Sword Spirit

Chapter 813: Enlightenment! (second more)

Lu Xuan’s thoughts flashed quickly. With his current strength, even if he is a magician, he has Soul Eater. Without the help of Jian Jing, I am afraid it may not be the opponent of Buno, let alone stronger than Buono. The soul of the people.

However, once the Spirit Breaker is practiced, even if only splitting out a soul, the power of one's soul can be doubled, and the strength will increase sharply. Even if there is no help from Sword Crystal, then it will never be afraid of Buno.

Spirit Breaking, he is bound to win!

"Open!" Lu Xuan sighed lightly and decisively took out the Spirit Breaker. Although the practice of splitting the Spirits requires a great risk, once it is practiced, the power is extremely powerful, and this risk is worth the risk!

Three times to pick the opportunity, suddenly used by Lu Xuan twice, respectively, to get a soul attack for attack, and a soul-breaking soul of the soul, Lu Xuan suddenly left before the soul, these two souls It is enough for him at the moment.

Next, before Lu Xuan came to martial arts, he felt that it was time to repair {}.{}.{} to learn a powerful martial arts.

Nowadays, although he will have a lot of martial arts, but he really has the hand, but only the first two styles of the sword and the sword of the soul. Although the dragon is strong, it is good for the warrior who wants to deal with almost the same strength. The more fighting, the more difficult it is. The collection of martial arts in the collection hall is undoubtedly the most. The people who are best at learning are also the way of refining the gods. Looking at the martial arts, especially some martial arts, Lu Xuan is full of desire, I don’t know when I can Really mastering a heavenly martial arts, Fengxiang's nine-day swordsmanship is a heavenly martial art, but it is not so suitable for Lu Xuan.

Soon, Lu Xuan saw the last day of his coveted Tianji martial arts doomsday meteor sword, he tried again to open the doomsday meteor sword array, but still does not move.

Shake his head. Lu Xuan had to give up, still set his sights on the ground level martial arts, of course, the top grade martial arts!

"The fire and the ruthless sword, the martial arts on the ground level, suitable for the practice of the warriors who study the water and fire..."

"Shadow invisible sword. The martial arts on the ground level, assassination of the sword, the power is very strong..."


A lot of swordsmanship made Lu Xuan tempted, but he did not make a decision easily. He only had one chance to pick. He had to pick the most suitable one. He wanted to cultivate a sword to the depths. It takes a lot of effort. Martial arts are fine. Not too much, such as the last day, the Supreme, only one stroke of the end of the Meteor Sword, but mention the name of the Doomsday, even if it is a foreigner, you must be jealous, for fear that you will not know when to drill a Doomsday, one The sword took away his life. "Hey, the martial arts created by the imaginary martial arts? Has it reached the top grade?" Lu Xuan gaze over a sword. Can't help but feel a little stunned, then curiously looked over.

"Starry Sky Sword. The martial arts of the top grade is unfinished. Once completed, it must be a martial art. This martial art is a genius of the Terran, created in the time of too virtual, but not yet completed. It is the Soul. The person assassinated."

Looking at this introduction, Lu Xuan could not help but feel awe-inspiring, too virtual in the Tianjian mainland is still a strong, but in the Tianyu, it is nothing. It is such a genius genius who is too imaginary, can actually create the martial arts of the top level, and if he succeeds in creating, he will be the martial arts of heaven!

This is such a fear of talent and savvy, no wonder that only the strength of the virtual world, but can be stared at the soul of the soul, to assassinate, it can be seen that his talent has made the soul of the soul of the people.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but think of an old saying that the world has never lacked genius, but the genius who died is not a genius.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan's heart is slightly heavy, he said that he should be considered a genius, but genius, just a genius, can not be strong, unless he can reach the strength of Ye Tian, ​​otherwise, even if he Once again, once the fall, the descendants will never remember his name.

The genius who created the sword of the stars grew up, and the strength may not be inferior or even stronger than that of the last days. But unfortunately, he fell, so people only know that there is such a genius, even he can not leave a name, but The Doomsday is enough to make a lot of people remember, even if he has fallen.

Lu Xuan began to carefully look at the introduction of this set of starry swords, starry swords only three styles, one type of falling stars, two types of residual moon, three styles of the next day! But these three styles contain a lot of laws and sentiments. This genius wants to integrate all his sentiments into this set of swords, creating a very powerful martial art, but he is too persistent. Indulging in this martial art, but ignoring the improvement of his own strength, so that he regrets his life, not only failed to complete the martial arts, but even his life could not be saved.

"You have not done anything, I will help you complete it!" Lu Xuan said firmly, immediately opened the set of starry swords and took it out. At this point, the current three selection opportunities were completely used by Lu Xuan. Drop it.

