Sword Spirit

Chapter 825: Give me a roll! (second more)

"Well? This soul bead is still there?" Lu Xuan saw Lal's body next to him, there is still a soul bead.

This is obviously the soul of the poisonous konjac in the original. After being taken back by this Lal, it was not absorbed, but it was returned to Lu Xuan’s hands.

Collecting this soul bead, Lu Xuan turned to the raccoon and said: "A raccoon, you help me protect the law, I will first absorb the power of Lal's soul."

Although at this moment Lal's soul power has been swallowed by Lu Xuan into the soul lake, but he did not dare to take it lightly, lest Lal's remnant soul exist, and accidentally will cause a great disaster.

A raccoon promised, Lu Xuan immediately sat kneeling on the ground, the mind into his soul lake, carefully check Lal's remnant soul, this is one of the drawbacks of Soul Eater, although it can absorb the enemy's soul for himself It is used, but it is easy to have the soul of the enemy remaining, especially the soul race that is good at the soul, can not be careless.

Under some sweeping, Lu Xuan suddenly discovered that the part of the soul that came from Lal, there is actually the soul of Lal, and now he decisively mobilizes the soul and smashes toward Lal.

"Ah! Ah, the Terran Kid, you dare to kill me, the souls will definitely not let you go!" Lal’s remnant is constantly roaring, and now he has only one soul left, for the sake of At that time, he later seized Lu Xuan's body, but did not expect Lu Xuan to be so careful. After using the Soul Lake to wash away the distracting thoughts, he would go back and clean it again.

Lu Xuan simply ignored the scream of Lal. The Terran and the Souls were originally enemies. Now, Lal wants to leave the soul and harm him. How can he not clear it?

At this time, a female voice suddenly came from outside the cave: "Master Zheng Ping, look, there is a cave here!"

"Go, hurry in and avoid this **** sandstorm, and inform the masters to come over."

Someone came, and the raccoon was in a tight heart, but then he remembered that the Terran came in to deal with the Soul. And Xuan Ge is still practicing, let them advance to avoid it.

Immediately, Ashi went out and saw that two men and one woman had entered the cave. It immediately shouted at them: "Who are you?"

"Ah, there is a monster!" The woman screamed and quickly hid behind the man.

Seeing the woman like this, Zheng Ping’s heart is happy. This is a good time to show off his masculinity. Immediately, he took out a long sword and pointed at the raccoon and shouted: "Don't be afraid of the soft-sister, I am, the beast, I am not going to take it!"

A raccoon said: "I am not a monster, I am a beast. The companion of Xuan Bingge Lu Xuan. Who are you?"

"Xuanbingge? I haven't heard of it, your master, tell him to come out and talk." Seeing that the raccoon does not seem to be the monster in the land of this seal, Zheng Ping suddenly put up his long sword and pointed his hand.

A raccoon shook his head: "Xuange is practicing, since you are also coming to avoid the sandstorm, then stay here."

Zheng Ping sneered a sigh: "Our people are coming soon, a small cave, where to accommodate so many people. Hurry up and ask your master to roll away, find another place, otherwise don't blame us." ""

A raccoon couldn't help but widen his eyes. How can this person be so shameless? It is obvious that Xuan Ge killed the cave that Naral had just taken. It is already very generous to let them rest here. They still want to put themselves. Waiting for someone to drive away?

Zheng Ping may be used to being arrogant. When he saw that the raccoon did not speak, he walked in and out of himself.

A raccoon suddenly became angry, and the flying body stopped in front of Zheng Ping and said: "Don't go in. Xuan Ge is resting inside, and you are not allowed to bother."

Seeing that the raccoon dared to stop himself, Zheng Ping’s face suddenly sank and shouted: “Give me away, otherwise he will be the beast of you, kill together.”

On the side of the woman named Yirou said: "Zheng Shixiong, this little fox is so beautiful, is it catching me to be a pet?"

Zheng Ping reveals a smile: "Since Yirou's sister likes it, then as you said, little fox, my sister and sister look at you to be cute, and recognize my sister and sister, I will spare you a life."

A raccoon is even more angry, and pointed claws are revealed from the fingers: "You are deceiving too much. Now I change my mind and I am not allowed to rest here."

"Give your face your face, then I will take your skin down and make clothes!" Zheng Ping yelled, immediately urging Yuan Li, a long sword, a fierce sword smashed toward the raccoon, see This power, at least, has the strength to return to the Yuan Dynasty.

A scorpion figure flashed, easily escaped Zheng Ping's attack, the heart was more angry, thought, Xuan Ge said that he is not allowed to start with a good person, but the two people are definitely bad people, they are good to stay here, they actually Still want to kill myself, it can't stand it.

A raccoon instantly urged the blood of the blood, covered with a solid dragon scale, suddenly turned into a golden light and shadow, and in the middle of the air, the figure suddenly divided into three, from three directions toward Zheng Ping An attack was launched.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Ping could not help but be surprised. This little fox is powerful, not only the speed of the phantom.

