Sword Spirit

Chapter 868: Breaking back

"I still have some words to ask you, but I don't have to rush for a while. You only have a soul and no body. You are going to help you reshape your body." Peony Fairy refers to this white peony on the left hand. Dao: "This is a chaotic peony that I went to in a chaotic land, using the power of chaos extracted. Since you cultivated my chaotic peony god, this is to reshape the body." But the treasure is over."

If you are acquainted with each other, your heart is even more grateful. Although the dream is quiet, but the name of chaotic peony is known, it is easy to know that this peony is hard to come by, and the power of chaos is extremely strong, even if it is a force. She has benefited a lot, not to mention the peony formed entirely by the power of chaos?

"The disciple thanked the Master." If the respectful and respectful thank you, she knows that the dream is quiet and willing to spend such a big price to save herself, not because of the so-called fate, rushing for this fate, dreams may be willing to shoot Save yourself, but never give up the chaotic peony to reinvent yourself, and all this, if you know each other well, Peony Fairy is definitely on the part of your own exercises, or Said, looking at the people who brought this practice to the Tianjian mainland.

The dream was quiet and nodded, and then the jade hand waved. If they were dependent, they felt a soft force wrapped around themselves and sent themselves into this peony. As soon as I entered the peony, I felt that the whole person had settled down when I was in the same situation, and there was no such feeling of fluttering, as if I had already had a good body.

"Reshaping the body is not a simple matter. If you don't help you now, you will take it back to Tianyu and arrange it again."

If you are a little surprised, do you bring yourself to the field of the day? If it is normal, she will not be happy, but now... she is hesitant to say: "Master, can't you leave me in Tianjian mainland? There are still some things that the disciples have not done."

If you are in the mouth, it is natural to say goodbye to Lu Xuan, now Lu Xuan thought she was dead. I am afraid that the anger is abnormal. With his temper, he said that he would not find the scorpion. If you are dependent, you don't want to be saved by the Peony Fairy, but Lu Xuan is killed in the hand of the villain.

In the eyes of the expectation, the dream is quiet and gently shakes his head: "I can do nothing about it, on the mainland of this sword. I was placed in a strong enchantment by a very strong person, I can not enter it, even Even the power is difficult to penetrate, the reason why you can pull your soul out is also because of the power of chaotic peony."

Under the words, if you are dependent, you are somewhat disappointed. Cold and quiet is definitely not lying. Even she can't do it. It is very difficult to return to Tianjian mainland if I want to come to myself.

Reluctant to look at the Tianjian mainland below, if you can not help but think, I am afraid that only when Lu Xuan's strength reaches a certain level, flying up to Tianyu, can only meet again.

"In this case, the disciple is allowed to arrange by the teacher." If they said in the same way, at the same time, secretly prayed in the heart, Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan. You must live, I will wait for you in Tianyu.

The dream nodded quietly, waved and folded the wrapped chaotic peony, and turned into the void. If you have cultivated the chaotic peony god, you must be able to get some information about Ye Tian from her mouth.

When the dreams are quiet and leave with the solitude, the battle in the land of the seal has been in full swing. Nangong Lie is finally a virtual and eight-fold strength, facing the Sky Sky, which controls the tree of life. Played a situation that is equally divided. This is due to the fact that the tree of life is not the reason for the treasures that are good at attacking. If the tree of life has the power of attack from the power of fire, Nangong Lie may not be able to stand up.

But there are benefits and disadvantages. Although Sikong Tiancai still can't take Nangong Lie, but Nangong Lie can't help Sikong Tiancai, more importantly, Sikong Tiancai can continuously get strength from the tree of life, there is no consumption at all. On the other hand, Nangong Lie is hugely consumed. Except for his temporary worry, the rest of the people are already in a complete downwind in the battle. If they go on for a long time, they will lose.

Nan Gonglie could only take time to look at Lu Xuan, who was sitting on the knees. He was anxious in his heart. He could see that Lu Xuan was practicing. But what he didn’t understand was why Lu Xuan chose to practice at this time and temporarily hold the Buddha’s foot. What is the significance?

But this is the end of the matter, and it is not allowed to control him. He can only resist Sikong Tiancai as much as possible. He expects Lu Xuan to wake up quickly. If Lu Xuan does not join in, the result of this battle has no suspense, only The variable is Lu Xuan, he must hold on, and support Lu Xuan to wake up.

Lu Xuan, who entered the state of cultivation, suddenly abandoned all foreign objects. He has forgotten that he is in an extremely dangerous place, and all his mind is immersed in cultivation.