Leaving from the collection hall, Lu Xuan went straight to the Wudao Pavilion. This is the main purpose of his visit to the Emperor's Palace. According to Ye Tian, ​​there is his lifelong understanding in the Enlightenment Court. The stronger the strength, the greater the gain.

However, when Lu Xuan went in the last time, he just broke through the realm of the Yuan Dynasty. He could not understand the essence of it. Now he has reached the Eight Horizons of the Yuanyuan, and he has also realized the martial law, the law of force, and realized a sense of grace and time. The law should be able to get no small benefit from the Enlightenment Court.

When I saw the Enlightenment Pavilion, A raccoon said: "I like this place. It is very comfortable to sleep here. I can always dream of something weird. When I wake up, my strength will improve."

Lu Xuan has no choice but to shake his head. The Yaozu is blessed with a powerful demon. Like the raccoon, it only needs to awaken the memory in the blood. It has a strong strength by nature, which is why it sleeps in the Enlightenment. .

Entering the Enlightenment Pavilion, Lu Xuan took out the big demon in the storage ring and put it in front of the raccoon: "These things are slowly eaten, but those demon kings don't mess with it. Unless your blood force breaks through the third order."

"Do not worry, Xuan Ge, I don't want to be a slaying cock." A raccoon patted his chest.

Lu Xuan nodded and asked for a place to sit down. Taiyi returned to Yuanxiao and slowly moved. His heart gradually calmed down. Slowly, Lu Xuan suddenly felt a strange place.

He felt that there seemed to be something different in his mind, and he was very familiar with it. Under the full force of his perception, Lu Xuan first felt a sinister sword, which seemed like a magic, when he concentrated all his mind. When the sword was on, the rest of the things disappeared abruptly. He seemed to be in a world of swords.

But he did not see any sword, but his intuition told him that this is the world of swords!

Under the giant earthquake in the heart, Lu Xuan couldn't help but think, is this the world of his own kendo?

After calming down again, Lu Xuan discovered that this kendo world is extremely powerful. There is no sword in it. He feels the kendo without winning and gesticulating. He feels the martial martial arts. He feels the many ulterior ceremonies.

At this moment, Lu Xuan Ming realized that this place is not his own kendo world, but... Ye Tian’s kendo world!

It turned out that Ye Tian actually injected his own feelings about all the rules into this Enlightenment Court. As long as you have strong enough understanding, you can even understand the laws that Ye Tian has.

Lu Xuan discovered at this moment that it was the most precious place in the entire Emperor's Palace.

The warrior wants to comprehend the law and must seek his own way from the inexhaustible law between heaven and earth, but in this enlightenment court, Ye Tian clearly presents the law he himself understands in front of you. Comprehend in this state, the speed is only a hundred times stronger!

Just Lu Xuan has some doubts. Why is there so many roads in the kendo world that he can’t understand at all? What he currently has is only the ones that have no way to win and the road to Haoran.

"It seems that after all, his own strength is not enough." Lu Xuan secretly thought that, just as he could not understand what Kendo is, he is now in the realm of the world, and how to fully understand the real thing of Ye Tianna. ?

Lu Xuan once again set his mind, but this time, he no longer thinks about the kendo, but begins to think about the light and fluent feelings he feels.

Soon, the kendo world suddenly collapsed, followed by a world of complete runes composed in front of his eyes. Apparently, Ye Tian also realized the way, and now, Lu Xuan is going to take this The road is transformed into its own.

What is it?

When Lu Xuan's strength is weak, he only knows that according to the textbook, the ready-made runes are used, and then combined according to a fixed trajectory, the rune is able to exert unimaginable power.

However, with the improvement of Lu Xuan's strength, he understood that Rune is actually a kind of use of power. Even he can make up a different rune according to his understanding of the way, and create a charm.


As time went by, Lu Xuan was immersed in the world of the road, constantly absorbing the sentiments of Ye Tian, ​​and I don’t know how long it was, maybe one day, maybe ten days, or perhaps a long time, Xuan finally realized!

There is no rune in the world, but some people have realized the power from all things in the world, and they have manifested themselves in the runes of the runes. This has a rune.

Between the heavens and the earth, there is nowhere to be a symbol, the showers are smashing, and the impact is great. So there are ancestors who produced the rainstorms; the flames are raging, and the destructive power is great, so some ancestors made the fire blaze...

It turns out that it is around!

Ps: Thank you for the reward of [the local brother's bandits]! Well, it is the prototype of the fox fox half fairy. Although it was written by Xiaobao as an old man, he himself is a tall and handsome man!

Chapter VIII—The Enlightenment! (Second more).

Chapter VIII—The Enlightenment! (second more),:

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