Sword Spirit

Chapter 811: I am yours (Hechu League's second 100,000 reward!)

Early the next morning, Xia Chenxi got up early, and his heart was straight, and Lin Xinyi’s door was directly knocked. She knew that Lu Xuan had definitely slept here last night.

Her knocking on the door was awakening the three people who were asleep. The three men hurriedly put on the messy clothes. Speaking of it, Lin Xinyi and Zhang Dongshuang were waiting for Lu Xuan, not the first one. Back, last night, naturally, it is not allowed to stop. Fortunately, the two of them are more obedient, and they are not as arrogant as Chen Xiaohan.

After getting dressed, Lu Xuan opened the door, only to find that it was Xia Chenxi, he could not help but be a little surprised, asked: "Dawn, what happened?"

Through the gap, Xia Chenxi can see Lin Xinyi and Zhang Dongshuang looking at themselves curiously. They suddenly turned red and pulled Lu Xuan out. They closed the door and pulled Lu Xuan to go to her room.

"Lu Xuan, what do you want me to do, do you want me?" Xia Chen asked directly, and there was a feeling of goodness.

"What is the solution? I certainly want you." Lu Xuan said innocently.

Xia Chen was very angry and anxious, and said: "That, then I stayed here specially last night, why don't you come to me?"

When this statement came out, Lu Xuanfang knew that what Xia Chenxi said was different from what he understood.

"This... I don't think it's time to go." Lu Xuan scratched his head and explained that he felt that the woman must be very important for the first time. How can it be casually needed?

"Do you think that I am not as attractive as Xiao Han Xinyi?" Xia Chenxi asked slowly near Lu Xuan.

"How is it possible." Lu Xuan shook his head: "When I first saw you, I felt that you were very holy, like a fairy. Perhaps it was because of this that I felt that you gave me a feeling of inviolability. ”

Listening to Lu Xuan said that Xia Chen’s mood was refreshing and refreshed, and his tone softened. He said: “But, you and Xiaohan, Xinyi are all there. Let me feel, you don’t like me. ”

Lu Xuan knew that the woman’s mind was so complicated and smiled. I licked the hair of the summer morning. "You think more, how can you get it? It is my honor to be able to get your favor."

"Then I want you to want me now." Xia Chen sighed with courage. After talking, suddenly lowered his eyes and did not dare to look at Lu Xuan.

"Ah?" Lu Xuan Zhang opened his mouth and looked out the window. It was a big bright. Isn't this a day of prostitution?

"That. I have nothing to say." Lu Xuan stuttered.

Xia Chen grinned and said: "It's okay. I don't think you are dirty. You turn around and hurry."

Lu Xuan turned his head in confusion and didn't know what Xia Chen wanted to do, but he followed him and heard a groaning sound. He couldn't help but burst into a hot heart. Dawn... It won't Is it undressing?

After a short time, the sound of Xia Chen’s voice was again heard: “Okay. Go back.”

Turning around and seeing, Lu Xuan suddenly stunned. At this moment, Xia Chen’s body has been replaced with a pure white dress. The delicate face is slightly red, so people can’t help but want to take a bite. Feeling, a blue silk scattered, supple down to the back, giving a very gentle temperament, this is the first time Lu Xuan saw her when she saw her!

Look at the summer morning in front of you. Lu Xuan seems to have returned to the same year. He and Longyang had a duel in the fighting field. Xia Chenxi took Lin Xinyi to watch the fun. At that time, he just looked at Xia Chen and looked at Yao Lei. Xia Chen’s identity.

At that time, he was a nameless pawn, and Xia Chenxi was the daughter of an unidentified city lord. He had never thought about it. One day he could look at Xia Chenxi in such a close distance and let himself pick it up.

"Good-looking?" Xia Chen曦 licked his hair casually, and asked Xu Xuan to look at Qiu Bo.

Lu Xuan’s heart also flew up with Xia Chen’s dancing hair, and nodded subconsciously: “Good-looking.”

Xia Chen’s rumored words came, and a pair of jade squatted on Lu Xuan’s shoulder. He looked up at Lu Xuan’s gaze and said: “Now, I am yours.”

Looking at the eyes of Xia Chen’s affectionate voice, listening to the words that evoke the original desires of the people, Xiao Luxun suddenly wants to move, the morning is the most yang time, plus a rest for a night, now Lu Xuan energy Zheng Sheng, where can bear at this moment.

He immediately reached out and hugged the summer morning, and went straight to the bed. Summer morning, he slowly closed his eyes, and the long eyelashes shivered, showing her inner peace.

Putting Xia Chenxi gently on the bed, Lu Xuan leaned down and leaned in front of the summer morning, suddenly said: "I really didn't swear."

Xia Chen曦 opened his eyes with shame and anger, and took a look at Lu Xuan, then simply grabbed Lu Xuan’s neck and took the initiative to send a kiss. A sweet smell suddenly came into Lu Xuan's mouth, the girl's first kiss, it was such a sweet.

