Sword Spirit

Chapter 869: Too virtual

At this moment, Lu Xuan has been completely immersed in the sentiment of the law. At this moment, all the laws of heaven and earth are clearly displayed in front of his eyes, which is more than a hundred times stronger than the painstaking thinking in the weekdays.

In general, at least those who reach the virtual state can understand the two rules, one of which is to break through the rules of the time when the virtual is too weak, and the other is to use the opportunity to understand when the breakthrough Of course, there is also a specialization rule, such as Nangong Lie, even when breaking through the realm of emptiness, the choice of sentiment is also the law of fire.

Lu Xuan is more greedy. He also chose two rules, kendo and destruction. He has already realized the kendo law. Now it is only deepening, and the law of destruction also touches the threshold. It only needs one step to form a formal understanding. He has two soul lakes, and at the same time he feels that he is not at all.

A picture of the road flashed through Lu Xuan's mind, and a mysterious idea was introduced into his mind. At this moment, he was like a newborn tree, desperately trying to absorb the heavens and the earth.

At the same time, in Lu Xuan's Dantian, a small person who looks almost exactly the same with him gradually emerges. This little man has a dark gold color and is composed of pure Taiyi. This is the sign of too virtual, Yuanshen!

As the Yuanshen gradually appeared, the power of the law between heaven and earth began to slowly dissipate. Lu Xuan desperately seized this last chance and wanted to completely understand the destruction, but the road to destruction was a supreme avenue, from the land. Xuan realized a trace of destruction in Dong Ruyi's hand, and now, after only a month or so, it is difficult to realize the destruction so soon.

Seeing that he is about to break through to the virtual world, but the road to destruction is still a step away from being able to fully understand. Lu Xuan could not help but feel a little bit of focus, although for him, there is no timely understanding of the influence of the destruction. Big, there is time in the future. But now he is facing a big enemy. If he can have more strength, he will have more hope for victory.

Just at this time. Lu Xuan suddenly thought of the essence of the law, the law, that is the fundamental existence of a thing, such as his heart to the kendo. Then he is able to understand the law of the sword, he understands the source of power, so he realized the law of force...

"Destruction, why should I destroy? In my heart, what is destruction?" Lu Xuan asked himself.

What Lu Xuan didn't know was that this was for him. It is a crucial moment. Destruction is not a good thing, but it is not a bad thing. If you use it well, it will be bad. It depends on how Lu Xuan understands this law of destruction. Once he is dark, then He is very likely to become the heart of Dong Ruyi. Unscrupulous people.

"Destruction is because I want to kill Sikong Tiancai! I want to master this power of destruction, I have to take revenge for each other!" Lu Xuan gave the answer very quickly, and at this moment his heart's thirst for the power of destruction reached A very strong point.

A bang blew from Lu Xuan's mind, an extremely dark force, instantly enveloped, this power is so powerful, Lu Xuan seems to see the scene of blood flowing into the river, the sky is falling apart. This is destruction.

He wants to control the power of destruction, just for revenge. The power of this destruction is, after all, a negative impact on Lu Xuan.

At this time, the moment of the power of Taiyi in Lu Xuan Dantian has completely condensed, and all the power has turned into that dark golden little man, that is his life!

Sword Crystal, the soil of chaos, the essence of the fire, this moment is all around his life, the **** of the **** slowly rotates, a strong breath, spread out from his body...

"End?" Nangong Lie Zhongyi, he has been paying attention to Lu Xuan's breath. At this moment, this change is undoubtedly the end of the breakthrough, but why not see Lu Xuan wake up?

Supporting for so long, Nangong Lie has felt a little hard, but Sikong Tiancai is still alive and well, and the rest of the people are in a worse state, constantly withdrawing, obviously not at all. In a short time, there are already several people who are too imaginary. .

Lu Xuan did not wake up because he had to do something important.

The **** of the body, under the control of Lu Xuan, suddenly slammed into the side of Jian Jing!

Every time he breaks through a realm, he can unlock some seals for Jian Jing, and at the same time get more powerful exercises from Jian Jing.

Under the impact of this tremendous force, Jianjing’s violent vibration, Lu Xuan’s Dantian was almost unbearable, and the body could not help but shake it up. This made Nan Gonglie look shocked. He thought that Lu Xuan was eager to seek success. , the cultivation of the scorpion, leading to the fire.

The impact of this powerful force was resisted by Lu Xuan, followed by a thought directly into Lu Xuan’s mind.

Taiyi Guiyuan is too imaginary, a refinement, and... Tianjian Jiuzhong third!

