Sword Spirit

Chapter 851: Real spirit

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Looking at Jiao Jing’s exquisite fire, Lu Xuan said in a slight way: “It seems to be not malicious. I will try to communicate with it.”

"Be careful." Bing Ling whispered softly.

Lu Xuan nodded and thought about it. He waved his hand and a burning flame suddenly appeared in his hand, but it was the flame that he used to gather.

When I saw Lu Xuan’s hand, there was a flame coming out of the fire. When I was excited by the fire, I didn’t see how it moved. Suddenly a flame appeared in front of Lu Xuan, but this flame was more than Lu. Xuan's is more solid.

Lu Xuan was shocked and thought that he had attacked the essence of fire, but even found that the essence of the fire is just learning his own actions. Then he pushed it gently, and the flame in his hand suddenly flew out and blended into the flame that was emitted from the essence of the fire.

It seems that I noticed the goodwill of Lu Xuan. From the small face of the fire, I couldn’t help but reveal a smile. It looked quite cute.

For a time, Lu Xuan’s heart was set aside, and a glimpse of the gods was released, and it was slowly approaching from the essence of the fire. In the case of different languages, only the power of the soul could be used to communicate.

However, Lu Xuan is also very careful. With the strength of the fire, I am afraid that a flame will be released at will, which will be enough to annihilate this ignorance.

Fortunately, from the essence of the fire did not attack Lu Xuan's idea, let Lu Xuan's knowledge slowly approach, and thus contact.

"Hello." Lu Xuan exudes a good atmosphere.

The communication on the soul level is the most essential communication. I realized that I actually understood Lu Xuan’s words. I was happy when I was angry with the fire. I said, “I have seen you, you broke my before. Toys, you have to pay for me."

Lu Xuan heard a word, and broke its toy? Lu Xuan soon understood it. The toys that are said to be from the essence of fire must be those who are inflamed, as if they had guessed it. The genie is the thing that comes out of the fire, but for the essence of the fire, the enchantment of the martial art is just a toy.

"That's embarrassing. We don't know that they are your toys." Lu Xuan smiled slightly.

"It doesn't matter, I still have a lot of toys. Now I am using them to play with others." From the exquisite fire of the fire, he immediately asked curiously: "How did you come here? I just because I could not find it." When I got out, I got some toys out and went through them to see what it was like outside."

"Those toys. Did you get out and look at the world outside?" Lu Xuan asked. He did not expect that the original intention of this evil sorcerer was to look at the world outside.

"Yeah, I have been staying here since I was awake. It’s so boring, I can’t go out, so I can only use them to look outside. A long time ago, some guys came here. I want to play with them. But they broke my toys. When I was angry, I got a big toy and burned them." It’s very naive to get away from the fire, although it doesn’t know how many years have existed. But I have never been exposed to outsiders, and IQ is similar to that of a three-year-old human.

Lu Xuan understands that they are in the essence of the fire, and they must be the souls in this seal. Presumably, there have been souls who have come here, but they have been killed by the essence of fire. The reason for killing them is because the souls have broken their toys...

"Can you take me out? It's too boring." The essence of the fire is out of the air, and the eyes are full of hopes to look at Lu Xuan.

The purpose of Lu Xuan’s coming is to bring out the essence of the fire, but now that there is already a sense of wisdom from the essence of fire, this does not let him know what to do.

Erasing the wisdom of the fire? This is obviously the next policy. This may not be successful. Secondly, if a spiritual object born between heaven and earth is wiped out like this, it is too cruel and violent.

If it is such a departure from the essence of fire, Lu Xuan is not so bold, there is no good and evil judgment from the essence of fire, purely by the likes, a strong presence, once there is no limit, can cause great The destruction.

After a slight sinking, Lu Xuan said: "It is OK to take you out, but you have to listen to me."

"Well, as long as you take me out to play, I will listen to you." I agreed with the words of the fire. This makes Lu Xuan have a strange feeling, as if he is holding a candy to sell children.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan stopped communicating with the essence of the fire, and told the idea of ​​the essence of the fire and the ice spirit, and the ice spirit heard some sorrow. In the past, she also encountered in the heavens. There are few natural creatures, but after those spiritual things have survived for countless years, they are all savvy, and there are innocent guys like the fire.

