Sword Spirit

Chapter 810: Childhood partner (second more)

Rarely Lu Xuan at home, Lu Yu naturally wants to take him out to go shopping, see some friends, Lu Xuan is ready to stay at home for a few days, in order to accompany Lu Yu, naturally promised.

Nowadays, the Lu family is big, and everyone knows more or less that Lu Yu has a bad son. It is naturally a welcome welcoming person, especially when he sees Lu Xuan personally, it is even more cautious. This is a big man, but it is also a great satisfaction for Lu Yu’s vanity. In this life, he is most proud of having Lu Xuan’s son.

Although most people don’t know Lu Xuan, they have been patiently accompanying them. Listening to Lu Yu’s chat about some business matters, it’s not boring, but Lu Yu’s last family is Lu Xuan. The old knowledge, that is, the Yao Lei family who also moved to Qingcheng from Qingshan Town.

When Yao Jia was in Qingshan Town, he had a good relationship with Lujia. Later Lujia developed. Lu Yu certainly did not forget to take care of this old friend. Now Yao family has also developed rapidly.

Yao Lei actually knew that Lu Xuan had returned to Lincheng, but he had never been interested in visiting. After all, Lu Xuan is no longer the same as today, but when he learned that Lu Xuan had taken the initiative to come to the door, he was very surprised.

"Xuan Ge, you, how come you?" Yao Lei hurried forward and greeted him with a smile on his face. He seemed to want to say hello to Lu Xuan as he was when he was young, but he was hesitant.

Lu Xuan did not care, smiled, and reached out to Yao Lei's thick chest and slammed a fist: "Lei Zi, your boy has a good life, not seen for a few years, afraid that it is fat, not more than ten pounds? ”

Yao Lei did not change what it was. The only feeling for Lu Xuan was that it was a little fatter. Not long after he stayed in Feng Jianzong, he felt that he was not a material for practicing martial arts, so he simply returned home and took up the business at home. Now Yao’s big and small affairs are almost all Yao Lei. Take care of it.

Seeing Lu Xuan seems to have been the same as before, and he did not despise himself because of his extraordinary strength. Yao Lei suddenly burst into a warm current and relaxed a little. He smiled and said: "I don't have any hobbies. I like to eat since I was a child. Now I don't have much money. At this point, I naturally can't treat myself badly. ”

Lu Xuan nodded: "Yes. Life is short, I am happy, I can remember that when you were a child, you were the most favorite of our group of children. Hey, is your first trip to the Green House thirteen?"

Seeing Lu Xuan’s own scandal, Yao Lei couldn’t help but feel awkward. Said: "Hey. At that time, it was not ignorant, it was just a little curiosity, right, Xuan Ge, I have already got married, and now the children are almost one year old."

Lu Xuan heard some surprises: "So you have children so fast? I remember you are a little smaller than me?"

"I said, I can settle down when I get married early. When I grind it, I listened to him." Yao Lei explained. Then he turned his head and shouted to the inner house: "Peer, take the baby son out."

Upon hearing Yao Lei’s shouting, a woman suddenly came out from the back room and held a child. Lu Xuan glanced at it, not too beautiful, but also very delicate, and it seems to be the kind of good wife and good mother.

Yao Lei smiled and introduced: "Xuan Ge, this is my insider, Liu Peizhu. The daughter of Liu Dong of Chengdong, who is holding my son, named Yao Zhiyong, hopes that in the future, he will become a brave man like Xuan Ge. Double-person."

Lu Xuan nodded and smiled: "My younger brother is good, I just came back from your father with my father."

Liu Peizhu also appeared slightly, revealing a smile: "I have seen Xuan Ge, but I often listen to A Lei to mention you, and when they are friends when they were young, they are the best."

Lu Xuan laughed and shook his head. "That's not all right. Everyone has their own ambitions. I just want to go to the martial arts. It's not a road."

Yao Lei took his son from Liu Peizhu's hand and said to him: "Intelligence, fast call Lu Bobo, you are not saying that you want to be a heroes in the future? This Lu Bobo is very powerful."

Yao Zhiyong looked at Lu Xuanyuan with a pair of childish eyes and shouted: "Lu Bobo, Lu Bobo, are you heroes? Are you flying like Xia Grandpa?"

"Of course, I will fly, but I will fly very fast." Looking at Yao Lei's lovely son, Lu Xuan also teased him.

"Great!" Yao Zhiyong happily clap his hands: "Lu Bobo, I want to fly too, can you teach me?"

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "You are still small, and you will practice well in the future. When you grow up, you can fly."

Lu Xuan turned to look at Yao Lei: "Lei Zi, are you ready to let Zhiyong do business with you, or do you want him to practice martial arts?"

