Sword Spirit

Chapter 832: Break into the sea of ​​the desert (first more)

At this moment, the swords of heaven and man are not scattered, but the meteor catches the moon, but it has already struck. The sword is whistling, like a meteor falling, bringing a long, bright sword.

The combination of man and nature has been very fast, but the meteor catches up with the moon but it is faster. In an instant, the meteor catches the moon and it has already rushed to the unity of heaven and man, and went straight to Zheng Qiwei.

Zheng Qiwei's pupil was instantly enlarged, staring at this type of meteor to catch up with the moon, his eyes full of horror and incredible color, Lu Xuan, there is still a sword!

Such a powerful martial arts, one style is enough to fight more and more, two styles, can kill the enemy!

"Don't you dare!" Dong Ruyi violently screamed, Lu Xuan's two swords are stronger than her imagination, the first style is full of her two illusions have not dissipated, and now this second style is actually Also rushed to Zheng Qiwei before the first style, even if she is, can not continue to protect Zheng Qiwei in this situation.

Lu Xuan looked indifferent and indifferent to Dong Ruyi's words. Dong Ruyi and Zheng Qiwei wanted to put him to death. He still has nothing to dare. If he has enough strength, he will not only kill Zheng Qiwei, but even Dong Ruyi will kill!

"Hey!" Jianqi instantly broke away. Although Dong Ruyi once again intercepted, but it was a slow step, only heard a bang, Zheng Qiwei's body before the meteor catching the moon, it seems like a fragile Tofu, instantly penetrated, a bloody, volcanic.

"Oh..." Zheng Qiwei made a faint voice in his throat, and he was cold. At this moment, he could clearly feel that his vitality was passing fast.

He is not reconciled. He is not a person who is a member of the Zheng family. He has not received much training since he was a child. He has been able to cultivate into a virtual environment. How much effort he has spent, how much effort he has made, how much he has done. People's business, but now, all this will turn into a loess. And it all. It is caused by Lu Xuan!

He died, and he should not let Lu Xuan be better! The vitality of a strong and powerful person is ultimately powerful. While still not completely losing consciousness, Zheng Qiwei suddenly provoked the power of the whole body, and the rapid rushing to Lu Xuan flew past.

"Explosion!" Zheng Qiwei issued the last voice in life.

A very powerful force fluctuation, suddenly came out from Zheng Qiwei. At this moment, he actually blew the god!

When the achievements of the military are too illusory, they need to be smashed from the Yuan Dan, and the strength of Yuan Dan is used to condense the gods, and to integrate their own laws and sensations into the gods, and this god. It is the source of all power in the virtual world. The reason why the emptiness of the martial arts can deal with the soul family is because of the existence of the god, the **** of the gods, just like the soul lake to the instrumentalist.

A force full of great destructive power, bursting with Zheng Qiwei’s body as the center, swiftly swept away around, as if to annihilate everything around him, to provoke the lethality of the gods, That is more powerful than the self-destructive acupoints and self-destructive Yuandan. In other words, that is the total strength of a sinister warrior. At that moment, all the liberties and martial arts could not achieve this effect.

"Damn!" Lu Xuan said in a dark voice, did not expect this Zheng Qiwei to see the death, even chose these desperate tricks, and now he is in the scope of Zheng Qiwei's self-destruction, undoubtedly the first.

And Dong Ruyi couldn’t help but see Zheng Qiwei who had died. Even more useful than living, Zheng Qiwei's self-destruction this time, can definitely cause great trouble to Lu Xuan.

"Disillusionment!" Dong Ruyi shot at the right time. This is a good time, she certainly can't miss it.

A few strong beams were instantly uploaded from Dong Ruyi’s illusion of the gods. With Zheng Qiwei’s self-destructive power, she attacked Lu Xuan. Her hand was nothing but a fire on the fire, falling down the stone, completely landed. Xuan went to the top of the world!

Unavoidable, Lu Xuan swayed his sword and screamed: "The next day!"

A flaming sun light appears like a sun rising, whether it is Zheng Qiwei’s self-destruction or Dong Ruyi’s illusion, the speed of this attack suddenly becomes slow, only this A sun, rising from the slightest hindrance, is the power of the law of time.


The light of the next day suddenly burst, this moment seems to be a catastrophe, a strong force burst around and Lu Lu has already played his strongest strength.

The next day is very strong. If Lu Xuan can fully exert the power of this style, even if Zheng Qiwei and Dong Ruyi can join hands, they can't help him, but unfortunately, Lu Xuan only realizes the law of time and the law of force. Only the power of the next day can be used to such an extent.

"Give me the fire!" Dong Ruyi screamed again, and the mirrors in his hands waved one after another. The powerful beams of one after another burst into Lu Xuan. The power of the next day could not withstand the arrogance of Zheng Qiwei and Dong Ruyi. Slammed in succession.

