Sword Spirit

Chapter 816: Invincible under the same level? (second more)

There is no doubt that Li Wei’s sword is also one of the thousands of kendos. What is the kendo, Lu Xuan certainly does not know, he has not reached the level of Ye Tian, ​​and he is fully capable of understanding the kendo. Build a world of kendo.

"No matter what the kendo, I broke it from a sword, try my style of falling stars!" Lu Xuan looked a glimpse of the dust, the dusty sword raised, a sword quickly pulled out.

This sword, the power is great, if the meteor falls, the endless swords come out, Li Wei's sword is fast, Lu Xuan's sword is faster than him, a fusion of a space law, each Sword gas seems to cross the space barrier, carrying the law of force, making each sword has a strong power.

In an instant, the swordsmanship that hit Lu Xuan was completely annihilated. The sword of the falling star suddenly shot at Li Wei, and Li Wei’s body suddenly vanished.

Obviously, Li Wei’s strongest means are these two kendos, but even so, Lu Xuan admire them, knowing that Li Wei is only one of the most important things, but he can realize the two kendos in such a realm. Not worthy of the life of the sword.

At this moment, Ye Tian’s voice slowly sounded: “The third pass, can pass the third pass, prove that you have at least comprehended the kendo, but the martial arts are still thousands of, you still need to continue to work hard. The fourth level, the opponent is a star soul Emperor, the soul family is very different, plus the power of the soul that is born and powerful, can not be underestimated."

One star soul emperor? Lu Xuan smiled slightly, and now he is already a two-star ecs, this level should be no difficulty.

At this moment, a soul family has appeared in front of Lu Xuan, but this soul family is completely different from Buonuo. Buno seems to be similar to human beings, but the soul group is a demon. The only thing that looks like a beast is that its eyes are also sparkling with two souls.

Soul beast? Lu Xuan thought, as early as in the memory of Buno, Lu Xuan saw a scene of the Souls infested, some of them have an animal shape, the soul of the soul. It must be a soul beast.

"Hey!" A snoring sounded from the mouth of this soul beast, and the power of the powerful soul instantly hit Lu Xuan, which is the soul-seeking technique that Lu Xuan is familiar with. This is also one of the favorite methods used by the soul family. Because the souls are blessed with powerful souls and the same ranks, almost no one's soul power will be stronger than them. It is often only possible to use the rest of the means to resist, but not to rely on the power of the soul.

"Let's come!" Lu Xuan laughed, and did not use the sedative thunder to destroy the soul of this soul beast, but also released the soul-seeking technique. At this moment, his two soul lakes fluctuated wildly, endless soul. The force is sprayed out. It is actually going to devour the soul of this soul beast.

The power of two souls intersects. Lu Xuan instantly suppressed this soul beast and realized that the power of his soul was swallowed up by Lu Xuan. This soul beast suddenly screamed again and wanted to withdraw his soul.

But Lu Xuan will scream as he wishes, "Give me up!"

The power of the soul suddenly wrapped the soul of this soul beast, forcibly swallowed, and the power of a purely pure soul was filled into the soul lake of Lu Xuan. The two soul lakes suddenly expanded.

Perceived this change, Lu Xuan could not help but be a bit surprised. Is it true that the power of this soul is still true? Can you expand your soul lake?

Lu Xuan completely swallowed the power of the soul. The soul beast suddenly died and could not die any more. The figure disappeared quickly, but the soul beast died, but the soul lake of Lu Xuan did not change a bit, and swallowed the soul of the soul beast. After the force, Lu Xuan’s Soul Lake really expanded.

For a time, Lu Xuan couldn't help but be a bit glorious. I didn't expect that there was such a gain in the battle of the temple. Although the soul of the first star of the soul was not as thick as Bunun, it also benefited Lu Xuan. After he had broken the soul, Soul Lake had not been filled yet. Now that he has swallowed this soul beast, it has almost reached 70%.

Lu Xuan admired Ye Tian’s means and wanted to come to this soul beast. It was Ye Tian’s strength with the power of the soul, and it was the power of the real soul. He suddenly licked his lips, and he was quite unpredictable. He couldn't wait for Ye Tian to arrange a few soul beasts to devour him.

I want to come to Ye Tian to arrange the fourth level of the purpose, this is to improve the soul of the inheritor, not to be killed by the soul of a face, but did not expect Lu Xuan to have been with the soul before the fourth level I have dealt with it.

Lu Xuan thought, if it was to conduct this fourth check before the encounter with Bunno, it would be easier to deal with Bunno at the beginning, but fortunately, the emergence of Jianjing in time, helped Lu Xuan a big favor.

When I think of this, he is more determined. Once he has the opportunity to improve his strength, he must not let it go, because you never know what kind of enemy will be faced in the next moment. Just like the genius who created the starry sword, he never thought that he would Assassinated by the Soul, so that he regretted death.

"The fifth level, the opponent is a genius who is too imaginary. He used to be a genius in the past. He is called Fengfeng. He understands the law of time and the law of gold. He claims to be invincible under the same level. When I am too imaginary The challenge, the three swords will be heavy, the requirements of clearance, defeated him within three strokes with swordsmanship."

