Sword Spirit

Chapter 852: Return to the yuan

Lu Xuan immediately went to the quietly burning front of the fire, sitting cross-legged, the fire from the control of the dust sword slowly moved to the side of Lu Xuan, curious looking at Lu Xuan, do not know how Lu Xuan Put away your own body.

Taiyi Guiyuan 运转 运转 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在The person of the law, practicing one day here, I am afraid it is enough to be able to withstand the cultivation of the outside world for ten days!

Lu Xuan’s Taiyi Guiyuan is able to be compatible with all kinds of forces. The firepower can naturally bring him great improvement, but he does not have to covet the strong firepower in it, because he will soon This is the most fundamental part of the fire.

Since the chaotic land entered the land of Lu Xuan, it was the essence of the earth system that was exuded all the time. Even if Lu Xuan did not cultivate, Yuan Li would be quickly absorbed by his own Yuan Dan, and it would be upgraded very quickly. The speed of cultivation,

Gradually entering the state of cultivation, Lu Xuan's mind calmed down, only to see his hands out, slowly approaching this small group of fire, the incomparable hot breath came, Lu Xuan had to use The power of C-Fire is to resist this power.

From the fire, it is one of the most fundamental flames between heaven and earth, and the essence of the fire is the essence of it. From the fact that it can give birth to such gods, it can know how rare it is. At this moment, this group of small fires, the power of the essence of the fire system, is almost comparable to the earth power in the chaos.

The burning sensation continued to come. Taiyi returned to Yuanxiao to keep running. The power of the silky essence was passed into the body along Lu Xun's meridians. It burned him to hurt, but Lu Xuan was suffering hard. This kind of pure power is simply an opportunity to meet, and he is not in a hurry to close the fire. Instead, use this power to consolidate your four-star C Fire.

The fire **** pattern is a **** pattern of the main attack. The original Samsung Emperor Lu Xuan met in the Temple of Heaven. What is good at it is the fire system, the attack power is extremely strong, Lu Xuan is not an opponent at all, can only stop here. But wait for him to consolidate the four-star C Fire. Will inevitably have the power of a battle.

The essence of the fire is the power of the most original fire system. It not only has a strong firepower, but also has the power of pure fire essence. The two forces are clearly separated by Lu Xuan. Forces flowed into the Dantian in the meridian, and grew Yuandan. The essence of the effort is to come to the internal organs.

At this moment, the role of Lu Xuan's two soul lakes is reflected. There is no slight hindrance in distracting the two uses. While absorbing the power, it is also using the power of the essence of the fire to consolidate the four-star C-fire.

Looking at Lu Xuan with his eyes closed, the fire felt a little boring, and he controlled the dusty swords and danced in the mountain belly. During this time, he also tried to find a raccoon to communicate several times because it found a raccoon. It is one of Lu Xuan's few, the closest one to himself, but unfortunately it has not yet learned the language of the Terran. Can only be a big eye with A raccoon.

Time has gradually passed, and Lu Xuan has no sidelines, concentrates on the gods, the power of the hot fire system, constantly burning his meridians, and the power of the blood is constantly recovering, this constant cycle of pain Without a strong mind, I can’t hold it down.

At the moment, the four-star C-Fire foil in his body is also forming rapidly. Finally, a burning scent suddenly erupted from Lu Xuan, and the flaming red light of the whole person suddenly attracted the attention of everyone.

In the eyes of the ice spirit, there was a gratifying light. Lu Xuan’s C-Fire God Pattern finally reached four stars. At the same time, she is more deeply admired by Shi Zun Ye Tian. Taiyi is returning to Yuanxiao, and the three methods are both repaired and mutually compensated. It is really profound and profound. If it is not Lu Xuan and cultivates the soul, the power of the soul is strong and it is realized. Can you so easily condense the four-star gods?

Of course, Lu Xuan's own talent and understanding is also very important. If the talent is not enough, let alone the three methods, it is a specialization, and may not be able to reach Dacheng.

Yu Chenghua is also surprised to see Lu Xuan, this force, so powerful, is not inferior to the power of the strong and powerful, but Lu Xuan Ming Ming did not reach too virtual.

Could it be... is this the strength of the smelter? Thinking of this, Yu Chenghua couldn't help but start a shock. In the battle with Lu Xuan, he felt the power of Lu Xuan's powerful soul, so he guessed that Lu Xuan should be a refining soul and repair, but now It seems that Lu Xuanyi has both repaired the two veins, and it is simply repairing the three veins! It is no wonder that he clearly has only a return to the Yuan Dynasty, but he is able to fight against the tyrants.

