Sword Spirit

Chapter 843: The power of destruction (first more)

(If you want to hear more of your voice and want to receive more suggestions from you, search for WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to "Sword Spirit"!) Under the shock of everyone, The desert at the foot seems to have been smashed by Lu Xuan. As a whole, there are countless sands in the air. The strong earth power is unscrupulous, and the numerous rays radiated by Dong Ruyi are suddenly Completely broken by this force.

However, Lu Xuan was unsatisfactory, and he screamed, and the endless dust suddenly swept out, forming a small sandstorm, and fiercely rushed toward Dong Ruyi.

Dong Ruyi’s face couldn’t help but change, and the illusion of the gods took a glimpse of the mirror and shouted: “The void is broken!”

With a burst of light bursting out, a violent wave of space came, and at this moment, not far from the front of Dong Ruyi, there was a space crack!

A horrifying atmosphere came from the cracks in the space, and then a powerful attraction came in, instantly swallowing the sandstorm created by Lu Xuan, followed by the crack in the space. It was a quick closure, and Dong Ruyi couldn't help but smear a sweat on his forehead. Obviously, in order to exert this type of emptiness, it took her great strength.

As the sandstorm disappeared, the field was caught in a rare silence. Wan Jingshan and Dong Ruyi and others were shocked by the power displayed by Lu Xuan, and Lu Xuan was also very surprised by Dong Ruyi’s emptiness. .

The six-strong powerhouse of the virtual world is really extraordinary, and it can tear the void. Although it is only a moment, it is extremely powerful. Lu Xuan could not help but be glad that he fled to the desert sea in time. Otherwise, it must be Dong Ruyi. Give it to kill.

"The kid named Lu, I did not expect that within a short period of time, your strength is so strong. It seems that it was a wrong decision to directly display my strongest strength to kill you." Dong Ruyi's face is gloomy. Staring at Lu Xuan, she thought she could easily play Lu Xuan in the applause. Naturally, it will not use the full force, just as an elephant slams an ant, and will never step on it and still grind it.

But now, when she is thinking about making a full effort. Only to find that Lu Xuan could not be easily killed, but only to resist Lu Xuan’s attack.

Lu Xuan heard a smile: "I regret it? I am afraid it is late."

"Is it? Although I don't know what treasures you have, you can make such a powerful force, but do you think that Dong Ryuyi's phantom Rakshasa title is white? Fantasy!] Dong Ruyi sighs , once again waved the mirror in his hand.

The same is the illusion, but Lu Xuan feels it. Dong Ruyi's power of this shot. Far greater than the last time I played.

At that time, she did not put Lu Xuan in her eyes, not to mention that there was a Zheng Qiwei in the side, but now facing Lu Xuan, she no longer has any strength to hide, stimulating the power of 10 to 10 to make a magic God broke.

A white light shines from the illusion of the gods, and two strange forces are filled with this light. Lu Xuan stares closely at Dong Ruyi, quickly feeling the two strange forces.

One of the forces was quickly identified by him, which is the way of illusion. This is just a small path among the thousands of avenues. Moreover, Lu Xuan has a strong soul and is not afraid at all, but another force, even Lu Xuan, is also shocked.

This power is full of a devastating atmosphere, very violent, as if in front of this power, nothing can survive, even the world must be destroyed by this force.

"This... is it the way to destroy?" Lu Xuan hearted a wave of turmoil and destruction. It is also an avenue of nowhere, comparable to the law of light, and it is a strong law of attack!

The illusion of God? Yes, the illusion of God is the way of illusion, and the destruction is the way to destroy. Lu Xuan finally understands why the name of this move is called the illusion.

Although Dong Ruyi’s ruin is still very shallow, the law of destruction is so weak compared to the illusion, but it is the power of such a weak law of destruction. However, it is not inferior to Dong Ruyi’s magical law of the Dacheng. This is the gap between the avenue and the trail.

Lu Xuan still has a heart to analyze the greatness of Dong Ruyi's ruin, but Yunqi and others have been shivering. This is an instinctual fear, even if Dong Ruyi's attack is not directed at them, but only received This Yuwei's influence, they have been somewhat unsupported, they seem to feel that the end of the world is coming, they will be destroyed without the slightest resistance, and Wanjingshan has to release the power to replace Yunqi and others at this moment. Share the pressure, otherwise they will be seriously injured if they don't die.

Yunqi forcibly suppressed the fear of the heart and looked at Lu Xuan, who was dignified. He finally realized the gap between himself and Dong Ruyi and Lu Xuan. Dong Ruyi’s Yu Wei made him so unbearable, and as proof Lu Xuan, who bears this pressure, can cope with it, and the enchanting genius, Yun Qixin can't help thinking.

