Sword Spirit

Chapter 821: Land of Seal (Second)

Entering the Xuanbing Pavilion, Lu Xuan took up the hurricane and took the thief down.

Lu Xuan’s popularity in Xuanbinge was not high. When he won the first secret of Xuanbing’s secrets, he became a dazzling light when he entered Zhao Ying’s door. Later, he defeated the cold and autumn in the pro-competition and let the disciples He was even more impressed with him, but compared with these things, what happened a year ago was the place that really shocked these disciples.

In the face of Nangong Shuo’s face, he killed the cold autumn, and Nangong Shuo and Su Chuan’an, both of the three elders of Xuanbingge, died. This almost caused the entire Xuanbing Pavilion to be confused. Lu Xuan’s actions, And the strength of the power, no one knows, no one knows.

Seeing Lu Xuan, some of the disciples who passed by did not dare to neglect, and they bowed to Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan’s disciples smiled and nodded, and even went to the Chaoyun Temple.

When I came to the Yunxuan Temple, Lu Xuan found the incomparably quiet. After shouting a few times, I saw a figure, but it was a duo.

Seeing the Du Kittens, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but have a good time. He quickly went up and asked: "The kitten sister, why don’t you see the master and Binger?"

When I heard Lu Xuan’s question, Du’s kitten was surprised. “Don’t you know? The masters went to Jiuhuameng half a month ago. It is said that something happened. I thought the master would call your."

Lu Xuan heard the words sinking in the heart, and immediately asked the voice: "What big thing?"

Du kitten shook his head: "I don't know. I am too weak now. I haven't reached the Yuanyuan. So the master didn't take me with me. I just went with the ice sister and the morning sister, right, small. Han has also gone."

"What about Xinyi and my sister?"

"They didn't go, you might as well look for them, maybe they know something, right, now the owner is also in the sect, I want to come to the owner is sure to know." Du kitten suggested.

Lu Xuan nodded and said nothing after the Du kittens. Go straight to the place where the core disciple is, and at the same time his thoughts are flashing and there are big things happening. If he is expected to be good, it will definitely be related to the soul.

After finding a few disciples to ask, Lu Xuan was inquired about the residence of several people in Lin Xinyi and immediately went directly.

Because of Lu Xuan's sake. Coupled with Zhao Ying's cover, Lin Xinyi's residence is undoubtedly excellent. Lin Xinyi and Zhang Dongshuang lived together in an independent yard. Now, after Lu Qiong came, three people lived together.

As soon as he walked into it, Lu Xuan saw two people practicing in the yard. It is Lu Qiong and Qin Yueyi.

"Sister. Yueyi." Lu Xuan shouted.

"Xiaoxuan?" Lu Qiong turned his head and was amazed. Then he took up the long sword and walked over to Lu Xuan. At this moment, she was sweating and sweating. It seems that she has been practicing for a long time.

"I have seen the master." Qin Yueyi is also a salute. At this moment, she is also tired of sweat, and her hair is soaked with sweat, but it seems to have a hint of beauty.

"You don't have to pay more." Lu Xuan waved his hand and then asked: "Xinyi and winter cool?"

"They are quieting in the house." Lu Qiong replied: "How have you been going so long this time, they wanted to find you last time. But I don't know where you went."

Lu Xuan nodded. "I came here for this matter. Do you know what they are doing to Jiuhua League?"

"They seem to have been notified by Jiuhuameng. They led to Jiuhua League under the leadership of Elder Zhao. What happened? They didn't tell me carefully. After all, I am too weak now and I can't help. "Lu Qiong shook his head helplessly and came to this Xuanbinge. She only knew that her strength was too low, and even Lu Xuan’s disciple Qin Yueyi could not match.

Speaking of which. Lu Qiong added: "You can rest assured that there is Zhao Elder with them. They will definitely not have anything. If you want to know the details, you may wish to go to the cabinet owner. He must know it. According to Chen Xi, the original It is the owner who informed Zhao that he is old."

Wen Yan, Lu Xuan no longer said more, it seems that I still have to find Wen Zhiyuan.

At the moment, he said: "If this is the case, then I will leave first, and you will practice with peace of mind."

"Hey, are you not sitting for a while?" Looking at the back of Lu Xuan, Lu Qiong shouted.

"No, I will go and find out the situation first." Lu Xuan head did not reply.

Lu Qiong heard a bitter smile, and Qin Yueyi, who was next to him, said: "My brother is born to be born for martial arts. Everything is said to do it, and I don't know how to rest."

Qin Yueyi grinned and said: "This is the real master. Otherwise, how can it be so young and so powerful? This kind of man is the most attractive. It is no wonder that so many teachers like the master. If I can find it like a master. The man is fine."

Lu Qiong heard a slight glimpse, turned to look at Qin Yueyi, but saw her eyes flashing a strange look, Lu Qiong could not help but move, Yueyi would not be...

