Sword Spirit

Chapter 818: Guiyuan Jiuzhong (second more)

I saw that Lu Xuan will gently lift the dusty sword. As the blade flicks, a glimmer of light shines gradually. It seems that all around it has become a night sky. It’s just a glimmer of light. The full moon appears.

With Lu Xuan screaming, the moon suddenly becomes crippled, and the power of the moon is so strong!

A Jianguang carried the power of the remnant moon and burst out. In the face of Lu Xun’s powerful blow, Feng Dian did not dare to have any slight scorn, and immediately shot with a long gun, but this time he shot like a dragon. However, he did not achieve the effect he imagined. He only heard a slamming sound, and the tip of the gun hit the tip of the sword. Lu Xuan did not move, but the dust was instantly repelled a few feet away.

Lu Xuan is not forgiving. Now he has realized the law of time, and it is not meaningful to fight with Feng Chen. It is time to pass this fifth level.

"The next day!" With the sound of Lu Xuan, the long sword pointed to the sky, a dazzling daylight appeared, and the dusty sword in his hand seemed to be transformed into the fiery sun at this moment. The sword immediately slammed down, and the next day The sword rushed away from the dust.

The dust-covered look was awe-inspiring, and the long sword swept away. He screamed: "The new moon swept!" As if to cut off all the gunshots, but in the face of Lu Xuan’s next day, he seemed to be somewhat incapable, inexhaustible. The guns were directly swallowed up by the next day, and then the whole person was swallowed up with the seal and disappeared without a trace.

For a time, the whole trial space was quiet, and Ye Tian’s voice slowly sounded: “The fifth pass, pass. Can defeat the dust within three strokes, prove that your strength is no less inferior to me. But in the real battle, you won't have a constant feeling of insight."

"The sixth level, the opponent is a strong democrat. The Mozu is also a unique race, born with a strong power, after cultivation. You can generate magic lines in the body, the body of the human body It is from the Mozu magic pattern, you have to face is a Samsung magic emperor, the equivalent of the trivial human genius, defeated with the strength of the body, can pass customs."

Wen Yan, Lu Xuan heart secretly, and sure enough, the fourth level is the soul. To exercise the power of your own soul, the fifth level is to deal with the genius of the virtual world, so that you can comprehend the power of the law. This sixth level is the turn of the Mozu, unless your body reaches a certain strength, otherwise it will not Will be the opponent of this Samsung magic emperor. At this moment, a handsome and beautiful Mozu man appeared in front of Lu Xuan, purple hair, purple. The tall figure, about Mobi Lu Xuan is also a head higher, so Lu Xuan is surprised. There is no long horn on his head. It seems that there are many different races among the Mozu, just like the soul and the animal shape.

"Flame of the Emperor!" The Mozu man sang low, and a strong flame emerged from the fist, and then the speed of the incomparably rushed, and punched Lu Xuan face.

When he noticed his speed, Lu Xuan couldn't help but be shocked. What kind of powerful body is this, even with the strength of the body can burst out of such a strong speed? Almost no worse than his thunder.

Not too late to dodge. Lu Xuan clenched his fists and slammed his shot. Give a big drink: "Golden flame burst!"


A huge burst of sound came, as if the entire space had shaken.

A moment of punch on the Mozu. Lu Xuan only felt an unbearable burning force wrapped his hands, and then more violent force slammed into his arms, the power of his own flames, as if it did not play a role.

With a bang, Lu Xuan directly squirted a **** retreat, and the feelings in his heart were hard to describe. Is this the strength of the Samsung Emperor? This kind of power is completely above himself. Compared with him, Lu Xuan feels like a three-year-old child, and he is an adult man.

The Mozu is one of the top races in the Tianyu region. This unique power is so powerful that it is hard to imagine. Even if it is the same realm, Lu Xuan believes that the Mozu is far better than the Terran.

Seeing that Lu Xuan did not die, the Mozu once again deceived himself, and the two fists came out together and shouted: "Explosive shot!"

Lu Xuan saw a wave of hands, a few silent sorrows appeared, and the brush ushered up, whether it was Lu Xuan's attack or the attack of the Mozu, it was extremely violent tricks, this time the trial space shocked More powerful, but Lu Xuan's power is better than this Mozu, although the Jingxin Lei offset some of the power, but the remaining power of the explosion has swept toward him, Lu Xuan was once again exploded by the force of the explosion, while the corner of the mouth A trace of blood has also flowed out.

"You can only try the last move." Lu Xuan thought, the dust sword was once again taken in his hands, and then the weight quickly increased.

This time, Lu Xuan did not let the demon first shot, but swiftly waved the dusty sword, and suddenly fell into a sword, it was the creation of the kendo magical power - force the mountains and rivers!

