Sword Spirit

Chapter 865: Tears are red

Looking at this juncture, Lu Xuan was still lingering with each other, and Sikong Tianmu could not help but frown, which is too much to put himself in the eye.

Randomly, he showed a sly smile: "Since your feelings are so deep, then I will send you down to do a pair of life, and together, destroy them!"

When the voice of Sikong Tiancai fell, Sikong and the illusion of the gods suddenly joined hands, and a burst of screaming came, and several souls led by Chur began to stir up the soul at this moment. Avoid the battle and finally broke out!

"Kill!" Long Boming violently screamed, slanting the long sword and rushing to the forefront, and immediately fighting with Chur, Chur's current strength is the Seven Stars Emperor, and Long Boming is too imaginary, seven The strength of the player is almost in the middle of the game, Chur's soul power can easily break through Long Boming's defense, hurt his soul, and Long Boming has no way to take Chur.

When he was looking for a left-hander, Nangongyang was on Dong Ruyi, and a group of powerful people were looking for targets. So many too strong and powerful people were fighting at the same time. The power was absolutely terrible, but just one battle, Jiuhua League and others are caught in an absolute disadvantage. Because in this forest, they have irreparable disadvantages, it is because of the existence of Sikong Tiancai, or because of the existence of the tree of life in his hand.

Although in order to get this tree of life, Sikong spent a lot of money, but in the eyes of Sikong Tiancai, this is definitely worth it, because the power of this small branch is completely beyond his imagination. He was able to control the forest with this branch, able to absorb the rich life of the branches to complement himself, and to extract the vitality of others.

At this moment, Sikong Tiancai is the power of the tree of life that is madly motivated. The trees around here seem to have all come alive, waving branches like a group of devils, so close to the tree of life, these giant trees get Power blessing is extremely powerful, far more powerful than the big tree that was originally dealt with Lu Xuan.

A group of people who are too imaginary are desperately killed outside, and all warriors who are fighting have stood firm. The injured or poisoned warrior was guarded in the middle of the crowd, watching this scene with fear.

The sound of the explosion of the bangs is endless, and the branches of the crazy dance become the claws of life. Even the warrior who returned to the Yuan dynasty, at this moment, picked up the weapons in his hands and desperately slashed the branches that were hit, and there were screams from time to time. The warriors pierced by the branches controlled by Sikong Tiancai almost lost their fighting power in an instant, and the strength was slightly stronger and the injury was weak. Those with low strength died directly, and the vitality was taken out.

No matter how tragic the battle was outside, Lu Xuan did not pay attention at the moment. It’s just a tight embrace of the arms in the arms. At this moment, he discovered that he was the one who loved this woman in his arms, not inferior to anyone.

He wants to save her!

"Reciprocal, I have a detoxification spirit here, you take it quickly, take this medicinal medicine, you will be fine." Lu Xuan quickly took out Jinwuhua poisonous Dan, stuffed into the hands of the relatives, Lingdan only One. After giving each other a question, what would Zhao Binger have? Lu Xuan had no time to think about it, because if he did not save now, then there would be no chance.

Take this medicinal medicine, if you look up and look up at Lu Xuan anxiously, "If this is the case, then let the ice sister take it first."

Lu Xuan is flashing his words: "Binger... I can give it to her later, you should take it quickly."

If you are so smart, look at Lu Xuan's look is to understand, if Lu Xuan really has enough detoxification. I am afraid I have been fed to them long ago, and how can I wait until now.

For her own situation, if she is very familiar with each other, her body has been completely destroyed by toxins. Even if the toxins in the body are solved, she will never be able to save her, unless it is similar to the life and death of Nie Dan. Dan, in this case, why should she waste this remedy?

If they struggled to push Lu Xuan, and laboriously came to Zhao Binger's body, in the shocked eyes of Lu Xuan, the medicinal medicine was stuffed into the mouth of Zhao Binger.

"Dependent, you..." Lu Xuan did not know what to say. If he chose this option, he would almost give Zhao Binger the only life-saving straw.

If the dependent face is more rosy, revealing a bright smile: "Binger sister practiced the ice system, the toxin spread is not fast, this remedy, give her a save, but give me, it will only be a waste, You don't have to blame yourself. This is my own choice. You can give me the only life-saving spirit at this time. I am very happy."

Lu Xuan couldn't speak, but he could only hold it tightly, and he never shed tears. At this moment, his eyes were actually pantothenic.

