Sword Spirit

Chapter 844: Real destruction! (second more)

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I thought that Dong Ruyi, who had a wonderful understanding of it, showed a sneer and looked at Lu Xuandao: "How does the taste of the law of destruction make you satisfied?"

Reaching out the blood of the corner of his mouth, Lu Xuan showed a bright smile: "Not bad, but unfortunately it is too weak. With this strength, I want to take the treasure from me. You can't seem to do it?"

Being ridiculed by Lu Xuan, Dong Ruyi was somewhat unsettled. Now she has come up with the strongest strength. If she still can't take Lu Xuan, it is undoubtedly a big fall, not to mention the disciple of Yu Shenzong and Yu Chenghua. This group of warriors from the Soul Hall looked at the side, as the strongest among the illusionists, can you accept this result?

"If this is the case, then look at your mouth is hard, or my illusion of God is harder!" Dong Ruyi snorted and screamed again.

Seeing that Dong Ruyi once again shot, Wan Jingshan was hurriedly with Yun Qi and others to retreat. Before they had realized the fierce battle between Lu Xuan and Dong Ruyi, this kind of intensity of fighting, he could not help any, only I can hope that Lu Xuan can fight Dong Ruyi.

Not only Wanjingshan, but also Yu Chenghua and so on, quickly evacuated the battle area of ​​Lu Xuan, and within a long time, only Lu Xuan and Dong Ruyi were left.

The strength of the two sides seems to be so unbalanced. One side is too imaginary, while the other side only has a return to the Yuan. The two sides of the battle are so strange that they do not feel the slightest disharmony because they are clear. Understand that Lu Xuan has the qualification to stand in front of Dong Ruyi.

工具: forecast of dysfunction of Dongruyi. The phantoms of dying dying are affected. Lu Xuan is only able to return to the Yuan Jingjing six, even if it is to fight consumption, can live to Lu Xuan consumption.

But my heart is thinking about it. However, Dong Ruyi felt very wrong. In the face of a small returning child, he was forced to use this method to win.

Looking at the illusion of the illusion of the gods, the greed of Lu Xuan’s eyes flashed. It doesn't look like it is facing an attack that kills countless powerful people. Instead, it is like a wolf who sees food.

Yes, Dong Ruyi’s law of destruction is a food in Lu Xuan’s view, a food that is enough to make himself more fulfilling!

Although the moment when his gods entered the law of destruction, they were destroyed by the power of destruction. But don't forget. Lu Xuan has already realized the law of time. For a moment, it is enough for him to carefully understand the meaning of the law of destruction.

However, the power of the law is certainly not so obvious. Lu Xuan must try again and again and feel the power of destruction before he can truly understand it. Therefore, Dong Ruyi in front of him is a feeding.

I saw that Lu Xuan was a sword. With the power of chaos, it is not difficult to resist, even breaking Dong Ruyi's attack. At the same time, his knowledge is once again in the power of destruction. In an instant, Lu Xuan once again spurted a blood. This time it was more sprayed than before, because this time he explored deeper and suffered more trauma.

Only Lu Xuan is a person who is extremely powerful and physically strong. I dare to do this. Otherwise, the trauma of these two minds alone will be enough to reduce Lu Xuan’s strength.

However, his performance in the eyes of Dong Ruyi is naturally a sign that Lu Xuan can't hold back. When thinking about this, Dong Ruyi is equally uncomfortable, but his mouth is showing a cold smile. If this continues, Lu Xuan definitely wants Fall down before yourself!

At the moment, she is no longer nonsense, and she wants to defeat Lu Xuan with a bang. After a disillusionment, it is followed by another. Although this will increase her load, she believes Lu Xuan will be more uncomfortable. .

"Let's come!" Lu Xuan laughed, not afraid at all, the dusty sword swayed freely, but the blood was constantly spurting out. In the face of such a fierce attack by Dong Ruyi, even the effort to wipe the blood was gone, soon On the clothes of Lu Xuan, it was full of blood, and it looked a bit shocking.

Wan Jingshan and Yunqi’s hearts are getting more and more worried. Looking at Lu Xuan’s blood and his clothes, Wan Jingshan couldn’t help but whisper: “When it’s over, Lu Xuan is not Dong Ruyi’s opponent, so go on, Lu Xuan wants It was consumed by her to live!"

Yunqi swallowed and said: "Don't worry, Lu Xuan has been vomiting blood constantly, but his momentum has not weakened. On the contrary, Dong Ruyi seems to be somewhat imposing, and again, three or three. Exhausted, I have a feeling of faintness. It seems that Dong Ruyi is not an opponent of Lu Xuan."

