Sword Spirit

Chapter 866: Nangong Lie to

Lu Xuan is surrounded by Sikong Tiancai. The entrance is full of green leaves, but it contains a strong murder.

"The field of kendo!" Lu Xuan screamed, and a strong force of arrogance surged into the sky. The endless swordsmanship surrounded itself and formed a world of swords. The fire in the dusty sword also felt Lu Xuan from this moment. Anger, a strong force of fire suddenly appeared, and the entire kendo field was dyed into a flaming color. Although it is no longer a place of fire, the strength of the fire is greatly reduced, but the fire is completely fired. The power of wood here.

But this is not enough!

Sikong Tiancai screamed, and all the power of the tree of life was mobilized by him. The power was no longer scattered, but all of them were concentrated on Lu Xuan. At this moment, Lu Xuan is not fighting with Sikong Tiancai, but with this. A whole battle of huge forests formed by the tree of life.

The inexhaustible leaves were cut by the sword and burned away from the fire, but more leaves were hard to break through. Lu Xuan’s powerful defense rushed in.

"Destruction!" With Lu Xun's another roar, a violent breath suddenly descended. Although the power of destruction is not as deep as the power of Lu Xuan's kendo, it is inherently used to destroy. It is destructive and even stronger than the power of kendo. The leaves swept by the power of destruction were instantly crushed into dust, and there was no trace of shadow.

"There are quite a lot of means." Sikong Tiancai stared at Lu Xuan coldly. Now he understands why Dong Ruyi is a six-strong man who is too imaginary. He is so jealous of Lu Xuan, but he looks at him. Come, this is just a little tricky.

"A single tree into a forest!" Sikong Tiancai launched another attack, a small sapling, suddenly grew out from the ground next to Lu Xuan, but only for a moment, this sapling is rapidly rising Endless branches and leaves emerged. Like a madman dance, the crazy Chao Luxuan launched an offensive.

The attack of Sikong Tiancai became stronger and stronger, and Lu Xuan could not help but retreat. There is no way to resist the faint, the space of the activity is once again compressed, and only a little more, he will have no way to go. Was killed by Sikong Tiancai.

At this moment, Lu Xuan had to fight for a fight. The dusty sword was lifted up, and a strong radiance shone. The kendo field that enveloped the body was instantly integrated into the light. The endless power of fire was also incorporated. At this time, Lu Xuan’s hand is no longer a sword. It is a hot sun.

"The next day!"

With Lu Xuan screaming. This road is too strong to burst, and the endless swordsmanship comes with the power of flames. This sword contains the power of kendo, the power of destruction, the power of fire, and the power of time. Strong, second only to Tianjian Jiuzhong. However, the combination of heaven and man and the meteor catching the moon are the strong martial arts of single attack. At this time, perhaps it is not as good as the next day.

Huge movements, even the people who are too imaginary in the battle, can not help but look at it. The addition of Lu Xuan greatly reduced the pressure of Long Boming and others. After all, Lu Xuan resisted the strength with his own strength. Sikong Tiancai, but unfortunately, Lu Xuan seems to be unable to stop at this moment.

The next day, it was finally the attack that broke the sky. However, Lu Xuan is very expensive, especially in the field of kendo that he condensed. At this moment, all of them burst open with the next day, and they have already hurt their minds.

On the other hand, Sikong Tiancai, although damaged, but with the power of life in the tree of life flowing into his body, it was restored in an instant, although the tree of life has no strong protective force like chaotic soil, no departure The explosive power and lethality of the fire, but the resilience it brings is not comparable to the former two.

"Is there no strength? But I didn't intend to let you go." Sikong Tiancao snorted, and with a big hand, it was an endless force swept over, once again covering Lu Xuan, this is the advantage of controlling the treasure. The power is endless, let it be used.

"Sister, how to deal with him?" Lu Xuan had to ask the ice spirit for countermeasures. He now realized how Dong Ruyi and others felt when they faced themselves.

"He has a tree of life in his hand. Although the attack power is not too strong, but the resilience is not comparable to everyone in the field. If you want to overcome him, you must leave the world of wood." Channel, the tree of life is what she laid down, she naturally knows the power.

Lu Xuan steel teeth bite, he certainly knows that leaving here is the best choice, but now everyone is trapped here, how can I get away? Even if he is dead, he can escape, but Zhao Ying, Zhao Binger, Chen Xiaohan? He has lost a love, he does not want to lose any one!

Seeing that the attack of Sikong Tiancai came again, Lu Xuan was inevitable and could only lift the long sword to resist. But at this time, a low-pitched voice came: "burning the sky!"

A huge imprint, carrying a raging fire suddenly descended from the sky, such a strong momentum came, everyone could not help but revisit, only heard a loud bang, this big plaque smashed in the wood laid by Sikong Tiancai Above the enchantment.


