Lingcai Street. Xinyi sent me a handle to me. For the precious Chinese irons, Dawn gave me an enchanted entry book, which made me earn the first pot of gold."

When I mentioned this matter, Lin Xinyi’s eyes lit up: “Acacia sword? Are you still there?”

"Of course!" Lu Xuan took out a long sword, which was the Acacia sword that Lin Xinyi gave at the time. Although this sword is very crude in Lu Xuan’s appearance, it has a special meaning, not any sword can Than.

Seeing the familiar Acacia sword, Lin Xinyi smiled happily, and Lu Xuan actually followed the promise. In any case, she brought Acacia sword to her side.

"Go, let's go see the nine uncles." Seeing the front is not the treasure chest, Lu Xuan suddenly remembered the people inside.

Yan Jiu still lay half-squinted in a lounge chair, looking very leisurely, and noticed that someone came in, he suddenly opened a gap and looked at the people.

Seeing Lu Xuan walking in the forefront, Yan Jiu whispered a little, thinking that he was wrong, but then he saw Lin Xinyi, Xia Chenyi two familiar faces, suddenly opened their eyes, from the lounge chair Jumped out.

"Lu Xuan, is it really you?" Yan Jiu was a little surprised, and then showed a hint of joy: "How come back to the city today, but also want to come see me."

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Nine uncles, how can I forget Lu Xuan, if there is no uncle, I am afraid there is no Lu Xuan today."

Yan Jiu haha ​​smiled: "I remember that at the beginning, you took the triple strength of the refining body and took over the challenge of the four-in-one Longyang. I once advised you not to be reckless, but you said that the warrior needs to keep his own martial arts heart. At that time, I was convinced in my heart that you, such a person, did not die, but it was a great achievement. Now it seems that you are the latter."

Lu Xuan smiled bitterly: "In fact, I have almost become the former in countless times, and I have survived several times before I have achieved success."

"Yeah, martial arts practice, how easy it is." Yan nodded nine times. "But as it seems today, it is not so peaceful, and the world has reached an unprecedented level. All major gates have reached an unprecedented level of power. This is probably a difficult future. Uncertain, this is the one who will turn the tide."

Lu Xuan flashed a glimmer of color in his eyes. He did not expect that Jiu Shu was in this worldly world, but he was able to see so many things.

I noticed Lu Xuan’s gaze, Yan Jiuhehe smiled and said: “Don’t look at me, I don’t seem to ask the world, but in fact, many things I understand, I don’t know about other Zongmen, but I still know the situation of Fengjianzong. You look at the morning light, look at Xinyi, the martial arts practice has not started for a long time, but in a short time to reach the height that I can't reach in my life, although it is definitely not your help, but it is It is a sign of the development of martial arts. Looking at the history of Tianjian mainland, it is known that this is not a good thing."...

"Nine uncles are really extraordinary!" Lu Xuan sincerely praised: "As you said, you have a feeling of wind and rain."

Yan nodded nine times and patted Lu Xuan’s shoulder. “Since your martial arts heart is firm, if you have a big disaster, you will never stay out of it, you can’t be slack, you can’t satisfy the status quo, and I’m waiting for you. Look at your famous name, this day, the mainland."

"Lu Xuan, remember the words of Jiu Shu." Lu Xuan said seriously that in just a few years, he reached the eight-pointed soul with a small boy in the refining period, even the five-star souls of Bunun were Killing yourself, if Lu Xuan’s heart is not smug, it is impossible.

But now he is awakened by Jiu Shu, Lu Xuan has strengthened his martial arts, and the Emperor of Heaven has passed on himself. Tian Jian Jian Ling is also on his own body. Now the Soul is now, and it is because of the Emperor Tianjian. On the mainland of the sword, he must also provoke this burden for the entire human race.

Nine uncles laughed and said: "I am just a word of a family. If you don't say this, since it is rare to come back, it is better to send me two treasures of the town shop."

Xia Chenxi sang at the side: "Lu Xuan, you have to engrave an enchanted scroll, but I haven't seen you etched the enchanted scroll for a long time."

Lu Xuan nodded and smiled: "Alright, when I met with Uncle Jiu, I was relying on an enchanted scroll, and now I will paint a pair."

"What kind of material do you want? I have it here." Chen Xiaohan also said, she is not Lu Xuan, a half-song charm, carrying a lot of technical materials, not to mention the city, even if the sword is not necessarily Get it.

Lu Xuan thinks a little, it is out of the channel: "Let a blank scroll just fine."

Everyone has a glimpse, does Lu Xuan not have a sap?

Chen Xiaohan did not think so much, took out a very delicate blank scroll to help Lu Xuan spread in front of Lu Xuan.

Then I saw Lu Xuan stretched out a hole in his right hand, and the blood suddenly overflowed. He actually used his own blood to depict the enchanting scroll.

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