Sword Spirit

Chapter 849: Shock

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Nan Gong Lie heard the words, a flash of doubt in his eyes, is Lu Xuan wearing a big tail wolf, or Dong Ruyi lying? If Dong Ruyi is telling the truth, how can this kid destroy Dong Ruyi’s illusion?

For a time, Nangong Lie no longer spoke and began to sit on the sidelines. He could see that Dong Ruyi had some jealousy about this kid and wanted to use her to help her kill this kid. He would not like to be unscrupulous and a "strong" "The enmity, his relationship with Dong Ruyi, is not good enough for that."

When Dong Ruyi saw his old bottom, Lu Xuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he still remained quiet. Once he showed his coziness, Dong Ruyi would definitely join forces with Nangong Lie to kill himself with the thunder.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan looked at Dong Ruyi with a contemptuous look. "I am swearing? Dong Ruyi, I am sure that you hate me now in my heart? If so, why not come to me for revenge, I will stand here, Never move."

Dong Ruyi once stopped, she certainly wants to kill Lu Xuan and then quickly, but when she thinks of Lu Xuan’s powerful strength, she can steal the power of her own destruction law in her battle with her, she is not happy in her heart. A little war.

I have to say that Lu Xuan wanted to do his best to make Dong Ruyi’s practice right. If this is not the case, I am afraid that Dong Ruyi’s fear of Lu Xuan is not so deep. Once Dong Ruyi is now testing, she will know. Lu Xuan is now unable to use the power of Chaos to play the same strength as before.

All of this, Nangong Lie is clearly seen in the eyes, the heart has already had a rough judgment, Dong Ruyi is called the Mirage Rakshasa, the character is not so good, now facing Lu Xuan's provocation, Dong Ruyi even shot the idea nothing. It can be seen that she is really afraid of Lu Xuan in her heart.

And seeing Dong Ruyi's performance, Lu Xuan's heart suddenly has a bottom, and now he has a heart. Decide to take the risk once!

I saw him suddenly stepping on the previous step, staring at Dong Ruyi and yelling: "Dong Ruyi, I am giving Nangong brother face today, I will not deal with you here. I count three times, after three times, if you are still in front of me I want to spare you, the sword in my hand can't spare you!"

When this statement came out, Dong Ruyi and Nan Gonglie were both surprised. Lu Xuan is so arrogant. In the face of two six-powered people who are too imaginary, they dare to sip Dong Ruyi and let her go away in the middle of three quarters?

Seeing that Lu Xuan was so domineering, the raccoon who had been kneeling on his shoulder could not help but stand up and shouted: "Xuan Ge, why should you spare her? At first she didn't want to spare us, let She knows that we know how powerful we are!"

When I heard the words of the raccoon, Lu Xuan could not help but feel ashamed. A raccoon does not know that Lu Xuan is now a strong outside, but also thought that he really has the strength to kill Dong Ruyi.

However, if the raccoon did not make a false statement, it greatly encouraged Lu Xuan’s momentum. For a time, Dong Ruyi was scared to take a step back. She is now recovering from injury, not a complete state. Xuan confrontation?

However, if it is so sloppy to leave, how is Dong Ruyi reconciled? She is so arrogant that she is too strong and six strong. Standing on the side of Nangong Lie, once she thought it was so ugly, not all of them were seen by Nan Gonglie.

Dong Ruyi bit his teeth, suddenly turned his head and said to Nangong Lie: "Nan Gonglie, you and me to deal with this kid, I Dong Ruyi, owe you a favor!"

When this statement came out, Nangong’s heart was slightly moved, but Lu Xuan was in a sudden heart. Once Nan Gonglie was moved by Dong Ruyi, the situation of his own strong and medium-sized work would be exposed immediately!

Nan Gonglie is considering the gains and losses between the two. Dong Ruyi’s personal feelings are of course worthy. After all, she is a six-strong powerhouse, but he needs to be offended, but it is an unknown enough to destroy Dong Ruyi’s weapons. Strong.

Lu Xuan really wants to pay heavily for Nangong Lie, but he dare not do this. This is undoubtedly a fear of himself. Since you want to wear a big tail wolf, you have to install it thoroughly!

At the moment, he smiled slightly and looked at the raccoon and said: "A raccoon, since some people toast and do not eat and drink fine wine, then we can only give her a little color."

A raccoon suddenly screamed and rubbed his eyes, and his eyes were laughing. For Dong Ruyi, who had once forbidden space and did not let himself escape, it did not have any good feelings. If it was not the strength of its blood, it would be afraid. Dong Ruyi's space is imprisoned?

I saw the body of the raccoon swaying gently, and the three singers appeared in the same way. Then they began to sneak out from the body and shimmered with the metallic lustrous scales, which just gave a kind of look. The feeling of strength, combined with the golden hair of the raccoon, is more deterrent.

"Dong Ruyi, I count three times, this is the first sound!" Lu Xuan whispered: "One!"

The dust-sword was gently lifted by Lu Xuan, and the endless kendo power began to wrap around Lu Xuan’s body. The momentum of the whole person has suddenly changed.

