Sword Spirit

Chapter 824: Sandstorm (first more)

The three demons died in a while, and a few soul beads were bursting out. To escape, Lu Xuan had only had time to intercept the soul beads in the giant gerbil. As for the soul beads in the poison konjac, Unable to seize.

A raccoon has only grasped the soul beads of the red-sounding rattlesnake. In order to pass through this seal, it consumes a lot of blood, and at this moment, it is no longer possible to use the empty shuttle to capture the last soul bead.

"The soul bead is mine, the demon is yours." Lu Xuan began to distribute the spoils with the raccoon, and both of them took what they needed. When they were happy, they all rejoiced the soul of the giant gerbil and the poisonous konjac. I got out.

"Ah! Oh, damn! How is this kid so familiar with the means of my soul family? I even lost two soul beads!" I noticed that the three soul beads actually escaped only one, and the soul family suddenly became very angry.

I thought that the three-headed soul slaves were sent out, and Lu Xuan was a ten-nine-stable thing. Not only did the three powerful soul slaves die, but even the precious soul beads lost two. He may not know that he should be grateful that the power of the raccoon is excessively consumed, otherwise the three soul beads will not run.

After some venting, the soul fire in the eyes of the souls continued to burn, and the voice was low: "A tribe of the people who belong to the Yuan Dynasty, and dare to offend the deity, take the knife first!"

Under his control, some soul slaves distributed in the vicinity have attacked. This soul is ironic to kill Lu Xuan, and it is no wonder that he has aimed at Lu Xuan, although he has noticed that Many people have entered the land of seals, but they are all small teams and small teams, and there are also leaders who are too imaginary. Even if they are hands-on, I am afraid that the loss will not be small. Only Lu Xuan is alone. It is best to bully up.

Collapse the soul beads and the demon, Lu Xuan said: "Now that soul group is afraid that you and me will be regarded as stabbing in the eyes, and we must want to remove it and then we will quickly transfer the place."

A raccoon naturally has no opinion, Lu Xuan is not afraid of the soul family. Only the soul is dark now, and he is clear, but he is even less aware of the specific strength of the soul. Can't come hard.

The two speeded up and moved quickly through the desert world, but at this time, a very strong sandstorm suddenly appeared in the distance. The endless yellow sand forms a tornado that is extremely destructive, and as the sandstorm sweeps, the power becomes bigger and bigger, and it is simply overwhelming.

Perceived this change, Lu Xuan could not help but change, in the desert. The most embarrassing thing is sandstorms. The general warrior, I am afraid, will die directly in the sandstorm, even if it is a strong, even if it is not dead, it is better.

"It’s really a house leak and it’s raining all night." Lu Xuan gnawed his teeth: "Quickly withdraw, find a place to hide."

A raccoon is also awkward on the shoulders of Lu Xuan. This kind of natural disaster between heaven and earth, even if it is a warrior, does not dare to come.

This sandstorm spreads widely, and it is noticed that sandstorms occur, not just Lu Xuan. That is, the soul family also has some troubles. At that time, the person was indeed abhorrent. Not only did they seal them here, but they also made the entire seal land extremely harsh. Not only was it not suitable for cultivation, but it also had to cope with the natural disasters that came from time to time.

"Human boy, this time you are lucky, let you put a horse first!" The soul of the soul gnawed his teeth, facing the sandstorm, he did not dare to let the soul slave continue to search for Lu Xuan's trace. Otherwise, I am afraid that I could not find Lu Xuan, and I have already been buried in a sandstorm.

Lu Xuan ran fast with A raccoon, but the sandstorm swept faster and faster. He couldn’t help but think that it’s hard to make a serious storm. Although he is confident that he can survive the sandstorm, it also takes a lot of effort. Once he encounters the soul, it is dangerous.

"Xuan Ge, look, there is a mountain there!" A raccoon pointed to the side and shouted.

Lu Xuan turned his head and looked at it. Sure enough, there is a mountain that is not tall in the distance. It is very common in the outside world, but it is also a rare place in this desert. It is good to avoid sandstorms.

"Go!" Lu Xuan suddenly turned his direction and rushed over to the hillside. When he came to this hillside, he found that there was still a cave.

He couldn't help but feel happy. Has anyone already been here? He knows that Zhao Binger and others are more advanced than themselves to the land of this seal. This cave may have been opened up by the predecessors.

If you can meet people here, it would be better, just to explore the situation, when Lu Xuan no longer hesitated, with a raccoon directly into the cave.

The cave was not dry at all. In this desert, it was an excellent resting place. Slowly stepping into the cave, Lu Xuan shouted: "Is there anyone?"

His voice echoed in the cave, and did not get any echo. Lu Xuan suddenly frowned. Could it be that this is a naturally formed cave?

When he continued to walk inside, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, Lu Xuan was shocked, looked up, but saw the two groups of clear soul fire burning, is the soul!

"Hahaha, I still wanted to let you go. I didn't expect you to come to the door. It is really God who wants you to die. You have to die!" The soul clan laughed and listened to his words. Xuan started the soul of the soul.

