Sword Spirit

Chapter 808: Wrong room? (second more)

When Lu Yu finished, the whole room was silent. Lu Xuan’s mind was in a mess, and he couldn’t speak at all. He was not his father’s birth.

He finally understood that why he was rushed back to practice when he was a child. After a long time, he became a cultivation madman in the eyes of other children, because his father knew that his life experience was extraordinary, only when he reached a certain strength. Qualified to find your own life.

He also knows why he has been working very hard, but he is very slow to cultivate. That is because the predecessor who lost his life to save himself has blocked his own meridians with Yuan Li. He understands better, why is Jing Jing It is easy to get through the whole body and make your talents become the top.

It turns out that behind all this, it is not accidental.

Lu Yu stood up and pulled out a piece of **** from the room. The cloth was surrounded by fire, but there was a very clear Xuan embroidered in the middle.

After receiving this piece of debris, Lu Xuan Mo squats in the middle of the Xuan word, he knows that this is the origin of his own name, perhaps, this is the name given by his own biological parents.

"Now that you have grown up, the strength is even more powerful. This piece of debris that can prove your life is also handed over to you." Lu Yu sighed and said, he went outside the door. Lu Xuan looked up at Lu Yu's back, giving a feeling of loneliness.

"Father." Lu Xuan got up and stopped Lu Yu, looking at his back, Lu Xuan took a deep breath: "Father, no matter who my parents are, but father, you train me to grow up, even father, you braving The great sinister saved me, the father of the day, the father for the rest of my life, my life, the surname Lu, Ming Xuan, will never change."

Lu Yu was shocked. Turning around and looking at Lu Xuan, you can see that tears are spinning in his eyes. But there was a smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, my good Xuan children." Lu Yu was very excited and said to Lu Xuan when he was truly alive. He also made great determination. Even if Lu Xuan decided to go to find his biological parents, he would never regret it, but now Lu Xuan still recognizes his father, which is naturally very happy for him.

Lu Yu put away some embarrassing thoughts and asked: "Xuan Er. You are also very powerful now. Can you have any clues about your biological parents?"

Lu Xuan said silently: "In fact, the child had a thing to ask for proof from his father. The child had used a **** vein to break open a **** shield in the cave house left by the ancient power. I am still a bit confused before I heard from my father, I just understood it. I am afraid that my father should be surnamed Ye."

Lu Yu frowned slightly: "Ye, this is a big surname. There are several Yejia in our military empire this day. However, from the original situation, your biological parents must be the strongest in the cultivation world."

Speaking of this, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile: "I can only complain that my strength is too low. I only knew that those people would fly, at least the existence of the gods, but they could not know what their strength is."

Lu Xuan seems to be more chic, faint smile: "In fact. Who is my parents, is it so important? If you can find them, it is fate. If you can't find it, I am still Lu Xuan."

Lu Yu knew that Lu Xuan was to comfort him. However, for Lu Xuan, he did not agree with it. He shook his head and said: "If you say this, people who are parents, I can understand the mood of your biological parents. Losing children is absolutely extremely painful. Although you suffered vendetta at the beginning, you don’t know if your biological parents are still alive now, or they are harmed by the enemy. But when you walk in the future, if you encounter a family named Ye, you can ask. Take a look at what happened 20 years ago."

Lu Xuan nodded gently: "I have written down this matter. If they have really been harmed by the enemy, then I must also report this **** enemy. After all, they brought me to this world."

"Well, now I will inform you of your real life experience. I am also relieved of a heavy burden. I don't have to worry about it if one day I encounter an accident and let this old age be completely hidden." Lu Yu showed a sigh of relief. Smile.

Knowing the truth, although he has made a lot of waves in Lu Xuan’s mind, he does not look for his own parents for this kind of thing. Now the soul family is haunted, and there is still a lot to be done by him. From the entire Tianjian mainland, even the Terran people, this can only be a small matter.

After talking with Lu Yu for a while, the father and son both left the room and came outside. Lu Xuan discovered that the person had already gone. After a question, Lin Xinyi and Zhang Dongshuang returned to the Lin family, while Xia Chenxi returned to the city government. Lu Xuan originally wanted to keep them. I didn't expect to leave so soon.

"Lu Xuan, the sky is not too early." Chen Xiaohan looked at Lu Xuan suddenly came.

Lu Xuan gave a slight glimpse, and then Lu Yu took a shot of Lu Xuan’s shoulder, leaving a meaningful look and going straight back to the room.

"I also went to sleep." After Zhao Binger finished, he turned and left.

Followed by Lu Qiong with Qin Yueyi left, Chen Xiaohan left Lu Xuan with a charming look, followed.

