Sword Spirit

Chapter 820: Sad raccoon (first more)

When Lu Xuan was very reluctant to collect the two bottles of medicinal herbs, continue to check the rest of the treasures.

Unconsciously, Lu Xuan went to the place where many weapons were placed. He now has no weapons. The dust sword is the most powerful weapon, but he wants to choose a few weapons for the women. Lin Xinyi and others have not yet To reach the Yuanyuan, even a weapon that is too good can not be used. Now it is not urgent, and Chen Xiaohan is a spiritual teacher. There is no need for weapons. Only Zhao Binger and Xia Chenxi have a good weapon. Can greatly enhance the strength.

"Hey, sword array?" Lu Xuan slowly moved in a footstep, stopped in front of a sword array, the sword array is often composed of a number of handles or more long swords, with the same attributes, the effects complement each other, More rare than ordinary weapons.

"Flying Snow Xuanbing Jianzheng is made of Wannian Xuanbing. It consists of a long sword with a nine-handed top grade. The sword array is extremely powerful and suitable for use by the military who practiced ice-based exercises."

Looking at the introduction of this snow-covered Xuanbing sword array, Lu Xuan’s heart is a joy, this is simply tailor-made for Zhao Binger, the sword array composed of the nine-handed top grade treasures, the power is so great!

It’s you, Lu Xuan immediately made up his mind, waved open the array, took out the snow-covered Xuanbing sword array, and exudes the chill on the sword body. Wannian Xuan Bing is rare. With this With a set of swords, Zhao Binger is probably enough to deal with the six weapons of the Yuan Dynasty.

It is a pity that this set of flying snow Xuanbing Jianzhen only has one set. Otherwise, Lu Xuan would like to get another set for Xia Chenxi. After all, Xia Chenxi is also an ice-based practice.

Looking for a bit, Lu Xuan found that there is no suitable, Tianjie treasure he can not use, if it is a waste of opportunity but only pick a treasure on the floor, he feels that some is not worthwhile, the moment is a lasting, big deal The Xuan Bingfeng blood sword will be handed over to Xia Chenxi.

There are still three chances left. Lu Xuan picks up three big souls, and two of them are ready to be absorbed. With these two souls, the two soul lakes of their own should be able to rise to a thousand squares. By then, his soul power is equivalent to two one-star magicians.

And the last one. It is intended to be sent to Chen Xiaohan, so that she can reach the situation of the nine-star spirits as soon as possible, and strive to realize the achievement of the magical teacher.

After six times of complete use, the cultivation of the Emperor's Palace should come to an end. Lu Xuan is walking outside with a raccoon. A raccoon is naturally excited to dance and dance. It can't wait to become a demon king.

Breaking through the enchantment above the Emperor's Palace, the hurricane spirit boat instantly rises to the sky, without the restraint of the power of enchantment, A raccoon suddenly emerged a strong blood force. It has to break through.

At the moment, in the body of a raccoon. Endless demon power came together, gradually forming a solid demon, its golden fur became more lustrous, and the claws became more and more sharp.

After a successful breakthrough, A raccoon shouted with excitement: "Shaping!"

This time, it is no longer a bark, but a direct mouth to speak, it can finally communicate with humans other than Lu Xuan.

A raccoon imagined that he should be shaped, and opened his eyes after half a mile. However, Lu Xuan was still so tall, and his claws were still furry, and there was no change.

"What's wrong? The shape failed?" Lu Xuan could not help but ask.

A raccoon looked up and looked at Lu Xuan and said: "Xuan Ge, I just got the information from the blood, I, I can't transform..."

"Can't be shaped, why is this?" Lu Xuan asked again.

A sorrow jumped to Lu Xuan’s shoulder and smashed the tears to Lu Xuan’s body. Then he said: “This is what our raccoon is destined for. Because we also inherited the nine-tailed fox and the dragon. The power of the blood, although able to have the talent of two major races at the same time, is doomed to never be transformed."

Lu Xuanyi, I did not expect the shadow raccoon family to be a family that could not be transformed. The raccoon family was blessed with the power of the two strong families, but lost the opportunity to shape.

At the moment, he couldn't help but touch the head of A raccoon and comforted him: "Nothing, it doesn't change shape, it's actually...you are so cute."

A raccoon didn't talk, just sullen, and it was still full of expectations, but did not expect to fall to the bottom.

Lu Xuan is also helpless. This is what the raccoon is destined for. He has no way. It seems that God is fair, giving the raccoon a strong talent, but he can only maintain the original form of the raccoon.

However, A raccoon is also a heartless guy. Although he can't make a big impact on it, it quickly squats on Lu Xuan's shoulder and sleeps. Although it can't be shaped, at least it can communicate normally.