Of course, Lu Xuan can withstand the pressure of destruction. The first is because it is not the complete way of destruction, and the second is because he also feels that there are many roads that are not inferior to the way of destruction.

The kendo, the martial law, the law of force, the law of time, any one is enough to compare with the way of destruction, not to mention the fact that Lu Xuan is now in a chaotic land, and the chaotic soil is the supreme birth of the heavens and the earth. Earth treasures represent the supreme rules of the earth system. On this desert land caused by the chaotic soil, Lu Xuan is not afraid of anything!

Seeing Lu Xuan did not seem to have any unbearable performance, Dong Ruyi could not help but reveal a strange color: "Can you resist my pressure?"

Lu Xuan haha ​​smiled and said: "But I realized a trace of the ruin of the ruin. With this strength, I also want to use the pressure to convince me? However, I am very interested in your destruction."

Lu Xuan did not say any lie, the destruction of the road is extremely lethal, if he can understand the way of destruction, or even just a trace of fur like Dong Ruyi, the road of destruction is integrated into the starry sword, The power of the starry sword can definitely be upgraded to a higher level.

However, his words were heard in Dong Ruyi's ear, but it made her more angry. She showed the atmosphere of the destruction, just to shock Lu Xuan, but did not expect in the eyes of Lu Xuan. This is just a trick to watch.

"A good arrogant boy, since you are interested in the way of destruction, then I will let you taste its power! The illusion of God!" Dong Ruyi screamed, and the mirror in his hand turned. A beam of light filled with the path of destruction and the way of the illusion of God, slammed.

Although it is only the skin of the ruin, Dong Ruyi's strength has finally reached the six-fold virtual reality. The whole body Yuan Dan has been turned into a god, and the use of the power of the law is far stronger than Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan naturally did not dare to neglect.

The dusty sword suddenly rose. Lu Xuan screamed: "The star!"

The sword moves with the heart, and the Haoran kendo is added to the long sword. The law of time and the law of space spread, making this sword reach the extreme, but compared with these, the more powerful is the power brought by the chaos!

A sword shot, endless winds and sands swept up, everyone suddenly fell into a yellow desert world, in addition to Dong Ruyi's white light beam and Lu Xuanli's Jianguang. I can't see anything anymore.

A loud bang, the beam and the sword gas instantly collided, a strong force wave came, the endless wind and sand oscillated, Yunqi and other incompetent warriors, suddenly blown down a few feet away, suddenly A spurt of blood, not Wanjingshan does not want to protect them, but because Wanjingshan can only guarantee that they stand and do not fall.

Yun Qi looked up hard and looked at Lu Xuan with a blank look. How powerful is this? Just the aftermath, is enough to shake yourself off the blood?

At this moment, Lu Xuan did not have any thoughts about others. His whole thoughts were put into the battle. At the moment when Jianqi and the illusion of the gods collided, a destructive force with great destructive power fluctuated. With a powerful soul force, Lu Xuan has suddenly explored the power of this ruin with a trace of God's knowledge. He will explore the essence of this power of destruction!

His move was similar to the power of the years when he was positively exposed to Luo Xianghan, and he realized that the way of time has the same effect. All of them are in danger of taking risks and exploring the mystery of the law. Only Lu Xuan This kind of crazy person can only make such crazy moves.

"Hey!" A blood spurted out from Lu Xuan's mouth. He explored the gods in the power of destruction, and was instantly destroyed by the power of destruction. Under the damage of the mind, the body could not bear the load, and this was the mouth spit. Blood, but Lu Xuan is now quite strong, and the soul is also very full, this little injury, almost instantly recovered.

However, seeing Lu Xuan vomiting blood, Wan Jingshan and Yun Qi are a lot of people, but Lu Xuan did not fight this Dong Ruyi?

Dong Ruyi’s look is also very strange. She was attacked by Lu Xuan’s extremely strong sword. She was also uncomfortable in the chest and abdomen. She almost spurted blood, but the dignity of the martyrdom is not allowed to show her weakness. So she was able to withstand the impact of this shock.

But what she can't figure out is that she obviously feels that Lu Xuan is more powerful than her own attack. Why is Lu Xuan also injured?

However, Dong Ruyi soon found an explanation. In her opinion, Lu Xuan has only returned to the Yuanjing. The pressure that can withstand it is certainly less than that of himself. He is not good. Lu Xuan must also bear the harm of not being light. Hematemesis is the most Good evidence.

PS: Because of physical reasons, for two consecutive days, Xiaobao first said sorry, now Xiaobao’s owe reached 31 chapters. However, today, Tiange once again generously donated money and offered 20,000 rewards. Xiaobao owed thirty-three chapters.

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