Sword Spirit

Chapter 842: Old enemy reunion

Identity token? Lu Xuan was slightly stunned, and then he shook his head and said: "I didn't come in with you, so I don't have this thing."

Wen Yan, Wan Jingshan could not help but look at Lu Xuan deeply. He did not doubt Lu Xuan’s words, because Lu Xuan did not have the need to lie, but the land of the seal was a space channel that opened up with many powerful powers. Lu Xuan was able to come in on his own, showing how much mystery he had.

However, he did not ask much. This belongs to Lu Xuan’s personal privacy, but nodded: "No wonder you are alone, no one with the same elders."

Lu Xuan smiled and smiled: "Can the elders see me in the Xuan Bingge? I am also looking for them."

Wan Jingshan shook his head and said: "I have never encountered it. The land of this seal is quite large. It took me several days to walk the flame land again."

Lu Xuan did not report much hope. According to Bing Ling, the land of this seal is divided into seven major areas. Presumably, the Jiumen and other sects cannot be accurately positioned. The people who come in must be randomly transferred to the seven regions. Various parts of it.

Immediately after Lu Xuan turned over from Yu Chenghua's storage ring, he turned out a token, and Shen Shen sneaked into the token. Lu Xuan discovered a formation. Lu Xuan was a small figure in the battle. There are rumors, and a closer look is a preliminary judgment, this should be a communication class.

After thinking about it, Lu Xuan gently activated this method, and nothing happened, but immediately after that, he felt the token in his hand sway and gave a sound of sound, but someone was the same. Touching the array of the same token, Wan Jingshan could not help but be surprised to see this scene: "What are you doing?"

Lu Xuan smiled softly: "I inspired the array in the token, it seems that someone responded."

Get his own expected answer, Wan Jingshan could not help but smile and shake his head: "You really think that Yu Chenghua they are not coming fast enough, but also take the initiative to send them a signal to determine your location."

Lu Xuan haha ​​smiled: "It is better to wait for them to come. It is better to let them come faster. Also avoid wasting time."

Looking at Lu Xuan's confident look, Wan Jingshan's eyes flashed in a different light, but Lu Xuan really has any cards. Can you fight against the strong people who came to the illusion? It is just that no matter how he looks at it, he does not feel that he has the strength to deal with the strong in the mid-term.

Lu Xuan can outsmart that Yu Chenghua has already surpassed Wan Jingshan's expectations, but he also saw some clues. It seems that Lu Xuan has some way to deal with the magical illusion. However, Yu Chenghua is only too early in the virtual world. This time he dares to come again and definitely has a stronger helper.

Lu Xuan did not know the thoughts in Wan Jingshan's heart. After learning that the token in his hand could inform the people of the illusion of the gods, Lu Xuan's unscrupulous activation of the array method, the message was quickly transmitted.

And there is a distance from Lu Xuan. Yu Chenghua holds a new token. At this moment, the token is making a whistling sound, which makes people feel annoyed and annoyed. Yu Chenghua couldn’t help but be angry: "This kid is too arrogant, knowing that we are coming over, even dare to unscrupulously send out signals, he I don’t think I’m going to die fast enough!”

Dong Ruyi’s face was cold and indifferent: “Technology is not as good as people, there is nothing to say, even the fingers are cut off by three, really throwing my face of the illusion of God!”

I heard Dong Ruyi’s words. For a time, Yu Chenghua’s face turned red and forced to argue: “Only he cut two of them, and one of them was cut by myself.”

Dong Ruyi took a look at Yu Chenghua. Yu Chenghua didn’t dare to say it anymore. He was forced to cut his finger, which was more shameful than being cut off by others.

Dong Ruyi, exactly the helper Yu Chenghua found, in fact, at first he did not eagerly think about going back to revenge, but did not expect that he met Dong Ruyi in the middle of the road. After telling Dong Ruyi about his situation, Dong Ruyi immediately changed his face and immediately asked Yu Chenghua to take her to find Lu Xuan.

Yu Chenghua was naturally happy. Dong Ruyi’s identity was much higher than him, and he didn’t deal with it very well. He didn’t even expect Dong Ruyi to help him revenge. This time Dong Ruyi was so active, he was just outside his expectations.

However, what Yu Chenghua didn't know was that Dong Ruyi asked him to lead the way to find Lu Xuan, but not just to help him revenge, so Dong Ruyi was very shocked that Lu Xuan was still alive!

She was full of thought that Lu Xuan had died in the desert sea, so she could hand over the relics of Zheng Qiwei and Zheng Pingren to the Zheng family and invite the Zheng family, but Lu Xuan did not die, which is undoubtedly completely destroyed. Her plan, in her plan, Lu Xuan must die, only Lu Xuan died, she was able to push the evil line of killing Zheng Pingren to Lu Xuan without any hindrance.

It is precisely because of this that when Lu Xuan was still alive, Dong Ruyi could not wait to catch up.

