Sword Spirit

Chapter 819: Re-entry into the treasure house (third more)

"Yes, returning to the Yuanjiu is heavy!" Lu Xuan gripped his fist with force and his face was gratified. Although he also repaired the three veins, the strongest strength has always been the kendo, the long road is long, only The sword is companion, this is the lifelong portrayal of Jian Xiu.

Nowadays, the refinement of the gods and the breakthroughs will undoubtedly make his kendo strength more refined.

A raccoon congratulated two times, and couldn’t wait to raise his **** to Lu Xuan and said: “Xuan Ge, I reached the third-order blood, but the power here suppressed me, I can’t be a demon king.”

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "I saw it when you were sleeping. What kind of blood talent is this awakening?"

Listening to Lu Xuan mentioned talents, A-Chu, who always likes to show off, is not arrogant at this moment. Lu Xuan couldn’t help but be curious. It’s hard to wake up the third-order blood and not understand the blood talent. It is impossible according to the truth.

After Lu Xuan asked him several times in a row, Ashi was embarrassed and said weakly: "Charm..."

Lu Xuan heard a word, then laughed and charmed. This seems to be more suitable for women. He knows that A raccoon is a male fox...

Seeing Lu Xuan laughed loudly, A raccoon was annoyed, jumped to Lu Xuan’s head and grabbed his hair in a mess, while grabbing the threat of swearing: “No smile, no smile! What happened to the charm, I A raccoon is also very attractive!"

"Well, I don't laugh." Lu Xuan asked for mercy, but couldn't help but smile: "What effect does this charm have?"

"You will not tell you if you laugh again." A screaming voice.

Lu Xuan heard that he had a smile and he was very curious about this charm.

Seeing that Lu Xuan didn't smile, A raccoon said this: "Although the name of this talent is called charm, it can be used not only for the effect of charm, but also for some enemies whose soul power or blood power is not strong. After I am enchanted, I will completely obey my orders. Even if I can't be enchanted by me, but after my charm, my mind will be affected. I can't exert my full strength."

After listening to it, Lu Xuan could not help but secretly swear, this talent is very powerful. Can directly affect the strength of the enemy, if the enemy is not strong, it will completely obey the command of the raccoon, although it is not what attack talent. But the auxiliary effect is absolutely excellent.

"This talent is very good, the battle is changing rapidly. If you can charm the enemy at a crucial moment, you may be able to influence the outcome of a battle." Lu Xuan nodded.

After receiving Lu Xuan’s praise, A racco was satisfied, and it was again stunned. Said: "That is of course. I am not a general fox, and this is only the talent of the nine-tailed fox, and the dragon's talent I also awakened one, you see."

After the raccoon finished speaking, he would stretch his claws to Lu Xuan’s eyes. Lu Xuan only felt the fluctuation of the blood force of A raccoon, and then there appeared a sharp scale on the claw!

For this scale, Lu Xuan is no stranger to him. At the beginning, he burned the blood of Qinglong. This scale is also appearing on the body. This is a dragon scale and has a strong defense.

"This talent is called the dragon. If I push the blood of the whole force, I can grow this dragon scale all over the body." A raccoon revokes the power of the blood, and the small claws are immediately restored.

Lu Xuan nodded: "Your speed is extremely powerful, and you have mastered the ability to shuttle through the void. Now you have charm and dragon. I am afraid that no matter who wants to kill you is not so easy."

"Unfortunately, there is not enough powerful attacking talent, and I don't want to be a thief who flees." A raccoon said.

Lu Xuan laughed and angry. I took a picture on the head of A raccoon: "What kind of attack talent do you want? Your claws can ignore the defense. For the defensive races of the Yaozu and the Mozu, I am afraid that you are most afraid of this. Talented."

Lu Xuan said this, A raccoon was happy again, smiled and said: "Also, those who are demon, the defense is strong, I have to tear my fur in the past, Xuan Ge, when do we leave, I can't wait to be a demon king. After I became a demon king, I will be transformed, and I will change shape!"

Lu Xuan shook his head and said: "I am not in a hurry. I can now go to the collection hall and the treasure chest to pick up treasures. Before I leave, I will pick some things and say."

A raccoon suddenly jumped to Lu Xuan's shoulder and followed him to leave the Enlightenment Pavilion and walked toward the collection.

Lu Xuan in the Temple of War has broken through the three levels, and now he has won three selection opportunities. He is also hesitating to pick anything. Soul is enough for the time being, and martial arts is not lacking. Perhaps... you can pick a magical power.

Today, his supernatural powers are not many. Although Jin Yanfeng is good, but the lethality that can be caused can no longer keep up with Lu Xuan’s current strength needs, and the wall of thorns is a defense magical power, and the thunder and the sorrowful thunder are It's quite useful, but these two magical powers are all Raytheon. Now, the five lines of gods have reached Samsung. If you don't cultivate a proper magical power, it will be a waste.

