Sword Spirit

Chapter 857: Hidden strength

A strong sense of crisis rose from Ma Yuan’s heart, Fang Siyuan was already dead, and he could not get rid of Nangong Lie. Then, Nangong Lie must inevitably kill people, and Nangong’s intention to cooperate with Jiuhua League is absolutely Not to be exposed!

Ma Yuan’s temper is not so decisive. His first thought is to beg for mercy, to ensure that he never reveals the news, but immediately he thinks that the most conservative news is definitely not a living person, but a dead person, Nangong’s home, not lacking. Your own commitment.

Thinking of this festival, Ma Yuan did not say anything, turned around is to want to quickly escape, but within this little hesitation time, Nan Gonglie has already shot.

Lu Xuan has come up with his sincerity, and has shown absolute power. With the crushing force, Fang Siyuan has been killed. Nangong Lie must also use actions to prove that he himself is interested in joining forces with Lu Xuan. Otherwise, In the words, he suspected that Lu Xuan would even kill himself and Ma Yuanquan here. He did not doubt that Lu Xuan had this strength.

"Give me a stay!" Nan Gong Lie violently screamed, his body quickly catching up with Ma Yuan, his hands clenched into claws, and his claws were swung out, and the two claws of the flames immediately rushed toward Ma Yuan.

Nan Gonglie never used weapons. His hands are his most powerful weapon. He always thought that if you really want to realize the true meaning of fire, you can't use it with foreign objects, but you must use your body to understand. .

I noticed two hot breaths, Ma Yuan hurriedly turned back, a single knife appeared in his hands, the blade instantly swept through the air, a shining knife suddenly appeared, carrying a strong force to attack Nangong Lie .

Only heard a loud noise, Nan Gonglie’s attack was suddenly broken, but Ma Yuan’s escape plan was successfully stopped by Nangong Lie, and Nan Gong’s figure flashed, which was in front of Ma Yuan’s body.

Ma Yuan sighed with a nervous sigh, and sighed sternly: "Nan Gong Lie, do you really want to betray the Eight Orthodox Temple? You can think about it. Once you are caught by Sikong, your Nangong family will inevitably be destroyed. once!"

Nan Gonglie’s eyes narrowed slightly and slowly said: “It’s a good thing, but as long as you don’t let Sikong’s family notice, isn’t it?”

Ma Yuan was a slogan at the moment. At this moment, he can be said to have a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. The rear is Lu Xuan, whose strength is unfathomable. In front, it is a six-year stagnation in the virtual world. Nangong Shuo, who is deeply impressed by the laws of the fire system, no matter who he is, he does not seem to be an opponent.

Ma Yuan finally softened and changed into a tone of forgiveness: "Nangong Sanye. I promise not to disclose everything that happened here. Even, I can undercover your Nangong family in the division of Sikongjia. Just ask you to let me go."

In the eyes of Ma Yuanxi, Nangong Lie shook his head and said: "The dead are the most reliable."

Sure enough, I got the expected answer. Ma Yuan’s heart sank and no longer hope. His eyes flashed a glimmer of color, and he said: "If you want to kill me, then I have to cut a piece of meat from you!

As Ma Yuan screamed and screamed, a bright knife light illuminates. For a time, it seems that the whole space has been cut into two halves. A very destructive force suddenly rushed toward Nangong.

"burning the sky!" Nangong Lie screamed loudly, his hands were extremely quick to pull out a law, and the endless fire system came to the fore. In an instant, a shocking seal was formed, and the horse was crushed in the past without any fancy. .

The two forces collided. Ma Yuan’s knife gas did not have the slightest resistance. He was smashed into **** in an instant, and Nangong Lie’s burning of the sky was a rush to Ma Yuan.

On the occasion of this electric Flint, Ma Yuan issued a knife that was close to the limit, and a single knife smashed up, and a huge force burst out from him.

"Flying clouds!"

boom! A loud bang came, and Nangong Lie’s burning of the sky was completely smashed in half by Ma Yuan’s knife, and the endless sporadic fire was scattered in the air.

Lu Xuan looked at the battle between Nangong Lie and Ma Yuan with great interest. The two of them could all be real and imaginary, but not like themselves, they used their strength to exert their imaginary power. People, this level of fighting, but can learn a lot of things, and in the eyes of Lu Xuan, also fully understand the mystery of the two people to play.

This Ma Yuan’s perception is not another law, but a knife, a knife, and a road that is not inferior to the kendo. The sword is the prince of the Wan Bing, who wins with lightness, and the sword is the hegemon of the 10,000 soldiers. He wins by hegemony. Just after Ma Yuan’s smashing Nangong Lie’s burning of the heavenly seal, it relies on the extremely overbearing power, but Unfortunately, Ma Yuan seems to have only realized a knife.

Although Lu Xuan does not know the knife, but the sword has many similar places, the kendo is a avenue, but it has many trails, such as the Haoran kendo that you feel, which is one of them. Without the support of the rest of the power, Ma Yuan could not play the true power of the knife.