Yao Lei looked at Liu Peizhu on the side: "Peer wants to let Zhiyong inherit the family business, but I think that men can not practice martial arts in the world? I am limited in talent, not this piece of material, this is no way. Speak up Our Yao family is also a business family. Although it is not poor, there are no characters. My grandfather wants my father to practice martial arts. My father hopes that I can practice martial arts. But in the end, every time I make it, I will pin my hope on this. Zhiyong is on."

Speaking of this, Yao Lei could not help but look at Lu Xuandao: "Xuan Ge, I know that you are strong, I don't know if you can help me see, does Zhiyong have this talent? If it is not this piece, then I do not force However, when my father forced me to practice martial arts, I was so tired that I was half dead. I don't want to force me this baby son."

Lu Xuan thought for a moment and waved to Yao Zhiyong: "Chi Yong, come over."

Hearing the powerful Lu Bobo, Yao Zhiyong ran all the way and flew directly into Lu Xuan’s arms. He said with surprise: "Lu Bobo, do you want to teach me to become stronger?"

"It's hard to teach, but you have to work hard." Lu Xuan said something, and he carefully infiltrated Yao Zhiyong's body, inspecting the meridians in his body, and helping him clean up the remaining body. Impurities.

"It's so comfortable, I feel a lot easier. Lu Bobo is very good." Yao Zhiyong said with a big eyes, the impurities in the body were removed, and naturally he felt relaxed.

Yao Lei is nervously watching Lu Xuan, waiting for Lu Xuan to announce the results.

Lu Xuan finally poured a condensed Yuan Li into Yao Zhiyong's Dantian, which only closed his hand, and then showed a smile, looking at Yao Lei: "The root of Zhiyong is still possible, although not the top, but also in the middle On the capital, I left a glimmer of power in his dantian, which will help him to keep fit, and he will not be ill, and he will be seriously ill, which will help him in his future cultivation. You can cultivate it well. ”

Yao Lei suddenly rejoiced: "Yes? That's great, thank you Xuan Ge! It seems that my Yao family can also take out personal belongings, come to marry his son, let you kiss me."

Yao Zhiyong was stunned by Yao Lei. Although he didn't quite understand Lu Xuan's words, he also knew that this powerful Lu Bobo was boasting himself.

Yao Zhiyong was sent back to Liu Peizhu's arms. Yao Lei sighed: "When you were a child, you were a cultivator. When everyone is playing, you are meditation, silently absorbing Yuanli forging. Over time, everyone thinks You are boring, don't like to play with you, and often make fun of you, but now your achievements have already made them far behind."

Recalling the time when I was a child, Lu Xuan also sighed a little and said: "Yeah, everyone didn't like me at that time. Only you are willing to play with me, and accompany me to meditate. Although I know that you are just doing it, simply No cultivation."

"It turns out that my vision is right." Yao Lei smiled and said: "I feel that you are different, like a small adult, so I would rather stay with you and practice, and too lazy to go to them. I was worried before, you are now a big man, and even Yang Zongzhu is gracious to you, afraid that you will not remember our little friends, but I did not expect that you are still the same as before."

Lu Xuan took a shot of Yao Lei's shoulder: "Who is good to me, I remember, you used to be my good brother, now it is my good brother, and still."

The two suddenly looked at each other and recalled the past. The time passed quickly. When he left, Lu Xuan left a practice and a few bottles of medicinal herbs.

For those in the secular world, the most difficult thing to do on the way to cultivation is the initial stage. Without strong exercises, there is not enough medicine, it is backward and people, now Yao Lei wants To cultivate Yao Zhiyong, Lu Xuan naturally wants to help this. According to him, he has the help of his own medicine. Yao Zhiyong is at least able to achieve the refinement of the gods. As for how far he can go, he has to look at himself. The creation of it.

For Lu Xuan's gift, Yao Lei did not have too much gratitude and affection. He knew that these were nonsense. He can't help Lu Xuan too much now. He can only spend more time with him in the days to come. , talking, now Lu Xuan is not around him, he is a brother, they have to do these things for Lu Xuan.

He is very fortunate to be able to get to know a brother like Lu Xuan.

It was night, Lin Xinyi and Zhang Dongshuang, and Xia Chenxi three people. After eating dinner at Lujia, they did not intend to return home. They had been with their family at home last night and gave Lu Xuan to Zhao Binger. Today Say what you have to regain sovereignty.

In this regard, everyone is naturally aware that Lu Yu's early rest, Lu Qiong and Qin Yueyi are changed to a room far away from Lu Xuan, so as not to be disturbed.

Lu Xuan was even too lazy to return to his room. He directly plunged into the room of Lin Xinyi’s two sisters, but learned the lessons of last night. This time, obviously did not forget to put the sound insulation enchantment, some clouds and rain, not mentioning However, it is difficult to get through the night in the summer morning, because Lu Xuan did not come to her, and now she is still a virgin! (To be continued~^~)

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