Sword Spirit

Chapter 831: Killing is you (second

Seeing that Lu Xuan was trapped by Dong Ruyi, Zheng Qi was overjoyed and suddenly accelerated. A fierce sword spurt out from the purple light, and wanted to kill Lu Xuan directly with a sword.

At this moment, Lu Xuan is fully urging the power of the gods to resist the powerful tearing force of Dong Ruyi's beam. When Zheng Qiwei took the opportunity to attack, his heart was furious, and the dusty sword slammed out and screamed: "Heaven and Man !"

The law of force, the power of kendo, all kinds of means were all made by Lu Xuan, and a sword was instantly sent out.

Only heard the sound of a crisp sound, Dong Ruyi's beam was suddenly broken by Lu Xuan, like an unbeatable sword, a meteor-like stab to Zheng Qiwei.

Zheng Qiwei was shocked and shocked. How could this sword be so strong? Even Dong Ruyi’s emptiness and killing of the ink were broken. At this moment, he only knew that when Lu Xuan dealt with him last time, he did not use all his strength. I am afraid this sword is the most powerful sword of Lu Xuan!


A burst of sound came, Zheng Qiwei's attack was not smashed by Lu Xuan, and the dusty sword rushed. The man moved with the sword and the sword took the pedestrian. Lu Xuan’s heart was full of enthusiasm. Before he had spared Zheng Qiwei. A life, but now he still dares to Dong Yiyi to do it to himself, even if he really wants to fall here today, but before that, he will also kill Zheng Qiwei!

"Sister Dong, save me!" Zheng Qi made a great noise. At this moment, he felt like an endless pressure to lock himself. As long as Lu Xuan stabbed, he would die!

The Zhengjia people and the illusionist disciples who watched the battle were also stunned. The Zheng family had seen Lu Xuan before. They thought that Zheng Qiwei deliberately released water. It turned out that Lu Xuan looked very powerful, but at the moment they I realized that Zheng Qiwei did not have any falsification at all. It is really that Lu Xuan’s strength is too strong, and it is strong enough to return to the Yuan Jiu Jiu’s strength and kill Zheng Qiwei, a powerful and powerful entity.

Zheng Ping’s gaze is even more shocking. This kid is only a little higher than him. But the strength shown at the moment is not something he can resist, he fully believes. I will not be the enemy of Lu Xuan.

"The kid is crazy!" Dong Ruyi screamed, and the illusion of God smashed the mirror, and several rays burst out, immediately sealing the direction of Lu Xuan. Following the sound of several explosions, Dong Ruyi’s attack slammed on the sword of Lu Xuan.

Although the combination of heaven and man is strong, it breaks Dong Ruyi's emptiness and kills the seal, and destroys Zheng Qiwei's disillusioned purple sword. Now the sword is weakened and finally blocked by Dong Ruyi.

Lu Xuan stood with a sword. Coldly watching Dong Ruyi and Zheng Qiwei two people said: "I want to kill me Lu Xuan. It is not so easy, even if I am going to die today, you will not want to retreat!"

Dong Ruyi sneered aloud: "You can't afford to see yourself too much. Before, I was a little stunned. If you have the strength of the early days of the virtual world, maybe I have to pay more and more, but you are in this area." The strength, in my eyes, is no different from the local chicken and dog. Today, let you see the illusion of my phantom Rakshasa!"

I saw Dong Ruyi's figure flashing slightly. Lu Xuan appeared in front of a dozen dozen Dong Ruyi, and a dozen figures fluttered the hands of the magical gods and smashed the mirror, and sighed out loudly: "Thousands of thousands of locks kill! ”

As she said this, a lot of different colors of light appeared over and over again, and Lu Xuan was trapped in it for a moment. Every light seemed to be a light of life, and the rapid rushing to Lu Xuan came.

As the light moves, the entire space seems to fluctuate. It’s like cutting this space all the time,

"Quiet thunder!" Lu Xuan screamed, the power of Lei Zhen's gods madly emerged, countless meditations thundered out, and the bursts of the explosion broke out, and the light from each attack was smashed to Lu Xuan.

Dong Ruyi saw Zheng Qiwei on the sidelines and said: "What are you waiting for, go up!"

"I..." Zheng Qiwei holds the sword of death. At this moment, there is no life-threatening mind. He has just been scared by Lu Xuan’s sword. He himself is a sword repairer. Naturally, he knows how powerful Lu Xuan’s sword is. That is no longer a kendo, but a heaven.

"I protect you, what are you afraid of, do you think he can kill you under my eyes? If you kill him, the three mysterious sand crystals before, I will give it to you." Dong Ruyi was angry, she The six strong people who are too imaginary, even the little boy who has returned to the Yuan Dynasty can’t get it for a long time, so what do the disciples under her look like?

I can only blame what she is best at is the way of the magical gods, and Lu Xuan is so powerful that she can’t do a good job with the magical way. She can only use the space to kill the land. Xuan, otherwise, how is she here?

When I heard Dong Ruyi's words, Zheng Qiwei began to be a bit eager to move. Dong Ruyi said it was good. Lu Xuan is even more powerful. What kind of waves can Dong Fanyi have in the face of the six-powerful and powerful? Just Dong Ruyi did not save himself, not to mention, now Lu Xuan is trapped in Dong Ruyi’s innumerable locks and shackles, and he is absolutely unable to deal with himself.