With these three methods, Lu Xuan is not happy in his heart. The method of being too virtual is naturally what he needs, and the refinement is also very good, but these are not what he urgently needs. He chose it. At this time, the bombardment of Jian Jing is the third type of the sword.

Directly neglecting the exercises and supernatural powers, Lu Xuan Xinshen all invested in the third style of Tianjian Jiuzhong, the first two styles, Lu Xuan has already been integrated, the first type of heaven and man is one, is the general outline of the entire Tianjian Jiuzhong The second type of meteor catching the moon is a very fast assassination of a sword. Unless the strength is higher than him, no one can hide it. It is his powerful killer, and this third type is called the wind and the cloud!

A long sword appeared in Lu Xuan's mind. It was a simple sword. It looked like a dusty sword. Lu Xuan knew that it was Tianjian!

At this time, Tianjian moved, the endless sword light illuminates, and the autumn wind sweeps the leaves to describe the sword. It is really appropriate. However, the sword light flashes, it is a gust of wind blowing, and the rest is in In front of this sword, the leaves of the autumn fall were swept away, and then they were completely torn and shattered by the wind.

As this sword flashed, Lu Xuan suddenly flocked to a glimpse of the realization, this sword contains the power of destruction, but it is not a pure force of destruction, but a law after integration, it should Call... Destroy Kendo!

Lu Xuan saw a lot of kendo in the kendo world of the Emperor's Palace. He had no martial arts and Haoran kendo. At this moment, he felt a new kendo. The martial art is exquisite. The momentum, and the destruction of the kendo, is pure attack and kill.

Now Lu Xuan has realized the kendo, and has realized the way of destruction. He also has the third style of the Tianjian Jiuzhong--the wind and the ruined cloud personally demonstrate, almost in an instant, Lu Xuan has mastered the destruction of the kendo, his understanding, this is not bad.

In the absence of the slightest expectation, Lu Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and Huo Ran stood up and stood up with a long sword. His eyes were full of deep feelings, as if no one could see through.

In the situation of the war situation, it instantly fell into the eyes of Lu Xuan. Nangong Lie was still entangled with Sikong Tiancai, while the rest of the people were defeated by the festival. Long Boming was stretched under the siege of Chur and another soul group. There is no injury on the body, but there is a bloodshot in the corner of the mouth. It is obviously hurt to the heart, and the loss of Longboming has the strength of being too imaginary. Otherwise, it is already feared that Cul will kill the soul.

At this moment, Zhao Ying is fighting alongside some of the strongest people who are too imaginary. These tyrannical strong people come from various places, and each sect, they can't participate in Nangong Lie, Long Boming, He Ridi, etc. In the high-end battle, but in order to protect those who are returning to the Yuanjing disciples and injured, they are biting their teeth against the souls, and the illusion of the gods and the Sergeant's strong attack.

"Lu brother, are you awake?" Nan Gonglie surprised, and then flashed a trace of doubt: "Hey, your strength..."

He was a bit stunned to find that Lu Xuan was too imaginary. He first saw Lu Xuan, but he returned to the Yuan Jiu Jiu. Later he went to the tenth. He just saw the signs of breakthrough from Lu Xuan’s body. Now he is now It is too virtual.

A bad guess came from the heart of Nangong Lie, Lu Xuan would not be... really only the strength of Yuanyuan? Oh no, now it should be too virtual, and the weakest is too virtual.

Waiting for Nan Gong Lie to speak out, Lu Xuan is the first to open: "Nan Gong brother, you go to help them, Sikong Tiancai, give it to me."

Nan Gonglie feels that Lu Xuan’s state seems to be somewhat wrong. The tone is cold and cold, and it’s not like the usual spring breeze. However, although he was puzzled in his mind, he was not asking when he was just saying, "Can you cope with it alone? This kid is not strong, but with that treasure, even the old man is not an opponent."

Lu Xuan did not answer, but it was a flash of shape, rushing straight forward, a sword, a majestic sword slammed into the sky and sky, and instantly cracked countless branches, he spoke with action .

"Well, since you have confidence, then this kid will be handed over to you." Nangong Lie slightly hesitated after the exit, although there are some doubts about Lu Xuan's strength, but since Lu Xuan has the courage to fight against Sikong Tiancai, I don't think so. Deliberately looking for death.

As soon as the words were finished, Nangong Lie no longer stayed and ran directly to Longboming. Under the siege of two soul-powered strongmen, Long Boming had already been unable to support it, although it seems that the injury is not heavy, but Nangong It can be seen that Long Boming has been holding strong, he must support, once he collapses here, let the two Soul Powers make their hands come out, Jiuhua Meng will be completely defeated in this moment. (To be continued~^~)

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