Sword Spirit

Chapter 859: Next place

Before being found by Fang Siyuan, Nan Gonglie stayed in the lava field to kill the sorcerer, in order to obtain the two flame spar that constitutes the eyes of the flaming demon. This flame spar contains an extremely rich fire system. Yuan Li, even if Nan Gong Lie is too strong and eight strong, it is also of great benefit to him.

At this moment, seeing Lu Xuan’s effort to blow, it’s easy to get so many flame spar. It’s not envied by Nangong’s, and more importantly, he knows clearly, I’m afraid the inflammation in this lava field. All of them gathered for Lu Xuan. In other words, he wanted to go elsewhere to get the flame spar, but he couldn't do it.

Seeing the appearance of Nangong Lie, Lu Xuan smiled slightly and took out 20 pieces of flame spar from the storage ring and handed it to Nangong Lie: "Namong brother, this thing should have no small advantage for you, in order to celebrate our cooperation. Pleasant, little meaning, not respectful."

Staring at the things that Lu Xuan handed over, Nangong screamed and smiled: "How nice this is, this flame crystal is worth a lot of money. I see Lu Lu, you are also a person who is proficient in the laws of fire. I want to come to the same urgent need."

Lu Xuan shook his head. Although these flame crystals are good, he has the essence of fire. In terms of the purity of the power of the flame, these flame crystals can’t be compared with the essence of fire. It is better to build some deeper friendships.

"Nan Gong brother does not have to add more derogations, since you and I sincerely cooperate, why should you care about this little thing?" Lu Xuan generously opened.

"Since Lu brother is so generous, then I will not say much." Nan Gonglie readily accepted the flame spar, and he was even more glanced at Lu Xuan. Not only was his strength unfathomable, but he did not hesitate. Actually, it is a person who can be handed over. Maybe, the hope of the rise of the Nangong family really fell on Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan handed a flame crystal to the raccoon, letting it squat with a big mouth, and said: "Where is Nangong brother going to go?"

Nan Gong Li looked up and looked around. Sighed: "Actually, the main purpose of my coming in this time is to hunt for treasure. I thought about staying in this lava field for three months. It is not bad to get some flame spar slowly. Now it seems that there is no It’s necessary to stay on."

"Is it better to walk together?" Lu Xuan suggested that he naturally hopes to have Nangong Lie with him. After all, the source of his strength is the treasures in this seal. Although I have gotten away from the fire, but once I leave the flames, the strength will be returned to the original shape. Although I don’t say that I have no fighting ability, I want to challenge Dong Ruyi’s strong and imaginary six. Some are not qualified. Not to mention Nan Gonglie, the real powerhouse of the eight-fold virtual reality.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Lie did not realize the kind of expectation that was carried in Lu Xuan's tone. Instead, he shook his head cautiously: "No, the relationship between you and me must be kept secret. It must not appear together. At most, it can only be contacted privately. So, in order to be safe, we must leave separately. ”

"Oh... that line." Lu Xuan said without a word, he is now a strong and unpredictable powerhouse in the mind of Nangong Lie. Naturally, he couldn't pull his face down and ask Nangong Lie to be with him. In that case, his disguise can be exposed. Besides, even if there is no Nangong Lie, Lu Xuan may not be able to encounter any danger.

Nangong Lie nodded and was about to leave. He randomly turned around and handed a token to Lu Xuandao: "This token is the communication token of my Nangong family, who holds the same token. Can mutually Contact, if you are a brother of Lu, you are in trouble with the children of my Nangong family. If you can help, try to help me. I thank you here."

"No problem, if I can help, I will help." Lu Xuan nodded his voice and played the token in his hand. Now he got the token of the magical **** and got the token of the temple. I have never been given the token of Jiuhua League, and I don’t know the master and Binger. What is going on now.

Thinking of Zhao Binger and others, Lu Xuan’s heart is slightly heavier. Although he only came in this seal land for less than ten days, he saw too many things, strange souls, and horrible human races. People died in front of him, but none of these people died because of the Soul, but they all died in the hands of the Terran.

He couldn't help but think of the words left by Ye Tian. The tribes of the human race are due to civil strife. This is true.

After bidding farewell to Lu Xuan, Nan Gonglie turned around with a few people from the Nangong family and looked away in the direction of Nangong Lie and others. Lu Xuan turned his head and went in the opposite direction. He did not know. Where is the front, anyway, it is always the land of the seal.

"Fire away, you know, is there any soul in this flame land hidden?" Lu Xuan asked in a voice, under his explanation, the fire has long been known, the soul is to tear it up many years ago. Those guys.

"It should be gone. Since I burned some of the souls, they fled to other places. However, they occasionally sent some soul beasts to come and see, there is no threat." Road.

Lu Xuan nodded gently, and the people of the Soul knew that the fire was so powerful that they would never dare to appear after an offense. Since there is no existence of the Soul in this flame, Lu Xuan also has one less concern. Speed ​​up the other side of the flames.

Gradually, the temperature around it became more and more normal, and the hotness in the air began to disappear. All the signs showed that Lu Xuan was not far from the place where the flame left.

"I don't know where it is next. I hope to come to a vast forest with dense foliage." A raccoon said exaggeratedly: "I will never stay in this place again. After a while, I will die." After a while, the magma overflowed and the heat was unbearable."

Lu Xuan smiled and patted him on the head: "Then you still don't have to come over? Come, eat another flame crystal, what do you feel if you eat it?"

A raccoon will put a solid flame crystal into the entrance, and the sharp teeth will directly bite down and swallow it. Out of the channel: "There is nothing else, it feels a little hot... Well, it seems that my blood is also a little boiling. Maybe this stuff will allow me to break through to the fourth-order bloodline!"

"Reassured, full!" Lu Xuan Yang Yang Yang storage, the flame spar he left, all used to give the raccoon a ration.

As he spoke, Lu Xuan took a few people over a towering mountain peak and looked around, suddenly stunned. (To be continued~^~)

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