Sword Spirit

Chapter 815: Kendo is infinite (first)

This huge demon, suddenly smothered into the stomach by a raccoon, after eating, it feels a little feverish, apparently the power of blood in the demon has been released.

"Xuange, I, I am sleepy, I have to sleep." After the raccoon said aloud, he went straight to the side and fell asleep.

Lu Xuan gave a slight glimpse. I didn't expect the demon's demon power to be so strong. Now he feels a little worried about the smell of the raccoon. At this moment, although the raccoon is hot, the breath is steady, it should be no problem. .

Let Ashi quietly absorb the **** power of the demon, and Lu Xuan also took out the method of the starry sword. Although the starry sword is only a martial art of the top grade, it has become a day. The potential of martial arts.

If Lu Xuan can really complete this unfinished martial arts and promote it to Tianji martial arts, it will definitely become the most suitable martial art for him, because this is his own self-exploration.

The mind was explored into the jade, and Lu Xuan began to understand the method of the starry sword.

Starry swords, divided into three types, the first type of falling stars, as the name suggests, the power of this sword is comparable to the falling star, but this is just a surface, in fact, this sword can contain several kinds The rules, such as the law of force, the law of space, the law of destruction, and so on. In fact, when he created this genius, he only realized the rules of space. He could not integrate the rest of the rules. After all, he was only too illusory, but according to his assumption, if he could succeed, he would The law is completely integrated into this style, and the power of this trick will be extremely great.

The second type of residual moon, the residual word has two explanations, one is the moon's own lack of time and clearness due to the passage of time. The other is to force the moon to collapse and make it crippled. This style is more sophisticated than a falling star, and it contains more rules.

The third day is the next day. The power of the sun, how powerful it is, the growth of all things in the heavens and the earth, cannot be separated from the power of the sun. The sun is light, it is fire, it is the source of life, when it is first ascended. The light of the next day illuminates the earth. At the time of the day, it is the time when the temperature is the highest. At sunset, the earth is plunged into the darkness. Don’t look at this day, it seems very ordinary, and many people don’t think it There is no magic, but the power of the law contained therein is innumerable. It is the most powerful one among the three types of starry swords.

I read all the three styles of this starry sword, and Lu Xuan slowly opened his eyes. The genius who created this martial art did not really complete the starry sword he described, even very thick, but even so, the power of this martial arts has reached the top grade, once the starry sword is smashed Real perfection, that power, I am afraid it is comparable to the peak of the heavens, and even. Still stronger! Because the rules contained in this starry sword are too many. Too strong, there is no shortage of heaven and earth.

"With my current strength and sentiment. I want to perfect this starry sword, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream." Lu Xuan whispered to himself: "Although this starry sword must be powerful, I can not immerse myself in it. Genius, it is because of this silk obsession, but it has delayed its own cultivation, so that it is regrettable to die."

Set a certain god, Lu Xuan once again closed his eyes and began to realize the essence of the three-dimensional sword of the starry sky. Although he dare not rumored to create a real starry sword, he should have no problem in mastering the existing three styles.

Although there are several rules that can be combined in the fall of a star, but Lu Xuan now truly understands, only the law of force, and this existing style, only contains the law of space, for Lu Xuan, This is a good news. When he practiced this style, he could take the opportunity to feel the space and the way of space. It is one of the highest avenues that are comparable to the time.

In the Enlightenment Hall, the speed is undoubtedly extremely fast. After mastering the principle of falling stars, Lu Xuan stood up and began to practice. Although he could not comprehend the law of space, he had the law of power. The stars are displayed, and the power is not inferior.

The most important thing is to practice the sword. Lu Xuan knew this truth from an early age. A sword and a sword shot, Lu Xuan repeatedly played the falling star, each time until the Yuan Li exhausted to stop, while adding Yuan Li, while feeling the other two.

In this continuous cycle, Lu Xuan's progress is also great. Now he can completely integrate the law of force into this type of falling star, making the power of the falling star reach the original genius that could not be achieved. To the point.

In the process, Lu Xuan began to gradually realize the space law. The space can be extremely large, and it can be extremely small. It can be as big as boundless, small enough to see the stitches, and after mastering the space law, the distance of the space. It will no longer be a distance, a thousand miles away, a long way to go, a turn to the stars... After mastering the rules of space, these will not be dreams. Even after the law of space is large, you can directly tear the space and break into the void.

With the help of Wu Dao Ge, Lu Xuan actually touched the edge of the space law, and the falling star style became stronger and faster, and a sword stabbed in the past, even if it was faster, it also has traces. Follow, but if it is directly torn into the space, when you shoot a sword, the tip of the sword is a sword stabbed the enemy, how can the enemy resist?