"They are coming." Lu Xuan looked at the front with his eyes open and stopped the pattern of the token in his hand.

Wan Jingshan’s heart glimpsed and looked over there. He also perceives the atmosphere of Yu Chenghua’s group of people. One of them is very strong. He can’t even deal with Yu Chenghua. At this moment, he faces a stronger illusionist. Naturally, my heart is extremely upset.

"Hey! Is it her?" With Yu Chenghua and his party showing up, Lu Xuan first saw Dong Ruyi's figure.

Wan Jingshan gave a slight glimpse and asked: "Do you know the leader of the illusion of the gods?"

"Have a deal." Lu Xuan nodded slightly.

Wan Jingshan couldn’t help but feel happy, and said: "Since you know, it will be easier to do. Later, you will find her to talk about it and see if it can resolve the contradiction between Yu Chenghua and the government."

Lu Xuan heard the words suddenly and laughed. He knew that Wan Jingshan would be wrong with his intentions. He shook his head and said: "You want to be jealous. I said that I have dealt with it. It is just because I have played it. It is an enemy and a friend."

Wan Jingshan has a slogan, it seems that Lu Xuan has many enemies. Even the helpers Yu Chenghua has come across have been in conflict. This time, the new hatred is added together... I am afraid it will be a deadly battle.

After setting the god, Wan Jingshan asked again: "How do you get the conflict, how is her strength, how is the result of your last fight?"

"She? Hehe, with that Yu Chenghua, the first item, want to grab my treasure, but I am not an opponent, she was beaten." Lu Xuan said.

Wan Jingshan’s heart is even more worried. After the end, Yu Chenghua’s strength is now impaired and he should be able to deal with it. But Lu Xuan is not the woman’s opponent. How do you fight this? No, it can only continue to escape.

Lu Xuan noticed that Wanjingshan's look flashed. It should be planned how to escape when it was planned. Under the heart, he was prepared to scare Wanjingshan. He said: "The woman named Dong Ruyi is too virtual. Six strengths, in addition to the illusion of the road, but also good at the law of space, the chance to escape from her hand is very small."

"Ah?" Wanjingshan was really shocked. There are warriors who are good at the law of space. It is a very difficult thing to escape. To be a strong and powerful person, if you have a deep understanding of the space, you can even block it. One space.

At this moment, I was shocked by Wan Jingshan, because Dong Ruyi and Yu Chenghua and his party quickly came to Lu Xuan several people nearby.

Seeing Lu Xuan standing up and looking at himself quietly, Dong Ruyi could not help but sneer: "Lu Xuan, you are really a big life, fell into the desert sea and did not drown, but I have to look How do you escape this time!"

When Yu Chenghua heard Dong Ruyi’s words, he immediately responded. After a long time, Dong Ruyi did not come to revenge for himself. Instead, she and Lu Xuan had their own grievances.

Lu Xuan smiled softly: "Then you can hear it, if you don't die, you will have a blessing?"

“Well?” Dong Ruyi stared at him and carefully stared at Lu Xuandao: “Did you get the treasure again?”

Lu Xuan's eyebrows screamed: "Why, you want to grab it again? However, I am not afraid to tell you, Xuan Ling Shajing or something, but I got one or twenty. If I remember it well, you seem to need this stuff. ?"

During the talk, Lu Xuan took a few pieces of Xuan Ling Shajing from the storage ring and shook it. When he saw this scene, Wan Jingshan was speechless for a time. Lu Xuan was too arrogant, knowing that Dong Ruyi urgently needed this thing. I even dared to show it in front of her.

However, Dong Ruyi was suddenly rushing to breathe, staring at the Xuanling Shajing in Lu Xuan’s hands. The reason why she has not left the desert land is to continue to search for the mysterious sand crystal, but in addition to the desert sea, The rest of the place was not found, but now there are more than 20 in Lu Xuan’s hands!

With so many mysterious sand crystals, she can not only completely repair the illusion of the illusion, but also further strengthen its power!

"Very good, very good." Dong Ruyi took a deep breath and showed a smile: "Then I have to thank you before I kill you, help me find such a good thing."

Business and I will lift the sacred space. I am here.

"No need to remind, I will, give me life!" Dong Ruyi screamed, the illusion of the hands in the hands of a mirror, countless rays of light instantly lit up, instantly Lu Xuan and Wan Jingshan and others were all shrouded In it, people, she wants to kill, treasure, she also wants to take!

Seeing that Dong Ruyi finally started, Yu Chenghua could not help but lick his lips. He looked at Lu Xuan in a haze and made you arrogant. Now, you are not dying, even if Dong Ruyi does not specifically avenge him, but It is also a great thing to see Lu Xuan dead in front of himself.

Wan Jingshan's face changed and he quickly said: "Lu Xuan, what should I do?"

"A district Dong Yiyi, what fear, you can protect a few brothers of the cloud brother." Lu Xuan said coldly, then both hands lifted, a commonly infinite force suddenly rose from the desert! (To be continued~^~)

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