Sword Spirit

Chapter 858: Inflammatory disintegration

In the face of Lu Xuan's eyes, Nangong Lie did not hide the slightest concealment. After all, he couldn't help himself. Just to resist Ma Yuan's self-destructive power, he has already exposed his true strength.

It is precisely because Nangong Lie has some way to hide his strength, he will take it for granted that Lu Xuan also uses some method to hide his strength and believes in it.

Hearing Nan Gonglie’s initiative to explain, Lu Xuan showed a hint of unmistakable smile. Of course he could not deny that he did not hide his strength, but his smile fell in the eyes of Nangong, but it seemed to be somewhat unpredictable.

"I didn't expect the strength of Nangong's brother to be so strong. So, your Nangong family has been concealing its own strength?" Lu Xuan asked.

Nangong Liewen’s words are also a faint smile: “In the midst of the crisis, of course, you must be careful. At least the current Nangong’s eyes are not in the eyes of Sikong’s family, and there is no threat, and naturally there will be no rush to deal with it.”

Lu Xuan nodded, and his heart was slightly praised. The Nangong family was indeed a caring person. It was prepared for this. Nangong Lie was only the third lord of the Nangong family. He had the strength of being too imaginary, and I am afraid that the Nangong family’s strongest It has already reached the limit of being too ugly, even from the extraordinary situation.

If Jiuhua League can join forces with Nangongjia, there is such a strong boost. It is certain that the nine-leaf alliance will not be happy.

At this moment, Nan Gonglie looked at Lu Xuan and laughed again. "Although I have hidden strength, I only concealed two small realms. But Lu Xiong, you can be more than me, even pretending to be a disciple of Yuanyuan, almost even I have deceived the past. I want to come to this time. You don’t have to do anything to play with pigs and tigers. Even Dong Ruyi is planted in your hands."

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "I don't have to play pigs and eat tigers, but I don't mention this beforehand. There are still some people here. You need Nangong brother to handle it."

At the same time, the two turned their eyes to the disciples of Ma and Fang, and Fang Siyuan and Ma Yuan successively fell. At this moment, these disciples are treacherous, fearful, and want to run. But they did not dare to run, facing the strength of a stronger Nangong Lie and Lu Xuan, they can only hope that Nangong Lie can see the people who are the same as the temple, and spare their lives.

"Three three three. Sanye, I am a friend with Nangong Huai, and I hope that Sanye will look at the face of Ah Huai, and spare me a life. In the future, I will definitely look at the South Palace." A Fang disciple trembled. .

"Sanye, I fell in love with Nangong Yunxi. I am ready to marry. I am the Nangong family in the future. The three masters believe that others, you must believe me!"

"Three Lords..."

The disciples of the two Ma Fangs have made a sound at this moment, and they are eager to meet with the Nangong family. For a time, it seems that each of them has been with the Nangong family, and one is more than one.

In the face of the crowded friendship of the people, Nangong Lie was unmoved. The friendship between these people and the Nangong family was not true. Some are to inquire about the real situation of the Nangong family, deliberately hand in hand with the Nangong family, and some are the Nangong family to take the initiative to pay, in order to find out the idea of ​​Sikong.

There may be some pure friendships, but Nangong Lie will never bypass any of them because of this trivial matter, because once things fall, the price he needs to pay is all the people of the Nangong family!

The indifferent eyes of Nangong Lie swept through the crowd, and everyone suddenly screamed. He waited for Nan Gonglie’s verdict, but at this time, Nangong Lie raised his right hand, and the endless fire system came together. He has already demonstrated his choice with practical actions.


"Everyone flees!"

"Distracted away!"


Seeing the death of Nangong Lie without hesitation, the disciples suddenly panicked and screamed and fled, and no one was willing to sit and wait to die.

However, Nangong Lie is a powerful and imaginary strength. In the face of a group of disciples who are returning to the Yuan Dynasty, it is just like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, a huge flame condenses in the air, and suddenly it is suddenly blasting, one by one. The fireballs fired around and aimed at the escaped disciples chasing them away. Some people fought wildly, but they simply ran away. Some people turned back and resisted, but they did not have their own power.