Now he is already the ten-power of Yuanyuan. The ten Yuan Dan in the dantian spins continuously. The only cockroach is the tenth Yuan Dan. It is not so full. Under normal circumstances, Lu Xuan is ready to wait until the first Ten Yuan Dan reached the most complete level, and then the actual breakthrough was too virtual, but now the situation is critical, there is no time for him to cultivate the tenth Yuan Dan.

In order to break through the illusory environment, in addition to the basic conditions of the tenth goal of returning to the Yuan Dynasty, the most important thing is to understand the law, at least to master a rule. This is a threshold for Lu Xuan. The power of mastering the law has already been more than one.

Therefore, in his current state, as long as he thinks, he can almost break through at any time. From the moment he calms down, he has no hesitation at all. Taiyi Yuanyuan is decisively working and pulling the Dantian. Ten Yuan Dan has a rapid rotation. When Yuan Dan’s speed is rotated to the extreme, Lu Xuan’s heart is dark!


The achievement is too virtual, this is the process of breaking and standing. The first step is to break the Yuan Dan!

A loud noise came from Lu Xuan’s mind. Ten Yuandan was broken up and became an endless powder. The rich Yuan Li was filled in Dantian. The powerful force fluctuation could not be suppressed from his body. .

I noticed that this power is fluctuating, and everyone in the battle can't help but look back in the busy schedule. This stock force is not too small. Is Lu Xuan breaking through?

Nangong’s heart is even more stunned. Lu Xuan is breaking through? Is it necessary to break through to the legendary extraordinary situation?

He never thought that Lu Xuan was the real returning martial artist. He thought that Lu Xuan was at least a strong and powerful person. The strength displayed by Lu Xuan in the land of flames made him affirm this.

And now Lu Xuan’s volatility has also brought him a strong sense of confusion. From this point of view, Lu Xuan is obviously a breakthrough in realm. If it is a breakthrough, it seems that Yuan Li The volatility will not be so strong, but if it is super-existing, it seems to be a lot weaker, it really makes people feel confused.

The strength of Lu Xuan, of course, is not the ordinary returning to the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dan, which is condensed by the Taiyi Guiyuan, is comparable to the ordinary exercises.

Yuan Dan is broken. Under normal circumstances, the military will provide extremely strong power for a short period of time, but it will cause extremely strong damage afterwards. Even repairs will stop from this, and Yuan Dan will be completely broken. In serious cases, it will fall directly.

But now that this force is too strong, and if there is a force to pull from it, the power of the broken Yuan Dan is able to converge into the Yuanshen, which is the must from the Yuanyuan into the too virtual realm. The way through.

Take the law as the skeleton, the soul as the blood, the Yuan force as the body, and condense the gods!

At this moment, a violent hurricane in the arsenal of Lu Xuan was swept away, almost tearing his entire dantian into pieces, but at this time, the power of a thick kendo suddenly came!

Lu Xuan’s choice of the principle of condensing the gods is not another law, but the kendo law he is best at.

At this moment, the power of this kendo law came, and in the chaotic Dantian, it seems that there was suddenly a pin of the sea god, and the inexhaustible and unrestrained Yuan Li was all centered on the power of this law.

The dark gold power, from the gaseous state to the solid state, began to slowly condense, and at this moment, the power of the endless law between the heavens and the earth is also constantly flowing in the direction of the land, and when it breaks through the realm of emptiness, It is the best opportunity for sentiment, broken and standing, so that the whole person can restore the truth at this moment, and have the deepest insight into the laws between heaven and earth. If you can seize this opportunity and gain something, the strength can be greatly improved. Unfortunately, the time is too short.

The law of kendo, the law of force, the law of time, the laws that the three Tao Xuxuan have already realized are firstly perceived by him, followed by the law of space, the law of destruction, and the two unrealized laws also appear, and finally It is the two laws that come out, but it is the law of the earth and the law of fire. These two laws are not the real feelings of Lu Xuan, but because of the treasures of chaos and the essence of fire. The perception.

The endless law senses that Lu Xuanyong came, Lu Xuan has a feeling of being suddenly placed in Baoshan, but time is limited, he can not take all the treasures away, then only a treasure may be worth it. To.

Just a little hesitation, Lu Xuan has a choice in mind, most of the rules have disappeared, only two rules remain in his perception, namely the kendo law and the law of destruction, the kendo nature does not have to say This is the most fundamental way of Lu Xuan, and the way of destruction is a very strong attack. Lu Xuan needs to be destroyed now, and he is eager to destroy.

He wants to destroy Sikong Tiancai, destroy Dong Ruyi, destroy the souls, destroy all the enemies here, and take revenge for them! (To be continued~^~)

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