Sword Spirit

Chapter 814: Soul Lake and Split Soul (third)

"The original way, just around me..." Lu Xuan slowly opened his eyes and muttered, this moment, he realized!

A thick and mysterious soul power emerged from Lu Xuan’s body. At the same time, his enormous soul power spread instantly in his mind, and a lake began to appear, and then expanded continuously. Zhang, ten feet, Baizhang... has been expanded to a thousand squares, and did not stop until it reached about 1,200 feet, the entire lake stopped expanding.

Among the lakes, the water is turbulent, and the lake is not the lake, but the power of the soul of Lu Xuan. This lake is the symbol of the gods, the soul lake!

Lu Xuan’s thoughts came to his mind, condensed into his own appearance, and looked at the huge soul lake in front of him. His heart was a little bit agitated. He finally achieved the miracle, faster than he imagined. He thought that he should take the lead in breaking through the illusory world before he could achieve the miraculous teacher, but he did not think that the way to refine the soul went to the front of the refining of the Tao.

All of this, Lu Xuan has to thank two people, one is Buno, if it absorbs the soul beads that Buno condensed with powerful soul power, and finally it completely absorbs the soul of Buno, how can it be so fast enough to accumulate enough The power of the soul? The other is Ye Tian, ​​the enlightened pavilion left by Ye Tian, ​​so that he can fully immerse himself in the world of the world of martial arts. This is how quickly and truly master this mysterious incomparable way.

At this moment, Lu Xuan has fully realized what the Fu Da is. In fact, the so-called Fu Dao, but the name taken by the Terran, even the word Fu, is just a title.

For the Soul, the so-called Fu Dao is actually the way of the soul, and the charm, but the way of using the character, shows the power of the power of the soul.

Because the soul lake cannot be condensed before the achievement of the magician, the power of the soul needs a carrier. This is the magic scroll, the rune, and the way the power of the soul is used. Therefore, after Lu Xuan realized a sense of grace, he could easily use the runes to construct the charm according to his own feelings.

In fact, the way. It is the way of the soul. The soul lake is the root of the power of the soul! Therefore, before the achievement of the miracle, the imprint of the seal in the soul is enough to quickly display the charm, which is because the seal is a scaled version of the soul lake.

Now Lu Xuan has achieved a miracle. Gathered out of the soul lake. He has no need for any magical symbols at all, and between the hands, it is enough to exert a powerful soul.

However, the reason why the symbol is called the sect, it still has its intention, because the symbol is another use of the power of the soul, directly the use of the power of the soul, called the soul, and the power of the soul The way to use it, that is the magic. There are many different things.

In fact, at this moment, Lu Xuan did not dare to say that he had realized the way. He only understood the fundamentals of the technique. As the saying goes, the ignorant is fearless, but Lu Xuan wants to make up a sentence, the awe who knows, and truly enters the way. Only then did I know that the road was full of innocence.

Lu Xuan once again immersed in the world of Fu Dao, still has many places that cannot be realized. However, with his current strength, he can no longer go further. He knows that there is still a lot of way to go after refining the soul.

After exiting the world, Lu Xuan picked up Soul Eater, and now he knows why Soul Eater needs to be a magician to be able to cultivate. That is because of the existence of Soul Lake.

Soul Eater is actually not very deep. It can even be said that it is an extremely arrogant soul technique, because it relies on the power of a powerful soul, forcibly swallows the enemy's soul, and then washes away the distracting thoughts in the enemy's soul with the soul lake. Only then can it be turned into the power of pure soul for its own use.

It took only half a quarter of an hour, Lu Xuan has already practiced this Soul Eater, and the power of his soul at this moment is equivalent to the degree of the two-star gods, that is, the soul of the two stars, if In the face of this soul group below the strength, Lu Xuan does not need to fight at all, it is enough to swallow the other side.

However, Soul Eater is not so easy to use. When you swallow the enemy's soul, you will inevitably be resisted by the opponent's desperately, and you will also be attacked by the enemy's distracting thoughts. At this time, you need to sink your heart to deal with it. If you are in a melee, you will rush to the enemy. The soul will inevitably give other enemies a chance.

Soul Eater practiced, Lu Xuan finally took out the Jade Simplified in the Recording of Soul Art. Compared with Soul Eater, the practice of Spirit Breaking is ten times more difficult, which involves the soul source, Lu Xuan. For the time being, I still can't understand it. However, there is a practice of splitting the Spirit. I only need to do it according to it, but it can't be done. After all, the soul is the foundation of life, one is careless, the light is smart and chaotic, and the weight is heavy. Then the soul flies.

After sinking his heart, Lu Xuan began to practice the Spirit Breaking Spirit. At this moment, his soul lake began to calm down and the waves looked down.

Lu Xuan did not rashly split the whole soul lake into two halves. It was a behavior of seeking death, but only at the corner of the soul lake, began to try to split a small part.

