Sword Spirit

Chapter 807: Life experience is revealed! (first more)

Wen Yan, Lu Xuan's face has become cautious, and slowly said: "Father, master, do not hesitate to say that through various situations, such as today's sword continent turbulence is imminent, and may even involve the Tianjian mainland people I live and die, and I have an unimaginable burden. So, I am not prepared to be a family, I don’t want to have too many customs, but when I am one day, I am Lu Xuan. The day."

After a period of silence, Zhao Binger broke the silence and held Lu Xuan’s hand: "I will support you anyway."

"I also support, although women want to have a stable home, but I know that you are not such an easy-going person. Since the day I decided to follow you, I have already prepared for being behind you." Lin Xinyi It is also said out loud.

Xia Chen nodded: "Yes, my heart is Lu Xuan, it is a knight who is a sword in the world. I believe that one day, you will definitely reach the peak of martial arts."

"My heart is the smallest, I have never expected anything, even if I can only follow Xuan Ge behind you as a slave, I would rather." Zhang Dongshuang Qiu Shui Yingying's nephew looked at Lu Xuan.

Chen Xiaohan apologized to see Chen Mo, she knows that Chen Mo is actually trying to help him get a good name at an early date. However, she can't drag Lu Xuan's hind legs at this time. Some people are born to be not ordinary people.

"The words let you say, I have nothing to say, anyway, my Chen Xiaohan will follow you in this life, no matter if you run to the ends of the earth." Chen Xiaohan said very straightforward.

Looking at this one, all of them are so reasonable, Lu Yu is a father, how can they interfere with the children's choices? The blood is pouring up, and immediately the channel: "Good! It is my good Xuan children, the man will be the world, support the father for you, Jin Linyi is the pool of things, once the wind will turn the dragon, Xuan children you do not have to Worry about me, work hard to do what you should do. How much capacity you should take, how much responsibility you should take."

Chen Mo also smiled bitterly: "But it’s all, when the daughter said so. I will not say anything about my father. However, aside from the identity of Xiaohan’s father, Lu Xuan is also your master. Now your strength has already won me a hundred times, but there is a saying that I still have to marry you. No matter what you are doing, you have to think that there are many people who love you and you love behind you."

Looking at the father, the master. There are also many Hongyans who support themselves. Lu Xuan couldn’t help but feel a touch of emotion. With such a caring family, what reason can he live up to? When he is martial, when the world is peaceful, he must marry the girls.

After the meal, everyone began to chat in twos and threes, a group of women gathered together, naturally there is something to say, Lu Xuan also did not want to disturb their interest in the past. Chen Mo is returning to the room for retreat. Lu Yu is looking for Lu Xuan, and he is beckoning him: "Xuan Er, you come over and have something for the father to tell you."

Lu Xuan was puzzled and suddenly followed Lu Yu to a quiet room. Lu Yu looked very cautious. He saw no one outside, and then closed the doors and windows and pulled Lu Xuan to sit at the table.

"Father. What is so cautious?" Lu Xuan became more confused.

Lu Yu did not rush to open his mouth, but looked at Lu Xuan carefully and saw it as never before.

Until Lu Xuan’s heart was hairy, Lu Yu sighed and said: “In the twinkling of an eye, it’s twenty years later. You’ve also become a big man from today’s name, and you’ve become more powerful. It’s unfathomable. Some things, it’s time for you to know.”

Lu Xuan realized that Lu Yu’s things to say were rather unusual, and suddenly he calmed down and said: “Father, it’s fine.”

"You are not a Lujia person."

The first sentence of Lu Yu is to make Lu Xuan’s heart burst into a storm! I am not a Lujia person. What does this mean?

He was about to ask, but he was stopped by Lu Yu, and he said, "Don't ask, listen to me slowly."

Forcing the shock and doubts in his heart, Lu Xuan patiently waited for Lu Yu's following, but he still has a lot of chaos at the moment.

"Twenty years ago, my wife was born, but unfortunately suffered from dystocia, almost one corpse and two lives. In the end, although I succeeded in giving birth to a baby, my wife failed to save her life and let go." Lu Yu’s gaze became blurred. Obviously began to recall things twenty years ago.

