Sword Spirit

Chapter 848: Deaf

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Lu Xuan showed a smile: "The purpose of my coming is to have a stronger existence."

After all, Lu Xuan went straight ahead.

Yu Chenghua looked at Lu Xuan with a stunned look. The purpose is to have a stronger existence. Could it be said that Lu Xuan had known that there was an abnormality here, and even knew that many of the seals were unknown?

It was too late to think about it, Yu Chenghua quickly went up, even if he did not dare to go to the depths of this lava land, but since Lu Xuan decided, he did not have the right to change.

Just as the two of them were not far away, a low-pitched voice suddenly came. Lu Xuan quickly turned his head and looked at the sound, but he saw a magma pool and emerged. A monster full of magma.

It has a humanoid body, but it is extremely tall, composed of lava stone, a thick arm, giving a feeling of strength, endless burning magma, constantly flowing from this monster, but it There is no such thing as the slightest, as if these magma are the same for humans as water.

Seeing this monster, Yu Chenghua took a breath: "It's an evil!"

The flaming demon stood in the magma, and a pair of fiery red eyes glared at Lu Xuan, but did not take the lead in launching the attack. Instead, he screamed at Lu Xuan and seemed to warn him.

"Go, try its strength." Lu Xuan Chao Yu Chenghua told the road.

"Master, I don't have weapons." Yu Chenghua said honestly.

Lu Xuan turned his eyes and took a long knife from Yu Chenghua’s storage ring and threw it to him. This should be Yu’s spare weapon. His nine-ring knife has been turned into two by Lu Xuan. segment.

When I got the weapon, Yu Chenghua didn't get it, even though he didn't understand why Lu Xuan didn't go up to Lu Xuan's strength. It is not difficult to solve this evil.

Lu Xuan did not come because he saw an unusual feeling from the eyes of this flaming demon. It is as if he saw the soul beasts of Bunno. It seems that these evil spirits have also been manipulated, and this man of control. It is very likely that it is the essence of the fire.

Now that the essence of the fire has produced intelligence, he wants to conquer the essence of the fire, there will be a battle, he does not want to expose his strength so soon.

At this point, Yu Chenghua had already fought with the flaming demon, and saw his long knife slashed on the sorcerer. Mars is shining. It was extremely hard, and the flaming demon was also waving a thick arm. He continued to kneel down to Yu Chenghua. The strength of each shot was extremely large, and it slammed on the ground.

Lu Xuan nodded secretly, the strength of this inflammation is really strong, but more than enough power, lack of dexterity. Yu Chenghua is completely enough to deal with it.

Although Yu Chenghua was cut off by Lu Xuan with a few fingers, he had more or less influence on his strength. However, his three virtual strengths were real and solid, and the voice of the drink continued to come. Yu Chenghua’s knives and knives In the inflammation of the demon, occupied the full advantage.

As Yu Chenghua screamed and screamed, he saw that he was violently slashing, and suddenly the smoldering smashed into two pieces, and the body of lava was suddenly torn apart.

"Master, the fire has been killed." Yu Chenghua responded. Slightly breathing.

Lu Xuan nodded gently, sighed, and then walked toward the body of the flaming demon, and picked up a few pieces of lava. Lu Xuan saw two pieces of flaming stone, like ruby, quite beautiful. Of course, Lu Xuan is not looking at it, but it is the power of the strong fire system.

Holding this piece of fiery ruby, Lu Xuan could not help but rejoicing: "Good pure fire is the power!"

Lu Xuan is now completely certain that this sinister must be the one that is out of the fire. The ordinary gems can not have such a pure fire power, and they can spontaneously produce the ingenuity, I am afraid that the grade of the fire is not Will be in the chaos of the soil.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan’s idea of ​​conquering the essence of the fire is even stronger. Now he puts up two pieces of flaming ruby ​​and moves forward again.

As the depth of the lava is getting deeper and deeper, the temperature begins to get higher and higher, Lu Xuan has to start running the exercises to withstand this heat, and the raccoon can't stand it anymore. It was rushed up, and together with Yu Chenghua to deal with these fires, as if to scatter all the anger on them. With the help of A raccoon, Yu Chenghua is undoubtedly more comfortable.

At this time, Lu Xuan suddenly heard a sound of fighting coming from afar. He couldn’t help but feel a glimpse of it. Some people actually entered this place. I don’t know which side is the power.

"Go, look at the past." Lu Xuan gave a sigh, and immediately took Yu Chenghua to the past.

When Lu Xuan came here, the sound of fighting had stopped, and only a group of people were already collecting loot. Obviously, they also knew that the gems of the enchanted body had a strong firepower.

Lu Xuan’s eyes swept over the group of people, and suddenly his eyes were slightly condensed. He saw an old acquaintance, Dong Ruyi!

"Who!" At this time, a middle-aged man among the group suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Xuan sharply. He actually discovered the existence of Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan was shocked and terrible! This group of people is mixed with Dong Ruyi, and Dong Ruyi seems to be not the person who is the master. The strength is not ordinary.

Under the horror, Lu Xuan’s thoughts turned quickly. His first thought was to run, but he soon thought that he would never run this group of too imaginary powers. Although Ashi has a virtual shuttle, Dong Ruyi has The law of space can limit the raccoon.