A shrill sound came, and the wood enchantment that trapped Lu Xuan was actually smashed, and he did not hesitate. He seized this opportunity and Lu Xuan instantly departed from it.

"Nan Gong Lie!" Sikong Tiancai stared at the people in the air and sighed out.

Undoubtedly, it is natural for Nangong’s Sanye Nangong to be so powerful that it was the Nangong’s Sanye Nangong. Before, Nangongyang had been hoping to go to Nangong Lie to help, but did not expect Lu Xuan to come. At the moment, Nangong Lie finally arrived.

"Three brothers, you are finally here!" Nan Gongyang said with great enthusiasm: "Sikong has finally been able to endure to us, and also joined the illusion of the gods and the souls, in an attempt to destroy all the people of Jiuhua League and Wansha Island. Killing here, the appetite is not that big."

Nan Gongyang's three words and two words, it is to account for seven seven eight eight.

Nangong Lie nodded quietly. He had quickly taken all of the scenes here and understood the general situation, but he could not easily get up because he saw some familiar figures, Long Boming, He Ridi, Lu Xuan, these three people are the first-class strong in his heart, but even these people are still in the downside, but it is conceivable that the alliance of Sikongjia is definitely not so good.

"Lu brother, are you okay?" Nan Gonglie asked.

Lu Xuan shook his head, but now he is not in the mood to say anything more, but the arrival of Nangong Lie is also a good thing. The addition of a tyrannical eight-strong powerhouse may be able to save some situations.

"Nan Gong Lie, I did not expect that you are not only too imaginary six strengths, so it seems that your Nangong family is also intentionally hiding strength?" Zuo Yu looked at Nan Gong Lie, a little bit strange, he is too virtual The seven strengths of the situation, but still can not see the strength of Nangong Lie, which undoubtedly proves that Nangong Lie has at least reached the eight-fold situation.

Sikong Tiancao’s words were also shocked. The arrival of Nangong Lie, coupled with his more than expected strength, was a real variable, but he followed him with a cold voice: “I already knew The Nangong family is in a bad mood, and how to hide the strength. In the face of absolute strength, everything is a mirror of the water!"

"Nan Gong Lie, I will join forces, I will not believe, we are not so many people!" Long Boming shouted, Lu Xuan showed his strength is beyond his expectations, and now there is a Nangong Lie, which made the original Long Boming, who did not hold any hope, saw a glimmer of light.

Nan Gonglie nodded gently: "From now on, from now on, my Nangong family will leave the Eight Temples and stand on its own!"

Sikong Tiancao sneered: "It’s ridiculous to stand on your own. After I kill you, I will kill everyone in your Nangong family. I am afraid you can only go underground and stand on your own."

Nangong Lie ignored his words, but turned his head to Lu Xuandao: "Lu brother, the strength of Sikong Tiancai is somewhat different, you and I may wish to work together."

Hearing that Nangong Lie actually called Lu Xuan as Lu Xiong, many people have flashed a strange color in their eyes, especially Long Boming and Zhao Ying. On behalf of the generation, Nangong Lie is Zhao Ying, Ye Wuxie is a generation. The character, Lu Xuan is a junior, and I don’t know how Lu Xuan really flickered. He was able to make a strong and tyrannical strongman to call him a brother.

Under the watchful eyes of Nangong Lie, Lu Xuan shook his head: "Sikong Tiancai has a heavy treasure in his hand. In this forest, he can't kill him. We must first evacuate from here, and then we will continue to discuss it. However, they may not Will give us this opportunity."

Nan Gong Lie eyebrows gently pick, do not know why Lu Xuan is so jealous of the sky, but for Lu Xuan, Nan Gonglie is convinced, he said: "Even if you can not kill him, do you and me join hands? It’s not going to be his opponent. Just beat it and we can break the power and break it one by one.”

Lu Xuan is hard to say at the moment. The powerful power that he showed out is displayed through treasures, but now the tree of life treasure is in the hands of Sikong Tiancai, how does he play that kind? power?

His eyes flashed slightly, Lu Xuan Shen Sheng: "Nan Gongxiong, you go first, give me a moment!"

Nan Gonglie looked strangely at Lu Xuan. He didn't know what Lu Xuan meant, but Lu Xuan did not explain it. He didn't ask much, just nodded and said, "Okay."

As soon as the voice fell, Nangong Lie suddenly turned around and bent into a claw. In an instant, Sikong Tiancai attacked, and Sikong Tiancai was shocked. Then he sneered, urging the power of the tree of life, and fearlessly confronting Shangnan Gonglie.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuan did not hesitate to sit cross-legged, he wants to come to this moment is not for anything else, but to break through! (To be continued~^~)

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