Sword Spirit

Chapter 846: Leave you a life

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In the face of Lu Xuan's unprecedented powerful sword, Dong Ruyi couldn't take care of his injuries, and the powerful momentum of the six-fold virtual environment suddenly broke out. He screamed: "The void is broken!"

A shot, Dong Ruyi could not help but spurt a blood, she was hurt too much, and now forced to display the strongest attack, has already exceeded the load that her body can bear, but at this moment, the space is once again forced by Dong Ruyi Opening a crack, the horrible breath emerged from it, but unfortunately this time, the void crack still failed to bring any threat to Lu Xuan.

With the blessing of the power of the desert land, Lu Xuan’s power to unite heaven and man has reached an unprecedented level of strength. The yellow sand is rolling, the sword is like a rainbow, and it’s the small space crack that Dong Ruyi can make. of?

The sword gas swept through like a yellow dragon, and the crack in the space was instantly crushed and crushed. The space suddenly returned to its original state, and the remaining strength of the sword was not enough, and it quickly attacked Dong Ruyi.

When Dong Ruyi saw a big change in his face, he was infused with the unreserved infusion into the illusion of the gods, and a few bright eyes burst out, and the sword of the Lu Xuxuan brushed away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A number of loud noises came violently. This time, the movements caused by Lu Xuan and Dong Ruyi were more powerful than before. Yu Chenghua, a group closer to Dong Ruyi, was directly overturned!

Before Lu Xuan did not use all his strength, now he has learned a law of destruction from Dong Ruyi's hands, and there is no need to continue to entangle it. His purpose is to kill Dong Ruyi.

"Hey!" Dong Ruyi retired again. The blood spurted out like a big money. She almost felt that her breathing was a little difficult. The blood she spurted out was estimated to be enough compared with Lu Xuan, but Lu Xuan It doesn't look like much damage. However, Dong Ruyi clearly understands that his body has been destroyed extremely badly, let alone defeat Lu Xuan, even Lu Xuan once again attacked this level. Whether she can pick it up or not, is still unknown.

Thinking of this, Dong Ruyi quickly wiped out the blood of his mouth and stared at Lu Xuan Li. "Zizi. Do you really want to be an enemy of our illusion? You can think clearly, if you really anger my illusion Shenzong, even the Jiuhua League can't protect you! I don't believe that Jiuhua League will be willing to make a four-piece squad for you in this district!"

It is said that Wanjingshan’s lips are slightly shaking and seem to want to say something. But in the end, there was no opening. He wants to persuade Lu Xuan to forget, after all, behind Dong Ruyi is a giant behemoth. However, now Lu Xuan's strength is so strong, Wan Jingshan believes that he also has his own considerations.

Just listen to Lu Xuan’s cold voice: “I’m against you with the illusion of the gods? It seems that you’re the first to provoke grudges. Are you Dong Ruyi? If you are strong, you dare to bully and kill me. Now I have the upper hand and can’t take it. How are you, how can such a good thing happen under the sun! Want to live. Come and come up with your skills! Heaven and man are one!"

Lu Xuan does not want to pay more attention to Dong Ruyi, he wants to beat the dog!

It was a very strong sword. This time, Dong Ruyi did not dare to resist it anymore. Her own physical condition was clear to her. If she used the power of emptiness and destruction, I would not need Lu Xuan to do it. Has been scrapped half.

"The phantom is gone!" Dong Ruyi screamed, and the whole person hurriedly fled outside, leaving countless phantoms. She actually wanted to leave Yu Chenghua and other people who were illusory. Run alone.

Dong Ruyi is not a good person, and he will put other people's lives and deaths on the mind, not to mention that she is now difficult to protect herself, so that she can risk saving people, it is simply a fantasy.

Seeing Dong Ruyi's body escape, Lu Xuan eyes condensed, and the dusty sword swayed again and shouted: "The moon!"

A round of bright moons appeared quietly. At this moment, it seems that the whole world has become slower. The only thing that has no effect is Lu Xuan, and the sword that rushed away.

Dong Ruyi suddenly found that the speed of his escape was so slow. This kid actually realized the law of time. What exactly did he come to, obviously not even reaching the virtual realm, but he realized so many powerful laws!

At the same time, Lu Xuan's soul lake swayed, and a burst of souls swept out. Dong Ruyi's countless phantoms were all swallowed up, and her real body was instantly found by Lu Xuan.

Phantom Rakshasa Dong Ruyi, in addition to strong strength, escape kungfu is also a must, this is the phantom, but now she not only lost to Lu Xuan in strength, it is even her proud escape style, They are easily broken by Lu Xuan, and they are simply defeated in all directions.

Feeling the fierce sword behind him, Dong Ruyi’s heart of the policeman’s heart was unprecedentedly strong. She finally made up her mind, and the illusion of the gods in her hand suddenly slammed out toward the rear. At this moment, the illusion of God It is bursting open!