Although I could not fully understand the law of space, even if only this insight is enough, Lu Xuan’s strength will increase. However, it can only stop here. Lu Xuan has been practicing the two-day fall star style, and the power can no longer be inseparable. He knows that this has reached the limit of his current strength, and then he began to practice the second type of residual moon. ......

In this Enlightenment Pavilion, Lu Xuan practiced for a month. He didn't know how many swords he had, and he couldn't count them completely, but he knew that his strength was so great!

The three styles of the starry sky sword, he has completely mastered, especially the star-studded style, powerful and incomparable. As for the moon and the next day, limited to the perception and strength constraints, but still can not play the strongest strength.

More importantly, this month, he felt that his strength was refined, and the eighth Yuan Dan grew a lot, but he did not know when he would be able to reach the Yuan.

Lu Xuan glanced at the raccoon, it is still sleeping, Lu Xuan could not help but secretly nod, it seems that A raccoon this harvest is not small, maybe when it wakes up, it can directly reach the third-order blood, for the demon For the beast, sleeping is like a retreat of a warrior.

"A blind cultivation, just behind closed doors, only fighting, can be faster, better to enhance the strength, it is time to go to the Temple of War." Lu Xuan licked his lips, he had to renew With a grateful feeling, I have created such a good cultivation environment for myself. Not only do I have countless exercises, martial arts and treasure selection, but also quick enlightenment, and even more endless powers to hone their strength.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan suddenly left from the Enlightenment Hall and walked alone to the Temple of War. Whether it was to improve his strength or to be able to select more martial arts from this Emperor Palace, he must fight the Temple of God. Every time the Temple of War is over, he can pick the opportunity once more.

As Lu Xuan stepped into the assessment channel of the Temple of War, Ye Tian’s familiar voice slowly rang.

"The third level, the opponent is my former brother Li Wei, who specializes in refining the gods. The martial arts talent is extremely high, and the strength is the beginning of the Yuanyuan. It can only be defeated by the strength of the refining god. "...

Upon hearing this, Lu Xuan could not help but reveal a smile. Li Wei, who had already lost countless times under Li Wei’s sword, benefited from Li Wei’s “pointing” and he succeeded in realizing Kendo.

Even so, when Lu Xuan’s last battle with Li Wei, Li Wei made another kind of kendo that Lu Xuan had never seen before. He still lost, and he has stayed here for the time. Among the three levels.

However, now he is already the strength of the Eight Horizons. It is also the field of kendo. It is not difficult to master the tactics of no triumph and the martial arts. It is not difficult to defeat Li Wei.

It’s just that Lu Xuan came here this time, not for the sake of customs, but for cultivating and honing his own swordsmanship. Therefore, he does not want to defeat Li Wei with strong strength, but to break Li Wei’s swordsmanship and see Li. Wei, what other feelings there are, this is the true meaning of the existence of the Temple of War.

Li Wei, who looks ordinary, appears in front of Lu Xuan. Without the slightest momentum, it seems to be an ordinary person. In his eyes, only his own sword, this is a veritable sword.

I saw Li Wei’s lightly swaying sword, which seemed to be slow and extremely fast.

"You have no tricks, and I have no plans." Lu Xuan smiled and waved a sword and hit it. Li Wei's sword was suddenly blocked by him. It seems to be an ordinary attack and one block, but it contains the kendo. Communication.

Li Wei's face was slightly dignified, and the sword in his hand came out again. This time, it was a shadow of the sky, like the sword of heaven and earth, nowhere is not a sword. Every sword must kill Lu Xuan.

Seeing this familiar sword, the smile on Lu Xuan’s face gradually disappeared. Last time, he was defeated under the sword of Li Wei. He thought that Li Wei was the second heavy kendo, but in fact The second kind of kendo that Lu Xuan realized is Hao Hao Jian Dao, completely different from Li Wei.

Under the eagerness of the mind, Lu Xuan could not help but recall the Ye Jian's kendo world he had seen. In the kendo world, Lu Xuan felt the kendo without winning and gesticulating, and felt the martial martial arts. There are so many kendos that you can't understand.

When I looked at Li Wei again, Lu Xuan suddenly realized that I thought I was wrong. The kendo is endless, and where is the first heavy martial art road, the second heavy sword road?

The sword moves with the heart, how many sentiments in the heart, then how many kinds of kendo!

Then, the kendo is endless.

Ps: Thank you for the third reward of the good man! I never thought that the support of the Lishui brothers would be so powerful, and again and again, Xiaobao was grateful (Holding Boxing)!

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