Sword Spirit

Chapter 822: Enter the seal land (first)

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan asked: "So, the masters are going to the seal?"

Wen Zhiyuan nodded: "Some time ago, some of the escaped souls were chaotic, which caused a wave of animals that affected the entire Tianjian continent. The lord guessed that the seal was loosened 10,000 years ago, which enabled them to escape. Come out, in order to avoid the rest of the soul family to escape, for the disaster of the mainland, he immediately decided to take the initiative to attack, led by many too strong and powerful, leading the martial arts to the land of the seal to kill the soul."

"But why are they going to go in the ice? I have some understanding of the strength of the soul family. It is really strong. They are only the strength of the Yuan Dynasty. I am afraid that there is no resistance to the soul." Lu Xuan Frown.

Wen Zhiyuan smiled and smiled: "Because the land of the seal has been sealed for 10,000 years, there are many rare treasures, and there is a place of great war in the past. I am afraid that there are still weapons left over from the gods. To be honest, if it is not limited to identity, I would like to go to the seal of the land to see if it is possible to find a breakthrough opportunity."

After a pause, Wen Zhiyuan said: "As for security issues, you don't have to worry too much. Too virtual warriors are the main force against the souls. As for the Yuanyuan warriors, they only deal with the soul slaves of the souls. However, Jiuhua League has already prepared for the potential enemy of the soul group for a long time. Every warrior who enters it will distribute a soul lock, which can resist the attack of the Soul to a certain extent."

"Even if this is the case, it is not safe. Once the Souls are fully committed to them, the soul lock can't be stopped." Lu Xuan shook his head gently, Buno's strength, he has a deep understanding, not what it is. The town soul lock can resist.

Wen Zhiyuan sighed: "Of course it will be dangerous, but for the potential benefits, adventure is also a must, warrior. Who is not dancing on the tip of the knife? Unfortunately, you were not there, if you are, with them Enter it. It will also protect them better."

After listening to Wen Zhiyuan, Lu Xuan suddenly could not sit still, Zhao Ying, Zhao Binger. Xia Chenxi, Chen Xiaohan three people have entered the seal of the land, of which Zhao Ying is his master, the three women are his woman, if they have something in the seal of the land, the consequences ... can not believe.

"The owner. Can you still enter the seal land? I want to go in." Lu Xuan broke the channel.

Wen Zhiyuan has a glimpse. Then he shook his head: "The seal of the seal land is too strong, even the souls can not be broken, even if it is the strength of a few strong five-piece sects, it will barely open a space channel, will everyone I’m sending it in, I’m afraid it’s already closed, and it won’t be reopened until three months later, pick them up.”

"Hey, I don't believe there is any place where I can't go." A raccoon stood on Lu Xuan's shoulder and said: "Xuan Ge. Let's go to the seal of the seal to see, seal the area, see how I am. Come and go."

Lu Xuan heard a smile, yes, the space channel is closed, it does not matter, but there is such a magic weapon, the ability of the empty shuttle, that is not everyone.

Now he asked again: "The owner, please tell me where the seal is, I want to see."

Wen Zhiyuan has a slight glimpse. Some strange look at the raccoon, Lu Xuan's this beast, do you still understand the space of surgery? Unless you have a deep understanding of the law of space, you can't do it if you want to pass through the seal.

However, since Lu Xuan wanted to try it, he suddenly said: "The land of the seal is in the westernmost part of the Jiuhua League. The nearest one is the four-pronged door of the Jiuhua League. You can From there, there is no transmission array to the Promise Gate in the Jiuhua League. Maybe you need to borrow the Baihua City. The Baihua City is the immediate town of Jiuhua League. There is a transmission array directly to the Promise Gate. ”

"Thank you for telling the owner, A raccoon, let's go." Lu Xuan clenched his fist and even stood up.

Wen Zhiyuan smiled and waved: "Don't worry, if you go from here to Baihua City, you have to fly to Shicheng to have a transmission array. It takes a lot of effort on the road. It feels like it is not flat today. The Ice Court also took a price to build a transmission array to Shicheng, and I will open it for you."

Lu Xuan heard great news and thanked Wen Zhiyuan again. In this way, he could hardly reach the seal land without spending any effort.

Under the leadership of Wen Zhiyuan, Lu Xuan quickly came to the new transmission array of Xuan Bingge with a raccoon. The cost of opening a long-distance transmission array was not small, but Wen Zhiyuan was not embarrassed. Lu Xuan opened once, and in a flash, Lu Xuan has already arrived in Shicheng.

After distinguishing the direction, Lu Xuan went to the Shicheng branch of the Peony Palace. If you want to go to Baihua City, you can only find the Peony Palace to help.

When I came to the Peony Palace, I heard a burst of laughter and laughter from Yan Yanyan. This is also the symbol of the Peony Palace. Lu Xuan strode into it, and several female disciples who are laughing are suddenly coming. He looked over.

