Sword Spirit

Chapter 806: Homemade charm (120 monthly tickets plus more!)

Everyone can't help but flash a trace of color in their eyes. Ordinary people depict enchanted scrolls, all of which require special juices made from various materials. I didn't expect Lu Xuan to use his own blood.

It’s the same thing that Yan Jiu and Xia Chen’s people know about the inside story. They know that Lu Xuan is able to use the animal blood to directly draw the magic scroll, and the effect is better, but it is not necessary to use the Lu Xuan even the blood of the animal. Blood on the body.

The reason why Lu Xuan did this is of course there is a reason. Now, the blood in his body is flowing with the blood of Qinglong. This level of blood, but the general animal blood is completely incomparable.

Focusing on the spirit completely, Lu Xuan began to focus on depicting this enchanted scroll. Everyone was holding their breath and watching Lu Xuan as a pen and dragon snake. He quickly engraved a rune on the blank scroll.

As the runes fell, everyone was faintly feeling a pressure from the unfinished enchanting scrolls! This makes them shocked. If they are not finished, they will have such power. If it is really portrayed, how strong will it be?

At the same time, there are countless runes in Lu Xuan's mind. In his mind, the combination of the two, the careful comparison, is to find the runes composed in Lu Xuan's mind, exactly the same as he portrayed. He did not follow the existing enchanted runes, but he constructed his own runes!

Now Lu Xuan's realm is a nine-star spirit, but his soul power is far more than the nine-star spirit teacher, but also the understanding of the beginning of the road, all the runes in his view, is not a rigid rune. It is a kind of use of power, which is similar to martial arts.

Different modes of operation of the forces constitute different martial arts. Therefore, different combinations of runes are also composed of different charms, which are now available. It is the combination of the predecessors' understanding of the Tao, but now Lu Xuan is abandoning the runes left by the predecessors. Starting his own combination, he not only depicts the enchanting scroll, but also takes the opportunity to deepen his understanding of the sect.

Chen Xiaohan has been carefully looking at the runes that Lu Xuan portrayed. At first, she was able to understand it, but gradually she was puzzled. She often needs to think carefully before she understands why she should be so combined. What are the benefits and effects of this combination? .

Among them, there are many places in Lu Xuan that have the feeling that she will open her mouth. Suddenly happy. Now her master of the sentence has been unable to effectively teach her, so even if the ancient magical technique is in the body, she needs to slowly explore. Repressing the excitement in the heart, Chen Xiaohan looked more and more carefully, this is an excellent opportunity for sentiment. When Lu Xuan’s rune was portrayed in the middle of the period, everyone could not understand it at all, and Chen Xiaohan did the same, but their expectations were more prosperous. I don’t know what Lu Xuan was portraying.

It is no wonder that they can't read it, because Lu Xuan suddenly changed his mind when he was halfway through. Incorporating the magical spell into this enchanted rune, he has to mix a charm in this enchanted rune!

The time has passed for a quarter of an hour, and Lu Xuan is still unable to hold it. It is not that the power of the soul is not enough, but that the blood is too much, because he has a whimsy, and the blood that this charm has spent far exceeds his imagination.

Finally, with Lu Xuan's last rune falling, a flash of blood on the entire scroll, a very complicated, but seemingly very clear enchanting scroll suddenly formed, take a closer look. This rune looks like a dragon leaping on paper.

"Call! Finally finished." Lu Xuan took a breath, the wound in his hand disappeared instantly. Without leaving traces, he couldn't easily condense the blood of Qinglong. This time it took almost half of the cost, Lin Xinyi quickly took out a handkerchief to help Lu Xuan sweat.

"Lu Xuan, this scroll, I am afraid it is not simple?" Yan Xuan asked Lu Xuan, who was somewhat white in his face, and everyone looked at Lu Xuan, waiting for his explanation.

Lu Xuan smiled slightly: "It is not simple, this is a rune of my own combination, I call it the dragon **** blood."

"Do you create your own charm?" Yan Jiu could not help but scream: "Don't you realize the way?"

"I touched the edge of a trace of grace, but I have not fully realized it, but after this time, I think it is not far from real understanding." Lu Xuan immediately smiled: "I still thank you for reminding me to portray the charm, otherwise, I am afraid I may not have this entry."

Xia Chen Yan Yan smiled: "That is also your strength, tell us, what is the magic effect of this Dragonfly blood? You have spent so much effort, it is not something."

Lu Xuan said in a subtle way: "This dragon's blood-stained blood can enchant the treasures of the ground level and below. There are two layers of effects. One of them is a common effect, which can greatly enhance the power of the warrior. It should be possible to increase the strength of 50%, and to refine the martial arts. It can increase 30%, and the former medium-term warrior can be upgraded by 20%. As for the later period, it can only be improved."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone could not help but scream for it. The enchanted scrolls in the district had such an effect. It was the mid-term warriors who were able to improve their strength by 20%. This is extremely horrible, and Lu Xuan said that this is only the first. Layer effect only!