Before he was in the battle with the Samsung Magic Emperor, although the Emperor seemed to only be a firepower, but the damage caused by it, Lu Xuan still remembers.

Thinking in my heart, Lu Xuan had already walked to the collection hall with a quick walk. After a glance, he walked directly to the place where the magical technique was placed.

After some selection, Lu Xuan finally saw a satisfactory supernatural power, named the five elements of the empty space. This magical power must be used by the five-line sculpt of the sculpt, because the power of the five elements is endless, and less In one ring, it is impossible to exert the true strength of the five elements.

"It's you." Lu Xuan did not hesitate, immediately opened the array, took the five elements out of the air, and now his five elements of the gods are the same strength, just to maximize the power of this supernatural power.

After the selection of Shentong, Lu Xuan had nothing to choose from. He stumbled around in this collection, and his eyes swept over a piece of martial arts. He never made a decision, not dissatisfied. It is not enough strength to be used.

"Well? The magic of the gods?" Lu Xuan’s footsteps suddenly stopped. The place where he stayed was the place where the charms were placed. Now he has not reached the virtual realm, and he can’t break the swordsman again. The seal of the seal, can not get the magic of the magic of the magic method and some magical techniques.

But now he is already a real mistress, although Lu Xuan is only focusing on his powerful soul power, but if he can get a magical instrument, I am afraid it will bring a lot of time at a crucial moment. help.

Hail eclipse, Tian Lei broke the military... All of them are attacking the gods, Lu Xuan shook his head, don't, don't move the diamond, defend the rune, don't, give up some of the gods, and finally have a The charm caused the attention of Lu Xuan.

The shadowless traces, covering the body shape with the power of the soul, instantly disappear from the original place, unless the power of the enemy soul is far better than you, otherwise it is difficult to find.

This is a good life-saving charm, perhaps not too much use in the face of the powerful Soul faction, but its own enemy may not necessarily only the Soul.

"Open!" Lu Xuan out of the channel, the protection of the shadowless array of methods suddenly opened, stretched out and copied, the shadowless disappearance is falling into the hands of Lu Xuan, a charm to hide his body shape I am afraid I can send it to people who are not very useful.

As for the last opportunity to use, Lu Xuan has already had a care in mind, and the film will be temporarily collected. Lu Xuan went directly to the place where the Gongfa was placed. Soon, he stopped before a battle. Down, used the last chance, took out a practice, the second half of the chaotic peony god, the heavenly method.

This method of practice, Lu Xuan is of course not used by himself, but to give it to each other. As for why Lu Xuan will waste a selection opportunity to give such a heavy treasure, then only know the land and know Lu Xuan know. .

After three chances to use up, Lu Xuan left the collection hall, but went to the Treasure Pavilion, this time, he was able to pick six treasures!

The treasures in the Treasure House are not comparable to the inner library of Xia Qi in the Kowloon Dynasty. Whether it is quality or quantity, it is far better than Xia Qi’s inner library. I am not qualified to enter here. It is almost impossible to find the medicinal herbs below the five grades.

Under the search of Lu Xuan, he discovered the second turn of the seven-story shouyuan banned Dan. At the beginning, he spent a lot of effort to help Xia Qi refining a life-long ban, and it was in the space of Jiulong Yulong. I was almost killed. Today, even in this treasure chest, I can’t find a fortune, and the last one is also the second.

Perhaps, you can consider picking some medicinal herbs. Lu Xuan secretly thought that nowadays the chaos is coming, he can't guarantee that he will be injured, and he can't guarantee that his relatives and friends will have an accident, such as the accident in the early summer, if not In the mystery of Zhi Xuanbing's mystery, Nie Dan, Xia Chenyi died early in the dead and dead.

After wandering around here, Lu Xuan finally selected two bottles of medicinal herbs, one bottle is purple gold jade liquid, and one bottle is Jinwuhua poison dan.

Among them, Zijin Yuye Lingdan is a top-grade eight-pin medicinal herb, which has excellent curative effect. Although it is no more than a true **** of life and death, it is also a rare remedy. Xuan had just tried it. He couldn’t take out the medicinal herbs of more than nine products, not to mention the Tianji medicinal herbs and Shendan.

Jinwuhua poisonous Dan is also a top-grade eight-pin medicinal herb. If you listen to the name, you will know that it is just a detoxification, and Lu Xuan also chooses a bottle to put it on the body, in case of emergency.

"There is only one?" Lu Xuan opened a bottle of two bottles of medicinal herbs and looked at it. He was very dissatisfied. He had seen a bottle. He was hopeful that at least two or three would be placed inside. Who knows that there is only one medicinal herb in a jade bottle. (To be continued~^~)

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