Sword Spirit

Chapter 847: From the fire

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Seeing the power of the oath stone came into effect, Lu Xuan showed a smile.

Raising Yu Chenghua’s life is also the idea that Lu Xuan temporarily emerged. It is easy to kill Yu Chenghua with his current strength, but Yu Chenghua is a strong and powerful person in the land of this seal. Can also play a certain role.

Instead of killing him like this, it would be better to take him as a man and have the power to pledge stone. Lu Xuan is not worried about what Yu Chenghua has done for himself. Instead, when he needs his shot, Lu Xuan can drive him to the fullest. .

Wan Jingshan was also a strange look at Lu Xuan. I didn’t expect Lu Xuan to keep Yu Chenghua’s life. It was actually to take it for himself. He suddenly nodded. Lu Xuan’s approach is undoubtedly weak. The power of the enemy strengthens its power.

The rest of the illusionist sect saw that Lu Xuan had spared Yu Chenghua and could not help but screamed: "Lu Xuan, we are willing to listen to your orders."

Wen Yan, Lu Xuan could not help but turn to look at them, some of them were with Dong Ruyi before, Lu Xuan still remembers that this group was originally proposed by Dong Ruyi to **** his own Xuan Ling Shajing, others are Departed from the soul of Yu Chenghua.

"You said, should I spare them?" Lu Xuan asked Yu Chenghua at a glance.

Where does Yu Chenghua dare to have any thoughts, it seems that as long as he dares to disrespect the Lu Xuan, the force of the heavens that lingers on him will kill him in an instant, and he quickly said: "All by the owner Mind."

Lu Xuan smiled coldly: "I know that you are not willing to obey me, but I am leaving you for a life. It is not that you don't want to kill, but you are still useful. If you dare to betray, they are Your end."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the sword in Lu Xuan’s hand was raised. In the screams of the people of the illusion of the gods, an infinite force swept through.

"Lu Xuan, you must not die!"

"The master will come back to help us revenge!"


There is not even one who is too imaginary and strong in this group. How can it resist the attack of Lu Xuan? A yellow sand roll is over, and no figure can be seen in front. All the warriors are all destroyed by Lu Xuan. Killed, buried by the yellow sand.

Yu Chenghua was shocked and snorted. He knows that if he has the power of being too imaginary, he still has some use in the land of this seal. I am afraid that now, like the group of people, it becomes a body without any anger, gradually in the land of this seal. decay.

Looking at Lu Xuan's move to kill everyone, Wan Jingshan's eyes flashed a hint of appreciation, as a warrior. You must know how to kill! The murderer must not be soft. Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself. He has gone all the way to the present, and there are a lot of people under his hand. Otherwise, I am afraid that he has already been ruined.

"Go, go to the land of fire." Lu Xuan out loud. The arrival of Dong Ruyi and others is just an episode. Lu Xuan’s ultimate goal is to get all the treasures in the seven regions.

For a time, the road was led by Wanjingshan, and everyone started again. Just another Yu Chenghua.

A few people went further and further, Lu Xuan felt that the air became more and more hot, and the temperature began to rise rapidly. He knew in his heart that the land of flames was coming in front.

After turning over a few sand dunes, finally, a fiery red color appeared in front of Lu Xuan, which is completely different from the desert land. There is no gravel on the ground. After many years of high temperature burning, all the soil All turned into hard stones.

"Here, it is the land of fire." Wan Jingshan looked at the front and said.

Lu Xuan nodded. He secretly urged the chaos and found that although the chaotic soil still can provide some strength to himself, it is inferior to the land in the desert. If Lu Xuan is now In the case of Dong Ruyi, who has complete strength, I am afraid it is definitely not an opponent.

However, Dong Ruyi lost the illusion of the illusion of the gods, coupled with the heavy injury, the strength can not be compared with the subversion period, not everyone has Lu Xuan such a strong to metamorphosis resilience.

"Go, let's explore and find out." Lu Xuan stepped forward and asked: "Wan elders, what is unusual in this flame land?"

“Unusual place?” Wan Jingshan frowned and thought: “This has never been discovered.”

Wen Yan, Lu Xuan heart secretly, it seems that I still have to ask the ice spirit sister, since this flame land was made by her in the past, it should be able to know.

When Lu Xuan heart communicated with the ice spirit in the **** sword of Xuan Bingfeng, he asked: "Sister, can you know where the treasures in the land of fire are?"

Unexpectedly, Bingling gently shook his head: "I am not as strong as I was today, or even better than you are now. I can't clearly understand it. Moreover, I only left a treasure of fire. After so many years, it turned into a I don't know what it looks like."