Lu Xuan rushed to the Chao Xuan Ice Court, which was flying in the sky. He stayed in the Emperor's Palace for three months. After a long time, I didn't know if the Souls had come out again, but from him. In the case of the situation, it seems to be normal, and there is no animal boom.

On the occasion of the hurricane flying, Lu Xuan took out a soul and began to merge. This soul is much larger than the one he got last time. The power of the soul is naturally strong. With the soul coming into the body, the soul lake in the eyebrows is expanding rapidly.

Soon, the two souls were crystallized by Lu Xuan, and his two soul lakes, as he expected, reached the range of a thousand feet. Although the distance was a little worse, it was almost the same. Enough is enough, the soul of the crystal is precious after all, it is a waste of filling the soul lake. Now that he has Soul Eater in his body, he only needs to devour two good souls, which is enough to achieve a perfection.

At this moment, there is still a long distance from Xuanbinge. Lu Xuan does not waste time. He sat in the hurricane and began to practice the film without a trace.

The shadowlessness is a sign of the soul, enshrining itself with the power of the soul, and integrating itself into the heavens and the earth to achieve the purpose of concealment. Unless the enemy’s soul is strong, or possess some means of detection, it can detect the soul. The fluctuation of force, otherwise, cannot be found at all.

Because the shadowless design is used in the application of the symbol, it is impossible to cultivate successfully before the achievement of the instrumentalist. Even if Lu Xuan has already realized the way, he wants to make a shadow without a trace, it is not So simple.

The practice of cultivating is also a process of understanding and understanding. Although Lu Xuan has already realized the way, he is not really completely mastered. Otherwise, he is not a genius, but a more powerful day. The teacher is out.

Fortunately, Lu Xuan’s understanding of Fu Dao is still very strong. The cultivation of one day, while deepening the understanding of Fu Dao, has gradually mastered the essence of the shadowless trace, his figure, not Know when, quietly disappeared from the hurricane, if anyone saw this scene, they would find that the raccoon was hanging and sleeping, it looked very strange.

Asleep, A raccoon woke up comfortably, unable to transform the sad mood, has already been thrown behind it, but soon it was looked around around the doubts, Xuan Ge, he is not clear Sleeping on his shoulders?

Standing up and coming to A raccoon, I found out that I was standing in the air, which made it startled, but soon it found that I was stepping on something under my feet. This feeling is clearly Xuan's shoulder.

Is it invisible?

A raccoon is very curious, look at the right and look at it. If it is not known that Lu Xuan is sitting there, I would never have thought that there would be a person there. Xuan Ge is getting more and more powerful. A singer can't help thinking.

Not long after, Lu Xuan woke up from the state of cultivation, dissipating the effect of the shadowless trace, and the figure suddenly appeared suddenly.

"Xuan Ge, what is this, is it fun? Can you teach me?" A raccoon asked.

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "You can't learn this. This is an application of the power of the soul. I am afraid that only the Soul and the Terran can use it. However, I can take you with you."

After mastering the shadowless trace, Lu Xuan knows that as long as his own soul is strong enough to wrap up a certain range of things, he can almost steal the whole one. He can almost do the whole hurricane now. Ling Zhou is concealed. Of course, the volatility brought by the Hurricane Ling Zhou flight is so strong that it will be detected at once.

But even so, the shadowless trace is also a rare powerful soul. The only drawback is that it is easy to be discovered in the face of the strong existence of the soul.

At this moment, under the rapid flight of Hurricane Lingzhou, Lu Xuan has unwittingly came to the boundary of Xuanbinge, not far from the front, is the sitting of Xuanbinge.

Lu Xuan has not made a sound, the front is a familiar voice, but it is still that Duan Geng is guarding the mountain gate, only to hear him shouting: "Come is Lu brother?"

"It's me, open the mountain gate." Seeing that Duan Geng recognized his own hurricane, Zhou Xuan no longer showed up, shouting directly.

"Welcome to Lu Shixiong back to the mountain." Duan Geng quickly responded with a bang, and quickly opened the mountain gate array, and the hurricane spirit boat suddenly passed.

Looking at the shadow of the hurricane, Zhou Geng could not help but sigh, this is how long it took, Lu Shixiong is so powerful, he still remembers, that Lu Xuan followed the Fengjianzong people to participate in the mysterious experience of Xuanbing At the time, he still wanted to see Luan Xuan, but now he wants to see Lu Xuan, it is difficult, people directly fly in the hurricane and fly over.

Fortunately, Lu’s brothers are large and do not care about what they have done before. If they change to the previous cold autumn, where can they continue to occupy the fatness of this mountain gate? Duan Geng felt secretly in his heart.

PS: Thanks to Hu Banxian for another reward!小宝鞠躬~敬礼~(To be continued~^~)

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