Under the eagerness of the mind, Lu Xuan had a decision, suddenly a heart in the heart, Shi Shiran came out, his face was calm, and he could not see the slightest panic.

As soon as I saw Lu Xuan, Dong Ruyi suddenly stood up with an eyebrow, and said: "Lu Xuan, it is you!"

The middle-aged man couldn’t help but turn his head and look at Dong Ruyi: "Rah, do you know him?"

Dong Ruyi smiled coldly: "Of course I know that he ruined my illusion of God!"

The middle-aged man was slightly surprised, and Dong Ruyi was so powerful. Of course he knew that Lu Xuan was a disciple of the illusionist god, but he did not expect that the boy of the district’s strength to the Yuanjing had the strength to destroy Dong Ruyi’s weapons.

Looking at Dong Ruyi, Lu Xuan smiled lightly: "I didn't expect to see it so soon. It really should be the sentence. It's not that the family doesn't gather heads. I don't know how this Xiongtai is called? Yu Chenghua, can you know?" ”

Lu Xuan does not seem to regard himself as a back to the Yuan. In the face of this too emptiness of the middle-aged man, even the mouth of the brothers, clearly is to put themselves in the same position.

Listening to Lu Xuan mentioned Yu Chenghua, Dong Ruyi could not help but look at Lu Xuan. Sure enough, I saw the existence of Yu Chenghua, and suddenly angered: "Yu Chenghua, you actually betrayed the illusion of the gods, and turned to this kid?"

Seeing that he couldn’t hide, Yu Chenghua bit his teeth and stood up and said, “If you leave us alone, you will escape. It’s hard to be alive. Can I live without Yu Chenghua? Fortunately, the master can see that I can stay. A life, the owner's heart, can be much wider than you."

When I heard Yu Chenghua’s words, the middle-aged man was even more surprised. What is this kid’s head? Not only defeated Dong Ruyi, but also allowed Yu Chenghua to call the owner of the deputy hall of the Soul Hall. Is it martial arts that has some kind of cover-up power, deliberately disguised as a return to the Yuan Dynasty?

Dong Ruyi was speechless by Yu Chenghua. He blinked his eyes and said: "Well, people who dare to succumb to the illusion of the gods will be hunted by the endless illusion of the illusion of God. At that time, you will suffer the disillusionment of eighteen punishments, which is more painful than death!"

Yu Chenghua heard a slight tremor in his heart and disillusioned the 18th sentence. It is the most cruel punishment of the illusion of the gods. It is better to die than death, but this is the end. I’m afraid it’s useless, at least I’m not dead yet, so it’s better to die than to die.

At this time Lu Xuan lazily said: "Dong Ruyi, you have a lot of nonsense, it seems that you have not taught you enough last time, have the ability, you come to me, take Yu Chenghua back to the penalty, say so much What is the use?"

"You!" Dong Ruyi took a look at Lu Xuan, but his footsteps did not move half a minute. Before Lu Xuan's powerful strength, he had left a deep imprint on her heart.

"Yu Chenghua, I will not introduce you to me soon." Lu Xuan again.

"It is the master." Yu Chenghua said: "This is the three masters of the South Palace of the Eight-Party Sanctuary, Nangong Lie, the Nangong family is good at the fire system and martial arts. Nangong Lie is even more powerful, and now it is too The six worlds of the virtual world."

Lu Xuan’s heart was secretly scared. It’s no wonder that this Nangong Lie was mixed with Dong Ruyi, and it turned out to be a six-fold situation. Moreover, today the lava land is filled with a strong firepower, and the warriors who are good at firework and martial arts are able to play far beyond their ordinary strengths. Compared with Dong Ruyi, it is even more difficult to deal with.

Moreover, Lu Xuan was able to fight against Dong Ruyi, in large part because Dong Ruyi’s illusionary path did not play any role for him. In exchange for other six-powerful people who were too virtual, Lu Xuan had no strength to confront. In returning to the Yuan dynasty, the nine-strong battle is too imaginary, and Lu Xuan has no such enchanting.

Although the heart is getting more and more shocked, but Lu Xuan does not dare to show the slightest fear, otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

Immediately, he once again showed a smile, and he arched the arch of the South Palace. "It turned out to be the Nangong brother.

Nan Gonglie was somewhat puzzled by the appearance of Lu Xuan. A kid who returned to Yuanjing, shouldn’t he be respectful and fearful? How is this kid showing nothing at all?

Thinking of this, Nan Gonglie more affirmed his own guess, this kid is absolutely simple on the surface, he could not help but arched his hand: "Dare to ask where is your sacred?"

"I? No name is a small pawn, not worth mentioning." Lu Xuan smiled, seemingly inscrutable.

However, at this time, Dong Ruyi was cold-sounding: "Nan Gonglie, you don't be fooled by this kid. He is just a disciple of a four-pronged gate in the district. It is a curse here." (Fiction "Sword Spirit" There will be more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the “+” sign “Add a friend” in the upper right, search for the public number “qdread” and follow, Speed ​​is fast!) (To be continued~^~)

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