"Okay! Then I took his commandment!" Zheng Qiwei took a look at his heart and took a slap in the face of a sword. He rushed over to Lu Xuan, and this tens of thousands of shackles were under the control of Dong Ruyi. The spirituality of the general quick to give way to Zheng Qiwei will not hinder Zheng Qiwei's actions at half point.

"Phantom invisible sword!" Zheng Qiwei provoked the power of twelve points, and the sword of life was instantly turned into countless virtual shadows, in conjunction with Dong Ruyi's attack on Lu Xuan.

Seeing that Zheng Qiwei came over again, Lu Xuan was annoyed. Dong Ruyi was very difficult to deal with. Even if her magical way did not have any effect on herself, she was a six-strong powerhouse and a strength. Unfathomable, and now with a help from Zheng Qiwei, Lu Xuan was in an extremely dangerous situation.

"The field of kendo!" Lu Xuan screamed, and the endless swords swept out, instantly forming a kendo field, resisting the attack of Zheng Qiwei, and also guarding against Dong Ruyi's attack. Although the situation is in jeopardy, Lu Xuan is still tenacious. Supported.

The people below have already been shocked. This Lu Xuan really only has the strength of the Yuanjing. How does it look like a strong virtual person?

Not only is the strength of the power, the martial arts is strong, but it is also the realization of the kendo, and the attack of two powerful tyrants alone can be resisted. Among them, Dong Ruyi is too imaginary, which is what they see. The returning Yuan martial arts are completely different. They never thought that the Yuanyuan martial artists would have such strength.

Lu Xuan is thinking about this in a hurry at the moment, even if he has Taiyi Guiyuan in his body, he is very powerful, but how does it compare with the Taixu? In this way, the first thing that can't hold back is himself, not to mention that he is not sure whether Dong Ruyi's strength will stop there.

When Lu Xuan was worried, Dong Ruyi really had an action. She thought that Zheng Qiwei had joined the battle group and was able to quickly win Lu Xuan. Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan was not only powerful but also capable of engulfing her illusion attack. It is enough to withstand the tearing power of the emptiness and killing of the seal, and now there is a strong field of kendo.

"The illusion of God!" Dong Ruyi shouted loudly, and the illusion of the gods in the hands suddenly rose high. A powerful force wave appeared and felt this breath. Lu Xuan was shocked. This Dong Ruyi really had more The powerful means, just now, he has already supported the hard work. When Dong Ruyi makes a more powerful means, I am afraid that I really have to drink it.

Lu Xuan suddenly turned his eyes to Zheng Qiwei, even if he died, he must first pull a back!

Dong Ruyi is strong and strong, and there are a lot of cards, not so good, but Zheng Qiwei, mortal!

Because the power of Lei Zhen Shen Wen is also consumed almost, at this moment, Lu Xuan no longer condenses the meditation thunder, the dusty sword rises high, a thick and powerful force fluctuation appears from Lu Xuan, and the surrounding kendo field shrinks in an instant. The power of the endless kendo is all condensed on the dusty sword.

At this moment, Lu Xuan is like a sword, a sword with a sharp sword. The whole person is integrated with the dusty sword. Heaven and man are united. What you want is heaven, man, sword, and the three!

Thousands of shackles hit the rapid rushing Lu Luxuan attack, the phantom of the invisible sword is also shot from Lu Xuan, as if the next moment, Lu Xuan will be worn by Wan Jian, cut by the light.

At this point, Lu Xuan finally moved.

"Heaven - people - combined - one!" Lu Xuan burst into a burst of sound, the sound is deafening, as if he is not shouting, but the sky is shouting!

The same trick, the combination of heaven and man, the sword before, how to send a sword with Lu Xuan's collective strength?

An incomparably powerful, powerful to the soul of the sword that can not afford the slightest resistance, burst out, the inexhaustible light, the phantom of the invisible sword, has not touched Lu Xuan, It has been annihilated by the power of this sword, and this sword is directed at Zheng Qiwei!

This is the sword, Zheng Qiwei scalp fried for a time! This kid, how have you been staring at yourself?

"Sister Dong, save me!" Zheng Qiwei once again called for help, while the body quickly withdrew, but how fast is his speed to match the speed of heaven and man?


A burst of sound came, but Dong Ruyi’s face of the illusion of the gods shot a strong light, and the sly shot on the sword of Lu Xuan, this is her strongest illusion Surgery, strong attack power, can not be compared with thousands of locks.

Dong Ruyi’s attack was indeed very strong, but Lu Xuan’s mind was not waved at the moment, and he was unmoved. The swords of heaven and man were attacked by the illusion of the gods. The castration suddenly stopped, but it did not dissipate, but Followed by another, a beam of light burst out.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Qiwei laughed out loudly: "You are not killing me? I see how you kill me!"

"Meteor, catching the moon..." Lu Xuan whispered a voice, and the dusty sword was raised. It was also a sword that was not inferior to the combination of heaven and man, and attacked Zheng Qiwei. (To be continued~^~)

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