Sword Spirit

Chapter 809: Father and son practicing swords (first)

"Binger sister, Lu Xuan, you guys..." Chen Xiaohan is almost completely speechless, and this is too fierce to play?

Originally they wanted to tease Lu Xuan, deliberately let Chen Xiaohan first dial Lu Xuan, and then let Zhao Binger go to the house in the middle of the night. Whoever thought that Lu Xuan’s appetite was so big, after eating Zhao Binger, he was not satisfied, even directly Zhao Binger came to Chen Xiaohan's room.

Zhao Binger was so shy that her face was red, and there was still a little iceberg. Now she was hugged by Lu Xuan in front of Chen Xiaohan. She just buried her head in Lu Xuan’s chest and didn’t dare to show up.

Lu Xuanyi smiled, "the evil" said: "Whoever makes Binger, you don't have to wait for the husband, so I have to find someone to help."

Immediately, he threw Zhao Binger on Chen Xiaohan’s bed, and then he hung up and hungry and swallowed all of them into his arms.

Although Chen Xiaohan has always been unrestrained, he has never tried these scenes. Even if he feels a cold body, he is shocked, and the clothes have been smashed by Lu Xuan. For a time, Lu Xuan has to take care of the two beautiful women. Naturally, It’s too busy.

Although the first two women still couldn't open it, but under the sway of Lu Xuan, they gradually entered the state. Chen Xiaohan also played his own unrestrained side, welcoming Lu Xuan's invasion, while still not forgetting to reach out. Zhao Binger on the side of the drama...

"It’s been a second time, is it almost?"

"You are not saying that one person can't wait for it. We both have to wait for you to be comfortable today." Zhao Binger snorted.

"The third time, the next day will be bright..."

"We have discussed with Xinyi. You will return to us this evening, and they will return to them tomorrow night. In order to make them happy, they must squeeze you out today!" Chen Xiaohan still has not let Lu Xuan's thoughts.

Lu Xuan’s heart was a bitter smile. It was really only a farmer’s cow. There was no plowing land. I didn’t expect Zhao Binger to become as crazy as Chen Xiaohan today.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan hearted. Imagine that today I have to give them a little color, if it is impossible to shake the husband. How do you stand in the future?

Immediately after Lu Xuan revived the glory, the heroic arrogance began the fourth round of battle, oh, this is physically strong. The benefits of blood filling!

Until the two women were exhausted and could no longer afford to lose their spirits, Lu Xuan was satisfied with the work, but then he was lying in the middle of the second woman and slept in the past. Then the powerful warrior was also a man. After all, he still had limited energy...

This sleep fell to the top of the three posts. Lu Xuan just woke up. At first glance, the bed was covered with jade, Chen Xiaohan curled up on his chest, and Zhao Binger held his own arm and slept sweetly.

Recalling the absurdity and confusion of last night, Lu Xuan could not help but reveal a smile, and did not expect that Zhao Binger and Chen Xiaohan would accompany him.

Gently open Zhao Bing's hand and remove Chen Xiaohan's head to let them continue to sleep. Lu Xuan carefully climbed up from the bed and took out a set of clothes from the storage ring. His previous clothes were still in his room. At this moment, it was already daytime. Naturally, he couldn’t be so naked. go back.

Not far from the room, Lu Xuan met Qin Yueyi, saw Lu Xuan, Qin Yueyi a slight glimpse, then a red face, whispered: "Master. Early."

"Early..." Lu Xuan’s words have not been finished, it is to see Qin Yueyi walked away quickly, could not help but be a bit puzzled.

At this moment, I just saw Lu Qiong carrying a pot of water and came out. Lu Xuan could not help but ask: "Sister, what happened to Yueyi?"

Lu Qiongbai took a look at Lu Xuan and sighed with a sigh: "It's not a good thing for you to do, promise, wash it."

After all, Lu Qiong also walked away.

Lu Xuan, awkwardly, suddenly awakened, it seems that I really forgot the sound insulation last night...

Lu Qiong and others have already used breakfast. Lu Xuan’s demand for meals is not big. It doesn’t matter if you eat or not. After washing, you will go to the backyard and plan to move around, just to see Lu Yu practicing the sword here.

After watching it for a while, Lu Xuan couldn't help but smile and stepped forward: "Father, your sword is too rigid. Young people practice is good, but it is not suitable for you to practice."

When he heard Lu Xuan’s voice, Lu Yu paused and shook his head and said: “I’ve been the best time to practice since I was a big man this year. I feel that some of them are not so smooth.”

Lu Yu is now only a refinement of the eight-fold, but the meridians are not open, the acupoints are not open, and as the bones gradually become stereotypes, cultivation is undoubtedly half the effort, which is why the military often has to work hard since the young age. After reaching the corresponding age, but did not reach the corresponding strength, it is extremely difficult to break through in the future.