Lu Xuan was so swayed by Chen Xiaohan, and suddenly there was some itch in his heart. He talked about these women, but each has its own characteristics. Chen Xiaohan is undoubtedly the most unrestrained. He often argues with Lu Xuan who is going to work, Zhao Binger is Outside the cold inside, the iceberg beauty is not something that anyone can appreciate. As for Lin Xinyi and Zhang Dongshuang, the character of these two sisters is not much different. Zhang Dongshuang is very weak and can only be shy and can be very strong. The sense of conquest, as for Lin Xinyi, is particularly obedient and can meet all the requirements of Lu Xuan.

With a strange mind, Lu Xuan also returned to his bedroom. This time he did not practice hard, lying quietly in bed, waiting for the arrival of the beautiful woman.

Sure enough, just waiting for the tea to be less than martial arts, Lu Xuan was aware that his door was pushed open, and his heart suddenly ignited a flame, and his current mischievous thoughts popped up, instantly kicking up from the bed, I jumped in front of the beautiful woman, hugged from behind, and said in a very scornful voice: "Xiaohan, give me to bed!"

Unexpectedly, when I just exported, Lu Xuan was a secret passage, and it was broken. It didn't feel right.

Sure enough, I only heard the cold people say: "It turns out that you are waiting for Xiaohan, then you still don't let me go."

Lu Xuan’s heart is very intriguing. When he wants to come, Zhao Binger’s personality will definitely not come over in the middle of the night. Only Chen Xiaohan will do this kind of thing. Whoever thought that Zhao Binger would not play cards according to common sense.

However, of course he would not let go, but squinted and said: "Where, Xiaohan is happy, Binger is a surprise."

Zhao Binger snorted and ignored Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan’s heart was horizontal, and Zhao Binger was directly picked up by the waist. When he got into the quilt, he started to get up and down.

Zhao Binger suddenly blushing, angry and anxious: "What are you doing? I, I just can't sleep to talk to you and talk about it... um..."

"If there is anything, it will not be too late to say it later." The current beauty, Lu Xuan where to say something, he also abstained for a long time, and now you can not enjoy this folk music?

As one piece of gauze was stripped by Lu Xuan, Zhao Binger’s seductive body suddenly appeared in front of Lu Xuan’s eyes. Although the interior was dark, Lu Xuan’s strength now is so strong that the soul is still strong. Clearly.

Zhao Binger was somewhat uncomfortable when he saw him. He couldn't help but clamp his legs and said, "What do you look at?"

"Binger, you are so beautiful." Lu Xuan confessed to Zhao Binger's ear.

A simple love story, but the woman likes to listen to, Zhao Binger suddenly relaxed, actively ring Lu Xuan, sent his red lips up.

I was so encouraged by the beauty that Lu Xuan could bear it, and Zhao Binger was hugged and pressed under her body.

After a while, a repressed gasping voice suddenly came, Zhao Binger bite the lower lip, while suffering the invasion of Lu Xuan, while intermittently said: "Lu Xuan, you, you get a... sound insulation enchantment, land Sister... and Yueyi, just next door."

"Don't." Lu Xuan gave a short answer, and then continued to work hard.

Zhao Binger was ashamed and anxious, and constantly beaten Lu Xuan's back, but soon she lost her strength, and the feeling of comfort to the extreme almost sent her to the cloud.

At this time, Lu Xuan said something awkwardly: "Ice, I am not finished yet."

Zhao Binger angered Lu Xuan just deliberately not soundproof, I am afraid that a few people sleeping on the side can hear clearly, where Lu Xuan is struggling to sit up and say: "I don't care, I am tired, I have to rest. It is."

"Ah?" Lu Xuan did not expect to annoy Zhao Binger, the ultimate bitterness is his own, under the thought of a turn, Lu Xuan suddenly sighed: "If so, then well, I will send you back to the house."

Zhao Binger has some doubts in his eyes. Is Lu Xuan so kind, so forget it? No, he definitely wants to play emotional cards, deliberately let himself continue to accompany him, she will never be fooled, and she scorns at the moment: "Okay."

Lu Xuan really did not say anything, holding Zhao Binger and got out of bed, Zhao Binger whispered: "My clothes."

Where Lu Xuan managed these things, the gods spread out and noticed that no one was outside the door. Holding Zhao Binger, he rushed out and rushed into a room.

Chen Xiaohan, who was on the bed and turned to the side, heard the sound and suddenly sat up and saw the scene in front of him, suddenly stunned!

"Lu Xuan, you went to the wrong room." Zhao Binger repeatedly reminded, but soon she saw the smirk on Lu Xuan's face. This rogue is wrong, clearly is deliberate! (To be continued~^~)

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