Lu Xuan's warm embrace makes her feel more comfortable than before, but she feels that her body is getting colder and colder. Lu Xuan's arms are not enough to expel this coldness. She knows that death is already beckoning to herself.

"I remember it is good, this should be the first time you hold me like this." If the sounds of the neighbors are a little trembling, the body begins to tremble: "Lu Xuan, hold me tight, I am cold."

Lu Xuan does not speak, but it will hold her tighter, as if she is worried that she will run, and she should be completely integrated into her body.

"Lu... Lu Xuan, I guess it’s going to die. Before that, you... can you tell me, have you ever loved me?" If the trembling is getting worse, she is still holding on, She didn't want to die like this, Lu Xuan embraced the warmth, she still didn't feel enough.

"Love, love in the past, love now, love in the future!" Lu Xuan answered, a hot teardrop, but it did not live up to the corner of his eyes, he finally cried.

I finally got a satisfactory answer. If the mutual satisfaction is satisfied, only the moment of love is so short, but it is because of its shortness that it is precious.

"Wait, wait for me to die, take it with you, take them with the ice sister, you are not allowed to die here, hear no, I, I don't need you to go with me, I, I want you to live well." If you get more and more breathing, it seems that you can stop breathing at any time.

"No, you won't die." Lu Xuan rushed out of his own book, as if he was looking for a treasure, he said: "Look, I put the chaotic peony **** you want." The lower half is taken out, you must live well, and with your talent, you can definitely become a Peony Fairy."

Looking at the lower half of this chaotic peony god, if she smiled very happy, Lu Xuan really loved her, and she did not forget her, still remember that she wanted half of the exercises.

With a smile of satisfaction, if she fell asleep in Lu Xuan's arms, she would be able to see Lu Xuan again when she woke up.

"Dependent, dependent?" Lu Xuan gently swayed the jade in the arms, but if they were dependent, they ignored him.

"Dependent, dependent!" Lu Xuan screamed and shouted, as if to want to wake up the sleeping person in the arms, but all this is in vain.

If you are dependent, if you are dependent, if you don't give up, I will live and die.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This is not the first time that Lu Xuan has seen life and death, but it is the first time that he has the love of his own side to leave, and the pain of life and death is only known for his personal experience.

"What is the ghost, since you are so painful, it is better for you to go down with her, and it will be a hundred years after the death." Sikong Tiancai sneered out.

Lu Xuan turned his head and stared at Sikong Tiancao. If the poison in the middle of the match is the poison of the Sikong family, at this moment, the culprit is in front of his own eyes!

If the dependent body is gently put down by Lu Xuan, it looks no different from the previous coma, but there is no breath.

"Sikong Tiancai, I want your life!" Lu Xuan screamed with a word, and the voice fell, and the whole person immediately attacked Sikong Tiancai!

The falling star is hand-in-hand, and at this moment he seems to have turned into a falling meteor, carrying an unbeatable giant burst.

"Want to die, it will be yours!" Sikong Tiancai screamed, holding the right hand of the tree of life, and a thousand large branches of the tree headed down to the face of Lu Xuan.

"Give me a break!" Lu Xuan angered, the sword was not only, and one directly plunged into the attack center of Sikong Tiancai. At this moment, his killing heart was unprecedentedly strong, even if it was the smashing of the sky. Can't make up for his inner pain.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ying could not help but scream: "Lu Xuan, be careful!"

Don't look at Sikong Tiancai's only two virtual strengths, but among so many people, the strength he can play is definitely enough to rank the top three, relying on the wood treasure in his hand. Now Lu Xuan is under the anger of Sikong Tiancai's radical approach, and the uninspired attack on Sikong Tiancai is extremely dangerous.

See Lu Xuan dare to fight hard, Sikong Tiancai surprise, this Lu Xuan, is simply looking for death, if he only responds to the periphery, with the help of the fire system, how can he not take him in a short time? But now, he will kill Lu Xuan!

"Haha, kid, let's die! There is no side to fall!" Sikong Tiancao laughed and screamed at the tree of life. A very pure wood system suddenly broke out and formed numerous conserved leaves. The brushed shot of Lu Xuan, each leaf, carries a strong force, enough to easily cut the human body.

The inexhaustible branches instantly trapped Lu Xuan, and the sharp endless leaves swiftly cut toward Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan did not even have a place to hide. There was no way but hard. At this moment, the sky in this wood world is like Lu Xuan in the desert world and the flame world! (To be continued~^~)

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