Seeing the Soul, Lu Xuan was relaxed, and the enemy on the bright side was not terrible. Instead of being constantly targeted by the Soul, Lu Xuan was more willing to fight against him.

"It turned out to be you." Lu Xuan slowly uttered his voice. It is no wonder that in his perception, he did not notice anyone. It turned out that this soul is here. The soul of the soul is powerful and wants to avoid his perception. difficult.

"Yes, it is me, I have not absorbed the fresh soul for a long time. I am very happy to see you." The soul fire in the eyes of the souls is constantly flashing, and obviously wants to wait to absorb the soul of Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan heard a chuckle: "What is your name? Can you know Buno?"

The soul fire in the eyes of the soul group suddenly condensed, Shen Sheng said: "The deity is called Lar, who are you, how do you know Bueno?"

Lu Xuan slightly glimpsed, Buno adults? To put it this way, Buno’s identity is not ordinary. He wants to come too. Before Buno said that his strength will not retreat in a thousand years, I am afraid that during his heyday, it will be far more than the strength of the Five Stars.

However, Lu Xuan became even more relaxed. This Lal called Buno as an adult. I don’t even think about it. The strength is definitely inferior to Buno.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan showed a smile of joy, and said: "Your Bunun has become a part of my soul. I think, should you also learn from your family?"

Lalton was amazed: "Buno is dead? Impossible! Bueno is clearly out of here, he will definitely save us all!"

Lu Xuan shook his head: "Nothing is impossible, but you don't believe it, I can't help it. Let's offer your soul power first, Soul Eater!"

In the face of Lal, Lu Xuan actually took the initiative to launch an attack, and it was still a soul attack. A burst of soul power surged from Lu Xuan, and immediately hit Lal.

A Terran dare to cast a Soul Attack in front of the Soul, which is an insult to the Soul!

When Lalton was furious, the soul of the fire violently surging, and the same endless and powerful soul force spurted out and shouted: "Dare to show the power of the soul in front of my soul, you are looking for death! Souls, Give me up!"

The power of the soul released by Lal is obviously stronger than Lu Xuan. In an instant, Lu Xuan’s soul power not only failed to swallow the soul of Lal, but was suppressed by Lal.

"Human boy, I will remember you, I did not expect that the power of your soul is still so rich, if it is stronger, maybe I can return to the peak, hahahaha!" Lal burst into laughter, apparently Lu Xuan’s soul has been regarded as something in his bag.

At this moment, Lu Xuan is a evil evil and smiles: "Is it better to be stronger? Then I will do as you wish! Soul Eater!"

Under the shock of Lal, another huge force of soul emerged from the body of Lu Xuan, and the power of the soul before Lu Xuan was far stronger than him. At this moment, his soul power has been all It was caught by Lu Xuan and it was too late to withdraw.

In order to let Lal take the initiative to release the soul, Lu Xuan only released the power of half a soul lake before, but he has the soul of two whole soul lakes!

This is the power of the success of the Spirit Breaker. Even if Lu Xuan only has the soul level of the two-star ecs, the two soul lakes add up, almost comparable to the four-star genius.

At this moment, the soul of the two soul lakes is displayed at the same time. Where did Lal fight over Lu Xuan, both of them exerted the power of the soul, which is completely a game of soul power, but there is no doubt that Lu Xuan occupied Absolute advantage.

"You! How can you have such a profound soul!" Lal was shocked and angry. His soul was struggling at this moment, but he was suppressed by Lu Xuan, and he continued to swallow. He did not resist at all. The ability, he now faintly believes Lu Xuan before the words, Buno adults, I am afraid that this kid is really swallowed up, otherwise, he is a man who is not a return to the real world, how could have such a powerful soul.

"Swallowing!" Lu Xuan screamed, the power of the powerful soul forcibly wrapped the soul of Lal into the soul lake, and with the constant fluctuations of the soul lake, some distractions in the soul of Lal Suddenly washed, turned into a pure soul to fill the soul lake of Lu Xuan.

"Ah!" Lal’s painful screams, his pain now is no less inferior to when Lu Xuan was swallowed by Buno.

After a long while, Lal’s soul power was suddenly swallowed up by Lu Xuan. At this moment, Lal has been unable to fall to the ground. The soul and the human race are different. The soul force is everything for them. Now most of the soul power Lu Xuan swallowed, even if there are some soul power left in his body, but it is just a stretch of pain.

"Go to hell!" Lu Xuan took out a sword and suddenly pulled Lal directly into two paragraphs. Then a broken soul instantly detached from Lal's body and wanted to escape. But Lu Xuan knew the soul. These qualities of the family will let it escape.

There were more than a dozen meditation thunders between the waves, and the loud noise of the bang rang through the cave. The soul of Lal was completely annihilated under the bombardment of the treacherous thunder, and a two-star soul emperor fell to Lu Xuan. Hands. (To be continued~^~)

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