He thought coldly in his heart, and this figure that was directly rushing to himself must be true. Immediately, a sword was shot, and one of the foxes slammed into the past. A raccoon flashed and avoided his attack, but in addition The two figures were already in front of Zheng Ping at this moment, and the sharp claws were unrelentingly drawn down.

"Ah!" Zheng Ping screamed, and his arms were left with a few deep scars, blood flow, and the wound was at least half an inch deep. These three figures are all true!

The three-headed raccoon reunited into one, and the raccoon yelled at Zheng Ping: "Give you a lesson, don't give me a roll, otherwise don't blame me."

Zheng Ping simply ignored the words of A raccoon, endured the pain, and the red eyes stared at the raccoon: "The **** fox, dare to hurt me! Do you know who I am? No one can save you today! Give me death. !"

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Ping once again did not know the life and death of the singer, and the sword swayed under the sword, and the endless swords slammed into the raccoon. This time the attack was obviously stronger than before, obviously it was already ironic. A raccoon kills.

"Sister Zheng, please be careful, don't kill this fox, give it a lesson, let it be my pet." The woman whispered.

A raccoon is more annoyed in the heart, these two people are really abominable, one wants to kill himself, one wants to seize himself as a pet, even if Xuan Ge did not treat himself as a pet.

Just facing Zheng Ping’s full force shot, A raccoon did not dare to neglect, the figure constantly flashed, and the dexterity was incomparable. It was actually that Zheng Ping’s swords were all escaping. At this time, A raccoon suddenly shot, in an instant. Attacked Zheng Ping.

Zheng Ping knew that the sharpness of the two claws of Ashi, hurriedly shot two swords to block the raccoon, but the raccoon did not evade, covering the front paws of the dragon scales, directly breaking the attack of Zheng Ping, the dragon The powerful defense brought is very powerful.


A few golden shadows passed from Zheng Ping's eyes, and then he felt a burning pain in his face. The soft-sister behind him was screaming: "Sister Zheng, your face..."

Zheng Ping shivered and reached for his face, but he touched the piece of flesh that turned up. A raccoon resented Zheng Ping’s dead hand. The place where the attack was not his arms, but directly directed at him. On the face, this is still the result of A thief's mercy, otherwise Zheng Ping can lie down as long as it is wiped on Zheng Ping's neck.

"Ah! You, you actually ruined my capacity!" Zheng Ping did not know what happened, the double pain of the physical and mental pain, the anger in his heart has burned, this little fox, he is necessary kill!

"Sister, come with me, kill this fox!" Zheng Ping screamed in anger and anger, and the shot was even more unrelenting. He simply gave up the strength of the usual twelve points, and the powerful swords that followed one another went toward the raccoon. The walls in the cave were slid by him.

That Yirou also knows that Zheng Ping is really angry. Even if he uses a panacea to cure the wound on his face, it will inevitably leave a mark. At least... she will not look at Zheng Ping, and she will try her best. Join forces to attack the raccoon.

In the face of the attack of two people, A raccoon can no longer find a mobile phone meeting, and can only continue to attack in the attack with an extraordinary speed, so that he will not be hurt.

"What happened?" A thick voice came from the cave, but Lu Xuan came out.

He was just awake, but he heard a loud fight from outside and immediately came out.

Seeing a man and a woman actually turned to A raccoon, and it seems to be fatal, obviously it is to cause the raccoon to die, Lu Xuan suddenly angry!

"Give me a hand!" Lu Xuan screamed, and with a big hand, a burst of force surged, and the swords that fluttered in the caves disappeared invisibly.

Zheng Ping turned his head and looked at Lu Xuan. He endured the pain from his face and pointed to Lu Xuan: "You are the owner of this fox? You killed this fox, and then you squandered Dan Tian. I will spare you." Life, otherwise, even kill you!"

Lu Xuan was extremely angry and laughed. When he came out, someone pointed his nose and let him kill the raccoon.

"A raccoon, what happened?" Lu Xuan asked.

A screaming sigh: "The two men want to come and avoid the sandstorm. I am kindly staying here. They are going to drive us away. I want to break into and disturb you. I will give the guy a lesson. Who? I know that he wants to kill me, but the woman still wants to catch me to be a pet. I can’t stand it. I scratched his face twice. Xuan Ge, you punish me.”

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Punny what you do, do a good job, in this world, not everyone is a good person, some people just face the face."

Then he turned to look at Zheng Ping and two people, cold voice: "Hurry to roll for me, how far is how far."

PS: Today is the birthday of Hu Tong Hu Banxian brothers. Xiao Bao is here to wish a half-birth happy birthday~ There are two thousand rewards in the first half of the fairy, and later Xiaobao will be added to the two chapters, which is half-hearted birthday! (To be continued~^~)

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