As the next day was broken, the sky was bombarded, and Lu Xuan was no longer able to resist. In a hurry, the dusty sword slammed out the five lines.

The power of the five elements of the gods is flowing, and it is endless. Finally, it stops at the power of the sacred earth gods. The power of the sacred earth is very powerful. It is not enough to resist the attack.

Just at the moment of Lu Xuan’s shot, a beam of light burst out and hit directly on the dusty sword. The power of the six-powered warrior is too virtual. Lu Xuan finally felt it positively, which is completely beyond what he can bear. The point.

He only felt as if he had a sledgehammer, and his hammer was on his chest. A blood spurted out and the body involuntarily fell back.

Lu Xuan hurriedly stabilized his body, but at this time, a tremendous force of swallowing suddenly came from below!

However, it was just hit by Dong Ruyi, and even directly hit Lu Xuan to the top of the desert sea! Under the circumstance, Lu Xuan couldn't resist it. If the power of the space around him was not blocked by Dong Ruyi, he might still rely on the emptiness of A raccoon to escape, but now A raccoon can't use the empty shuttle!

A raccoon is also very shocked at this moment, tightly clutching Lu Xuan's clothes, did not dare to relax, even the channel: "Xuan Ge, what to do?"

Lu Xuan gnawed his teeth out: "Gambling a hand, anyway, I don't think it is the opponent of Dong Ruyi. Instead of being killed by her, it is better to go under the sea of ​​the desert."

When I said this, Lu Xuan’s heart was also uneasy. The ghost knew what was going on underneath, and maybe he was killed alive in the desert sea.

Dong Ruyi was surprised to see this scene. She didn’t want Lu Xuan to be swallowed up by the desert sea. Otherwise, she would have to pay for it. Now Zheng Qiwei is dead, let alone Lu Xuan. The treasures on the body, even the mysterious sand crystals did not get.

Thinking of this, Dong Ruyi suddenly sent a suction to Lu Xuan to shoot in the past, wanting to save Lu Xuan, but aware of Dong Ruyi's action, Lu Xuan is a cold cry, he does not know what Dong Ruyi intends, he would rather Going to the sea of ​​this desert will never follow the wishes of Dong Ruyi.

For a time, Lu Xuan slashed a sword and forced Dong Ruyi's strength back. At the same time, with the help of this force, he suddenly sank into the desert sea, endless desert, and instantly drowned Lu Xuan.

"A raccoon, hold on to me!" Lu Xuan soul voiced, at this moment he is all around the sand, can not open the mouth, once the opening, under the pressure of this swallowing power, will instantly squeeze the endless sand Into his mouth, blocking his throat.

I don't need Lu Xuan to remind me that A raccoon does not dare to let Lu Xuan open. The sharp claws are hooked on Lu Xuan's clothes. Fortunately, although the power of engulfing is strong, it does not imprison their power. Lu Xuan operates. Taiyi returned to Yuanxiao, forcibly made a very small shield to protect himself from being infiltrated into his nose and ears by the sand.

But as the body continues to sink, Lu Xuan feels that this power of engulfing is getting stronger and stronger, and his power is almost completely unstoppable. He believes, let alone be himself, even if it is the strongest of the peaks. Here, I am afraid that it is completely impossible to resist.

What makes him even more horrible is that this desert sea seems to be a bottomless pit. It doesn't stop sinking. It seems that there is no end at all. I am afraid that I have not yet reached the bottom of the desert sea. I will be alive by this power. The squeezing and dying, for a time his heart is very incomparable, this desert sea is what made it, how could there be such a powerful force, compared with this, Dong Ruyi is nothing.

However, nowadays it is already deeply immersed in it. Lu Xuan thinks nothing more than nothing. He can only protect himself with all his strength. Maybe, there will be life in the next moment.

Finally, a burst of humming sound came, Lu Xuan's protective cover had been completely ruptured, and the endless tiny sand was desperately rushing into the ears of Lu Xuan and drilling into the nostrils. If Lu Xuan can no longer continue to resist, the next moment, he must be suffocated by life!

Lu Xuan’s thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly there was a movement, and suddenly he took out a bead. This is the space bead he got from Buno’s hand. Without any hesitation, Lu Xuan immediately urged it, followed by Later, he immediately entered the raccoon with a raccoon.

When I came to the space beads, Lu Xuan finally got a breather. A raccoon was also afraid for a while, but then Lu Xuan was a face, because he found that even the space formed by this space bead It is also impossible to withstand the squeeze of this swallowing power.

The space formed by the space bead is constantly deforming, and the space is constantly shrinking. When the space bead cannot resist, it will immediately shatter, and Lu Xuan and A raccoon will be smashed into the void. The horror of the emptiness of the void is definitely more terrible than the desert sea. (To be continued~^~)

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