"Call!" Lu Xuan opened his eyes and exhaled a bit of burning white gas. Others only envied him with the power of the far superiority of the same border, but did not see the hard work and suffering he had to pay for it. It is said that the process of condensing the four-star C-fire pattern is definitely a torment.

The meridian meridians are scorched by the power of the essence of the fire, and they recover quickly under the recovery of the power of the dragon's blood. This kind of constant pain, ordinary people may feel that it is not as good as death after half a quarter of an hour, but he is hard. It took two hours.

And in these two hours, there is no distraction because of the pain of the body. It is necessary to concentrate on the condensed gods. Otherwise, once the sacredness fails, the pain that was suffered before will be in vain.

"You can absorb this from the fire." Lu Xuan stared at the burning flame in front of him, whispering, although he had just pulled away some of the essence of the fire system from the essence of fire, but for the essence of fire It is nothing at all.

At the moment, he urged the power of C-fire, and a crystal-like fire red armor suddenly attached to his hand. The power of the four-star C-fire is obviously not comparable to the Samsung C-Shenzhen pattern. At this moment, this armor Not only is it more solid, but it is more powerful against firepower.

I saw him suddenly put his hands into the essence of the fire, the strength of Taiyi Guiyuan’s rapid operation, an unimaginable high temperature suddenly came, even if there was a gods armor to resist, but Lu Xuan still felt his hands Almost everything has melted!

When the ice spirit sees it, the gaze is slightly condensed, and then the jade hand wave, and the stone pillars above the high platform suddenly emit a ray of light. An invisible force instantly shrouds and is suppressed by this force, burning away from the fire. The flame suddenly became dark and the temperature dropped sharply. These stone pillars were the key to the ice-clothing method.

At this moment, I was immersed in Lu Xuan, who absorbed the essence of the fire. I didn’t know about it at all, but he felt a sense of coolness. He felt extremely comfortable in an instant. He suddenly sighed and accelerated the reunion of Taiyi. At the speed of operation, it is necessary to directly close the fire.

"Give me a collection!" Lu Xuan screamed, disappeared from the essence of the fire, just like the chaos of the original, disappeared in an instant, and the next moment, in Lu Xuan's Dan Tian, ​​in addition to Jian Jing Beyond the chaotic soil, there is another burning flame, which is the essence of the fire. And a pure fire system Yuan Li, constantly emanate from it, Lu Xuan's ninth Yuan Dan, is greedily absorbing this force.

At this moment, the singular scene appeared. The appearance of this fire system was actually a slight change in the soil of Chaos. A soil force that was not inferior to the fire system was also spewed out.

The five elements are born, the fire is born!

Endless pure power is filled in the dantian of Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan could not help but think of a move, so pure two elements, maybe you can let yourself break through to the Yuanyuan!

When the last time I absorbed the chaotic soil, Lu Xuan’s ninth Yuan Dan was already very satisfactory. When I was condensing the four-star C-Fire God, I absorbed a lot of firepower and it was a faint breakthrough. The sign of returning to the Yuan Dynasty is the opportunity to break through.

Without hesitation, Lu Xuan decisively re-runs the exercises, and a glimmer of force is quickly integrated into Yuan Dan.

"When I started to practice, did I have to break through?" Bing Ling looked at Lu Xuan and whispered, and then revealed a smile. According to Lu Xuan’s breakthrough speed, it may not be possible to achieve extraordinary conditions in a few years. , flying up to Tianyu, to complete the last wish of the Master.

"Oh!" At this moment, the fire suddenly shouted.

A raccoon curiously looked at the fire and asked: "What are you talking about?"

The fire looked at the raccoon with a small eye. It didn't know what the raccoon said, but the raccoon couldn't understand what it was talking about.

The fire is to say that someone has come over, and its toys have been removed by those people. The outside of the enchantment is the eyes of the fire, it is clear about the lava land, but neither the ice spirit nor the raccoon, did not understand its meaning.

But it didn't matter if you understood it or not, because soon, Bingling and others heard a banging sound, one person, one beast and two spirits, and looked at the direction of the sound of the bang.

"Sister Ice Spirit, it seems that someone is attacking this volcano."

Ice Spirit nodded: "It seems that they have also discovered the anomaly of this volcano, but don't worry about them. With their strength, they can't break it. Let Lu Xuan finish the cultivation."

"Then will they stay here waiting for us to go out?" A raccoon asked with some concern.

Ice Ling couldn't help but smile: "What is the use of guarding? After Lu Xuan goes out, they will not be opponents."

At this moment, outside the volcano, the pedestrians are divided into three batches, and they are attacking the volcano in turn, and there is Nangong Lie. (To be continued~^~)

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