Even the ice spirit does not know? Lu Xuan couldn't help but feel a little stunned. It seems that he has to look for it slowly.

But at this time, Yu Chenghua, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly said: "Unusually, I know one, but it is extremely dangerous. I just checked it a little and left, to my Strength, I dare not go deep into it."

Listening to him saying this, Lu Xuan came to the interest, he forgot, Yu Chenghua also came to the land of fire, when he chased Wanjingshan and others, all the way from the flame land to the desert land.

"So just right, you lead the way." Lu Xuan said nothing, let Yu Chenghua lead the way, anyway, there is a vow stone limit, Yu Chenghua did not dare to play tricks.

Yu Chenghua naturally did not dare to violate, immediately took Lu Xuan to the special place he said, but at this moment Wanjingshan was arched to Lu Xuan arch: "Lu Xuan, since you have Yu Chenghua lead the way, then I wait I will not walk with you. With your current strength, I will not help but be a burden."

Lu Xuan screamed: "Alright, the tens of thousands of elders have a good trip."

Wan Jingshan nodded and thanked Lu Xuan again, then left with Yunqi and others.

The reason why I chose to leave Lu Xuan is that Wan Jingshan has a plan in mind. Lu Xuan is strong and it is safer to follow him. However, Lu Xuan obviously likes to go to some dangerous places, just like the unusual place in this flame land. Even Yu Chenghua did not dare to find out. He was worried that after he went there, it would be difficult for him to protect himself.

After Wanjingshan left, Lu Xuan was left with Yu Chenghua and the raccoon on his shoulder. For the environment here, A racco was very disliked, too hot, so at the moment it is like a dead dog. He squatted on Lu Xuan’s shoulder and said nothing.

The environment of this flaming land is indeed extremely harsh. In addition to sandstorms, the desert land is relatively calm, but it seems to be a human purgatory. From time to time, you can see a pool of tumbling. Lava fire, Lu Xuan even saw a volcano suddenly erupted in the distance, the red magma madness spilled, people are shocked.

The method of ice spirit is indeed powerful. It is actually a hard place to turn a beautiful place into a land of fire like a purgatory. Those surviving souls who want to survive in this environment are not easy. .

At this time, Yu Chenghua said: "Master, the place is in front of it. It is a land of lava. There are some strange creatures in it. The whole body is made up of lava. It is powerful and hard. Quite powerful, I call them the sorcerer, and with my strength, I can only deal with the two flamingos at the same time."

Lu Xuan heard the secret of darkness, the whole body is composed of lava, what is this life? Yu Chenghua is a three-dimensional force in the virtual world. Even he can only deal with both ends at the same time. It can be imagined that the strength of the demon is at least as mundane.

At this point, the voice of Bingling suddenly sounded in Lu Xuan’s mind: "It’s not good, I am afraid that it is the wisdom of the essence of the fire. This kind of inflammation is what it made!"

Lu Xuan’s heart: “From the essence of fire, is the treasure that your sister has placed here?”

"Yes, the essence of the fire is a flame essence. If you can take it as a fire spirit, it will make the weapon extremely powerful. I originally wanted to put it here. Strong, and then come back later, I did not expect that in the past ten years, it has spontaneously produced a sense of intelligence." The spirit of the ice spirit seems a little dignified.

If she still has the strength of the year, even if it is a spirit of fire, it can still be conquered, but now, although she restored her memory of the year, she has already lost her strength.

Lu Xuan was slightly indulged, and then said: "Sister, did you not have a lineup in the vicinity of every treasure? Can you use the array to control the essence of the fire?"

Bingling thought for a moment: "The separation from the fire should not destroy my formation. Although I can't completely control it, it will inevitably cause some restraint and suppression on it. If you want to conquer it, you have to rely on yourself. It is."

Lu Xuan heard the words, relaxed a little, and said: "If this is the case, then leave the rest to me, anyway, you must try first."

On the occasion of talking with Bingling, Lu Xuan and Yu Chenghua have already stepped onto this lava land. There are obviously some differences between the places where Lu Xuan has traveled before. The temperature is higher than Lu Xuan’s imagination, even if With his physique, there is also a trace of sweat on his forehead, and the air is full of arrogance.

"Master, do we really want to go? Those inflammatory devils are just what I encountered on the outside. I am afraid there will be a stronger existence." Yu Chenghua was somewhat worried, although he obeyed Lu Xuan for his life. He also does not want to die in vain. (The novel "Sword Spirit" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and pay attention, speed is fast!) (To be continued, please search, the novel is better updated faster!


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