However, in the two-time period, more than a dozen bodies were scattered everywhere, and there was no life. Nangong Lie did not even have to do anything after the aftermath. These people all died under the flame attack. This land of flames is really normal.

Lu Xuan nodded secretly, but he admired Nan Gonglie’s decisive decisiveness. However, this is also the most correct choice. The warrior must dare to kill without killing. When killing, he must not be soft. He was originally because of it. Without decisively killing Zheng Qiwei, he almost died in Dong Ruyi’s hands.

At this time, a burst of rumble came, as if there were many behemoths marching toward this side, and Nangong Lie could not help but change his face. In this lava land, only those who can make such sounds, but also absolutely More than one fire, but a large number of fire!

He has been fighting the flaming demon for a long time. He has a deep understanding of this creature. Although they are very cumbersome, they are extremely powerful. If they are besieged by countless inflammatory demon, even if it is him, it will be as big as a fight.

"Lu brother, it seems that we have to fight side by side." Nan Gong Li Shensheng.

Lu Xuan is laughing and waving his hand: "Nan Gong brother does not have to panic."

Nangong Liewen’s eyes were so alarmed that he did not know what Lu Xuan said.

But soon, he understood it. I saw a head-and-eye demon appearing. Under the cautious gaze of Nangong Lie, these fires were not attacked, but they stood not far from Lu Xuan.

"Fire away, can you leave these toys with these toys?" Lu Xuan asked with a heart, these fires, naturally he let the fire away from the collection.

"Oh... no, their energy is mainly from the power of the flames here. Once they leave, it will take a long time to run out of energy and fall apart." The fire thought about it.

Lu Xuan sighed, this is a pity, if he can lead such a large number of flaming walks, then what is the fear in this seal?

"Then you let them collapse on their own, so many flame spar, it can not be wasted." Lu Xuan out.

"No problem." The fire agreed quickly. These flaming magic books are the ones that came out to see the world outside. Now it has been out of trouble. Of course, there is no need to exist. Since Lu Xuan likes the flame among these enchantments. Spar, then give Lu Xuan.

Under the stunned eyes of Nangong Lie, a head of inflammation suddenly disintegrated automatically, and the lava stones that formed their bodies rolled down, leaving a batch of flame crystals.

"This..." Nangong Lie almost couldn't speak. Although Lu Xuan did not do anything, he was sure that all of this was definitely made by Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan’s strength is terrible. Is it true that these smolders are all made by Lu Xuan himself?

"A raccoon, go and collect those flame crystals." Lu Xuan said on the shoulder of the raccoon.

"Well!" A replied cheerfully, screaming at a storage ring, rushing out between pieces of flame crystals, passing through where the flame crystals were all stored. Among the objects.

A raccoon is extremely fast. It is a good fit to clean the battlefield. Soon, the flame crystals scattered all over the place are all collected, and the storage ring is handed over to Lu Xuan, and I have not forgotten to say it. One voice: "Xuan Ge, I feel that I can eat this thing too, you can remember to stay with me."

Lu Xuan heard a slight glimpse, is it difficult to become a raccoon and has a talent for fire? The fire energy hidden in these flame crystals is extremely rich. If you use them to feed the raccoon, you don’t know what effect it will produce.

Looking at Lu Xuan for a moment, I collected so many flame crystals. Nangong Lie could not help but smile with a smile: "Lu Xiong, I really served you, I spent a lot of effort to shuttle in this lava field, killing the evil spirits. Get the flame crystal, fear that it is not as much as one tenth of what you get."

PS: Thanks to Jianxuan Feiyue, the book night is long, and the swordfish swordfish is rewarded! Xiaobao will leave for Guangzhou today, and look at the situation first. If it is too busy, Xiaobao will strive for a stable update, and please support and forgive me~ (to be continued~^~)

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