"Where is the warrior who is too virtual?" Lin Xinyi could not help but ask.

"The pre-empty warrior may be able to improve the appearance of such a semi-finished. As for going up again, the effect is negligible." Lu Xuan shook his head and said: "I am not a mistress after all, I can't create a strong rune. And, this is also the miracle of my blood."

"Is there still a second effect?" Chen Xiaohan asked for a voice. She estimated that she suddenly couldn't understand it. I am afraid it was because of Lu Xuan's second effect.

"The second effect is because I have a kind of charm in it. I call it a spell. It is also the origin of the name of blood. The warrior can activate this spell with his own blood. The more blood is perfused, The strength of his own strength will be stronger, but this is also the special effect of my blood." Lu Xuan out of the channel, he is using the charm, the third talent of Qinglong bloodline is revealed.

However, the effect is of course far from being comparable to his talent. After all, the mysterious things of blood talent are not completely presented by several runes.

After listening to Lu Xuan, Yan Jiu could not help but smile: "Luan Xuan, I just let you get me a treasure of the town shop, but I didn't let you take out these treasures, you see me this little one. Treasure House, can you afford this kind of thing? The scroll that can enchant the treasures of the ground level, I saw it for the first time in my life, let alone the effect is so strong, even if it is placed in the store, I am afraid no one can buy it. Start."

"How no one bought? I bought it!" Zhao Binger said, she is now a four-way affair. This dragon licking blood can enhance her strength of the sword, and it has the function of blood-sucking. If you improve the strength of the skills, how strong is the strength of the improvement, I am afraid that there is a fight for the six elements of the Yuanjing.

Yan Jiu haha ​​smiled and said: "This girl is laughing, since the girl wants, then I will give you a Buddha by flower and give it directly to you."

Of course, he can see that Zhao Binger has a close relationship with Lu Xuan. Anyway, these treasures are useless to put him here. I am afraid it is easy to attract disasters, but it is better to give Zhao Binger.

Zhao Binger showed a smile: "Thank you for the uncle, but I can't take it. I have a treasure on the order of the people. It is the master of my master. I have the name of my master. Nine uncles can't do the treasure of the town shop. If someone comes to make trouble, Nine Uncle will take out the sword and show it to them. Unless it is a person of the Five-Piece Gate, he will not dare to come."...

After all, Zhao Binger took out a delicate long sword and looked sharp. He carved a small line in the hilt: Xuanbingge Zhao Ying.

Yan Jiu took over and watched it suddenly, and even said: "This sword is good, and the treasures of the human ranks are already extremely powerful treasures for this small Lincheng."

On the side of the summer morning, I laughed and said: "Nine uncles, you can sneak up on this. Compared with the treasure itself, the word on the hilt is more precious. Now the master is too strong and the sword is placed in the treasure chest. It can be said to be radiant."

Yan Jiuwen’s words were greatly shocked. He didn’t expect Zhao Binger to be so big. The master was too strong and strong. He didn’t even think that Xia Chen’s disciple is too disciples of the virtual world. Xuan advised: "Nine uncle, you will accept it, otherwise I really have nothing to send you, just keep a commemoration."

Yan Jiu hesitated for a moment, and then he accepted it. He sighed: "You have a good time now. Dawn and Xinyi are almost always grown up. I have already worshipped under the power of the virtual world. I can’t wait to be young and young, and I’m going to hang around with you in this cultivation world.”

Everyone heard the words and laughed. They stayed at the Treasure Pavilion for a while. When they left, Lu Xuan did not forget to give Yan Ji a few bottles of medicinal herbs. Although Yan is nine years old, his martial arts achievements are limited, but they are used. It is still possible to break through the two realms of the efficacy of medicinal herbs, at least to improve some life.

After a round trip in Lingcai Street, everyone has nothing to look at. Seeing the sky will be paralyzed, everyone will be on their way home. It’s rare to go home this time. Lu Xuan didn’t think about going right away, at least Stay a few more days and stay with your father, otherwise you will not know when you will return.

Back home, Lu Yu has already let the next person prepare a table full of wine, everyone eats it is fun, to the strength of Lu Xuan, Tiandi Yuanli is enough to supplement his body, meals do not matter, it does not matter, but It’s essential to enjoy the fun of family reunion.

A raccoon also clamored for drinking, but this guy did not drink enough. After drinking a few cups, it was a little smoked. He ran to the body of Takizawa and began to sleep.

After three rounds of drinking, Lu Yu finally spoke up and said: "Lu Xuan, I have discussed with Chen Xiong. You are growing up now, the strength is even stronger, your marriage is still letting you do your own thing, don't know what you are going to do. When are you?"

For a time, everyone stopped the action in their hands and waited for Lu Xuan's following.

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