Ye Tian calmly announced the opponent of the fifth level, Lu Xuan was shocked by this pass requirement. Although he had dealt with many demon emperors, he did not fight against the Terran warriors of the Terran. He Hey, with his current swordsmanship, it is no problem to defeat the two warriors who are too imaginary. If the strength is exhausted, even a strong or triple-strong powerhouse can be a battle.

But even Ye Tian said that this dust is a genius, and it is said that there is no rival under the same level, which proves that the other side also has the strength of the more combat, not the kind of cultivation that has reached the virtual world for hundreds of years. The ordinary warrior can compare.

More importantly, Ye Tian asked him to defeat the other party within three strokes. This is the most demanding place. It is necessary to know that Ye Tian is also a genius, but his etheric and imaginary strength can be hit within three strokes. I am only a singularity, how can I fight?

But then Lu Xuan thought again, how can the resources that Ye Tian enjoyed at that time compare with himself?

I am pregnant with Taiyuan and Yuanxiao. I have such powerful skills as Tianjian Jiuzhong. I also enjoy the cultivation resources of Ye Dao Ge arranged by Ye Tian. If it is not under Ye Tian’s arrangement, Can't beat the other side in three strokes, talk about inheriting Ye Tian's last wish, revitalizing the Terran Terran, and removing the traitor's red dust?

Lu Xuan thought in this way, a young warrior has appeared in the front, in a white coat, holding a long gun, looks very chic, I want to come in the era of Ye Tian, ​​this dust is also a man of the storm, and I know if Ye Tian sees him unhappy, or if he is unhappy with the title of invincible under the same level, this is the lesson to teach him. Lu Xuan knows that Ye Tian is also a prodigal son when he was young.

At this time, the dust-proof gun tip shook and shouted: "A little cold!"

I saw the long gun in his hand, like a living creature, and stabbed it in an instant. The tip of the gun was flashing, and the sharpness was very sharp. It seemed as if you would be blinded by your eyes.

Lu Xuan was shocked by the heart, the law of gold!

Just Ye Tian said that this dust has realized the law of gold and the law of time, and this gun is undoubtedly the law of gold. After understanding the law of gold, every stroke will become extremely Sharp, unstoppable.

In the face of Feng Feng, this extremely sharp and sharp move, Lu Xuan did not dare to neglect, but also a big drink: "A sword!"

In the dusty Jiansha, the law of gold was contained in the trick of dusting. Lu Xuan’s sword was a fusion of himself and he only realized a little space law. Although he is still unable to break through the space barrier for the time being, it is enough to completely ignore the resistance of space and make a quick move.

After the dusty sword came first, the tip of the sword directly touched the tip of the dust. Lu Xuan thought that this sword could directly break the dust attack, but it did not expect that the power of the dust was thick, and it was not inferior to itself. .

And then followed by an incomparably sharp force directly along the body of the sword to Lu Xuan's body, clearly not stabbed by the dust, Lu Xuan feels as if his hand was stabbed in general, if not his own body Strong, he even suspected that the gun could directly hurt his meridians, which is the power of the Golden Rule.

This time, the fight, Lu Xuan not only did not get the upper hand, but also slightly ate a little loss, he suddenly awe-inspiring, Feng Dian dare to claim that there is no rival under the same level, absolutely has the corresponding ability, just this sword, It is enough to see his strength.

Lu Xuan naturally is not reconciled, the sword body turns, grabs the first move, and once again screams: "falling stars!"

A star-sword, a combination of the law of force and the law of space, extremely fast, extremely strong!

I saw the dusty sword flying fast and stabbed in the past, and I was about to hurt the dust, but at this time, Lu Xuan suddenly felt that the speed of his sword had become slower, but the dust was in the blink of an eye. Shot, a shot that couldn’t be imagined, the hard-won before Lu Xuan’s stab to him, blocked the falling star.

how is this possible? Lu Xuan’s heart was shocked. How could his gun be so fast?

Mindful thoughts, Lu Xuan suddenly understand, is the law, the law of time!

It’s not that the speed of his own moves has slowed down. It’s not that the gun that is dusting is too fast, but the power of the law of time. The hard-lived stretch of Lu Xuan’s thorns to the dust is so long that the dust can be completely Easily deal with it.

Perceived by the law of time, Lu Xuan suddenly changed his mind. Through these two temptations, he has probably been able to determine the strength of the dust. If he uses the sword, he may not be able to defeat it within three strokes. However, even if Lu Xuan can pass the customs, he will lose the opportunity to learn the rules of time by fighting the dust.

At the beginning, he touched the fur of some time rules from the hands of Luo Xianghan. Although Ye Tian’s feelings about the law of time were left in the Enlightenment Hall, Lu Xuan could also slowly realize his feelings, but how could it compare with the personal feelings? The strong man of the time rule is fighting?

More importantly, the second type of moon in the starry sky is related to the application of the law of time. At this moment, Lu Xuan has made a decision. He wants the dust to practice the sword. (To be continued~^~)

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