Lu Xuan flew all the way, and soon came to Xuan Bing Ge, this Xuan Bing Ge, not the Xuan Bing Ge this sect, but refers to the place where the Xuan Bingge owner lived. On weekdays, Wen Zhiyuan did not stay in the house. Zongmen's, but now Nangongshuo and Su Chuan'an both are twins, and the world seems not so calm, he also had to sit in the Zongmen.

"The owner, Lu Xuan wants to see!" Standing outside the Xuanbing Pavilion, Lu Xuan shouted.

Then I saw the door of Xuanbinge’s door slamming open, and a light wind blew through it. Wen Zhiyuan’s figure was already in front of Lu Xuan’s body. Lu Xuan’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise, Wen Zhiyuan’s space law seemed to There is also a refined, I am afraid that the distance is not too far away.

"Haha, Lu Xuan, you have finally come back. I haven't seen you for so long. I thought you really didn't recognize me as the owner. Come, please." Wen Zhiyuan said very kindly, there was no such thing as Lu Xuan. And care.

He had already known about the things happening in Baihuacheng. He even knew that Lu Xuan’s strength is already above him. Where would he blame Lu Xuan? Moreover, the original thing was the cold autumn and the Nangong master. The mistake is first. As for Su Chuan'an, it can only be said that the fortune is not good.

“The court is very polite.” Lu Xuan smiled slightly and followed Wen Zhiyuan into the Xuanbinge. After sitting down, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but ask: “The owner can know what happened to my master’s trip to Jiuhua League. ?"

Wen Zhiyuan's look was slightly condensed, and then he said: "If you don't ask about this matter, I will tell you that Zhao was always ready to take you with you, but unfortunately you don't know where you are, so They can only take a step first. Now, I am afraid they have already entered."

Lu Xuan listened even more confused: "Go in? Where have you been?"

Wen Zhiyuan’s voice was low and he slowly said: “This matter involved a thousand years ago in Tianjian’s mainland. I didn’t know it. I didn’t know it until thousands of years ago. Some time ago, I was summoned by the Lord of the Jiuhua League, and we only learned the inside story."

"The owner asked." Lu Xuan Shen Sheng.

"According to the records in the Jiuhua League, before 10,000 years ago, I don’t know what happened. On the mainland of Tianjian, a group of people with great strength suddenly came. Perhaps they could not be called people because they were not human. It is the Mozu and the Soul." Wen Zhiyuan gradually began to talk about it.

Lu Xuan’s thoughts flashed rapidly. He suddenly remembered the scene he saw in Buon’s memory. The Mozu, the Soul, and the two races confronted the Emperor’s Palace. Could it be that it was the scene of 10,000 years ago? ? However, he did not interrupt Wen Zhiyuan's words, but quietly continued to listen.

"The strength of the Soul and the Mozu is extraordinary and powerful. At that time, the Jiuhua League already existed, but even the strong among the Jiuhua League is not their opponent at all, but fortunately, they seem to It’s not for the human race, it’s not taking the initiative to start with humans, but it’s about looking for something.”

"Finally, the Mozu and the Souls met, and the two races went straight to fight. The battle was so dark and dark. Finally, because the Souls were different, the Mozu defeated, fled and left, and did not know where to go. At this time, there was no Mozu. The threat, the soul of the people finally started to us, it is simply a disaster, countless human strongs were killed in that battle, in the face of this powerful soul who does not know where to come from The family and the Terran have no power to resist."

Speaking of this, Wen Zhiyuan shook his head: "It is precisely because of that battle that Tianjian mainland lost countless inheritances and exercises, which made many exercises and martial arts disappear, and they are in the heart of the human race, thinking that they will be destroyed. At that time, I finally came again, but this time, it is the strongman of the Terran!"

"The strong people from the Terran seem to be stronger than the Mozu and the Soul. Seeing that the Souls actually slaughtered the Terran of the Tianjian continent, immediately shot the people who killed the Soul, and faced the sudden rise of the Terran Power. The Souls are retreating, and the Terran above the Tianjian continent can be preserved."

"But those souls are indeed very different. Although they are not the opponents of the strong people, they suddenly hide all of them. Even the strong people of the human race can't find them. Finally, a woman shot, to be supreme. Strength, seal all the big places hidden by the soul family, and let them not leave."

Hearing this, Lu Xuan still roughly sorted out the clues. The Soul and the Mozu are sure to come for Tianjian and Taiyi to return to Yuanxiao. They started fighting first. After the defeat of the Mozu, the Souls must find that they could not break through. Ye Tian’s seal around the Emperor’s Palace, then turned to anger like the Terran.

I just didn't expect the Terran to come at this time. Instead, they killed them innumerable, forcing the Souls to hide only. The Terrans could not find them, they could only seal them. In the past ten thousand years, the power of the seal has certainly been reduced, but I did not expect that the souls are still not extinct, and the souls such as Buno are also fleeing from this seal. (To be continued~^~)

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