Lu Xuan smiled bitterly: "Although I have promised to listen to me from the fire, I still don't have much confidence. After all, I can't control it now."

Ice Spirit slightly sinks and says: "It is no problem to take it out. The heaven and earth spirits are very precious, even inferior to its body. If this is the case, you can let it enter your dusty sword. The dusty sword is also a rare weapon, but now it has no sword spirit. If it is used as the sword spirit of the dusty sword, the power of the dust sword will become even bigger."

Lu Xuan heard the words of the heart, the material of the dust sword itself is a kind of spirit, once there is a separation from the fire, it will become a real spirit!

Immediately, Lu Xuan turned his head and communicated again with the fire. "Can you enter my sword? If you can come in, then I will be able to take you around and run."

Amazing from the fire, I glanced at the dusty sword, the simple sword body, and the good material, which suddenly caused its curiosity. Now it nodded and said, "I will try it."

Immediately after the exhalation of the fire slammed down from the stone platform, Lu Xuan felt only a strong heat to face, almost unbearable, and quickly put the dusty sword on the ground, back two Step, and the essence of the fire is directly drilled into the dust sword, but it turned around the dusty sword for several laps, and did not go in.

After thinking about it, it seems that I have thought of something in general. I looked at my own flame and noticed the problem. Then I immediately abandoned my own body and suddenly got into the dust sword.

This time, there is no slight hindrance. The dusty sword is the spiritual device. Naturally, it can accommodate the spiritual body. Once it enters the dusty sword, it is like a fish in the fire, and smiles and plays with it.

Only heard a bang, the dusty sword quickly pulled out from the ground, and under the control of the fire, began to fly wildly in the entire cave, the speed is extremely fast.

After a ping-pong sound, the dusty sword continually crossed over the surrounding stone walls, and Mars was shot, like a stone three-pointer. Without Lu Xuan’s Yuanli injection, the dust-sword could even exert its strength.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuan could not help but stunned, this is the power of the spirit? Even if there is no master control, Sword Spirit can also exert the power of weapons independently. There is no weapon of the spirit, but a dead object, but with the weapon of the spirit, it is the real living thing!

After playing a little, the fire of the fine control of the dust dust sword stopped in front of Lu Xuan, then saw its small figure came out, standing on the hilt, happy to Lu Xuan said: "This I like the body very much, I will live here later, you have to remember to take me out."

Lu Xuan pointed to the side of the dusty sword, the group of quiet burning flame asked: "What about this?"

This flame is the true essence of the fire. Although the spirit of the fire has left, the essence of it has not changed.

I couldn’t help but scratch my head. Oh, I can only have one body. However, it has been in the fire for many years, and it has been tired for a long time, and there is no such a long sword. Moreover, Lu Xuan said, only if it stays in the dusty sword, will take it out.

Thinking of this, from the fire of the fine hand wave: "No, just throw it here, well, let's go out."

Lu Xuan’s words are so funny, and it’s really naive to get away from the fire. It doesn’t know how powerful it is. If it’s Nangong Lie’s here, I’m afraid I’m already mad, and I’m going to practice the fire. For people, this group is so close to the fire, it is simply a treasure.

Shaking his head, Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Since you don't want it, then I will help you to collect it, um... your body is from the essence of fire, so your name is called fire."

"Fire is away? Hey, I have a name in the future, well, I will call it a fire later." Lu Xuan casually named himself, but the fire was not happy, then he asked: "That What's your name?"

"My name is Lu Xuan, but... you can call my master." Lu Xuan followed the trick and he felt that he was more and more like a strange uncle who tricked the child.

"Master, okay, though weird, I will call you the master. When will you take me out?" Fire was very attached to going out.

"No hurry, I will put away your body first." Lu Xuan smiled slightly, so smoothly and easily conquered the fire, so Lu Xuan has an incredible feeling, he is ready for a war, who used to I think that there is nothing malicious about the fire, but I just want to leave here and see the world outside.

This time, Lu Xuan can be said that the soldiers are not bloody, but they have gained huge gains. Not only have they succeeded in harvesting the essence of fire, but they have also added a spirit to the dusty sword, making the dusty sword a real spiritual weapon! (The novel "Sword Spirit" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and pay attention, speed is fast!) (to be continued ~ ^ ~)

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