The dusty sword carries the endless power, and the strength has reached the maximum extent that Lu Xuan can send. In the face of such a powerful demon, he simply does not dare to keep it.

"The fire is supreme!" The Mozu man suddenly clenched his fists, and a raging flame blazed out. The extremely large force carried the power of the flames and slammed the sword of Lu Xuan without fear. Unlike the Souls, the Souls like ghosts and sneaks, but the Devils are the most admired of their strengths. In the face of the challenge of Lu Xuan, there will never be a partial weakness.

In the face of the strong resistance of the Mozu, Lu Xuan found that his sword was in the midst of half-empty, and he couldn’t keep it anymore. Then the Mozu screamed and slammed into force, and it turned out to be a attack, and a force followed. The body of the sword was introduced into Lu Xuan's body. A sudden pain came. Lu Xuan only felt the pain of the internal organs and the throat was sweet. He wanted to spurt blood.

At this moment, he was black, and even found himself in the assessment channel, apparently, in the sixth level, he lost.

Even if it is already in a safe place at this moment, recalling the power of the Mozu, Lu Xuan still couldn’t help but feel a little heart. A Samsung Moi has such a strong power, and the more powerful Mozu power can To what extent?

He couldn't help but think of the description of the versatile person in the body of Taiyi. After the refining of the body, a punch can break the sky, and one foot can be cracked. Now it seems that it is not a false word, a demon The power is so powerful. According to Ye Tian, ​​among the Mozu, there are strong people of the king level. Those who are at that level may only need to take a kick. The entire Tianjian continent Have to crack a slit.

Even his own strongest sword failed to hurt the demon. Lu Xuan has already dispelled the mind that continues to be at the moment, unless he can successfully consolidate the four-star gods, the power is comparable to the power of the virtual, otherwise It is absolutely impossible to defeat this Samsung soul emperor by virtue of the strength of the refining body.

Although he failed to pass the sixth level, Lu Xuan’s harvest has already been great. He defeated Li Wei, the soul family, and Feng Feng. He once again won three chances to go to the collection hall to collect the collection, and he got it from the soul family. A lot of soul power, have expanded their soul lake, and learned the law of time from the battle with Feng Chen, so that the power of the three-style sword is extremely powerful.

Turning away from the Temple of War, Lu Xuan is ready to digest the harvest of this time, although in the battle with Feng Dian, he has been constantly feeling, but that is only the perception of the law of time, in addition to this, The combat experience is also an extremely important part, and he noticed that his eighth Yuan Dan has grown a lot during this time, and may have the opportunity to break through to the Yuan Dynasty in this Heavenly Palace.

Back to the Enlightenment Court, A raccoon is still asleep, Lu Xuan has to admire the raccoon, he has been to this Emperor Palace for nearly three months, which is the feeling that the practice of spiritual practice is almost a month, practice It takes a month for the Star Wars to fight, and it takes another month to fight the Fengchen.

In the past three months, A raccoon has been sleeping almost all the time, especially after eating the demon of the demon, but it has been sleeping for two months.

"Hey!" Lu Xuan observed the status of the raccoon, but found that there was a furry fur ball behind the raccoon's buttocks. Look carefully, what is the hair ball, it is just a long growing tail!

Seeing this third tail, Lu Xuan was delighted to say: "A raccoon has already broken through to the third-order blood, and it seems that the benefits brought by the demon are really great."

A raccoon from birth to the present, but only two years, so shortly broke through to the third-order blood, even if it is a unique and powerful raccoon family, this speed is extremely amazing.

Lu Xuan was delighted to think that it seems that the raccoon is waking up soon, and the power of the demon should be almost digested.

Then he sat down next to the raccoon, throwing a few pieces of the best Yuanshi, laying a simple poly Yuan dynasty, holding two pieces of the best Yuanshi to start cultivation, and Taiyi returned to Yuanxiao to slowly move while absorbing Yuan. Li, Lu Xuan side of the harvest within three months.

After about five days, A raccoon suddenly moved, then opened the eyes of the sleepy eyes, and stretched out very smoothly, then it seemed to notice something different. Turning around and looking at it, the back of his **** was really more A tail. It was so excited that it jumped and jumped, and the body swayed, and the three raccoons appeared exactly the same.

It is about to tell Lu Xuan this good news, but found that Lu Xuan has been meticulously cultivated, but in desperation, Ashi can only play with himself.

Not long after, a burst of force fluctuations suddenly came from Lu Xuan's body, slowly swaying, A pirate surprised, the three figures instantly merged into one, looking at Lu Xuan.

Seeing Lu Xuan slowly open his eyes and exhale a pure spirit, A raccoon grinned and jumped on Lu Xuan’s shoulder. The tail continually swept away and said: “Xuan Ge, you broke through again. ?"

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