With this conclusion, Yun Qi himself has some unbelievable, too strong and six strong, will be lost to the Yuan Wu Jiu Jiuwu? But his instincts told him that this is the truth.

Wan Qishan said that Wan Jingshan seems to think that he is a bit reasonable. Although it seems that Dong Ruyi has always had the upper hand, the momentum of both sides has changed differently. Lu Xuan has maintained this momentum, and Dong Ruyi has begun. It seems that there is a little power.

At this moment, Dong Ruyi’s heart is also a little anxious. This kid, how to fight like this, although the magical destructive technique is powerful, but it is also very expensive for her consumption. Although Lu Xuan looks very embarrassed, it seems that there is no substantial damage at all. .

Now Lu Xuan is completely indifferent, and wholeheartedly devoted to the perception of the power of destruction, destruction is a very dark energy, the owner has a strong negative atmosphere, because this force wants to do, It is to destroy and destroy a thing, it is definitely easier than producing one.

Because of destruction, this force is very violent, and even enough to affect the mind of the person. If you can't control the power of destruction, it will make people become extreme and even lose their senses.

In fact, Lu Xuan did not know that Dong Ruyi was called the Mirage Raksha, and he was acting arrogantly. It was caused by the power of destruction. If she realized the way of destruction, Perhaps okay, but unfortunately she only realized a trace of fur, but used it unscrupulously.

Feeling the destructive power of Dong Ruyi's move, Lu Xuan's mind constantly emerged as a scene, the landslides and the blood flow into the river, countless great mountains and rivers turned into ruins and scorched earth, countless family families broke...

All of this, Lu Xuan is shocked, is this destruction?

Lu Xuan is silent. He doesn't know if he wants to comprehend the power of this destruction, but at this time, Lu Xuan thinks about the animal tide seen some time ago, under the iron hoof of the animal tide, the human home. All were broken, countless deaths and injuries, and this is also destruction, but he killed many demons and killed Buno, which is also destroyed!

To destroy, to destroy, this is the king!

The power of destruction, as long as it is held by a just person, is the power of justice!

Use this power of destruction to destroy those who want to destroy all the good things!

Lu Xuan suddenly looked up, his eyes became incomparably deep, as if it contained countless things that could not be seen through, and a mighty gas swayed from Lu Xuan's body! This is the power of his Haoran kendo, but at this moment, this powerful power has become extremely fierce, because a force that belongs to destruction is doped in it, and the power of destruction is exercised with great power!

"The falling star!" A sigh of sighs from Lu Xuan's mouth, the power of Hao Hao's kendo swells out, extremely fast, a strong sword appears, but unlike the past, this sword at the moment, The carrier has a ruin of breath.

The meteor is beautiful, but at the moment of its fall, under the impact of infinite power, it will cause devastating disasters. This way of destruction should be the essence of the fall of the stars, with the law of destruction. The fusion of the falling stars is the real fall star!

The yellow sand wrapped around the sword, and Dong Ruyi burst into the air. Dong Ruyi’s eyes suddenly widened. What did she feel? That is... the power of destruction!

Dong Ruyi almost thought that she felt wrong, but her consciousness really told her that this is true. This power of destruction is not what she sent out, but Lu Xuan who has been bearing this power.

In the face of this powerful trick than the previous few stars, Dong Ruyi’s heart of warnings suddenly rose to the extreme, and the illusion of the gods rushed to the mirror, almost screaming: "Void!"

A torn hollow has reappeared!

However, the scene that Dong Ruyi expected had appeared. The crack in this space that had just appeared was destroyed under the impact of Lu Xuan’s power!

Lu Xuan gave Dong Ruyi a profound lesson. This is the real destruction. Even if it is a space crack, it can be destroyed!

The way of destruction of Dong Ruyi's sentiment is only the most basic destruction, destroying everything in the world, so she only understands the fur, but the road to destruction is one of the heavens and the earth, how could it be such unscrupulous destruction? In fact, Lu Xuan realized what is truly the way to destruction, and the power of justice to the power of destruction.

Lu Xuan’s sudden counterattack made everyone look at it. Lu Xuan was beaten by Dong Ruyi at the moment, and it was full of blood. But now, Lu Xuan’s shot, even Dong Ruyi’s void is destroyed. It’s unbelievable, and it’s the power of destruction that Dong Ruyi used.

"This...what is this talent? In the battle, can you steal the enemy's law?" Wan Jingshan shocked the voice: "Lu Xuan this talent, simply called enchanting! No, not to be called, is true Demon!" (My novel "Sword Spirit" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there is also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" in the upper right to add friends ", search the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (to be continued ~ ^ ~)

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