Sword Spirit

Chapter 867: Peony is coming

A wonderful figure stands in the air. She is in a place like it is above nine days. The mortal can't touch it. Under her, it is a light blue sphere. This sphere should be very big, just Because she is far apart, it doesn't look too big.

She is not here for the first time. She knows that the following planet has a domineering name called Tianjian Continent, and on Tianjian mainland, there is also a very unspeakable character. He is called Ye Tian, ​​but In the Tianyu, people prefer to call him the Emperor.

For the Tianyu Terran, the Emperor of Heaven is the existence that they will always be grateful for. It is because of the existence of the Emperor, the Terran can become a first-class race from a third-rate race, although today’s Terran is about to fall back to the first-class race. Bit.

A wind that was enough to blow the emptiness of the imaginary powers from the woman’s body, but only made her clothes wrinkle slightly, and it did not affect her. It was only from this small one. The details can be used to figure out how strong she is.

"The days have passed too long. I can't remember how many years have passed. However, if I remember well, by now, you and I should have known 35,000 years, and you have fallen by 10,000. Four hundred and sixty years." The woman in white whispered, her voice was very nice, giving a soft feeling, very elegant and quiet. She seemed to be talking to people and seemed to be talking to herself.

"For more than 10,000 years, I still haven't forgotten you, although I don't know if you have loved me." The white woman stared at the Tianjian continent below and continued to speak: "Maybe, for us, I don't know." The taste of love, after all, lived for too long, is this the case, will you suddenly leave?"

"Duan Hongchen brought your sword back, but there is no sword spirit, so I want to inquire about Jianling that what happened in the first place can't be done. I want to know. I should go find someone to help you revenge."

"The enchantment you laid down is really very powerful. It has been so long, I still can't go in. So I want to find your land in the fall and talk to you. I can only stand outside your hometown." You say hello."

"You said that your hometown is beautiful, and you have your only wife, although I have never seen her. When I believe that she is definitely better than me, how else might you let this kind of person fall in love with her?" ”

"In fact, you are a prodigal son. I have known it for a long time. It is not as solemn as the emperor of other people, but I like the prodigal son like you."

"Now the Terran has become chaotic again. It is not as harmonious and harmonious as you were. Duan Hongchen is your disciple, but he does not have the ability of you. He does not control a human being. In fact, perhaps He doesn't care at all, he cares more about whether he can break through to the king of God."

"You have been in the human race for the rest of your life. Now you can see the human race. Can you feel at ease?"


The woman in white kept talking to herself, and her heart felt more and more painful. With her current strength, the body is almost impossible to suffer from problems. Since it is distressed, it means that it is not a physical pain, but a pain in the soul.

"I will work harder to live longer, waiting for your enchantment power to decay, then go to see you, if you don't see you again, I am afraid I will forget your appearance, you know. My memory is not very good. of."

"Come here this time, I will come back to talk with you next time."

The woman in white looked a little tired. She fixedly looked at the Tianjian mainland below, and took a look at it. A void crack appeared. Walking from the void, I was able to shuttle faster and Tianjian and Tianyu. There is no clear landmark in the void, but she has gone through countless times in so many years, and naturally she will not get lost.

Just as she stepped into the crack of the void, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the Tianjian mainland. The foot that was taken out was taken back hard, and her eyes stared at the Tianjian continent without hesitation. At this moment, her knowledge has been completely released.

"The breath of chaotic peony!" The white woman who has been swaying in the wind and swaying, is finally showing a hint of surprise.

On the Tianjian mainland, how could there be a breath of chaotic peony, unless it is, someone got the volume from him!

"Will you fall?" The white woman gently shook her head: "I have cultivated my chaotic peony god, and it coincides with me coming here. I want to fall, and it is so easy. It seems that this is fate, God. Destined fate."

Talk, white woman, oh no, it should be a peony fairy, gently raising his hand, slender fingers across the air, a strange power is transmitted from her fingertips.

Soon, an illusory figure floated out of the Tianjian continent, and then the figure became more and more clear. Under the protection of Peony Fairy, the hurricane around could not hurt her. .

If she felt that she was dreaming, she was obviously dying, but suddenly a force took her out of her body, and then it floated higher and above, and it floated for nine days. Then she saw a very beautiful Fairy.

"Are you the legendary Meng Po? Would you like to give me Meng Po Tang?" If asked carefully, this scene is completely beyond her imagination. Besides she thinks she is dead, she has no other The idea, just to die, shouldn't it go underground? How do you fly to the sky instead?

Looking at the front of the eyes, Peony Fairy reveals a smile: "Although my name is dream, dream of dreams, but I am not Meng Po, my dream is quiet, others call me Peony Fairy."

Dreams are quiet? If she hasn't heard it, she knows who Peony Fairy is. At this moment, she stared at her dreams with her big eyes, and she did not dare to blink. Is she still dead or not dead now, is she still dreaming of death?

Peony Fairy, of course, she knows who it is, but it is the extremely strong person of Tianyu. The chaotic peony **** that he cultivated is the practice of Peony Fairy!

"Hello dreams of seniors, if the younger generations have seen each other's seniors, the younger generation's practice is the chaotic peony **** of the predecessors." If the relationship is not clear, this is a dream or something, but her etiquette is still very thoughtful.

"If you are dependent? It's a good name. If you don't give up, I will live and die." The dream is quiet and smiles: "I know that you are practicing chaotic peony gods. If not, I can't save you."

If you are worried about the big earthquake and save her, then don’t you say that you are still dead? !

"Predecessors, me, I..." If she couldn’t speak, she never experienced such unusual things.

The dream quietly shook his head: "You don't have to say much, you are just a glimpse of the soul. I use the power of the chaotic peony to pull you over, so now you are not really living."

After that, the dream was quiet and the left hand was there. A white peony appeared in her hand, extending her left hand and placing the white peony in front of each other: "You can be in the lower bound of Tianjian mainland. I learned my practice, and it happened when I came here. This is the fate of heaven. Now I ask you, can you worship me and respect me? Of course, if you don’t want to I will save you from this fate."

As soon as this statement is made, if he still needs to hesitate, Yingying bends and respectfully follows the ceremony: "If the disciples are dependent, they will see the Master."

"Very good, I didn't expect that after a long time, I will still accept a disciple. I am the first disciple I have received since I entered the realm. Although you are getting started later, but in the future Cultivation can not be slack." The dream is clear.

At this moment, if the relatives have already been silenced by the dreams, I don’t know why, the gods, the gods, not only did they not die, but they also fell under the door of the powerful gods? Is this the so-called big difficulty and death?

Looking at it like this, the dream is quiet, just a smile, not much to say, she knows her identity and strength, for the dependence on the lower bound, it is somewhat shocking. (To be continued~^~)

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