Sword Spirit

: Understatement and April update

March is finally over. On April 1st, Xiao Bao first wished everyone a happy April Fool's Day.

First of all, I would like to thank all the brothers for their strong support last month. The monthly pass, the reward, and the subscription are all very powerful. In just one month, Xiaobao has won three lords, HYLiu Dad’s two hundred thousand rewards, and God. Rong and his brother, thank you very much.

The monthly ticket has also reached more than 220. Although it failed to rush into the top 100, it is also the month that Xiaobao has the most monthly ticket. Thanks to all the brothers who voted for Xiaobao, rewarded, and subscribed!

Last month, Xiaobao updated a total of 100 chapters. Although it still failed to finish all the owes, Xiaobao really did his best. If you remember well, this should be Xiaobao’s most updated. One month, I will give my applause first.

In the first half of the month, Xiaobao’s update is still more powerful. It’s often four, five or even six. But because it’s too much, there are more time for codewords, less time for plots, and the plot is not enough. The card is gone, and the continuous outbreak is indeed a little tired. In the second half of the month, it is really not explosive. Otherwise, Xiaobao should be able to finish the debt.

Today, Xiaobao still owes the Chapter 6 of the First League, the 10th chapter of the Japanese brother, the 3 chapters of the Shunshui good brothers, and the 10 chapters of the monthly ticket. In total, they owe a full 29 chapters. It is really debt-ridden.

I owe so much more, Xiaobao is also embarrassed to continue to ask for a monthly pass, but for the data is not too ugly, I hope that the brothers with monthly passes can still pick up one or two.

Wanshou still adds more, but Xiaobao has to owe it first, and slowly, the recent things are very incomparable, Xiaobao is not very smooth, but once there is time, Xiaobao will definitely add more, fight for this month. The owe will be all over, and the brothers don't have to worry about Xiaobao.

The other is... Recently, the weather in Changsha is really broken, and suddenly it is very hot. Xiaobao was very sad and reminded of the cold last night. Now it is still groggy. Today’s first chapter has been changed. Xiaobao can see the next Can not support the second chapter code out, if not coded out, it will accumulate to the inside.

Well, just say so much, and finally ask for monthly tickets and rewards, subscribe ~ Thanks to all the brothers for the support of Xiaobao!

Xiaobao thanks! (To be continued~^~)

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