Nangong Lie looked at Lu Xuan and A raccoon with amazement. What kind of race is this fox, not only has a genius, but also can grow a solid scale, and Lu Xuan, although it only has a return to the Yuan, but so The power of the real kendo, even if it is too strong, may not reach this level.

Dong Ruyi was even more anxious in his heart. He couldn’t help but say again: "Nan Gong Lie, I Dong Ruyi is not so easy to owe people. Do you want to join me?"

Nangong screamed and blinked, and there was no rush to make a sound. At this moment, Lu Xuan’s momentum became more and more prosperous, and the chaotic soil was provoked by him. A soil law that gave people a sense of incomparable weight appeared, followed by Later, the law of destruction that made people feel a strong destructive desire began to show a hint of breath.

Nangong’s heart is even more shocked. The power of kendo, the power of destruction, and the laws of the earth system are the strengths that Lu Xuan has shown. He has already demonstrated three principles, a warrior who understands the three principles, and the real strength. Only returning to the Yuan Dynasty? Nangong does not believe it!

"Two!" Lu Xuan again shouted, at this moment he is also anxious, once Dong Ruyi does not run, then he is difficult to fight, he must be shocked to live in Nangong Lie.

The law of time has come out. Within the scope of Lu Xuan's body, the magma flow in the magma pool has suddenly become slow, and they have been affected by the law of time.

Nan Gong Lie's eyes gradually become dignified, and it is a big law. Lu Xuan has already demonstrated the power of the four laws. Lu Xuan is definitely not good at dealing with it, but he has not easily stated his position.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath, and the dusty sword slowly mentioned. The tip of the sword pointed directly to Dong Ruyi, the momentum of heaven and man, and the unbridled spread out!

The unity of nature and man is the law of heaven!

Feeling this momentum, Nangong Lie finally moved, this power does not belong to any element, does not belong to any power, but belongs to the sky!

For a moment, Nangong’s heart has come to the conclusion that Lu Xuan can’t be hostile to it. Dong Ruyi’s one person’s sentiment is not worth the exchange of such a strong person.

Thinking of this, Nangong Lie finally spoke up, only to hear him smile and said: "Dong Ruyi, this Xiongtai has already said, but it is not in my face, I am not here, I am Nangong Lie, and that is that How can people who are ignorant of good deeds be enemies with this brother?"

Lu Xuan heard that the heart was loose, and finally shocked Nangong Lie, but the momentum did not dare to relax.

Dong Ruyi couldn't help but rush. Even the voice: "Nan Gonglie, I know that your Nangong family has always wanted to be the real leader of the Eight Temples. You can help me. I can use the power of the Magic God to help you against Sikong!"

Lu Xuan heard the words in his heart, and the relationship between Nangongjia and Sikongjia is not good? If he remembers well, Shen Rong once said to himself that the reason why the Eight-Party Temple did not deal with Jiuhua League was mainly because of the empty house. So, the Jiuhua League and the Nangong House may stand on the same front. ?

However, he did not speak these words. If he took the initiative to meet with Nangong Lie, everything he had done before was in vain. He can only use the strength to shock Nangong Lie.

For a time, the power of the two laws was circulated from Lu Xuan, which is the law of space and the law of force!

I was aware of the power of two more rules. Nangong’s anger was even more shocking. I was a little bit impatient with Dong Ruyi. I couldn’t help but waved: “I don’t have to say much, my Nangong family, when is not with the Sikong family. And, the things of my eight-party temple, but also the people who are not your illusionist."

Hearing this, Lu Xuan’s heart suddenly must be, and he sighed out loudly: “Three! Dong Ruyi, it seems that you are ironic and want to fight with me again. Nangong brother, are you watching a movie, or help? What about her?"

Nangong Lie smiled and waved his hand: "Don't misunderstand the brothers and sisters. I just met Dong Ruyi just because of the peace. The friendship is not deep."

"Nan Gong Lie, you!" Dong Ruyi looked at Nan Gonglie with hatred.

Lu Xuan was interrupted by Dong Ruyi. Haha smiled and said: "That would be good. I have already heard that Nangong Sanye is a person of integrity. How can it be mixed with Dong Ruyi’s sultry people, A raccoon, hands-on !"

Dong Ruyi heard the news, suddenly scalp fried, screamed, and quickly escaped: "Lu Xuan, you wait, I will definitely be a shame!"

"Hey, let her run again." A raccoon said indignantly, the three figures were one and the scales on the body faded again. Lu Xuan was a big sigh of relief in his heart, but fortunately he couldn’t fight it. This time it was a surprise.

Seeing Lu Xuan's disarming state, the imposing manner subsided, and Nangong Lie showed a smile: "Liang Xiong, this lava land seems a bit strange. Now Dong Ruyi is gone. You and I are better off together to explore how to get it? If you get any treasure, You and I are half-pointed." (The novel "Sword Spirit" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the upper right. Friend", search for the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (to be continued ~ ^ ~)

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