Nangong Lie’s sentiment on the laws of the fire system is even deeper. It can be condensed into a solid big seal by virtue of the fire system. It’s really not the same. It’s not that Fang Siyuan can compare. Don’t look at Nangong Lie’s example. Siyuan has raised a small realm, but Lu Xuan feels that on the sentiment of the fire system, Nangong Lie opened several squares of Fang Siyuan.

When Lu Xuan secretly analyzed the strength of the two men, the two men’s battles did not stop. Nangong’s hands raised his hands and the fire broke out. The horses were already exhausted, and there was no such thing. When I was back, even some of them were stretched, and it seemed that they were at risk of falling.

Gradually, Nangong Lie was somewhat intolerant. Lu Xuan did not bother to kill a Fang Siyuan, but he was still so troublesome to deal with a Ma Yuan, and his face could not be hanged.

At this moment, Nan Gonglie finally came up with the real skills. I saw his hands waving, and the endless flame power began to condense toward him. Lu Xuan felt that the fire power in the air was drastically reduced. It seems that this At the moment, the fire system of all these forces was all taken out by Nangong Lie!

Looking at Nangong Lie’s move, Ma Yuan’s eyes were in doubt, holding the knife in his hand tightly. The next moment, he finally made up his mind, so passively, sooner or later, it’s better to put on a note!

"Wan Wan destroys Yuelu!" He only heard Ma Yuan screamed and screamed, and in an instant he raised the speed to the extreme. The whole person vacated and carried the ground, and the raging raging Chaonan Palace slammed down. .

Nangong Lie quickly looked up, his eyes condensed, his hands suddenly closed, and a very dazzling fireball suddenly appeared in front of him, looking far away, like a miniature version of the sun, less than three feet of fireballs, among them But it condensed a force that was enough to make Lu Xuan feel scared.

"Fire dance Yaoyang!"

With the anger of Nangong Lie, the fireball was lifted up in an instant, and went straight to the horse. When I saw this scene, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but feel the fire, and the sun was so far away from the ground. The hot temperature, the sun, is it really a great fireball?

Among the starry swords, the most powerful one is the next day, but unfortunately, Lu Xuan’s understanding of the next day is still very shallow, and the power is not even comparable to the falling star that he has just merged with a devastating force.

If you integrate the law of fire into the next day, will it make the power of the next day rise sharply?

The mind kept thinking about it. Lu Xuan’s eyes were closely staring at the confrontation between Nangong Lie and Ma Yuan. Both of them issued a powerful move, but in the face of Nangong Lie’s style, Ma Yuan’s The attack is a bit small, although his momentum is also extremely large, but it can not be compared with Nangong Lie.

In the face of Nangong Lie’s attack, Ma Yuan couldn’t avoid it at this moment. He could only bite his teeth and lift his strength to the limit. He slammed it down and slammed a loud bang. Ma Yuan’s single knife immediately slammed his hand. A blood spouted out, but before the fire danced to Yaoyang, the blood was instantly evaporated.

In the face of Nangong Lie’s attack, Ma Yuan was not an opponent at all. When he saw the fireball hit him, Ma Yuan shouted: "I am dead, you don't want to live, burst!"

In the face of the mortal bureau, Ma Yuan actually chose the self-destructive god!

A very strong, extremely unstable momentum has been uploaded from the horse's original body. It has even faintly passed the Nangong Lie's fire dance, and the strongest of the five virtual powers blew the gods. The power is terrible.


Self-explosive Yuanshen, but it is only a matter of an instant, a force of self-destruction, suddenly came from Ma Yuan’s body, Ma Yuan himself was first blown into smoke, and then followed by a powerful explosion The South Palace is screaming, and Nangong Lie is so close to him that he will definitely be hurt!

But at this time, Nan Gonglie’s face flashed a stern color, and his momentum suddenly rose!

Feeling the change of Nangong's violent momentum, Lu Xuan couldn't help but suddenly be shocked. This kind of momentum is not something that can be possessed by the six strong people in the virtual world. At least it has reached the point of being too imaginary. Is it Nangong Lie? Still hiding strength?

"Give me out!" Nangong screamed, and a boxing out was actually to force Ma Ma's self-destructive power.

With a bang, Nangong Lie was able to retreat three steps. Even without any damage, Ma Yuan’s self-destructive strength was blocked. For a time, Lu Xuan could not help but look at Nan Gonglie.

An earth-shattering battle, and this time, the body of Ma Yuan has already been crushed by the power of self-destruction. It is almost more tragic than the death of Fang Siyuan, and the momentum of Nangong Lie has once again decreased, returning to the virtual The situation is sixfold, but Lu Xuan is still staring at Nangong Lie.

On the eyes of Shang Lu Xuan, Nan Gonglie knows what Lu Xuan wants to ask, revealing a candid smile: "Lu brother, you guessed it well, I do have hidden strength, my true strength, it is too virtual, I want to come. Lu brother also took the same approach as me." (To be continued~^~)

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