"Sisters, in the Xuan Bingge disciple, want to borrow a valuable transmission array, the cost, Lu can be doubled." Lu Xuan slightly arched.

One of the female disciples stood up with a smile: "It turned out that Lu Gongzi, Lu Gongzi used a transmission array, and what compensation is needed."

Lu Xuan was awkward. I didn’t expect anyone here to know myself. A fox suspicion turned around and looked at Lu Xuan. When was this woman Xuan Ge hooked up?

"Do you know me?" Lu Xuan asked in confusion.

The woman smiled and said: "I am the teacher's sister. If the teacher took Lu Gongzi to visit the master in the Peony Palace, I was there, but I didn't notice it when I wanted to come to Lu."

Lu Xuan heard that he couldn’t help but feel a bit stunned. When there were so many female disciples in the Peony Palace, he remembered where he lived. Even if he could remember, he was too embarrassed to stare at the girls one by one.

Seeing Lu Xuanqi’s appearance, the female disciple immediately gave a silver bell-like laugh and said: “Lu Gongzi will come with me.”

"Thank you for the sister." Lu Xuan repeatedly thanked.

On the transfer array, Lu Xuan vaguely heard the women talking and laughing. The female disciple said before the few people joked: "Hey, sister, you won't be watching this Lu Gongzi?"

"Don't say, Lu Gongzi is a man who is a sister, I don't even dare to look at it."


The next moment, Lu Xuan has appeared in Baihua City, and he came to Baihua City to say it. Lu Xuan found Shen Rong. He heard that Lu Xuan wanted to use the transmission array. Shen Rong naturally had no answer. This time Lu Xuan saw it by the way. Mo is depressed, and I haven’t seen it for a few months. It’s changed and the momentum has changed. It seems that under Shen Rong’s guidance, progress has not been small.

"Lu Xuan, you have to be careful when you enter the land of the seal. In addition to the people of Jiuhua League, there are other people in the seal of the land. You must not only be careful about the soul. The family must also be wary of them." Shen Rong walked and squatted Lu Xuan Road.

"How do you say this?" Lu Xuan asked.

"There are five sects of the same family. Naturally, there are also grudges. As far as I know, the relationship between Jiuhua League and Wansha Island is good, but the relationship with the Eight Orthodox Temple and the Magic God is not good, especially the eight parties. The temple, I am afraid that the Jiuhua League is like a hatred."

Wansha Island, the Eight-Party Temple, the Miraculous Emperor, Lu Xuan secretly recorded the names of these five-category gates, especially the Eight-Party Temple and the Magical Emperor, which gave him a little more attention.

Shen Rong also informed Lu Xuan that he knew everything. Wansha Island is the maritime hegemon. The illusionist is good at illusion and soul. These two five-category sects have their own characteristics, and their strength is slightly inferior to Jiuhua League. However, the Eight Temples are at the same level as the Jiuhua League.

The reason why the Eight-Party Temple is called the Eight-Party is because the Eight-Party Temple is composed of eight families, three of which are dominant, namely Sikong, Nangong and Su, and the other five are Li, Yang. Home, Majia, Fangjia and Zhengjia, these eight families have their own strengths.

Lu Xuan remembers these ones that Shen Rong told him. This is the first time he has a detailed understanding of these five-category gates on Tianjian mainland.

After borrowing Baihua City, Lu Xuan finally came to the nearest Promise Gate in the seal land. The Promise Gate is the strongest of the four genres of the Jiuhua League. Lu Xuan guessed that this is probably the seal. The land can't be separated from the line, just as the stone city where the Emperor's Palace is located is also very prosperous.

A large number of warriors went to the seal land some time ago, which naturally attracted a lot of people's attention. However, in order to prevent the news of the existence of the soul family, the civil riots in Tianjian mainland, ordinary people and so on did not know what the seal land represented.

After Lu Xuan asked someone to inquire, he learned the specific location of the seal, and he was pleased that according to these people, Zhao Binger went to the seal land three days ago, which shows that he Did not delay too much time.

Master, Binger, wait, I am Lu Xuan! Lu Xuan sneaked a sigh, and the hurricane took a quick flight.

After flying for about half a day, A raccoon took a sniff and said: "Xuan Ge, I feel a sense of space fluctuations. It seems that the land of the seal is not far ahead."

Lu Xuan nodded and said: "This time I see you."

"Do not worry." A raccoon is eager to try.

In a short time, a gray and high barrier suddenly appeared in front of Lu Xuan, looking up, looking at the side, very high, very wide, no doubt, here is the land of the seal, and Wannian The former Soul is sealed by the human race.

Before going to this supreme barrier, Lu Xuan asked: "Can you go in?"

A raccoon felt it carefully and nodded hard. "Can, Xuan Ge, get ready!"

Immediately after a burst of space, Lu Xuan was covered, and the figure of him and A raccoon suddenly disappeared from the place.

Void shuttle! (To be continued~^~)

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