"But things didn't end here. Because of the dystocia, my baby was extremely weak when I was born. Although I was looking for a famous doctor, I all claimed that my child could not live for three months. At that time, I almost collapsed. The child in the shackles, tears in the sky, only the one-year-old Qionger pulled my clothes and wept. At that time, she was still immersed in the pain of losing her mother. I don’t know, her brother is also alive. ""

"When I was desperate, one of my childhood friends found me. He is different from me. He is martial. He has been outside since childhood. I may have seen him for a long time. This time I saw him. When he was covered in blood, he did not know how many kills he had experienced before he fled to me, but what surprised me a bit was that his arms were also holding a newborn baby."

Speaking of this, Lu Yu quietly looked at Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan heart slightly sinking, if he expected to be good, he... I am afraid that the father is the baby in his friend’s arms, isn’t he really a father’s biological son? ?

Lu Yu paused and continued to tell: "After he found me, he said nothing, directly in front of me, handed the baby in his arms to me and asked me to save the child."

"I hurriedly pulled him up and asked for details, but he said that the situation was urgent. I couldn't wait to say more. There are countless chasing soldiers behind him. He only said that this child is of extraordinary status and has a great reputation. Now he is being chased by the enemy. Kill, if I don't save the child, the child will die."

"After I heard it, I couldn't help but have a blank in my mind. Could it be that God was pitiful to me, and seeing my child's life soon, is it now giving me a baby of average size?"

"I trembled and took the child in his arms. The child was sleeping, and he didn't know his sinister situation. When I saw this child, I liked him, how cute the child... After my wife left, I smiled for the first time. I touched his fleshy cheek. He was awake. After opening his eyes, he didn’t cry, but looked at me and smiled.

"At that moment, I was very happy, and my mood suddenly improved. At that moment, I made up my mind, I want to save this child!"

"After learning that I promised, my friend who is making friends is also ecstatic. I am sure to hide the origins of this child. I even worry that I have inadvertently leaked it. He does not reveal a little bit about the child’s life. Related, even he shot a large amount of the child's body meridians with a powerful force, just to worry that someone can see a trace of difference from the child's root bone."

"He yelled at me, he must cultivate this child well. If the child has a good martial art one day, he will tell him his life. Otherwise, he will let him finish his life safely. After he finishes, he will turn around. But I immediately stopped him and handed over my biological child, who was short-lived, to him."

"Although my strength is low, I can't be considered a strong practitioner. But I also know that this is not so simple. If he goes away, the enemy's enemies will inevitably come afterwards. Don't say it. This child is not guaranteed, I am afraid that my family will suffer from the murder of the genocide. Only when I use this child to replace this child can I cross the sea. After all, my baby is also a long-term life. If I can save one person, it will not be considered. I came to Lujia to take a trip."

"I saw that I changed my child's life to my child. My friend turned to the ground and gave me three heads. Then he took my baby and left. After just sipping tea, I saw countless warriors plundering through the air. I know that they must have gone all the way."

"I saw such a squad, and suddenly I knew that the child's coming is absolutely extraordinary. At that moment, I have never been calm. I know that this is the only thing that I have made with my friends. Even Qionger does not know. I am going to The cockroach on the child has changed, because this is the only factor that can speculate on the origin of the child."

"Then I wanted to pay for it, but when I burned it, I found that there was a Xuan word embroidered on it. After I thought about it, I left the Xuan character that had not been burnt out. In the family, if the child really finds a biological parent in the future, this is the only evidence."

"When I finished this, I found out that a large number of powerful warriors actually came to Castle Peak Town! I know that my friend, even my own child, must have died. At that moment, my heart was very nervous, but I know that I can't be nervous. The methods of the military are unpredictable. If there is a slight indication, it will bring disaster."

"I have to admire my friend's thoughtfulness, because after the group came, I ordered all the people in the town to take out the one-year-old children. They had to personally check the talent. Fortunately, my friend would have this child. The meridians of the meridians are not surprising, so that they can escape."

"After this group of people went away, I completely let go of my heart. I know that today I lost a child and got a child. Although he is not my own, I regard him as a parent." Looking at Lu Xuan, he said: "I named him - Lu Xuan."

PS: The memories of twenty years ago, Lu Xuan's life is revealed. (To be continued~^~)

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