Lu Xuan smiled slightly: "Father, I teach you a set of swordsmanship. This sword method is not powerful, but the idea contained in it is extremely deep. If you really can understand this set of swordsmanship, other me. I can't guarantee that at least you can ensure that you successfully break through to the refining of the gods, and then with the medicinal herbs that I left, it is impossible to advance to the Yuan."

Lu Yu heard a heartfelt move, and said: "I still have a chance to make another breakthrough?"

"That is natural." Lu Xuan replied affirmatively.

"Okay, then you will teach me." Lu Yu is very happy, he is not a strong desire for strength, but the stronger the strength, the more vitality in the body, can greatly delay aging, Thereby increasing the life yuan.

Now Lu Xuan has a strong strength, Lujia flourishes, he certainly wants to live longer, not to mention, Lu Xuan does not know when he will marry and have children, if he does not live longer, how Can you hold your grandson?

Lu Xuan took out a long sword, but it was not a dusty sword. It was a broken star sword that he used before. The broken star sword is only a treasure of the human rank, but it is extremely light and extremely thin. It is a rare good sword.

He said: "Father, I am teaching you this set of swordsmanship, called Taiji sword method. I will first listen to you with his general outline. What is Taiji? Promise tai chi, Tai Chi and everything, gather yin and yang The gas, the cycle is endless, the sword is continuous and the sword is exhausted, and the sword is endless..."

As he said, Lu Xuan began to slowly wave the long sword, the sword is not fast, but this is not Lu Xuan intentionally slowed down to let Lu Yu see clearly, but the Taiji sword, this is a set of slow sword, but practice In the depths, there are fast in the slow, slow in the fast, slow and slow.

"This Taiji sword method is called the sword method, but the more important one is the sword meaning, the Taiji sword meaning, the source is continuous, the endless life, the sword is exhausted, and the sword is endless!" Lu Xuan constantly tells "Although for some reason, I have not studied this set of swordsmanship, but after I learned the kendo, I can feel it. This Taiji sword is a very high sword. If you can really understand the true meaning, I am afraid... that is Tai Chi Kendo."

Lu Yu nodded thoughtfully, Lu Xuan said these things for him, it still seems a bit deep and difficult to understand, but he knows that this set of Tai Chi sword is definitely very strong, as long as it is cultivated, not only does it not only Can break through to refining the gods, and have a chance to reach the realm!

What is the existence of Guiyuan, Lu Yu has long known from Lu Xuan's mouth, that is, the entire Fengjianzong has not been the strongest of the Yuanjing, for him, it is already a very high realm.

"Father, come, you are with me." Lu Xuan throws the broken star sword into Lu Yu and said that if you want to practice the sword, it is important to have a good sword. At least for Lu Yu, the broken star sword can be incomparable. Used together.

Immediately, Lu Yu’s hand-held broken star sword and Lu Xuan slowly spread together. Throughout the morning, the father and son were spent in the sword, and under the guidance of Lu Xuan, Lu Yu also started from the beginning. Hey, in the end, I can barely complete it, although in Lu Xuan’s eyes, Lu Yu’s sword is still so young and vulnerable, but it is already very difficult.

After finishing the work, Lu Yu is already full of sweat, and Lu Xuan feels full of energy.

Collapse the long sword, Lu Yu haha ​​smiled and said: "This Taiji sword method is really powerful, usually I feel tired after practicing the sword method. Although the training is equally tired, but there is no feeling of exhaustion, I feel that the spirit is paralyzed. ""

At this moment, Zhao Binger, who has been standing in the back, came out and smiled slightly: "Uncle, you are already very good. In time, after a long period of time, maybe you can really become a master of martial arts."

Lu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "I don't expect to be a master of martial arts. I just want to live more time and see when I can hold a big fat grandson."

After all, Lu Yu’s gaze swept across the faces of Zhao Binger and Chen Xiaohan. The two women suddenly looked red, and some of them looked at Lu Xuan. After they got up, they found that Lu Qiong and Qin Yueyi looked at their eyes. *, the inside story is naturally self-evident.

Lu Xuan shrugged. He didn't mean it. Who told Zhao Binger that he had forgotten this?

Immediately after the lunches of everyone, Lu Xuan took out a jade slip, recorded his understanding of the Taiji swordsmanship, and some of his kendo ideas that he felt, and tried to be more straightforward and handed over to Lu Yu. With these things, it is inevitable that Lu Yu will enter the refining environment. As for being able to enter the Yuanyuan, he has to look at Lu Yu himself. This kind of thing Lu Xuan can't help, he is not really a martial art power, can't Against the sky, forcing changes in personal qualifications.

PS: Thank you very much for the 20,000 rewards of [Shui Shui Good Man]! Thank you for your support! Yesterday Xiaobao saw it, but when I uploaded the chapter, I forgot to thank, and celebrated the emergence of a new owner [Shui Shui Good Man]! Plus Xiaobao has already been recorded. (To be continued~^~)

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