A very strong force burst open, and the shining white light covered up the light of the moon. Not only did it instantly break the force of the law of time, but it also blocked the sword that Lu Xuan attacked. Next, while taking advantage of this short and invaluable time, Dong Ruyi burst into the air and disappeared into the vision of everyone.

After the disappearance of white light, Dong Ruyi had already disappeared from the shadows. Only the fragments of the illusion of the gods and the mirrors were left on the sand. The blood spurted by Dong Ruyi proved that the battle had just existed.

Dong Ruyi was the first to complain with Lu Xuan because she wanted to capture the Xuan Ling Shajing on Lu Xuan’s body to repair the illusion of the gods. Now, let’s not fix it. In order to save lives, Dong Ruyi does not hesitate to blew this. A piece of the top grade of the treasure, it can be said that stealing chicken does not eclipse the rice.

"Let her run away." Lu Xuan looked at the place where Dong Ruyi disappeared, and frowned slightly. He did not expect Dong Ruyi to be so decisive and strong, and blew his weapon. A piece of treasure on the ground level can be extremely rare. What's more, Dong Ruyi's illusion is a special treasure. The way to display illusion is amazing, and it is more precious than the general treasures.

"It turned out that Dong Ruyi really ran away, and forced her to blew her weapon." Wan Jingshan did not have the regret of Lu Xuan. Instead, he was surprised. If you don’t see it, it’s hard to imagine Dong Ruyi. A powerful person will lose in Lu Xuan’s hand.

The reason why Lu Xuan did not want to let Dong Ruyi go was because he knew that his hatred with Dong Ruyi could not be resolved. Now, with the help of the power of chaos, he was able to suppress Dong Ruyi, and once he left the desert, he would encounter Dong Ruyi. He is probably not an opponent.

However, this is the end of the matter, and it is useless to think more. Lu Xuan moved his eyes to Yu Chenghua's body. On the eyes of Shang Luxuan, Yu Chenghua suddenly became a spirit, and a heart beat vigorously.

Dong Ruyi... So they just left them running?

Yu Chenghua panicked, Dong Ruyi was his biggest backing, and he was confident that he would continue to come to Lu Xuan’s troubles. But now Dong Ruyi ran away, what should he do? Even Dong Ruyi is not an opponent of Lu Xuan. He has no intention of resisting Lu Xuan at all. He regrets it now. As long as he knows this, why should he provoke Lu Xuan, why should he come with Dong Ruyi?

"Lu Lulu, Lu Xuan, I..."

"I want to ask for mercy?" Lu Xuan directly interrupted Yu Chenghua's words.

Sucking a sip, Yu Chenghua nodded very well.

Lu Xuan haha ​​laughed loudly, and Wan Jingshan on the side finally said: "Lu Xuan, can't let him go, the dog can't change it."

Wen Yan, Yu Chenghua’s heart is resentful against Wan Jingshan. This old man is still on the sidelines and makes Lu Xuan, **** damn, but he forgot, how he had been to Wan Jingshan and Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan’s words about Wan Jingshan are irresponsible. They stare at Yu Chenghua and say, “I want to live, I will give you a chance to live.”

When this statement came out, Yu Chenghua was overjoyed. He had already saved his mortal heart. Didn’t he think that Lu Xuan would still be willing to keep his life?

Wan Jingshan looked at Lu Xuan with a strange look. Could it be that Lu Xuan’s heart is so kind? In the field of cultivation, this is not a good thing. He thought that Lu Xuan could make up his mind to kill Dong Ruyi, and he would be able to kill Yu Chenghua and others, but he did not expect Lu Xuan to want to stay in Yu Chenghua.

Although the heart sighed, but Wanjingshan did not open again this time, but secretly shook his head.

I saw Lu Xuan faintly said: "I want to live, take my heart, and vow to listen to my orders from now on, and I must not do anything to betray me."

Yu Chenghua gave a slight sigh, swear? In the practice world, is the vow still effective? However, since Lu Xuan said this, in order to survive, he must also swear, but his mind is secretly thinking that in the future he will definitely look for opportunities to escape, and even bite Lu Xuan, otherwise, how can he be worthy of the hatred of broken fingers?

Seeing that Yu Chenghua raised the right hand with only three fingers, Lu Xuan shook his head and said: "This swears can't be done, put your hand on it."

As soon as the voice fell, a round, black stone appeared in the hands of Lu Xuan, which was an oath stone enough to communicate the power of heaven.

Yu Chenghua suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. What is it?

Although he was a little nervous in his heart, now he has no other choice. When he closes his eyes, he presses his hand on the oath stone. A cool feeling is sent to Yu Chenghua’s palm. He feels that this unknown stone seems to be enough. Communicate your own mind, in front of this stone, he seems to have nowhere to hide.

According to Lu Xuan’s instructions, Yu Chenghua’s vowed, at this moment, he felt that an infinite amount of pressure came from nine days and came directly to his heart, as if he dared to have any disadvantage to Lu Xuan. Even the unfavorable influence in the heart will be killed by this force in an instant! (The novel "Sword Spirit" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and pay attention, speed is fast!) (to be continued ~ ^ ~)

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