The pain to be experienced in the practice of Spiritual Separation is simply unimaginable. Lu Xuan thought that the feeling of being tried to be swallowed by Buno was already the most painful. But now that he practiced the Spirit Breaking Spirit, he realized that the pain and This is not worth mentioning at all.

The feeling of splitting the soul is like someone holding a blunt knife, and cutting your body in half, if it is a sharp knife, as long as the knife is sharp enough, fast enough, even the one that is cut off. In an instant, it won't feel pain, but if it is a blunt knife that is slowly cut, it is called torture.

Today, Lu Xuan is constantly repeating this kind of torture, and he is still looking for it.


A burst of horrible sound, constantly from the mouth of Lu Xuan, pain, it is really pain, but even if it is so painful, he will force the mind to split his soul, otherwise, never succeed The split soul.

A raccoon sleeping asleep, could not help but be awakened by Lu Xuan’s constant crying and screaming voices. His eyes were full of worry and looked at Lu Xuan. It knew that Lu Xuan was definitely practicing, but it could not help any. I can only scratch my claws and make a heart for Lu Xuan.

Again and again, the soul of the split, the failure of time and again, Lu Xuan’s nephew has been completely dumb, completely unable to shout, but this has made his energy more concentrated, and long-term under this pain, It is a great increase in the resistance to pain.

Lu Xuan feels like it has been an epoch for so long, every bit of interest, every moment, it is so long, but the effect is also outstanding, he has mastered more and more sophisticated.

After not knowing how many times he failed, Lu Xuan finally succeeded in splitting a small soul lake. No, it can't be called Soul Lake. Maybe it can be called Soul Pond, because it is too small, small to land. Xuan has not had time to see it clearly, it has been swallowed up again by the huge Soul Lake, unless Lu Xuan can split the whole piece of Soul Lake into two halves, otherwise, it is not a successful cracking soul.

Perhaps, you should try the real split soul, Lu Xuan took a deep breath, the spirit gathered like never before, all the key points of Separation, clearly emerged in Lu Xuan's mind.

"Crack!" Lu Xuan gave a dark drink, and the Spirit Breaker began again. Only this time, he split no longer a small soul lake, but to divide the whole soul lake into two halves.

More intense pain than before, Lu Xuan's face has become distorted, but he did not know, he just forcibly endured this pain, the indiscriminate division of the soul lake.

A loud bang, bursting from Lu Xuan’s mind, Lu Xuan almost lost consciousness. When he slowed down and looked at the soul lake in front, he saw two small soul lakes. Clearly appeared in front of his eyes, the power of the soul, constantly swaying in the soul lake, showing his current unrest.

Become? Became!

Lu Xuan just wanted to laugh out, but almost no power to laugh, but the feeling of satisfaction in the heart, but it can not be erased, he finally has two pieces of soul lake, only need him to constantly absorb the soul, will These two soul lakes have once again expanded to a thousand squares. At that time, his soul power will be extremely powerful!

The eyelashes fluttered slightly, and Lu Xuan opened his eyes. At this moment, his face was very white. Looking at his anxious anxious face, Lu Xuan barely squeezed a smile: "A raccoon, noisy you?"

As soon as he spoke, Lu Xuan was shocked by his own voice, and his nephew was almost completely dumb.

"Xuange, are you okay?" A raccoon jumped on Lu Xuan's shoulder and extended a small paw to help Lu Xuan touch the sweat on his forehead: "Just scared me."

"Nothing." Lu Xuan showed a gratifying smile: "I was just practicing a soul, fortunately, I finally practiced, how are you?"

A raccoon scratched his head: "I feel a little bit worse. How does it seem that the power of the blood is much easier than I am?"

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Zhu Ze is a deep sea python. The strongest is just the eighth-order blood, and your blood is more advanced than him. It is harder to break through the nature. The most important thing is How long have you been practicing?"

A raccoon nodded and immediately held a huge demon dan: "Xuan Ge, I want to taste this, I think I should be able to advance after eating."

Lu Xuan slightly glimpsed, A raccoon is holding a demon emperor, it is a very dangerous thing to use it to deny the demon king's demon dan, it is a dangerous thing, Lu Xuan is trying to stop, but Is it not dangerous to think that you have just practiced Semantic?

A raccoon, with his own help, can indeed improve his strength steadily, but if he wants to quickly improve his strength, he also needs to take risks. No matter who is a human being or a monster, he cannot grow under the protection of others.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan slowly nodded: "You decide for yourself, I can't help you decide everything, many things depend on yourself."

A raccoon looked at the holding of the demon, and his heart crossed: "Then I ate it!"

After all, it took a sip on the demon.

PS: Thanks to the book friend 150321004711229 for a thousand rewards! Cough, the brother can actually change the name. (To be continued~^~)

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