After a long time, the two separated, Xia Chen sighed slightly, full of sweet look at Lu Xuan said: "It turns out that this is the feeling of kiss, in addition, your mouth is not stinky."

Lu Xuan smiled. He is now breathing between the powers. Even if he doesn't wash for a month, there will be no odor. Before, he just deliberately ridiculed the summer morning.

“Would you like to try again?” Lu Xuan said.

Xia Chen nodded, Lu Xuan once again bowed his head, containing the red lips of the summer morning, but this time, he began to be less honest, and reached out from the summer morning 襟 襟 襟 , , , , 探 探 探 探 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏Xia Chen’s breathing suddenly became rushed.

The peeling of the piece of clothing, when the summer morning 曦 perfect body, unobtrusive appearance in front of Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan could not help but swallow a bit, the sacred and inviolable woman, but now is about to become true Woman.

Feeling Lu Xuan's gentle caress, Xia Chen's nervous mood was slightly relieved, and actively extended two slender jade legs to hold Lu Xuan, began to breathe slightly.

When Xia Chen’s consciousness gradually became blurred and she sniffed the man’s breath from the tip of her nose, she suddenly felt a tearing pain. The tears could not help but slip from her eyes. It was pain, it was hi. From now on, she completely belongs to this man.

She even more forcefully hugged the unbreakable man in his life. This shoulder is not wide, but it is enough for her to shelter the wind and rain. This man who is not tall, but enough to stand on the ground, risking his life. , several times to save her man in distress.

Sometimes, from the beginning of the meeting, it is destined for a lifetime.

A wave of waves of rushing has come, from the initial pain, to a trace of numbness, from physical contact, to the exchange of souls, waves of waves, and the summer morning At the moment, at the moment, the two people between the beds have completely integrated into one.

Finally, the storm was a little rest, and Lu Xuan’s life was left in the body of Xia Chen’s body, leaving an indelible mark...

After a long time, Xia Chen opened his eyes and looked at the man beside him. He said quietly: "Now, I am yours."

"Yes, you are mine." Lu Xuan tightened her tighter.

Feeling this powerful, but incomparably warm embrace, Xia Chen’s incomparable happiness curled up in Lu Xuan’s arms, with a smile on his lips and slowly slept.

She didn't sleep well last night, and after experiencing such a violent exercise, she finally felt a little tired.

Lu Xuan did not bother Xia Chenxi, so she hugged her so quietly, looking at her delicate face, revealing a smile, and in her life, there was another woman who had to take care of her life.


When Xia Chen曦 woke up, it was already afternoon. Turning his head, it just happened to meet Lu Xuan’s gaze. She was a little shy, but more sweet, whispered: “Have you seen me for one day? ”

Lu Xuan shook his head: "Without one day, it will be half a day."

Xia Chenxi was even more happy. The restlessness wriggled in Lu Xuan’s arms, but then the eyebrows were slightly stunned. Like the child looking for comfort, Lu Xuan, weak and weak, said: “Some pains.”

Of course, Lu Xuan knew what she was talking about, and she didn’t know how to open her mouth. She reached out and rubbed her brows and said: "One time it hurts two times, three times and four times, the bugs climb, and the next time it will be fine."

Xia Chen glanced at him and ate and laughed: "Let's take care of it."

Lu Xuan laughed and said, "I can't lie to you, or you will know if you try."

Xia Chenxi certainly won’t try it now, but it hurts. She immediately struggled to sit up from Lu Xuan’s arms and said, “Come up, go out and be sure to be laughed at by Xinyi.”

This time Lu Xuan smiled: "Before you were so brave, now I am afraid of jokes."

Xia Chen ignored him and pushed him. "You turn around, I have to wear clothes."

Lu Xuan stunned, he had all seen it, and there was nothing to watch, but he turned around and did not peek at Xia Chen’s clothes.

After the two men finished, Lu Xuan wanted to help Xia Chenxi, but the summer morning was so thin that he didn’t want to help him. He insisted on not showing the same, but this is undoubtedly just a cover.

Sure enough, when I saw Xia Chen’s coming out, Lin Xinyi immediately took a soup from the kitchen and smiled. “Dawn, I’m drinking hot, I’m a ginseng soup for a hundred years, it’s very qi, and we’ll really It’s a good sister for a lifetime.”

Xia Chen was so shy that his ears were red, and he knew that he was not so impulsive. It was too eye-catching during the day.

However, all the women are coming over, knowing that they will not say anything more, but let Xia Chenxi feel a little relieved.

PS: This chapter is for the second 100,000 rewards of HYLiu Dad! After finishing the tenth, Xiaobao will also add two chapters of the drowning brothers and the monthly ticket plus more. (To be continued~^~)

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